Scenario Planning And Its Significance For Ensuring A Safe Environment For Society
Scenario Planning
Scenario planning is also known as a concept which is considered by the managers so that emphasis can be given on the future operations of the company. According to Lumbreras and Ramos (2016), scenario planning is also known as strategic planning that can help the company to create flexible long term plans. It has been seen that with the help of this concept it can be easy to analyze the future operations that will be taking place. To analyze the exact solution it has been seen that scenario planning should be taken into consideration which can helps to reduce the workload of the top management.
According to Mäntysalo & Grišakov (2016), scenario planning is considered as a concept that is concerned with the process of strategic planning. By focusing on the concept of scenario planning it has been seen that company can easily maintain their goodwill in the competitive scenario. It has been seen that by taking into consideration the overall process it can be simple to forecast the strategies in context to future. Scenario planning plays an important in managing and controlling the process of company. It is necessary for the top management to consider scenario planning as it can give positive affect on the society and the company.
It has been stated by Shergold, Lyons and Hubers (2015), scenario planning helps to evaluate the future activities and can also manage the problems or issues which can take place. Through this the managers can easily emphasize on attaining the benefits from scenario planning which will direct affect the society to maintain their safety. The scenario planning is also related with the concept of strategic thinking. It has been analyzed that people who are engaged in playing chess can also guess the results of the future.
According to Malekpour, Brown and de Haan (2015), the managers can take into consideration various methods which can safeguard the overall operations of the company. By focusing on scenario planning it can be seen that environment can be secured for long term and also the company can easily sustain in the competitive market.
According to many researchers, the scenario planning helps the managers to reduce the threats and also focus on considering the accurate information. It has been seen that emphasis is also given on maintaining the structure of the company. It is important for the managers to emphasize on systematic thinking by taking into consideration various aspects that can affect the entire process of decision making. The personal biasness is also narrowed when focus is given on proper utilization of the resources. It also helps to maintain the working pattern of the organization.
Significance of Scenario Planning
According to Rohrbeck, Battistella and Huizingh (2015), to take into consideration the resources of the company it is important for the top management to emphasize on the internal resources. It is necessary to have proper link with the internal resources so that in a proper manner the resources can be considered. Scenario planning also helps the company to maintain proper resources. It also increases the knowledge of the managers by taking into consideration external environment and also the position in the competitive market.
According to Vacik et al., 2014, with the help of scenario planning it has seen that future can be evaluated easily and also it can be easy to understand the present era. It also helps in maintaining stability in the company and also it has been seen that weak signals can be analyzed which can also focus on considering the uncertainties related to future. Scenario planning assists to minimize the issues of the company so that success can be achieved in the market. The managers emphasize on the maintaining the situations so that it can be easy for the business in maintaining the prosperity. Scenario planning takes into consideration effective evaluation of the entire objective so that understanding of the variables can take place in a proper manner.
It has been stated by Soste, Wang, Robertson, Chaffe, Handley and Wei (2015), it has been analyzed that scenario planning assist the managers to consider the complex situation which take place in the environment. It also influences the overall objectives and approaches in context to the process of decision making. By considering scenario planning it has been investigated that hazards can also be considered in context to working environment and also with the employees. It focuses on maintaining the safety of the environment so hat adverse impact can be minimized in a proper manner.
According to Weigand, Flanagan, Dye and Jones (2014), it has been seen that scenario planning focuses on preventing the efforts by considering the environment where employees consider their activities. The physical and safety hazards can focus on maintaining the employee’s security. Scenario planning has an essential role in maintaining the environment which changes from time to time. The internal and external resources should be taken into consideration so that it can be simple to serve the specific community of the society. It has been seen that the community in the environment which keeps on changing should be maintained so that it can be simple to accomplish overall goals and objectives.
Issues Faced by the Managers
According to Zali and Motavaf (2017), there are many problems that are faced by the managers in eh competitive environment. Scenario planning needs to emphasize on the variables which is affecting the society. These are also known as the long term plans that should be flexible enough so that it can be easy to manage the activities. The flexibility will also help the managers to focus on various perceptions and through that it can be easy to take effective steps to adapt the environment. It has been seen that system approach will also help the company in assisting the various concepts that can help to maintain the situation which take place on the immediate basis.
