Developing Research Question On Intercultural Communication In Global Workplaces
The Importance of Intercultural Communication in the Workplace
Communication and diversity in workplaces is one of the primary fundamental factors in the success of any organization effectiveness. Considerations must be made for the changing and varying demographics that will be in contact with the organization. Workplace leadership in Australia is affected in different ways by the cultural diversity in many organizations especially multi-nationals. When dealing with this kind of organizations, the effects of communications to a diverse population is necessary for the growth of the workplace interrelations (Al-Jenaibi, 2017).
Intercultural communications in business
Ladegaard, H. J., & Jenks, C. J. (2015). Language and intercultural communication in the workplace: critical approaches to theory and practice. Language and Intercultural Communication, 15(1), 1-12.
In this article Ladegaard and Jenks review how to deal with intercultural communications in an organization and leadership, gender barriers, language barriers and cultural barriers are the single most common barriers that affect communication. Australia has opened its doors to many people from varying nationalities and cross cultures. The authors use data research to see why people seek important workplace positions for advancement of the careers and to patronize businesses without the urge to erode or lose their cultures in the process. Their research focus on how to get an effective communication system within the organizations allows them to hold some of their cultures that make them unique and diverse while allowing them to fit in within the organizational cultures (Ang, & Van Dyne, 2015).
Diversity and intercultural mix are an interesting fabric to the Australian workforce and society. An organization helps its workforce learn about the fascinating way to grow culturally and become a well-rounded employee in the organization. People in an organization will look at more than what is on the outside and explore the simple intricacies that make people and organizations who they are due to diversity. This allows a leader to effectively communicate with them. This article will be influential in supplementary for my research and pay structure.
The Effects of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Holmes, P. (2017). Intercultural communication in the global workplace, critical approaches. The international encyclopedia of intercultural communication, 1-16.
Holmes in this article shows how many people in an organization fail to realize the importance of cultural diversity as pertaining employment in Australia. Australia was founded on the fundamental principles that it could embrace different cultures who will be welcomed and live harmoniously in the society without persecutions. The author uses data research in a workplace setting, the effects of cultural diversity in has different meaning to those in the minority of the spectrum. Over the years, a lot of stories of discrimination in regards to race, gender and religion have been reported in workplaces (Holmes, & Stubbe, 2015).the article is useful to my reaserch as a Language, perceptual and cultural barriers need to be eliminated and overcome in order for programs in intercultural diversity to succeed. The limitations to this research is low morale, lack of teamwork in an organization and key objectives confusion are as a result of ineffective communication.
Communication Barriers and Diversity
Therefore, diversity should entail the avoidance of possible backlash not only between clients that the organization serve but also the employees within the organization. Perception strongly influences expectations and all other aspects of behavior. For practical purposes, we define perception as the intellectual awareness of stimuli derived from sensations. This article will be influential in supplementary for my research and pay structure.
What do you think about the causes of unethical behavior due to intercultural diversity?
Al-Jenaibi, B. (2017). The scope and impact of workplace diversity in the United Arab Emirates–A preliminary study. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 8(1).
In this article Al- Jenaibi explains how French,African, Middle Eastern or Asian speaking persons come to Australia seeking the effervescent “Australian dream”, they aren’t fully aware of the extent to which the Australian English language is and can be interpreted. The author use data research to know much of what they know has been taught to them via programs and books that only apply literal meanings and never touch on the implied meanings that many Australian words have (Holmes, 2017). His research shows how this effectively causes a tremendous loss in translation which can in some cases come off as offensive to those who have not yet completely immersed themselves in the complexities of Australian grammar and language. The limiations is how to make a less complicated environment, sensitivity must be shown to those who may not have had the opportunity to completely surround themselves with Australian English speaking people.
Therefore ,the existence of this latter reason is confirmed by the results of a study conducted more than 20 years ago, in which it was found that the behavior of their managers had a major influence on the making of unethical decisions by employees (Ladegaard, & Jenks, 2015). This article will be influential in supplementary for my research and pay structure.
How can the values ??professed by top managers influence the values ??of subordinates?
Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2015). Reconsidering intercultural (communication) competence in the workplace: A dialectical approach. Language and Intercultural Communication, 15(1), 13-28.
