Business Process Management For XYZ Pty Ltd

Proposed Solution

The report is prepared for the XYZ Pty ltd. Which is a medium sized organization comprising of more than 100 employees. The current problem in the business is the lack of personal touch of the CEO with the employees and communication gap that causing the business to deteriorate since the last two years. There is another threat to the business that is its competitor have imitated the innovation features and developed similar wood cutting device with equal qualities.  The formal process of the business are analysed for the identification of the problems with the business and proposing a solution that would help the organization to gain competitive advantage in the current market place.

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The report is created to propose a solution with the means of business process architecture and demonstrating its values for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the business. The gaps in the organization is identified and a ”To Be” process diagram is created and the key aspect of the business such as support, management, ERP, etc. are covered for the clarification of the contention. For the consideration of the solution the impact of the proposed solution is added in the report and the stages involved for redesigning the business are identified. A overall summary of the process change that is proposed is described with the application of phase approach. The success of the change of the business is given in the report that would help to eliminate the gaps and assist the reader to understand the needs of transformation in the business. At the end of the report some recommendations are added that helps the organization to improve the business.

Zachman framework is followed for the development of the design structure and management of the resources of the organization. The macroprocess that comprises to form an internal structure is identified for redesigning the projects and transformation of the physical inputs. A value chain analysis is done and the group of processes are identified for defining the business purpose and management of each of the activity such as from receiving request from the client to delivering the products. The processes that is used for the development of the new capabilities and enhancement of the competitiveness for example new infrastructure and process. A planning should be made for defining the future of the business by creating new strategies, programs and plans and the process should be grouped into financial, infrastructure, human or others . The process structure is demonstrated in the following figure and the above macro processes are used for the development of the business process architecture.

Solution Consideration

There is an internal structure of each of the Macro process and they are analysed by redesigning the framework by the means of process types contained in the architecture. The types of process are described below:

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Execution – A set of subprocesses and different activities should be transformed into physical inputs for example raw material, components, documents, etc. There are different physical product that are generated from the wood cutting machine and the terms such as loans and other documents for the specification of the conditions and subjects.

Management – The customer requirement should be gathered for the set of subprocess and the activities and executed directly by setting the objectives, creation of a project plan, programs, resources of the assignment and produce what is needed for the project.

State Status – Setting up the IT subprocess and the different activity for gathering the transaction that occurs for management and execution. The state of each of the process should be updated and proper feedback should be provided such that the overall status is known for each of the activity.

The above definitions are represented with the help of the following flow diagram and it also helps in identification of the relationship for the specification of the ontology. The implementation of the model helps in improvement of the production of the machine and creates a service oriented model for the business. The service provided by the firm should be improved for the increasing the loyalty of the customer and gain a recognition in the market. The needs of the internal and the external customer should be identified for planning the inputs and creating the business plan. The top level executives should be included for the preparation of the strategy and generating a work program for assuring that the completion of the work program is done without any error. The subprocess are the different activity set that are defined for the execution of the process that are required for the management of the business process. As for example in the process of manufacturing the machinery a prototype of the model is created as a sub process for eliminating the errors in the final product. There are different disaggregated elements that are executed in the business process for the management of the business practice and creating rules and logic. There are different mathematical logic that can be used for the taking appropriate decision and management of the flow of information between the process and the sub processes. The raw materials, components, machinery and computers should be categorized as resource and it have good coordination with the process and activity for the improvement of the current business process. The following BPMN diagram is created for the demonstration of the flow of information between the different process and the sub process involved for the elimination of the different problems and increasing the efficiency of the business.

It is also proposed that an information system should be developed for the management of the organizational activity such as stocks, resources and production line that would help the current business process to improve the efficiency and reduce the complexity of the current business process. The specific flow of the information between the elements are used as a guide for the development of the business process management solution. The information system helps in reducing the communication gap and gathering the information from the distributed environment of the organization. The information system is developed for helping the managers to respond to the different business activity quickly and shore the documents and share them with the staffs for collaborating the information following a systematic approach. The inputs are collected from the business process and sends them in a revised document for its demonstration for the targeted audience. For the management of the operation the information system helps in efficient operation and reduce the cost of operation of the business. It also helps in improvement of the customer service thus stream lies the operation for taking better operation and delivering the information as needed by the organization.

For the development of the solution the problems in the current business process are identified and an evaluation is made on the different information system that can be applied for eliminating the problems. The capacities of the organization is exploited and the importance of the information system for the management of the business activity and the manpower of the organization. The information system is used for processing the inputs of the business and increase the information system effectiveness and add more data for the accusation of information system in different methods. The communication system is used for the management and gathering of  distributed information and allowing the managers to rapidly respond to the different activity. In the current business process the managers respond using emails, it is quick but the managers can use the information system effectively for the management of the information’s stored in different forms. The sensitive information of the organization can be stored in encrypted form such that it cannot be allowed to access for the different level of users in the organization. The information system is used for the communication between the different users and each of the employees working in the organization can use the information system for the management of the changes and tracking the different activity of the users working in the organization. The collected inputs from the different users are collected using the information system for aligning the business with the changes needed for gaining competitive advantage.

