Ways To Act As A Positive Role Model And Methods For Assessing Personal Development Needs

Acting as a positive role model to a work team

Outline eight (8) ways in which you can act as a positive role model to a work team.

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An individual can be of great positive impact to a team through offering good leadership. A role model should assist the rest of the team to  advance in both personal and professional skills.  One can offer moral support and motivate the rest of the team to do something excellently. A role model must encourage the team to be innovative, creative in problem solving as they seek new learning opportunities.

A role model should be in a position to encouragement and support to individuals.  The idea is to develop good relationships and  open communication  with the individuals. The role models must be approachable and must appreciate the effort and contributions by individuals.

A  good role model must have clear set goals, objectives and vision. He / she should inspire  and motivate  the followers to focus and work hard towards  achieving the set goals.

Role models command trust and respect from the followers. In most cases people will emulate the ideals of individuals who are charismatic, and have good results in whatever they do.

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Leaders and role models have good interpersonal skills that help them to interact, communicate convince others to act and behave in a certain way without  intimidating and coercing them.

When positive role models are under pressure to solve a certain problem they remain confident, calm and composed without revealing any kind of emotional stability as they engage the rest of team to get the best possible solution.

 When working as a team sometimes mistakes and errors occur. When this happens role models do not blame others for the failures. Instead they admit the mistakes, own them and give  a lot of energy in trying to correct them. (Katzenbach,  & Smith, 2015). 

Role models and leaders should be much knowledge and must command a  good understanding of a broad  range of areas.  The must lead by example by explicating exclusive knowledge and experience in many areas as they look forward to improve the performance of a team.

  • What strategies could you put into place to ensure work goals, plans and activities reflect an organization’s plans as well as own responsibilities and accountabilities? Identify eight (8) strategies.

Regularly reviewing the duty statement can help much in realizing the necessary changes that are needed urgently to make personal goals and objectives reflect those of an organization.

 In order to ensure your personal plans and goals match with those of the organization, you must have explicit responsibilities and roles of your position outlined, the department of operation as well as type of employment clearly highlighted.

Methods for assessing personal development needs

Every organization has its own set rules regulations and standards under which they expect their employees to operate.   Having good knowledge of what is in the statement of conduct helps to know the ethical principles as well as professional conduct expected from all members of staff. These principles are in line with the professional legal requirements and strategic plans of an organization.

Understanding how ones behavior and action affect the operations of the entire organization is quite important. Every individual should be aware of the organizational goals and objectives to help in achieving the desired success. All actions must be aimed at improving the productivity and quality of goods and services in every sector (Hrebiniak, 2013). .

Performing excellently in any organization requires the staff to remain updated on the new methods of doing things. With the radical advancement in technology, seeking to understand simple and better  ways of improving productivity should be given priority  in order to achieve help the organization achieve its goals and objectives.

Utilizing the information provide in the job description, statement of conduct and the duty statement  help to set your own targets and goals  that are  aligned  to the organizational goals and objectives. The information assist in avoiding any ideas or actions likely to conflict with those of the organization.

As an individual it is always good to set goals realistic and time bound goals. When you aim to achieve something within a certain period of time, it helps in follow ups to ensure everything is done properly. Goals also help in  being responsible and accountable of all actions within an institution hence making it a little bit easy to achieve the objectives (Bryson, 2018). .

In order to get your plans  and organizational goals matching, it is advisable to have a dairy where you plan your daily events indicating the time, place and duration of each. Doing this ensures nothing is left undone since matter are given priority depending on  importance and urgency.

3 Describe three (3) methods you could use to assess own current personal knowledge and skills in order to determine professional development needs.

Job description statement of conduct and duty statement are essential in helping an individual realize if his/her skills and knowledge match duties and responsibilities in a certain position. They assist a person in prioritizing matters as well as using the appropriate strategies for effectiveness and efficiency in duty performance.

Time management is a core issue in maintaining a health work-life balance. One should be aware of the strengths, weaknesses, knowledge and skills of his/her staff to delegate the duties wisely. Delegation helps the team members build confidence and trust and it helps a lot in saving time since people are given responsibilities where they are best in.

