Stages Of Helping Process And Importance Of Communication Skills

Relationship building as the first stage of helping process

“Proper communication is a great tool to ensure the positive results.” In the helping process, several steps need to be followed for getting better results. The first step in the helping process is the relationship building. Relationship is that where the client feels safe as well as gets respect in return (Marais & Van , 2016). In this step, client is assisted by discovering its areas of strength. Besides strength, area of improvement is also discovered. It helps the client to take risk for revealing problem and which in turn opens the door for discovering solution. Among the five step of helping process, developing a good and better relationship is the first stage. It also includes the certain components such as acceptance. Respect, understanding, empathy and trust. Moving to the further step that ensures the effective use of technique named as assessment. This stage uses the technique of illuminating questions, open-ended questions as well as questions. It uses both form of appraisal whether it is formal or informal. It also includes the several tests. This phase is important as it ensures the interaction with the client. The client environment is also important to make an accurate assessment. Therefore, it is important to gather and assess all the information’s that are available. In order to gather the data, interview is helpful. It reveals the data, various problems, history of family, current life setting, and personal history: educational, medical, vocational, military. The result of assessment can have positive as well as negative effect on clients. It is also important to use sensitivity and care during this stage. If the results are positive, client will feel relieved, understood, motivated, and hopeful. On the other hand, if results are negative then client will be vulnerable, interrogated, anxious, and evaluated (Nelson-Jones, 2015). Facilitators can remove the negative reactions by using relationship-building techniques such as being sensitive with client and reflecting feelings and thoughts. After the assessment stage, it is also important for client and facilitator to know where they are heading. This can be done by setting goals in third stage. “Goals setting helps a person to know what need to be achieve in how much time.” Goals are educational, motivational, as well as evaluating (Yang, Kitchen & Bacouel-Jentjens, 2017). While setting goals, facilitator can use several techniques such as technique of imaginary, confrontation, and visualization. In the goal setting stage, helper and client work together to set the goals. In this, helper assists the client to set the meaningful objectives whereas clients’ role is to put the goal into action by taking several measures. After the goal setting stage, next step if intervention. The main task in this stage is exploring the alternatives and based on those, identify the strategies for action. After choosing appropriate strategies, it is required by the facilitator to choose those strategies combination that meets the client’s goal in best possible manner (Goldratt & Cox, 2016). After choosing the best combination of strategies, it is essential to put those in realistic action program. Therefore, it is the role of helper to facilitate the client in gaining some new viewpoints to see the situation in different way. It also encourages the client to do the things differently. Helping process ends by termination and follow-up. It assist the client in getting eh maximum benefit from the healthy relationship and deciding to continue with the change process. In the termination process, role of helper is to prepare the client for termination and encourage to express its own feelings regarding the relationship. It should also discuss the future plans. On part of client, it should make long-range plans.

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The importance of assessment and sensitivity in gathering data

Communication skills are necessary at each stage of the implementation process. The first important communication skill is attending. It is a way through which facilitator can be with client, both psychologically as well as physically. Effective attention ensures the clients that the facilitator is with them and they can help them in any situation. Body posture also indicates the involvement with client. Therefore, a basic eye contact while communication is necessary to effectively communicate with the client. It is also important to be natural and relaxed with the client (Burgoon,  Guerrero & Floyd, 2016). “Listening” is another communication skill that is necessary at the implementation process. Active listening is the capability of facilitator to understand the messages of client as soon as they share their stories. When client share the story, it express it with many experiences about what happened. Therefore, facilitator or helper is required to listen by mixing all the experiences, feelings and behaviours of client. Besides this, it is also important to understand the non-verbal messages such as body movement, smiles, gestures, smile, raised eyebrows, twisted lips. These skills are the important part during the whole helping process. Questioning skill is also required in a facilitator that enables a client to explore more by finding the relevant issue. It can take the form of question, statement, phrases, requests, as well as non-verbal prompts. Empathy need to be shown to the client while communicating. Empathy involves listening to client, understanding their perspective as well guide them in best possible way (de la Peña et al, 2017).Listening with empathy means facilitator forgets own problems and try to see the world of client. Thus, empathy is one such communication skill of recognising and acknowledging the feeling of other without any personal interest. In other words, “It is way of stepping into the shoe of other to achieve better result.” It is also useful for the helper to summarise the solutions at the end so that client get the solution in brief and better way. The most useful communication skills are the integrating skills that are essential when communicating. It is a mixture of probes and empathy to help the client to overcome from the problems (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). 

