Student Information System Installation Project By ICF – Task Analysis And Cost Benefit Analysis

Approaches to Systems Development

The International Charity Foundation (ICF) has decided to improve their student registration system for easing their functions and aligning the utilization of the functions defining the implication of the functions. The student registration would be effectively installed for easing the functions forming the alignment of the functions and installation. The installation of the improved student registration system would be developed for listing the formation and installation. The student registration system would be installed for easing the utilization favouring the functions. The existing manual system would be improved with the alignment of the functions depicting the improved functions and installation.  

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The objectives of the project of student information system installation by International Charity Foundation are,

  • To improve the student registration system for International Charity Foundation by the help of technology innovation
  • To complete the installation and implementation activities in a precise and limited methods
  • To involve the utilization of the project management principles for keeping the regulation of the project

The aims of this report understand the system requirements, system installation, forming cost benefit analysis, system information techniques, and developing project schedule. These points would be covered in this report for achieving the final deliverable for the project and alignment of the functions for the improved execution of the project. The project report would also allow the preserving of the information for further uses and installation for the project of student information system installation by International Charity Foundation.

The project of student information system installation by International Charity Foundation would be developed considering the utilization of the innovative technology installation. The information system installation for the project would endure the utilization of the improved communication and allowance of the factors defining the use of the smart innovative project. The implication of the resource allocation would be helpful for listing the profound formation of the functions. The system installation would allow the implication of the factors aligning the significant role for the implication of the information system.

The SDLC method would be used by ICF for the installation and implication of the effective information processing. The utilization of the information processing would allow the simplification of the factors aligning the utilization of the innovative technology installation (Katina, Keating and Ra’ed 2014). The SDLC allows the installation of the system using the improved functional installation. The utilization of the activities would develop the innovation and smart project installation. The SDLC stands for system installation life cycle and it comprises of planning, defining, designing, developing, testing, and deploying. These phases would be effectively installed for easing the implication management.

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The installation of the system for the implication of faster registration of the students is the primary requirement from the system to be developed. The information access would be eased with the installation of the information implication and installation. The primary requirements for the project are given below,

Systems Requirements

Enrolment of Students: The enrolment of the students is the most specific requirement for the project. The students must enrol for their courses with the help of the new student registration system developed for ICF.

Accumulation of Resources: Another important requirement for the project is the accumulation of the resources for the ICF organization. The donation of the money from the various other organizations and institutions would be helpful for easing the progress of the ICF organizations.

Addition of New Features: The addition of the new features would be another major factor aligning with the installation of the new registration system for ICF. The new features would be helpful for easing the installation of the factors.

The non-functional requirements of the project are given below,

Availability: The information processing would be required for making sure that the information processing and installation. The information would be available for easing the formation of the processing. The information processing would be eased with the utilization of the information for the students.

Data Integration: The integration of the data would be supportive for easing the utilization of the data of students and developing the final execution of the information processing. The information installation using the improved information processing would be more effective.

The cost benefit analysis is done for evaluating the formation of the factors defining the simplification of the factors (Mishan 2015). The improvement would be developed for easing the usefulness of the economic benefits. The cost benefit analysis would be based on the simplification of the factors aligning the usefulness of the factors implying the value of projects. The cost benefit analysis of the project is shown below,

Cost benefit analysis for Global Business System

Year 0

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Overall savings







Development cost







Maintenance Cost







Net cash flow







Discount factors


Discount rate



Year Index







Discount factor







Discounted flows






























Net present value






Payback Analysis








Payback Period in Years



The project schedule for the project is shown in the table and Gantt chart below,