People should also learn to assess their schedule and learn what they can do within a specified time frame without pressure. It is good to learn to say no and negotiate with the seniors in order to re-allocate duties through delegating them to other employees who can do them (Galea, Houkes, & De Rijk,2014)..

In order to work well one must be of good health. It is therefore essential to take healthy foods, participate in physical activity and ensure you get enough sleep to keep the body relaxed and ready to continue working (McDowall,  & Lindsay, 2014).

5 Identify two (2) practices which can be used to priorities and facilitate competing demands on self or team.

 One must give priorities to matters depending how Important and urgent they are.

6 Technology can be used to manage work priorities and commitments. Identify two (2) technological tools and outline how they can assist in time management.

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Electronic Diary are some of the technological tools that many managers are embracing to assist them perform their duties effectively and efficiently. Some of the important information and records such as contracts, appointments, meetings and phone calls are available anywhere anytime. It get access to the information requires a search browser and takes very little time compared the perusing through a paper diary Divall, Camosso-Stefinovic, & Baker, 2013)..

Utilizing database can be of great help in time management. A database is a method of reducing the information in such a way that the generated information is minimized. The data is categorized and grouped to fit in one program. A database can be used to monitor the organizational progress in achieving its goals and objectives, maintaining employee records in terms of performance and payments, keeping the records of the customers. For example orders, payments contact details etc (Hu, & Kaabouch, 2014). 

For example a database of employee contract and payment can save a lot of time because it is easy to retrieve information of individual employees to know who has been paid and who has not, know the newly recruited employees and their position and any other details about the employees.

7 Most organizations have policies, plans and procedures for personal and professional development. Outline how performance management systems work and contribute to personal development plans and goal setting.

A mentorship program in an organization is one of the strategies that can be utilized to help the employees improve and develop their skills to achieve the goals and objectives in their various positions. Implantation of such programs can only be effective if it well planned, designed and prepared in line with the organizational goals. It is essential to have an effective feedback and communication strategy should be developed in order to create trust, confidence to work towards the goals.

 The program should be in place to help the staff in career advancement and personal development in setting and achieving goals. It should help individuals build self-esteem, initiate new ideas and fulfill personal and professional developmental needs. The staff receives support in specified fields or activities that arise from the performance appraisals. Through the program mistakes are reduced since many options and opinions are explored .further, the mentees receive feedback on their performance hence motivating them to continue improving.

Structured training in many organizations is meant to achieve the training needs to improve and develop the skills of staff members. The training has its own objectives, details of all activities during the training, time frames and duration for the training and the expected outcomes at the end of the training sessions  (Al Ariss, Cascio, & Paauwe, 2014).

8 Discuss the value of participating in networks.

 When different individuals or groups   with common interest come together to exchange ideas and information they make up a network. The networks build a wide variety of contacts that create opportunities for interpersonal skills development.

Networks are crucial during negotiations since you can bargain during a meeting to get special prices to outdo the competitors. They also assist in exchange of relevant information on different fields that provide you with opportunities you could never imagine of. There is a lot of conflicting information circulating in the contemporary world daily. Creating good relationship with different groups gives room for more information hence decisions are made based on information from reliable sources (Jaakkola, & Hakanen, 742013).

Some of the information from the networks is quite crucial in helping to develop the staff.  Most of the information is up to date therefore it is of great help in making informed decisions touching your staff. Networks can help you know the new trends in the market, how the staff needs to be equipped as well as who is the best person to do the training depending on your needs.

9 What is meant by the term “personal learning style” and how you could use this knowledge to develop own competence?

Personal learning style is the preferential method that a learner receives, internalizes and comprehends information. It means every student learns differently therefore realizing your learning style is essential in helping one become competent in your field. One is able to learn fast and apply the knowledge practically in daily duties since lone enjoys learning through a specific period.