The operation management is used for the management of the recent information and allowing the organization to operate efficiently. The type of information is proportional with the management process and the information system helps n completing the recent operation and allowing the system to operate efficiently. The information system can also helps in reducing the operation cost and differentiate with its competitor by giving better competitive service. The sales data should be recorded in the information system such that the activity of the customer can be gathered and letting the user to stock and production of the item for selling it. The sales team can use the information system as a guidance and streamline the business operation.

The information system helps in helping the organization to take better decision and delivering the information using the different modelling techniques that can help with resulting in taking better decision. For taking better decision a course of action should be taken from the different alternatives that can be taken from the related corresponding task. The information residing in the information system should be kept up to dated. If there are more than one choice the information system can be used for running different scenario and for the management of each of the possibility the information system can be used for calculating the key indicators that is needed for the improvement of the current business process. The main key indicators that are used for the management of the information are the sales, profits and costs that can be used for the determination of the alternatives and providing a beneficial result.

The record keeping is also needed for the evaluation of the problem and thus the information system is needed to be updated with all the business activity. The financial and the regulatory rules should be analysed and different documents such as communication records and the operational data is used for exploiting the recording capability. The information system can be used for processing and management of the historical information and with the use of the information system the cost estimation is done and forecasts are used for analysing the actions and its effects for the key company indicators.

The proposed solution developed for the XYZ Pty Ltd. is used for the management of the human resource and the accounts and it would help the organization to boost the performance and productivity. The implementation of the information system would help the organization to reduce the cost of operation and implement new scope for taking better decision and sharing of information with the different level of employees. A change management is needed for the transformation of the current business operation and reduce the communication gaps between the employees working in the organization. An automated approach is followed using complex algorithm for the elimination of the manual procedure and reduce human error. The reducing of the manual effort of the employees can help them to engage in the core business aspects and improve the current business process. There are different type of information system each have different roles and responsibility and the selection of the information system is an important factor for the management of the growth of the organisation. The use of the enterprise resource planning system helps in collection and management of the financial information and provides the manager to get insight to decide for the next step they should take for the improvement of the business.

For the improvement of the current business process it is recommended that a new information should be implemented such that some of the business operation can eb automated and the cost of operation is reduced. With the growth of the organization the information increases and exceeds the capacity of the human for processing it efficiently. Different developing models are selected for creating a balance between the contradictory and the relevant evidence. The problems in the current framework of the organization are identified for the selection of the information and aligning with the current needs of the organization. The following recommendations are made for the development of the information system:

Integrating the retrieval, verification, extraction and analysis tasks – Different group of user should be created for the retrieval, verification, extraction and analysis of the tasks. The current existing practice of work should be followed and the risk factors should be identified by researching on the business process. A systematic review process should be followed and the group members should be involved in each of the activity for the management of the changes identify the changes that is needed for the development of the information system.

Improvement of document management capabilities – The development of the information system helps in management of the information generated due to different activity of the business such as inventory management, production management, financial operation and human resource management. The information system ensures that the each of the information is synthesized and available to the different group of user for better management of the business process. The information is available to the managers from different remote location and the employees can reach the senior executives by the means of the information system reducing the communication gap.

Providing support for information sharing and collaboration – The team members should be involved in the development process and able to share their views for the collaboration of the information and involve in taking better decision for the development of the information system. Different initiatives should be taken for the elimination problems and evidence should be kept for establishment of the norms and develop the information system aligning the needs of the user.

Providing visual interface for the verification and exploration of the findings – The summarization of the document helps in transformation of the business and finding the alternatives and representation of the findings. An interactive interface should be designed for the organization such that user does not find any difficulty while using the information system. Thus it is recommended that the user should verify the system and their own data such that the data are kept secured. The findings should be explored and aligned with the development process and creating a quantitative summary of the interface.

Improvement of the precision and recalling the extraction and the retrieval systems – The existing information should be uploaded in the information system such that a collaborative synthesis is performed and data is found for creation of the different strategies. Uploading the data in the information system helps in relating the process capacity for the management of the surrounding information and motivate the team members for the development of the information system. An optimal synthesis is necessary for getting an accurate result from the data and removal of the current problem faced by the organization. A basic map should be created for the management of the flow of information and some security encryption techniques should be applied for securing the information.

Maintenance – Periodic maintenance should be carried out for the information system and it should be developed such that it can be able to adopt the future needs of the organization. The downtime for carrying the maintenance task should be kept minimum and the information should be updated by analysing the error logs such that los of information is reduced in case of any system outrage.


From the above report it can be inferred that the current problems of the firm XYZ Pty Ltd. is needed to be evaluated for the development of the business process architecture. A clear explanation of the business process architecture is given in the report with the important aspects that can have an impact on the current business process of the firm. Phased approach is followed for the management of the process change and increase the efficiency of the organization. A solution is proposed for the mitigation of the communication gaps in the organization and management of the flow of information between the business and preparation of the “To Be ” process diagram with all the technical dimension that can have an impact on the business. The overarching way is used for describing the proposed solution and its effectiveness in the current business for assisting the reader to find the elements and manage the business to gain competitive advantage in the market. The changes in the current business process is managed with the implementation of the business architecture. The current framework of the firm is evaluated for the development of the business architecture and management of the core component for the clarification of the problems in the organization. The impact of the proposed solution for the improvement of the business process and mitigation of the communication gaps between the stakeholders are also analysed for the development of the report. A risk analysis is done for the management of the sustainability of the transformation and management of the changes in the organization.

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