In this article the authors Martin and Nakayama discusses on organizations and their leaders, as one might expect, have values ??that exist in the culture of a given society. The predominance of private firms in the United States and the reluctance of the Japanese manager to dismiss a worker under any circumstances are patterns of behavior that accurately reflect the social values ??of the society concerned (Sorrells, 2015). The research question is focused on a larger society, an organization seeks to have its own morals, customs, and taboos. In the end, in many organizations, individuals are formed, reflecting individualized ways of doing business or specific cases. Their research focus In Australia, for example, among some social groups there is a change in attitude towards the quality of life as a value, which is opposed to loyalty to the firm. For example, some employees they may refuse to be transferred to the service, because the cost of living in a new locality is unacceptable for their standard of living or due to family circumstances (Malyuga, & Tomalin, 2017). In conclusion, top executives can understand and support these new values, or they may strive to maintain more traditional value standards. The main limitation is to imagine how difficult it is to adapt to the values of a completely new society for you. This article will be influential in supplementary for my research and pay structure.
Impact of Cultural Diversity on Ethics
Yusof, N., Kaur, A., & Cheah Lynn-Sze, J. (2017). Post graduate students insights into understanding intercultural communication in global workplaces. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 1-11.
In the article Yusof el al discuses the problems of the influence of leadership style on the psychological climate in a team. Effective team management involves the creation of a healthy environment in a team with high performance and is directly dependent on the management style chosen by the leader. The degree of professionalism of a manager is determined by the style of his managerial activity (Martin, & Nakayama, 2015). The relationship between the leader and subordinates, the psychological climate of the team, and the result of the work of the team directly depend on the management style implemented by the leader (Varner, & Varner, 2014).
Problems of leadership style and psychological climate have been considered by many researchers, and the problem of the influence of one factor on another has been given very little attention in the research literature. Problems of the psychological climate and management styles in their work considered: The problem of the influence of leadership style on interpersonal relations and the psychological climate in the team is relevant, as we encounter it every day, fulfilling our work duties in the workplace.
By leadership style, we mean a set of specific ways and methods by which managers interact with the team. Under the psychological climate, we understand the totality of social and psychological factors affecting the life of the team, its productivity and the nature of interpersonal relations. The great importance of leadership style is determined by the fact that it performs one of the main functions for the manager – improving and organizing the effectiveness of the entire team (Yusof, Kaur, & Cheah Lynn-Sze, 2017). Therefore, It is also possible to observe the significance of the favorable psychological climate of a collective as an indicator of the effectiveness of a manager, on the moral character and adequacy of the management style of which the productivity of the activity of this collective largely depends. Accordingly, the psychological climate with such a leader will be unfavorable, perhaps even have a negative character. This article will be influential in supplementary for my research and pay structure.
Perception is very important, because it determines what “reality” is for a particular individual. People react not to what is really happening in their environment, but to what they perceive as really happening. There are no two people who could perceive something exactly the same. Differences in the perception of the same stimulus are sometimes simply overwhelming.
Al-Jenaibi, B. (2017). The scope and impact of workplace diversity in the United Arab Emirates–A preliminary study. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 8(1).
Ang, S., & Van Dyne, L. (2015). Handbook of cultural intelligence. Routledge.
Holmes, J., & Stubbe, M. (2015). Power and politeness in the workplace: A sociolinguistic analysis of talk at work. Routledge.
Holmes, P. (2017). Intercultural communication in the global workplace, critical approaches. The international encyclopedia of intercultural communication, 1-16.
Ladegaard, H. J., & Jenks, C. J. (2015). Language and intercultural communication in the workplace: critical approaches to theory and practice. Language and Intercultural Communication, 15(1), 1-12.
Malyuga, E. N., & Tomalin, B. (2017). Communicative strategies and tactics of speech manipulation in intercultural business discourse. Training language and culture, 1(1), 28-48.
Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2015). Reconsidering intercultural (communication) competence in the workplace: A dialectical approach. Language and Intercultural Communication, 15(1), 13-28.
Sorrells, K. (2015). Intercultural communication: Globalization and social justice. Sage publications.
Varner, I. I., & Varner, K. (2014). The Relationship between Culture and Legal Systems and the Impact on Intercultural Business Communication. Global Advances in Business Communication, 3(1), 3.
Yusof, N., Kaur, A., & Cheah Lynn-Sze, J. (2017). Post graduate students insights into understanding intercultural communication in global workplaces. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 1-11.