A Comparison Of Christian And Catholic Beliefs On Homosexuality In Hong Kong

Similarities and Differences between Christianity and Catholicism on Homosexuality

The paper draws on a research to explore the similarities and difference among Christian and Catholics on how they treat homosexuality in Hong Kong. For centuries, it is believed that the acceptance of their sexual orientation i.e. homosexuality within the Christian and Catholics religion has been a serious issue. A Homosexuality orientation delivers an enduring emotional and sexual attraction towards a person of the same sex, rather than those of opposite sex.  It is noted that Christianity and homosexuality can co-exist; others advocate that the notion is contradictory to the basic tenets of the Christian faith. Homosexuals are progressively considered marginalized groups in the community, which have experienced discrimination in many ways. Traditionally, the religion of Christianity and Catholic encourages heterosexuality and does not advocate for acceptance of bisexuality or homosexuality (Adamczyk, Boyd & Hayes, 2016). Among those denominations that commonly are undesirable towards these orientations can sort from quite discouraging homosexual activity, clearly forbidding same-sex sexual practices among advocates and actively opposing social acceptance of homosexuality. Religious fundamentalism correlates positively with anti-homosexual bias. The attitude towards homosexuality is been determined by not only personal religious beliefs and convictions, but also by the interaction of those beliefs and convictions with the predominant religious context. People are subject to a varied variety of sinful desires by which they have a direct influence upon becoming sinful until an individual act upon them by acting out inspiring the desires and deliberately engaging in fantasies (Cerbone & Danzer, 2017).    

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The Christianity and Catholics argued that homosexual actions are sinful and personally had negative experiences associating to homosexuality. They both are of a different perspective and have different preaching which put them apart. However, at the same time, they should support same-sex marriage and LGBT rights, which are constantly increasing all over the world and enact laws supporting LGBT rights. The Christianity and Catholic have usually forbidden sodomy, trusting and teaching that such behavior is sinful. It has been seen that some denominations with these religions accept homosexual people and welcome the members of same-sex sexual practices, with some provinces permitting for the inclusion, coordination of gay and lesbian, and affirmation of same-sex unions. Most Christian should state and believe the fact that “Love the Sinner and hate the sin”. They should mean the fact that they should maintain love and compassion for homosexuals, as they should not involve in sexual activity (Cragun, Williams & Sumerau, 2015). In the following, an effort has been made to discuss the differences and similarities in Christian and Catholic on concerning homosexuality as an issue and contribution made to solve the issue.    

Community Perceptions

The Christian believes that homosexual acts and activities are sinful and think they should be accepted but should not be supported by society. They tend to believe that heterosexual relationship is only meant to be accepted which are created by God. As it contradicts god creation and violates their laws, which are going on from past few decades. The Christians oppose homosexual relationship and same-gender sexual acts and activities, which is unnatural. Their objections to homosexual behaviour are depending upon their projections of the Bible. They want to get freedom from homosexuality as they support them but in a way do not accept if this occurs in their family (Dehlin, Galliher, Bradshaw, Hyde & Crowell, 2015). Christian believes that God deeply and unconditionally loves all people, as each individual is created by profound worth and dignity. Our sin demands our repentance and needs forgiveness, which is indulged in God’s love and grace. This is the uncontested teaching of Christianity, which says that male and female complete the certainty of God’s image on earth. Not just simple “traditionalism” that makes them different it is their beliefs and convictions helps them to support homosexuality. It is the common grace of God has given at all times that are deep-rooted in everyone mind and accepts him or her as a basis of humanity. To be human is to have a disordered sexuality and Christian discipleship, which is faithful, cannot avoid temptation as it strives to resist it with God’s help (Fehige, 2017).  

Many are indeed same-sex attracted but live obediently within a Christian sexual ethnic. The whole world preaches homosexuality as an expression of oneself in a way the god made certain human beings, which should be accepted. Our culture teaches that is becoming more and more lenient on the considered standard of human behaviour. It has been stated that God did not create individuals as homosexuals by birth and it is a temptation that they continuously struggle with the situation (Gibbs & Goldbach, 2015). As all individuals are born into the world with a sinful nature and are persistently being tempted by the sin. They are presented with a choice of relying on God’s power and control to overcome the temptation to the struggle they are challenged. It is a constant effort that must be put forward by the society to take action on the immoral convictions of the world to the homosexual people. It is told in the scripture and teachings that homosexuality is not wrong and sin in the eyes of God and every human being deal with the struggle of these situations throughout their life. It is appealing that a Christian treat a homosexual individual in a different way because of a wrong mentality they are facing every day. Christians mean that every human being shook be treated equally and as they find it awkward because in a way it is wrong. Then it does not mean that they should be treated wrong as every individual has a right to choose their partners (Hardy, 2017).  