Task Name






Online Student Registration System

50 days

Mon 9/3/18

Fri 11/9/18



8 days

Mon 9/3/18

Wed 9/12/18


Requirement Analysis

2 days

Mon 9/3/18

Tue 9/4/18


Charter Documentation

2 days

Wed 9/5/18

Thu 9/6/18



Resource Accumulation

3 days

Fri 9/7/18

Tue 9/11/18



Review and Sign off

1 day

Wed 9/12/18

Wed 9/12/18



Kick off

0 days

Wed 9/12/18

Wed 9/12/18




11 days

Thu 9/13/18

Thu 9/27/18


Activity Development

2 days

Thu 9/13/18

Fri 9/14/18



Scheduling the activities

3 days

Mon 9/17/18

Wed 9/19/18



Plan Development

5 days

Thu 9/20/18

Wed 9/26/18



Review of Plan

1 day

Thu 9/27/18

Thu 9/27/18



Plan Approval

0 days

Thu 9/27/18

Thu 9/27/18




11 days

Fri 9/28/18

Fri 10/12/18


Design Platform is selected

1 day

Fri 9/28/18

Fri 9/28/18



Design Outline

2 days

Mon 10/1/18

Tue 10/2/18




3 days

Wed 10/3/18

Fri 10/5/18



Complete Design is made

5 days

Mon 10/8/18

Fri 10/12/18



Design Approval

0 days

Fri 10/12/18

Fri 10/12/18




14 days

Mon 10/15/18

Thu 11/1/18


System Functions are developed

4 days

Mon 10/15/18

Thu 10/18/18



UI is made

3 days

Fri 10/19/18

Tue 10/23/18



Programming the Functions

5 days

Wed 10/24/18

Tue 10/30/18



Alpha Testing

2 days

Wed 10/31/18

Thu 11/1/18



System Developed

0 days

Thu 11/1/18

Thu 11/1/18




6 days

Fri 11/2/18

Fri 11/9/18


Inspection of the System

3 days

Tue 11/6/18

Fri 11/9/18



Final Report

2 days

Fri 11/2/18

Mon 11/5/18



Submission and Review

0.5 days

Tue 11/6/18

Tue 11/6/18



Sign off

0.5 days

Fri 11/9/18

Fri 11/9/18




0 days

Fri 11/9/18

Fri 11/9/18


The project has the goal of developing the student registration system for the implication of the improved implication and installation. The goals of the project would be implied for easing the utilization of the functions for information system installation. The project schedule has been developed using the alignment of the specific project installation. The reasonable project schedule would be aligned for developing the final execution of the project of information system installation for ICF.

The project of ‘Online Student Registration System’ would be effectively developed for easing the information processing. The various stakeholders of the project include client, sponsor, contractor, steering committee, and quality head.

The three most suitable information investigation techniques for the project of Online Student Registration System are interviews, questionnaire, and feedbacks (Anderson, Sneed and Rosenblad 2015). The use of these methods would be effectively installed for easing the simplification of the factors. The session execution would be aligned for easing the implication of the functions taking care of the required information processing. These methods are very reliable in attaining the improvement of the information support.

Name of Method



Interviews are the most common method for gaining the information and aligning the information supporting the implication of the information (Guerra-Santin and Tweed 2015). The personal interviews are helpful for collecting the information aligning the utilization of the information processing the support and installation.


Questionnaires are the list of some questions that can be open ended or closed ended for providing scope for the users to answer them (Bohl et al. 2014). The information processing would be installed with the help of smart questionnaire and answers for supporting the utilization of the answers for the project activities.


The feedbacks are developed for listing the information and developing the solution as per the client’s requirements. It is helpful for easing the simplification of the functions.

Project Cost Benefit Analysis


The project had been helpful for attaining the implication of the information for project completion. The project management had been successful for easing the utilization of the processing and installation. The project had covered the impact of the processing and implication of the information alignment issues. The goals of the project would be implied for easing the utilization of the functions for information system installation. The reasonable project schedule would be aligned for developing the final execution of the project of information system installation for ICF.

I had been able to understand the alignment of the smart project management process for easing the utilization of the information processing. The lessons learnt from the study had been based on the utilization of the improved operation installation. I used the understanding of the topic for aligning the formation of the effective information installation.

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