Elements Of Group Dynamics And Conflict Resolution Methods For HR Professionals
Group Dynamics
Group dynamics in simple terms can be understood as the processes (behaviours and psychological processes) that take place between the members of the group. These dynamics depend on the thoughts and feelings of an individual member of the group (Kinder, 2018). This also has an impact on the relationship being shared between the group members. It is essential that HR professionals understand the elements of group dynamics to improve and enhance the effectiveness of the organization by understanding decision-making behaviour, creating effective techniques, and following the emergence and popularity of new ideas. To manage group dynamics models like Tuckman, The Punctuated-Equilibrium Model, etc. can be used.
Tuckman’s Model – According to Tuckman’s theory, there are five stages of group development: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. During these stages group members must address several issues, and the way in which these issues are resolved determines whether the group will succeed in accomplishing its tasks. It really helps in understanding how a task can be tackled from the initial stage until the completion of the project. As mentioned there are five stages in this model listed as below:
Forming: At this stage team members are assembled, and the task is allocated to them. Planning, a collection of relevant information is usually done at this staged.
Storming: This is a very important stage as the actual bond is developed in this stage. Here ideas are shared to complete the task.
Norming: This is considered to be the most harmonious stage as at this stage people start to agree with the rules as well as values to undertake the project.
Performing: This is the last stage at which the main role of the group members is to perform a task and achieve the desired target (Team Building, 2018).
Adjourning: Not all groups experience this stage of development because it is characterized by the demobilization of the group (mourning the adjournment of the group).
The Tuckman’s model is considered by some as a linear process. Joy H. Karriker has found out that the group is more dynamic and cyclical in nature and the processes discussed above does not satisfy the needs of group dynamics. According to the punctuated model, it is believed that group dynamics are managed rapidly and not gradually with time in different phases. But, in my organization, in order to manage group dynamics, the Tuckman’s model proved to be successful (Karriker, 2005).
Conflict can arise in an organization due to certain disagreement or improper communication (Root III, 2018). There are many methods through which conflict can be resolved like PMBOK guide, Thomson-Kilmann’s model etc (Usmani, 2012).
- Accommodating:According to this, a conflict is resolved by compromising with own concern and fulfilling the demands of the other member.
- Avoiding:In this, the conflict is not given any importance, and it is totally avoided.
- Competing:This is the opposite of accommodating as in this method to resolve own conflict interest is satisfied.
- Collaborating:In this people are made to come together and link their issues to resolve the conflict
- Compromising:In this method, a common solution is found that can satisfy both the parties (JD, 2011).
- Disagreement over guidelines – Due to lack of communication there was certain conflict between the team members as the guidelines were not provided in writing to the members. To clarify the instructions, a written plan was provided to every member so that no scope of confusion and disagreement is left.
- Conflict over the responsibilities to be performed – After the allocation of tasks to every member it was found that there was a lack of training among few employees which caused havoc among the team members. As a result to tackle this situation proper training was provided to them before starting the project.
Tuckman’s Model
Human Resource Manager plays the leading role in establishing an effective human resource system in the organization. The main skills that were used are as follows:
- Leadership:Effective Leadership is the most essential skill that is required to complete the project successfully. As a leader setting the vision, continuously motivating the team members are some of the activities that need to be performed.
- Communication:This is one of the essential skills that were used in the process of project completion. It is important to understand as well as to be understood. Effective communication helps in building a relationship and trust between the team members.
- Objective setting:This helps in clarifying what is expected from whom and hence helps in improving the efficiency of the project.
- Time Management:Setting timelines by dividing the project into parts also will help in a great way to complete the task on time.
- Risk Management:This is one of the essential skills that should be possessed by the HR manager as identifying the risk at a very early stage helps in avoiding risks possibility in the process of project completion.
- Negotiation Skills:This skill is required to negotiate over the budget, resources, and timelines so that every each party of the project is satisfied. This is very important for the success of the project (Aston, 2018).
The IDEAL model of problem-solving is;
- Identify the problem
- Define the problem
- Examine the options
- Action plan
- Look at the consequences
The final stage of the problem-solving is to put the solution into practice and to examine the results (University of Kent, 2013).