Impact on LGBT Community in Hong Kong

The Catholic argues in a state of fact that perspective that they do not support homosexual people, which is against their moral values and standards. They believe that homosexual people should be out of their society and should not be treated with sensitivity, respect, and compassion. They believe that a large number of gatherings should do discrimination against these people so that they understand of acts done by them. The Catholics charge penalties against homosexual people, which are attracted toward opposite sex (Hsia, 2015). They strongly believe that it can only be practiced within heterosexual, permanent, and monogamous people. In their perspective, marriage is the faithful, permanent, and god willing fruitful union of a man and woman who have entered the bond of husband and wife. The sacrament of Matrimony is a scared relationship that defines the love and compassion between them. They believe that God has instituted marriage and no one has a right and authority to redefine or considerably change the nature of marriage. Despite the decision of some other religion to accept homosexual people as Catholic does not follow the same path.  They consider the restriction of the marriage of each gender as being discriminatory against homosexual people (Hughes, 2018).       

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They believe that a man who goes in favor of abortion is as unsuitable for the seminary as a man who goes in favor of artificial contraception of same-sex marriage. They teach that those individuals who are attracted to the same-sex are termed to practice chastity. They do not regard homosexual acts as an expression of the marital sacrament as it does not fulfill the life-long commitment of a marriage between man and woman. The views of the Catholics and the application of those opinions in actual terms can be deeply hurtful to homosexual people. The situation is so critical even voices inside the Vatican have sought to challenge the status quo. It is suggested that there is an increasing trend of LGBT acceptance and which predicts a dark picture in front of everyone. There are currently active ‘apostolates’ which encourages homophobic interpretation of scripture and maintain to make homosexual people the scapegoat of the sex abuse scandal (Hunt, 2017). The Catholics remain silent on the inclusion of LGBT and the promulgation of hate speech, which demonstrates an institutional apathy. With time being, homosexual people can only hope that the majority of liberal believers are capable to bring some positive change in the organization. It gives mixed signals concerning discrimination based on sexual orientation. It does not support LGBT community, gay marriage, and civil unions for same-sex couples. They teach that the LGBT community should be permanently separated from the country. In many parts of the world including Hong Kong, it is active politically around matters of significance to support the LGBT community. It is seen that in several cases, individuals are hired from their jobs after knowing the fact of homosexuality. It can be noted that more than 50 people have lost their jobs over their sexual identity according to New Ways Ministries (Jäckle & Wenzelburger, 2015).

The Christians and Catholics have similar thoughts on treating homosexuality, as both of these religions do not support gay marriage, which is a crime according to them. The Christians express an unfavorable support to homosexual people especially the older generation, which thinks it should be removed from the society. They have their own belief and convictions, which is at a point true also. In their own perspective, it is a sexual abuse, which is perpetrated by adolescents and a disgraceful harm to the moral and physical truthfulness of the young lives (Joldersma, 2016). It is a belief that homosexuality is immutable is broadly connected with negative opinions about gays and lesbians which affects their education, general ideological beliefs, and personal acquaintance. Many Christians think that societal acceptance of homosexual people would be a bad thing for society. According to the survey, 42% popularity says that greater acceptance of gays and lesbians would make a greater difference to the country. As, they believe that the majority of people see homosexual people likely to be less stable than heterosexual people, who are happier and have a stable relationship (Lehman & Sherkat, 2018).  

It violates the norms of that belief system and men held more old-fashioned sex-role attitudes than women. Therefore, from the perspective of men, male people should act more aggressive and masculine. They also powerfully carry the traditional sexual activities, which is heterosexuality. It gives a negative belief towards parent’s upbringing and their moral standards. Besides that, society thinks that they have inappropriate ethical values, which turn up to that parents have not taught their children the moral values of kindness, as they are victims of discrimination and hate in society. It is stated that some religious gathering interprets certain biblical passages against homosexuality. Actually, many Christians were condemning prejudice and discrimination. Christian termed homosexuality as an illness and a mental disorder as they oppose all the portrayals of gay, bisexual, and lesbian people. In their own views, they are mentally ill and need treatment because of their sexual orientation (Levy & Edmiston, 2014).