The concept can also provide inclusion of various factors that can be difficult to be in a formalized manner. Scenario planning also emphasizes on the resources that should be utilized in a proper manner as it can help the company to consider the overall goals and objectives in an effective manner. Also by considering the different factors it can be easy to focus on the maintaining the formal relations. It has been analyzed that these are considered so that relations can also be maintained. Also through scenario development it can be simple to maintain the situations which are dynamic in nature.
It has been stated that Mackay and McKiernan (2018), past strategic plans can help the company in maintaining the plans of the company so that it can be simple to maintain the activities of the company. This can also be done by focusing on the various trends in the current scenario and through this it can be easy to achieve growth in the competitive market. In scenario planning, the departments can easily manage the activities and also there are various variations in context to qualitative. There are also various social conditions that are considered in proper strategic plans.
According to Boyonas, Olavarria and Saenz (2016), in the recent situation, the managers do not focus on taking into consideration their guesses which will affect the responsibility of the company. In scenario planning there are various variables that can affect the environment which can affect the society. It has also been seen that company emphasizes on the supply chain management by considering the recent time generated of the huge amount at large. It also takes into consideration the carbon emission which is seen through transports. The responsibility of the managers is to consider supply chain management system by considering the scenario planning so that problems can be resolved in a proper manner.
Strategic Plans
It has been stated by Sahin, Stewart and Porter (2015), that one of the issue is also concerned with water scarcity which the company faces in the recent scenario. It is important to focus on maintaining the problem and it is necessary to make decisions that can be beneficial for the company. Also there are many researchers who stated that water scarcity is considered as the serious problem in the society. So, by considering this situation it is necessary to consider scenario planning so that it can be easy to control the operations of the company.
According to Wang et al., 2016, it is necessary for the organization to focus on considering the proper plans so that water resources can be properly used. The operations of the company are also impacted just due to the water scarcity. By considering the scenario planning it can be easy to analyze the actual needs. This can also be controlled by considering the various stages where it is important to utilize the water so that the society can be maintained and can achieve growth. This can also affect the society in a positive manner.
According to Wolf and Floyd (2017), it has also been seen that scenario planning can help the company to emphasize on controlling the issues. Carbon emission can be known as the major issue which take place in the present scenario and also it is important for the top management to emphasize on limited thinking. This can also impact the society health. Also the civil societies conveyed the message to manufacturing units to reduce the carbon emission. The problems are also related with global warming which can impact the society. It has been seen that the coming future situation will be difficult and company should focus on considering effective steps.
According to Kostakis and Bauwens, (2014), it is important to emphasize on resources so that it can be used in an effective manner. In the dynamic environment it is necessary to focus on maintaining the economic situations. Scenario planning is necessary as it helps to make proper investments. CSR operations are not only the method that can help to minimize the issue, but the top management or the managers should focus on safeguarding the environment so that standard of living can be managed. It is necessary to focus on developing the society.
It has been seen that scenario planning can help the managers to emphasize on the securing the environment so that people can maintain their living standards and also growth can be achieved in a proper manner. So, it is important to create proper strategic situation so that it can be easy to analyze the needs. Through this the positive impact can be seen on the overall standards of the company.
According to Mota , Gomes, Carvalho and Barbosa-Povoa (2015), the issue is also related with the pollution. The problem can be seen in context to manufacturing sector. It is necessary for the company to focus on reducing this challenge by considering challenge that can help to attain growth. To minimize it strategic plans should be taken into consideration so that problems can be minimized.
There are many examples that are related to Beijing. In this the government implemented the rule to ban the companies who are not suitable for the environment and polluting the environment. In this case it is important to consider proper strategic planning so that it can be easy to maintain the situation. The managers of the company should focus on the situation so that problems can be resolved in a proper manner. This will help to maintain the security of the society in a proper manner.
So, by focusing on the paper it has been seen that scenario planning is important as it helps to maintain the safety of the environment. It can be considered as the method that can help to emphasize on the future activities and also evaluates the present situation. With the help of this it can be easy to manage the activities of the company. Strategic planning will also impact the overall market condition and maintain the operations of the company.
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