With the help of situational analysis, I have identified weaknesses that might affect the performance of the business which were lack of effective communication and lack of training among the employees due to various other issues were taking place (itseducation.asia, 2018). I defined the problem in a manner that because of lack of effective communication among employees, so many confusions were creating between them. For this purpose, I utilized Fishbone Analysis technique, and I identified the causes and possible solutions to the problems arising in the organization. Also, due to lack of sufficient training required to work in the organization in various departments, the performance of the employees was deteriorating. Due to this reason, the productivity, as well as the workplace environment was affected. I realized that various options could be used to enhance communication among employees such as informal meetings, discussions and various fun activities in and out the organization on weekends. The training and development programs have also been planned in by the requirements of different departments in the organization. So, I relied on the options and started conducting meetings, sessions, and discussions among the employees as well as organized fun activities for the employees so that interaction between the employees could be encouraged (SkillsYouNeed, 2018).
During the project, I had to influence, negotiate and persuade people to get the project done effectively, for which, I utilized analytical skills, risk assessment, and appraisal of options.
Through analytical skills such as effective communication, creativity, critical thinking and research, I will make every possible effort to influence, persuade and negotiate with people for the benefit of the project (Doyle, 2018). In the process of utilizing persuading, skills can be used such as emphasizing on the needs of other parties, arguing the issue logically, and use of positive language instead of negative language along with body language (SkillsYouNeed.com, 2018). Through this, I will try to persuade people to perform as I wish by ignoring the interests of others but without pressurizing others.
As negotiating skills which comprise of coming to a decision upon which, all could agree, and no one gets negatively affected. To negotiate people in the organization, I will establish mutual trust between the people by listening to them carefully, clarifying the issues, identifying common ground between them, making compromises whenever required and then coming to an agreement.
The assessment of risk provides an idea about what ways to be applied to influence the people so that they can actively participate in the process of risk elimination for the effective management of the project (University of Kent, 2018). Thus, for the people to get influenced by the decisions taken by me, I will have to utilize negotiating and persuading skills developed within me. Such processes are considered extremely essential in managing the projects. These negotiation and persuasion skills are considered beneficial for maintaining the project because it helps in budget allocation, time management and resource management of the project. In addition, the utilization of these skills ensures best outcomes for all along with a ‘win-win’ situation in order to gain cooperation of others from the team.
Being the HR Manager, it is my sole responsibility to manage the HR functions effectively all over the business. I will apply the the new knowledge gained to fulfil all my duties on a timely basis. I will be able to improve the HR processes being practiced in the organization. The knowledge gained will help me in effectively solving issues arising in the organization. The skills learned during assignment will enable me in selecting team to implement any project effectively. The application of Tuckmann model will help me in selection of best team for any project. It will also help me in successful completion of project. The main thing that I will adopt is training sessions. Training is the best way to move the skills in the culture of the organization and to the recruits joining the organization. Through training, the performance of the employees can be improved. This in turn will improve the productivity of the organization and will benefit the company in the long run.
Aston, B. (2018). 7 Essential Project Management Skills for 2018. Retrieved from Thedigitalprojectmanager.com: https://thedigitalprojectmanager.com/project-management-skills/
Ebrary.net. (2018). GROUP DYNAMICS. Retrieved from ebrary.net: https://ebrary.net/2815/management/group_dynamics
(2011). 5 Conflict Management Styles at a Glance.Retrieved from Sourcesofinsight.com: https://sourcesofinsight.com/conflict-management-styles-at-a-glance/
Kinder, J. (2018). What Are Group Dynamics? – Definition & Theory. Retrieved from study.com: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-are-group-dynamics-definition-theory-quiz.html
Root III, G. N. (2018). Causes of Organizational Conflict. Retrieved from Smallbusiness.chron.com: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/causes-organizational-conflict-168.html
Team Building. (2018). Tuckman’s Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing. Retrieved from www.teambuilding.co.uk: https://www.teambuilding.co.uk/theory/Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing.html
University of Kent. (2013). Problem Solving and Analytical Skills. Retrieved from Kent.ac.uk: https://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/sk/problem-solving-skills.htm
University of Kent. (2018). Persuading, Influencing and Negotiating Skills. Retrieved from Kent.ac.uk: https://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/sk/persuading.htm