They believe that homosexuality is a wrong act done by people, which is against the Bible and it is a direct breach of the bible and other religious standards books. The issue of eradicating homosexuality has become a political debate with Christian political communities by supporting them. The research predicts that homosexuality is generally very critical in society’s point of view and it depends on the religious backgrounds and culture. It is viewed that every individual view the issue in a different way. As per the cultural values of the society, homosexual people have civil rights, which support their rights and actions but the religion does not agree with their acts since it against the laws and regulations of Bible. Specifically, homosexuality is considered as a deviance and behaviour that do not match with the social norms and standards of the society and then they commit murder or treats individuals with violence in the society (Mathers, L. A., Sumerau & Cragun, 2018). As whole society has highlighted homosexuality as a moral wrong, this is not absolute and relative to society.  The Christian also feels that this is an issue, which is harming the society in a broad way. It also discourages other people to be violent and harm the nature of society. However, despite this, they are violating our traditional perspectives which is coming from the old era and this can lead to non-acceptance vie of discrimination towards homosexuality. It is noted that some early 20th century advocates and researchers, which seek this relationship as criminalized and claim that categories of sexual attraction are examined rather than created. Thus, homosexuality, as a definite sexual expression, which is an issue, needs to be resolved (McGee, 2016).

The Catholics on the other hand, have seen the diminishment of religion as desirable and imminent. It is a social justice issue, which affects a larger portion of the population and has enhanced the debate over the past few decades in Western Society. The Catholics are losing respect for the homosexuals and the basic human dignity to move freely and enjoy their rights. As per the God’s grace, they are turning from evil ways and violating human laws and regulations. It is viewed that Catholics are very much concerned about the vision of marriage and natural law of leading a happy and prosperous married life. Additionally, the Catholic Congregation views that “an individual engaging in homosexual acts are termed immoral. They call such acts and activities “evil” and offer the “evil-doer” to hold a prosperous life in Catholic Love (Meyer, Teylan & Schwartz, 2015).

Having said that, Pope Francis stated that homosexual acts are harmful and orientation is not. This shift in the attitude of making such strict regulation but with some leeway towards homosexuality is a major concern. They provide significant attention to homosexual people in the way of crisis punishment and reoffending of rules and regulations. As they believe, that understanding should be changed and the trend should be changed of the sociological relationship towards them. The legal status of homosexuality differs around the world as these acts among consenting adults are found to be illegal in about 70 countries out of 195 of the world.  The Catholics believe that these acts are illegal specifically under Sodomy laws (Moses, 2015). These cases are prosecuted under morality laws and public decency. Legal recognition of a same-sex relationship is pertaining to arbitration over property and custody, mediation, and lack of access to domestic violence when a relationship ends. In Hong Kong, some capitalist countries especially large private organizations generally terminate the employees after recognizing gay men and lesbians. The Catholics are maintaining a negative attitude towards homosexual people and marked and persistent distress about one’s sexual orientation (Newlands, 2017). 

They criticized as a political and social decision for change, which was supported by scientific indication. They termed as a disease, which attributed the destruction to turn from a blind eye to lack of hospitality.  They treat them as a victim, which is suffering from a serious epidemic disease like HIV or AIDS. In the whole society, there is no one, which helps them in their critical condition, which they need the most. They blame them in front of the society and humiliate which exposed them to take wrong decisions. These concerns are very critical, as many territories in the world including Hong Kong had executed similar laws, which restrict the distribution of “propaganda” to promote homosexuality to minors. Homosexual people have been the target of violence for their sexuality in numerous cultures throughout history. During the Holocaust, 5000-15000 gay men perished and 100,000 gay men were arrested in Nazi concentration camps (Schnabel, 2016). The Catholics spread violence against LGBT people fuelled by anti-gay rhetoric commonly by young men and teenage boys who are very aggressive towards some people who do not conform to traditional gender roles. They are particularly condemned by many people and relations between adult males were commonly ridiculed. However, Christianity followed the Hebrew custom of condemnation of specific forms of sexual relations between men and women, which not be disputed. The teachings of both Christianity and Catholics encouraged to moving away and forgiveness of sin, involving those sins of sexual impurity, which were condemned by Pharisees. In their perspective, homosexuality was punishable by death. They are more probably believed that it is an epidemic disease, which requires treatment and must be isolated from the society (Sherkat, 2017).                 

The Christians should address the issues of homosexuality in a better and effective way. Their most important aim is to make aware of the culture and perceptions of society. Parenting goal is to provide their children utmost care, affection, connect with them and understand them deeply. This is a very sensitive issue, which Christians need to consider it effectively and make aware of every people about cultures and values followed in our society. It is an issue which is increasing at a very fast pace and from childhood only engage with your children and provide a thoughtful, loving, and caring environment so that they should not be distracted. They just want that to lead a normal and prosperous life. They should understand the cultural norms and principles and if the people would understand this then it could be a possibility that they will not be distracted (Shilo, Yossef & Savaya, 2016).        