In engagement process, various communication barriers may affect the whole process. The first barrier in communication is emotional barrier. When client is not able to express its emotions freely, this communication barrier occurs. It becomes a problem for facilitator or helper to understand the actual problem of client. Without knowing the exact problem of client, it is not possible for client to suggest the best solution. In addition, perceptual barrier is also one such communication barrier between the helping process. It is faced due to the different opinion of two people. It might happen that solution suggested by facilitator or helper is not the best as per client. Therefore, these different perceptions give rise to ineffective communication. Language barrier is also one such barrier of communication (Baker & Warren, 2015). Sometimes it happen that language of client and facilitator is different. Language barrier is what when one person want to express something and it is not understood by another person. If client or facilitator less or not understand the language of each other then language barrier of arises during communication. When two individuals are different language user, then the communication barrier arises. Meeting between counsellor and client is required to do in such area where there is no disturbance. At the time of communication, if any distraction occurs due to the unnecessary sound from outside, it tends to decrease the interest of parties for communication. Client, in this case will not able to express the problem in proper manner to the helper. Same, helper will also not able to communicate the effective solution to the client due to disturbance. In addition to all these, technical language used by counsellor or helper put the client in difficulty. As it is not necessary that client will understand the every technical terms used by counsellor or helper (Mehrabian, 2017).

Setting meaningful objectives with goal setting stage

The entire barriers that are mentioned above can be addresses by taking effective measures to overcome communication barrier. Firstly, the counsellor requires communicating according to the needs of client. If facilitator is communicating not as per the needs of client, it will create confusion for the client and make the communication only one sided thus ineffective. Therefore, facilitator must keep in mind the need of the client in mind before communicating. This will let the whole communication clear and simple until end. Language barrier can also be reduced by using simple and clear language that can be easily understood by the client. Using of technical terms according to the understanding of client will remove the communication barrier. Solution for the problem should also be easy to implement solution. In addition, communication barrier can be removed by focusing on the issue rather than on the person (Cvitanovic, Hobday, van Kerkhoff & Marshall, 2015). It is advised to helper to solve the problem by answering the questions of client in best possible way. It is also seen that disturbance during the communication also makes the communication ineffective. Therefore, for ensuring the best communication, there should be proper place for communication. Proper place is such where no disturbance is being faced in the middle of communication. Open communication is also one communication to get the clear point of client while it starts expressing feelings of problem (Bryman, 2016). Open communication ensures the client delighted and client is also able to communicate freely.


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Baker, T., & Warren, A. (2015). The Nine Common Barriers to Communication. In Conversations at Work (pp. 54-74). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Bryman, A. (2016). Social research methods. United States: Oxford university press.

Burgoon, J. K., Guerrero, L. K., & Floyd, K. (2016). Nonverbal communication. United Kingdom: Routledge.

Cvitanovic, C., Hobday, A. J., van Kerkhoff, L., & Marshall, N. A. (2015). Overcoming barriers to knowledge exchange for adaptive resource management; the perspectives of Australian marine scientists. Marine Policy, 52, 38-44.

de la Peña, D., Allen, D. J., Hester, R. T., Hou, J., Lawson, L. L., & McNally, M. J. (2017). Putting Power to Good Use, Delicately and Tenaciously. In Design as Democracy (pp. 261-302). Island Press, Washington, DC.

Goldratt, E. M., & Cox, J. (2016). The goal: a process of ongoing improvement. United Kingdom: Routledge.

Marais, C., & Van der Merwe, M. (2016). Relationship building during the initial phase of social work intervention with child clients in a rural area. Social Work, 52(2), 145-166.

Mehrabian, A. (2017). Nonverbal communication. United Kingdom: Routledge.

Nelson-Jones, R. (2015). Basic counselling skills: a helper’s manual. United Kingdom: Routledge.

Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2016). Research methods for business: A skill building approach. London: John Wiley & Sons.

Yang, I., Kitchen, P. J., & Bacouel-Jentjens, S. (2017). How to promote relationship-building leadership at work? A comparative exploration of leader humor behavior between North America and China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(10), 1454-1474.

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