Asssessment two

  1. Identify the name of your selected organisation. Describe the organisation’s mission, values and at least 3 strategic goals. (approx. 100 words)

Green valley hosptal.

The mission of green valley hospital is to offerquality, aceseeble, and afffordable health care services to the community; educate health care personnel; promote health through engaging the public and  take part in appropriate healt research

Green valley hospitaol will be a  leading ,innovative health organization committed to transform and advance people’s health through accessible quality patient-centred services.

Strategic goals :improving thequality of healthcare services and patient safety.

Better relations with the community,patients as weelll as among the employees.

Improve the hospital’s performance through avance facilities, infrastruture,technology and good financial management.

Outline the organisation’s professional development policies, plans and procedures.

Action learning is the sitiotion where one learns thruogh experience.it occurs when people working together assist each other to leran through their own exepriences. It learning process involves reflectionand support from freinds  to get the best way of doing a certaion task.

Mentorship programs are important helping the emplyees develop professionally.the program is well planned,desighned and correctly prepred to meet the needs of green valley hospital. The program as helped to developtrust and self-esteem among the employeees to fulfil career development desires.

Seminars and conferences have been the heart of employee development at Green Valley hospital.the staff remains updatented on the new trends, best practices in the health care sector and remins exposed to the external world for new ideas and creativity.

3 Detail three (3) objectives of your selected job role and explain how they fit with the organisation’s goals.  (approx. 80 words)  

The main objective  is to make Green Valley hospital an emplyer of choice where the emplyeeee are comfortable and the best and qualified people are will to work in the organization.

Emplyee engagement in every organizations is a priorty to the human resuorce. The aimis to have a work environment where everybody  is always  ethusiastic about the job. The plan is to cordinate and monitor workforce capalities, promotion opputunities and develop a match between the job assignments and employee skills.

Human resource  also aims to  comply with the organizational policies  and state employment laws.the workplace environment should be conducive for productive relationships. It promtes equity and diversity within the organization.

3 Explain what work-life balance means to you and what you do or did each day or week to ensure you were managing your stress and looking after your health. (approx. 150 words)

Work-life balance is achieved when one works effectively and efficientlyto meet the goals amd objectives of the organization while achieving pearsonal goals and objectives. Work-life balance means you must be in a position to reduce stress and increaes happiness. When stress is less, an individual  is more productive in whatever they do. work-life balance should propel works to implement the set strategies to help the organization achieve its goals.

Good time management has been quite crucial in helping me balamnce things in life. Planning for the evvents that are achieveable within a specied time and making sure things are done at the right time has really helped me.

Proper delegation of duties is good  to help reduce  stress  caused bulkness of duties.  I do wise delegation  of duties sinsce I understand  my my colleugues and trust them in whatever they are good at.

Over time I have leart to be self disciplined to leave the matters of work at workplace. After the working  hours a leave everthing to relax and prepare for the next day.


Al Ariss, A., Cascio, W. F., & Paauwe, J. (2014). Talent management: Current theories and future research directions. Journal of World Business, 49(2), 173-179.

Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.

Divall, P., Camosso-Stefinovic, J., & Baker, R. (2013). The use of personal digital assistants in clinical decision making by health care professionals: a systematic review. Health informatics journal, 19(1), 16-28.

Galea, C., Houkes, I., & De Rijk, A. (2014). An insider’s point of view: how a system of flexible working hours helps employees to strike a proper balance between work and personal life. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(8), 1090-1111.

Hu, W. C., & Kaabouch, N. (2014). Big data management, technologies, and applications. Information Science Reference.

Hrebiniak, L. G. (2013). Making strategy work: Leading effective execution and change. FT Press.

Jaakkola, E., & Hakanen, T. (2013). Value co-creation in solution networks. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(1), 47-58.

Katzenbach, J. R., & Smith, D. K. (2015). The wisdom of teams: Creating the high-performance organization. Harvard Business Review Press.

McDowall, A., & Lindsay, A. (2014). Work–life balance in the police: The development of a self-management competency framework. Journal of Business and Psychology, 29(3), 397-411.

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