The homosexuality is viewed in the same way today as it is seen earlier. Not only is being homosexual people acceptable but it is practically a non-issue for a new and unique thing. Christians should maintain a relationship between religious books and hate speech towards gays and lesbians. The gays and lesbians are attacked as both physically, verbally, and mentally, which force them to do wrong acts and that is very unpleasing towards other people (Simpson, Almack & Walthery, 2016). The parents should speak to their kids with their open mind and full effort. It finds it very awkward to talk about homosexuality with your children at a young age but it is significant to talk about this so that to lead a normal life. It can be stated that they should not take homosexuality as a serious issue in front of kids. They should avoid sweeping judgments about homosexual societies and communities. Such actions and comments will only push your children away and then it will be very difficult for the parents to have a meaningful conversation with children. They should be speaking about cultural ethics, which made them realize about beliefs and convictions of our culture and religion. They should fight patiently and sympathetically against same-sex-attraction (Sumerau, Padavic & Schrock, 2015). If when talking to sufferers who have been administered by the church needs to be humble and apologetic. The Christians are ready to compromise to the faith for community’s approval as they are also against of homosexuality. The Christians have devoted their life in respect of preachment of God and once delivered for the saints it is to be hortatory and serious. They should guard the truth of God, protect their people from difficulties, and confront from the world when it tries to resolve the issue of homosexuality. They should have faith in Christ and the only way to have eternal life is to educate and to open about their sexuality. They should be believed that each person identity is not depending upon self-expression or sexuality but with values, principles, and customs of God. They should forgive all the people those come in broken-hearted and maintain sympathy with them (Tay, Hoon & Hui, 2018). 

The Catholics should resolve the issues of homosexuality in an effective and efficient way. The one thing that strikes the most is that children face a lack of awareness and a sort of discomfort with homosexuality of people who are gay and lesbian. It has been that Catholics opposed homosexuality and in order to protect their children, the sort of values and attitudes about homosexual people are not promoted and shared. It has been in order to prevent their child with these sort of discrimination; they made a genuine effort towards teaching about gender variance. The parents should educate a teenage child so that to lay a foundation to make them realize about homosexuality and indulge a sense of tolerance in your child to boost morale and strength to fight about morality and justice from the society. It is to be understood to understand and identify that the universe is made of different people, who have different religions, backgrounds, sizes, shapes, and ethnic minority (Thompson, 2015).

Numerous people will act, behave, and look like the opposite sex, which seems different, which changes, the nature of marriage created by God. It is very difficult to give respect to them so try to make and avoid them by our actions. It also involves the experience of living with HIV and being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, who take alcohol, generic drugs, and generally smoke, which tends to many severe diseases and affect health and quality of care. It affects the quality of life and now it is very important to resolve the issue of homosexuality. If this discussion stays up in the minds of children, it will enhance the probability of a respectful and tolerant life. It is also sought that homosexual people can take alcohol and other severe measures, which gets harmful in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to eradicate homosexuality and does not encourage homosexuality at par, which in turns to a dangerous point (Todd, McConnell, Odahl-Ruan & Houston-Kolnik, 2017). They should maintain capability and provide effective training that provides the public and private personnel in the matter of public health awareness, skills, and effective tools to execute communal health advancement methods and values, which may hold plans that address sustainability, platform assessment, and socio-ecological extents of health (Tower, 2016).

They should incorporate mental health, preachment to god, and practices in current programs and new strategies and creativities in zones such as disease prevention, health advancement, and management capabilities. It is necessary to stop violence, which can be seen as people are murdered and killed in this world just because they are gay and lesbian. Therefore, now it becomes important to solve this issue of homosexuality not only in Hong Kong but also in other parts of the world by awareness and zero tolerance policy, which make homosexual people understand that society, are against of gay marriage. The church also supports with Catholic Social teaching and Catholic Moral Theology to oppose LGBT people. In Hong Kong, associates of the Catholic Church supports on opposing to decriminalize homosexuality and to safeguard that criminal penalty should be imposed, as it is an offence under criminal law. However, both the Christians and Catholics contributed to opposing homosexuality, which is a big concern for the society (Wong, 2018). 


The Christian and Catholic teach that “Basing itself on sacred scripture”, which tells that homosexual activity as an act of grave depravity. It is the tradition only which is following from the last few decades are now disregarded because if homosexual people, which are intrinsically disordered. They are contrary to the natural law, which only says to follow a normal and genuine efficient and sexual complementarity. They also say that they cannot restrict the wrong desires of homosexuality, which is day-by-day increasing at a fast pace.

They believe that it is dishonorable and shameless as homosexual people, which deliberately prone to social disapproval not to ethical consideration. Their teaching says that homosexual people are abstaining from sex and people are pleased to form their conscience responsibly, carefully, and follow it as the bottom point in every moral decision. It is stated that neither personal experience nor scripture, nor natural and moral law, nor customs and traditions, nor human science support the sin of homogenates acts. Therefore, religion including Christian and Catholic disrespect homosexuality and should not be practiced.                   


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