A Six-Step Problem-Solving Approach: Applying It To Real Scenarios

Problem Scenario 1: Returning to College and Job Offer

The process of problem solving is a systematic approach and when a problem is addressed in a sequential manner it allows fewer errors in the final solution (The Problem Solving Process, 2018). The various stages of problem solving eliminate the chance of missing out on any probable issue in the solution. The following sections of the essay will define, identify, analyze and generate probable solutions of the problem, in a sequential manner. The  folllowing paragraphs will individually look into each of the steps to find an answer to the given situation.

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The first stage of a solution is defining the problem, which will be done in this paragraph. The problem explains the situation of a person who has worked in a company for eleven years. It says that the person has resumed his education to earn a Bachelor’s degree and have joined a college in order to increase the possibilities of a promotion. The degree is in the verge of completion, and there is a probable oppurtunity for a supervisor’s position in a competing organisation which is available in another state. The joining date for the job is in a couple of  weeks, and the final exam of the course  is also scheduled at the same time. The new job offers an annual salary increase, an allowance for a car, and relocational expenses. The former supervisor of the company, works for the new organisation and has recommended the person for the position due to the exceptional performance of the person in his company and there is a clear oppurtunity for the job. Although, the other supervisors in the company have a Master’s degree at this level, so it is quite evident that the person will be required to earn a Master’s degree after completion of the  Bachelor’s degree. The present company is offering reimbursements for the tution, which the new company will not provide.  

This section of the essay will analyze the problem and segregate it into a series of issues. This section will look into the problems and order them accordingly in a manner with highest to lowest priority. After analyzing the situation the following set of issues seem to be the major problems.  The situation can be summed as;

  1. Completion of the Bachelor’s degree
  2. A probable job opportunity is at hand, with better perks and pay as compared to the present one.
  3. The joining date of the job and the final course examination are scheduled at the same time.
  4. The new job will require greater qualifications, as to what the person is currently pursuing.
  5. The new job will not provide tuition reimbursement and is also located in a different state.
  6. The current job is providing reimbursement for the tuition and the course.

By over viewing the situation the probable problems that seem evident from the situation are;

  • Accepting or rejecting the new job offer and completion of the Bachelor’s degree.
  • The joining date of the job and the exam dates of the course are coinciding.
  • The new job has a lucrative offer, but would require a greater educational qualification.
  • The new job will reimburse for relocation but would not provide allowances for pursuing higher education.

This section will generate probable options for the identified problems. The major problems that were identified will be analyzed and multiple options will be suggested in this section of the essay.

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Problem Scenario 2: Helping a Child with a School Project

1. Accepting or rejecting the new job offer and completion of the Bachelor’s degree.

The options to this problem are

  • Accepting the job offer and withdrawing from the course.
  • Rejecting the offer and completing the course.

2. Coinciding, joining dates of the job and the exam.

The options are

  • If the offer needs to be accepted an official mail needs to be sent requesting the postponement of the joining date citing the reasons.
  • A request letter needs to be sent to the Head of the department of the course, requesting a postponement of the dates of the examination.

3. The new job has a lucrative offer, but would require a greater educational qualification.

The options are

  • Joining the job and requesting the senior authority to allow him to pursue higher studies for meeting the requirement.
  • Completing the Master’s degree, from a correspondence course if possible.

4. The new job will reimburse for relocation but would not provide allowances for pursuing higher education.

The options are

  • The correspondence course might be done at a cheaper cost, which might not require reimbursement.
  • The course can be done from a local university where the company is based.

This section will evaluate the options that we have from the problem and weigh their credibility in making the decision. The options will be evaluated based on the scenario.

Firstly, evaluating the options for the first problem it can be concluded that leaving the course at the verge of completion would not be a wise solution. With completion of the course the degree would allow for promotion in the current company. Joining the new job would not allow the person to have a degree which would hinder his future growth.  Secondly, by evaluating the options of the second problem it can be deduced that sending a request to the management for postponing either, the joining date or the exam dates would not give a positive feedback. Hence, either joining the job or completing the course needs to be chosen. Both the issues cannot be addressed at the same time. Evaluating options of the third problem it seems that requesting the senior authority for pursuing higher studies and simultaneously doing the job would affect the productivity and would not be a feasible idea. Pursuing a higher educational degree from a correspondence course might not be as qualitative as a regular course. Looking into the options of the final problem it seems that a correspondence course would be cheaper, since the company might not allow a study leave.

This section would decide the best option as a solution to the problem concerned. The best option to choose would be completing the course which would increase the educational degree of the person. After completion of the course the person should join the current company since they would provide an opportunity for an appraisal after the completion of the degree. More over the new company would not allow the person any leave for studies or reimburse him yet they would require an educational degree which is higher, as compared to the one the person is currently pursuing.

This section will decide and reflect upon the decision taken and explain ways to implement it. The person should complete his degree and join his current company which would give him a promotion since he joined the course to get a promotion. Finally it can be inferred that, in future he can always complete higher stages of education since the current company will reimburse him for his education. Along with he will still be getting a promotion on completion of his degree. Leaving the course incomplete and joining the new company would affect his career in the long run.


The Problem Solving Process. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.gdrc.org/decision/problem-solve.html.

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