Impact Of Technology On Society: Critical Analysis


There are a lot of technological advances in the modern world. These new kinds of technologies have gained a lot of interest within the field of science and technology. Different kinds of technological advances have progressed and impacted the fields of transportation, medicines, computers and other services. Most of the people in the recent times are making a wide use of modern form of technology in order to perform various kinds of activities (Relph). With the impact of high form of technology, it has helped in the ease of tasks and has brought convenience within the lives of the people and society. There have been various kinds if technological advancements in the previous years. Technology has helped in the creation of newer kinds of tools and has thus provided endless number of resources, which are a boon for the society. The use of these kinds of resources and tools have revolutionized the various kinds of possibilities of gaining information and getting benefited from them (Luard).

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With the impact of technological changes in the modern day context, it could be discussed that technology has made the possibility of discovering many of the functional and utility aspects such as the invention of smart watches and other forms of devices. With the invention of these kinds of devices, there has been a major form of change within the society that has made the lives of the people to be faster, better and in an easy mode (Cowan 81-97).

With the latest forms of innovations within the technological field, it has been seen that technology is changing at a rapid pace. In the recent times, people have made the most usage of the technical tools for performing various kinds of activities. With the changes of these kinds of technologies it could be focused that the lives of the people have become much more convenient and easy. It could be a fact of realization that with the impact of technology, the lives of the people have become much more comfortable (Dunning). Technology has continued to benefit the society in a large number of aspects such as accessing a huge form of information from the internet and enriching the personal lifestyle of the people living in the society. Hence, it could be discussed that technology have impacted the daily lives of the people living in the society. With the rise in the number of technical devices such as the computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets, these have made the ways of communication to be much finer than before. Technology also has a major help for the various sectors of the society such as healthcare, education, finance and many others (Goldin and Katz 49-54). Some of the ways in which technology has made the lives of the people to be easier are:

  1. Ease of Communication – There has been major changes in the ways of communications. As compared to the previous times when people used to communicate with the help of letters, which used to take a lot of effort and a time-consuming process, it has been seen that the use of technological aspects have eased the mode of communicating with people. In the recent age, people simply use email and text messages for the passing of important information (Crowley and Heyer).
  2. Ease of Displaying Advertisements – Businesses have been hugely benefited with the rise of technical aspects. Social media is a huge platform for advertising of the business needs. In the recent times, a business sector could simply create their personal website and then put then put their advertisement on their personal social media page. This kind of strategy could be used for encouraging other people to visit their website and thus use their products (Deshpande and Nair 139-145). This kind of process could be used for gaining long term benefits for the society and thus increasing the rates of conversion, which would eventually lead to the increase of sales within the business.
  3. Advancements of Educational Sectors – With the rise of the internet platform, any kind of information could be easily available on the internet. Students are majorly benefited with the rise in the number of technical aspects (Altbach). Internet and other kinds of technical devices have helped a lot for providing them with adequate information, which would help them in their daily requirements. Hence, the process of learning has been made much more convenient and easy. Technology has introduced newer processes of learning and has made the lives of the students to be much easier. Students are also provided with the flexibility to learn from their preferred location and at any interval of time. The form of reading books has also changed with the rise of PDF documents and eBooks (Fägerlind and Saha).  
  4. Change within the Travel Industry – People can take the huge form of advantage of the change within the technical aspects related to the travel industry. With the help of Google Maps and other kinds of applications, people can be self-dependent and are able to travel from one place to another as these kinds of technical advancements would be easing their way of communicating and providing guidance. It would also be helpful as people would be able to explore and locate themselves when they would be travelling to some unknown places (Xiang, Magnini and Fesenmaier 244-249). Hence there would not be a risk of getting lost as technology would be helpful for locating themselves.   
  5. Saving and Retrieval of Data – In the traditional times, people used to file their data in a manual process. Information was previously stored in manual files, which used to pose a great risk of losing them due to man-made or natural kinds of disasters. The manual based process was also time-consuming. With the advancements in the latest kinds of technical advancements it has been seen that people are now being able to save the data in an electronic format. With the help of storing the data in these kinds of electronic based formats, people are now able to access important kinds of files with a single click on the device (Rüßmann et al.).

Critical and Analytical Thinking

Based on the above discussion, a critical form of thinking and analysis could be approachable. According to Fuchs, the saving of the data in an electronic format helps in saving of a considerable amount of time and also helps in ensuring the security of the data from any kinds of damage to the data. There are some other kinds of ways in which technology has benefited the society. This has been in the form of sharing of vital kinds of experiences. Technology has continued to benefit the society in a large number of aspects such as accessing a huge form of information from the internet and enriching the personal lifestyle of the people living in the society. With the rise in the number of social media platforms, people are now being to share their experiences in an easy manner (Fuchs). In the recent times, people have made the most usage of the technical tools for performing various kinds of activities. With the changes of these kinds of technologies it could be focused that the lives of the people have become much more convenient and easy. The use of social media platforms have made the process of sharing pictures with others in an easy manner. With the help of these kinds of technical advancements, people are now also able to buy things from the online platform.

On the other hand, Vicente has stated that technology has made a lot of impact on the society and has made the lives of people to be much more flexible. The future of technology could be thought of as to be much more interesting and innovative as compared to the recent times. With the huge kinds of advancements in the latest kinds of technological aspects such as AI, machine learning, cloud computing and many such forms, it could be seen that the future of the society would be fully dependent on the use of technology. Technological changes could lead to the rise of advancements in the future of autonomous cars and robots who would be working in the industries. With the impact of these, the lives of the people would be made much simpler. People would have to work less as compared to the previous times. Technology would be able to bring in efficiency within the processes of work and would enable the people to enjoy the benefits of such kinds of technologies (Sung and Hwang 43-51).

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Based on the discussion, it could be concluded that the rise of technological advancements within the society have majorly transformed the lives of the people. There are many ways in which the lives of the people are mostly been benefited. Lots of fundamental ways have been influential for the growth of these kinds of technologies and have transformed the ways. The study focuses on the various kinds of ways in which technology has been a major influential factor for the society. With the kinds of impact that have been made with the help of technology, it could be discussed that the future form of technologies would be much more beneficial for the society and would be able to transform the society in a lot more ways. The impact of computers and other kinds of technological aspects in the form of social media have proved to be useful and bringing in flexibility in the forms of work. Technology has eased the way of living and made people to take the advantages of the latest kinds of innovations within the technology.

The above conclusion from the study helps in focusing on some of the recommendations, which could be provided for the betterment of the changes in the technical aspects. The work of development within the current forms of technology should increase at a much wider form (Fagnant and Kockelman 167-181). They should be able to meet with the current trends in the market. Different experts who are working on the various kinds of AI based technologies and other such aspects should deeply focus on the ways in which these technologies could be accepted by a wide number of people. Specific forms of technology related to farming, healthcare, education and other sector should be much more focused on their improvements. The development works based on these sectors should be much more user-centric. They should be able to understand the newer kinds of requirement of the user and should act accordingly (Kvedar, Coye and Everett 194-199). Focusing on the needs of the people within the society would be much helpful for the growth of the technologies and could be appealing to the people and hence would be widely accepted by the society.


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