Designing HRIS Database For Qantas Airways
Recruitment and Selection
Human Resource Information Systems are important to any fast growing organizations that requires expansion of its operations. Since trained and well qualified workforce will always be very important to any organization, HRIS are therefore required to manage and process employee data such as addresses, social security numbers, names, work permit information among others in order to complete important human resources.
Qantas Airways is one of the largest airline industries in Australia. It is an organization that boasts one of the largest employee counts as well as transforming its operations globally. This means that the human resource management department must have adequate systems in place to recruit and select as well as training staff. The HRIS is one of these systems used at the Qantas Airways. This is a software that integrates several processes and systems in order to simplify the management of data, human resources and business processes (Troshani, Jerram &Rao Hill, 2011).
The organization wants to expand its services to other continents such as South America. It, therefore, needs more fleet and crew to make flight destinations to countries such as Ecuador, Brazil, and Chile. It has mandated its Human Resource Department to recruit and select experienced staff to operate on the fleet and offer quality services to the passengers on board. Secondly, it should train these staff so that they offer these services in accordance with the standards of the organization.
The HRIS will be an important tool to be used by the HRM department in performing these functions. It will help the department to plan, allow easy access to information and saving on cost and time needed to perform tedious tasks. In addition, there will be a reduction in paperwork as all the processes will be automated, speed up onboarding due to mobile accessibility as well as improving training capabilities through integration with the Learning Management System (LMS) and development tracking features.
HRIS has some flaws, to start with, security is a major issue, and the system must be monitored throughout to prevent any malicious access to confidential and sensitive data. The costs involved to purchase and maintain these systems is also an issue in that, they require highly trained and qualified personnel to operate and ensure that they are working as per requirements.
These are two of the main functions to be carried out by the Qantas Airways HR department. Recruitment involves the pursuit for potential candidates for various open positions in an organization. Selection is the process in which the applicants are shortlisted depending on their skills in the field (Lievens & Chapman, 2010). HR database management systems are soft wares used by HR experts to store personal-related information about employees. These databases can cover areas in the managing of recruitment of new employees.
Features of the HRIS for recruitment
The HRIS will be used to allow candidates to apply for the open positions in the Qantas Airlines where they are required to submit their contact information together with their resumes. This system will gather this information and archive it in a database so that is easily accessible to the human resource manager. The manager will then perform detailed searches of this information by use of queries which includes location, education level, technical skill set and years of professional experience. It can as well be used by the current employees to apply for new positions in the organization electronically.
While recruiting the organization will store data such as the name of the applicants, date of birth, city, age, gender, status, and address of applicants and many other details regarding applicants. The HR database in place should have the capabilities to gather, store, display current, consistent information about the applicants, procedures, and policies in the Qantas Airways. The following are the functionalities or features that this automated database should have (Turcot & Lowe, 2009):
Should have the ability to promote data integrity – there are four types of data integrity that ensure accuracy and consistency of the database to be designed. First, row integrity must have a primary key which is the main identifier to differentiate between records. Secondly, referential integrity will provide assurance that the applicant exists, it is enforced by creating table relationships between tables and the database will raise errors if any of the rules are violated. Another type of integrity is the user-defined integrity, this is a feature that ensures that data is saved in a consistent and accurate manner. The implementation of the code logic involves stored procedures or functions, database triggers or by using tools external to the database engine e.g. embedding non SQL languages such as C#, VBScript, in the database. Lastly is the column integrity, which states that any piece of data stored in a column must observe similar format and definition (Gaetani et al., 2017).
Capability to improve productivity – during the design of the database to be used while recruiting staff, they must use modules such as the search. This feature will help the staff to search through the long lists of data about applicants and their qualifications. They can also sort through these records to find the exact blend of people they want to work in the organization. This will provide a greater advantage over those organizations that search through lots of data in a file. It will provide efficiency and faster processing of the data.
Training and Performance Management
Should be able to cut on costs – the database designers should integrate the database with the recruitment management system. The system will provide a platform on which it will reduce the overall recruitment time cycle. Integrating the two systems ensure that they will cooperate in order to perform one goal. This means that data from applicants will be collected by the recruitment system which will then be channeled to the database automatically thus saving on costs and time involved in manually updating the database.
Should ensure time-saving in the recruitment process and reduce data redundancy – this feature will save a considerable amount of time and effort the human resource staff put into matching and duplicating all records manually.
This is where the recruited staff are prepared for the current assignment. When the staff is properly trained and developed, this will increase the productivity, profitability and also the organization will have a significant increase in the market share (Nimmo & Clapham, 2016). The HRIS will provide a training module. The module provides the organization with the ability to track, enter and manage staff training. The Learning Management System (LMS), will be used to track the education, qualifications, and skills of the employees (Conde et al., 2014). It will also provide training courses and materials which are relevant to the job description the applicant has applied for. The courses can then be offered in date specific sessions, with trainers and training resources being mapped within the same system. This system enables managers to commend budget, training, and calendars together with performance management and appraisal metrics.
Training has some benefits both to the workers and staff as it ensures alignment between the organization expectations and the employee’s potential. The HR database should, therefore, be designed in a manner that; first, it can integrate with the training and development system so that it can aid managers in designing and developing training calendar in accordance with the employer’s requirements.
Secondly, since all the resources to be involved in training are stored in the HR database, it should ensure that all the training requirements are effectively managed.
The other functionality is that the database together with the training management system should help to prepare the progress sheet for employees.
In Qantas Airways, pilots and crew are required to operate the fleet of airplanes that the organization needs to purchase in a few months’ time. The HR department, therefore, needs to recruit and train pilots and the crew that it is going to hire. They are therefore required to use the HRIS to aid them to implement the hiring process in an effective and efficient manner. The system should have a database that store information about the staff to be hired. The information will then be used to categorize the pilots and crews as to what training they are required to undertake. At a later stage, the HR database will be referred to allocate shifts to these staff and will also be required in their appraisal.
We can conclude that the Qantas Airways will benefit from the HRIS system a lot since it will increase efficiency in the organization. The company will also cope up properly with the expansion that it aspires in a few months’ time since the workforce will be well managed.
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Gaetani, E., Aniello, L., Baldoni, R., Lombardi, F., Margheri, A., & Sassone, V. (2017).
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