Big Data And Internet Of Things: Literature Review And Annotated Bibliography
The Significance of Cloud Computing and Big Data
In this paper, the researchers have been explaining the major significance of cloud computing in association with big data and the internet of things. According to researchers the, continuous and huge upsurge in the volume of the data that is captured by the organisations like the social media and others. Further, the researchers explain the big data concepts and the basic physiognomies of the big data (Hashem et al., 2015). The researchers additionaly explain the 4vs which are the core of the bog data in this paper various categories of the big data that are present in the market. Also while explaining the cloud. While explaining the cloud data concept and how it is related to the big data the researchers also explains about the computing and the big data the researchers also provides detailed comparison in between the several cloud computing platforms that are currently present in the market and how these are affecting the concept of the Internet of things (Chhabra et al.. 2017). In order to explain more about the relationships in between these two technologies, the researchers take the help of the case studies to show the effect of the normal human life. The things that the researchers fail to explain are why how the cloud and the big data can affect the smooth flow of the internet of things and rather focuses only on the positive points of the technology.
This is one of the major research that has been done since the past few years. The researcher explains the concepts of the smart and the connected communities or the SSC. Further, in this paper, the researchers explain the basic concepts of the SSC namely the Liveability, Preservations, sustainability, and Revitalization (Sun et al., 2016). The authors describe these as the basic concepts of the internet of things. In the next step, the authors explains about the IOT architecture of the connected communities. The author explains an integrated and smart structure is similar to a human which has its own sensing systems, store system, nervous system and dedicated brain for decision-making. The function architecture of the IoT for smart towns involves four different layers: sensing or responding, layer, data layer, interconnecting layer and services layer (Liu et al., 2015). Further, in this paper, the researchers explains in details of technologies that will be necessary for the enabling the IOT in connecting the community. The researchers explains that the big data is one of the major thing that will be useful for the prices of analysis of details. This has to be ensured that the big data analytics is one of the major thing for the process of proper implementation of the connected technologies. When there will be a huge amount of the data that will be generated and these systems will be huge and there would be a need of evaluating these data in a proper manner. Further, the concluding the topic the researchers explains about the issues that may come up in issuing these technologies in a connected community.
Internet of Things and Smart Communities
The Paper Internet of things based on the Data Storage Systems in Cloud Computing: Perspectives and Challenges provides some of the major reasons for the process of implementing the IOT in the smart cities. The paper provides the major backlogs that have been developed since the implementation of the big data and cloud servers in the IOT. According to the researchers, the major problem lies in the storage capabilities of the cloud servers. Further the researchers explains the functional framework of cloud-based IoT applications (Cai et al., 2017). The researchers explains the different modules that are explained in the paper in order to properly understand the different technologies of the IOT in smart cities. Further, the major challenges that can be faced while the implementation process is discussed well in the paper. One of the major concept which is proper explained in the paper is the cloud of the things and how these can help in the implementation process of the IoT (Sowe et al., 2014). The researchers explains the cloud of things as a cloud servers are connected to all the devices and servers are connected to a single server. Further explaining the link with the big data the researchers explains the data management process that are necessary for the process of analysing of the different forms of the data that may be useful for the purpose of analysing the data in a proper manner. The data mining processes are also well explained in the paper. Further concluding the topic the researchers explains as The IoT storage system enables tracking of essential information about items as they move through cloud platforms and hence there would be need of the big data in the proper analysis of the different forms of huge data that are generated.
This paper mainly concerns the challenges that can be faced in the big data. The research principally focuses on the big data. According to the researchers the rapid expansion of the Internet, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things have led to the fiery growth of statistics in practically every industry and business area (Jin et al., 2015). Further, the researcher aims to discuss the significance of the big data and how these have affected the lives of the people. The researcher explains about the different kind of the significance the big data is having in the market. These include the significance of the national development, industrial upgrades and the scientific researchers among others (De Francisci Morales et al., 2016). The authors explain these as some of the major problems that have been generating in the past years and how these have led to problem and challenges in the concept of the IoT and Big data implementation. Grand challenges of the big data that are well explained in the paper are the data complexity, computational complexity and the system complexity. The researchers explain these there as the major problem in the development of the IOT and how these can hamper the concept. Concluding the topic the researcher generalizes the ensure mapper and discusses the success points that can help in the development of the Big data in IoT.
IoT-Based Big Data Storage Systems in Cloud Computing
This paper by Lee and Lee explains the challenges of the applications and the investments in the IOT. The researchers at first explain what is the internet of things and implementing the internet of things can help in the development of the cities and other different. The paper focuses on the development that can be done using the internet of the things. Further, the researchers explain the IoT technologies, these technologies are Wireless sensor networks (WSN), Middleware, Cloud computing; Radio frequency identification (RFID) and IoT application software. Further, the researchers explain these technologies in a details manner (Lee & Lee, 2015). The use of the big data and the business analytics are also well explained in the paper. Further, the evolution of the foundational technologies is well explained in the paper that can help in the process of the analysing of the data. While explaining the cloud data concept and how it is related to the big data the researchers also explains about the computing and the big data the researchers also provides detailed comparison in between the several cloud computing platforms that are currently present in the market and how these are affecting the concept of the Internet of things (Zhang et al., 2018). Concluding the topic the researcher explains about the need of the IOT in the modern generation and how the use of the big data can affect it.
Cai, H., Xu, B., Jiang, L., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2017). IoT-based big data storage systems in cloud computing: Perspectives and challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 4(1), 75-87.
Chhabra, A. S., Choudhury, T., Srivastava, A. V., & Aggarwal, A. (2017, December). Prediction for big data and IoT in 2017. In 2017 International Conference on Infocom Technologies and Unmanned Systems (Trends and Future Directions)(ICTUS) (pp. 181-187). IEEE.
De Francisci Morales, G., Bifet, A., Khan, L., Gama, J., & Fan, W. (2016, August). Iot big data stream mining. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 2119-2120). ACM.
Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N. B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., & Khan, S. U. (2015). The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues. Information Systems, 47, 98-115
Jin, X., Wah, B. W., Cheng, X., & Wang, Y. (2015). Significance and challenges of big data research. Big Data Research, 2(2), 59-64.
Lee, I., & Lee, K. (2015). The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises. Business Horizons, 58(4), 431-440.
Liu, C., Yang, C., Zhang, X., & Chen, J. (2015). External integrity verification for outsourced big data in cloud and IoT: A big picture. Future generation computer systems, 49, 58-67.
Sowe, S. K., Kimata, T., Dong, M., & Zettsu, K. (2014, July). Managing heterogeneous sensor data on a big data platform: IoT services for data-intensive science. In Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE 38th International (pp. 295-300). IEEE.
Sun, Y., Song, H., Jara, A. J., & Bie, R. (2016). Internet of things and big data analytics for smart and connected communities. IEEE access, 4, 766-773.
Zhang, Q., Yang, L. T., Chen, Z., & Li, P. (2018). High-order possibilistic c-means algorithms based on tensor decompositions for big data in IoT. Information Fusion, 39, 72-80.