Analysis Of Social And Personal Problems In The Glass Castle Movie
SOWK 200 Introduction to Social Welfare
SOWK 200 Introduction to Social Welfare
The Complex Nature of Power
The sociologists use to deal the social and personal problems on the context of high value and distribution of power. The social problems and personal problems are two completely different sociological issues. However, people use to misjudge the difference between social problems and personal problems. The personal, problems relate to the individual. On the contrary, social problems related to the wider perspective of society.
As seen in the field the Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls faced several personal problems in her childhood and faced social complexity in her adulthood. She had an unsatisfied family life. They had financial problems and father was drunkard for what she faced several problematic issues. This study will analyse the complexity of nature based on social issues. The study will analyse the relationship between private and social troubles and public issues on the context of various social theories. The study also seeks a self-reflection on the development of personal values in relation to social and private problems. The concluding part of the study will summarise the whole discussion. Moreover, the concluding part will outline an overall recommendation for the development of ethical perspectives of the social and personal practices.
Complex nature of power in relation to social issues
The complex nature of power is one of the most important points to be analysed in the story. It covers the different aspects of society. The power is related to the economic distribution of the society. The power and authority are related to the general and the political theory in a particular manner. According to the movie with power comes responsibility that should be handled properly in the family level as well as in the public level (Fish & Hardy, 2015). In the Movie, Jeannette was raped due to the irresponsibility of her father. Her father had the power in the family but he was an alcoholic and did not perform his responsibility in a proper way.
The democratic theory of Robert Dahl explains that power is a responsibility. The main theme of the theory is that the person who has the power should be able to control and nurture the power in a proper manner. According to the political theory it is seen that it is very hard to control the power in a proper manner. Power involves a successful attempt in attempting something that an individual cannot attend otherwise. In any society, there is diverse interest among the individuals. It is very interesting to analyse the conflict of interest in a proper manner. The complex nature of power is helping in structuring the society in a certain way (Shaw & Lorenz, 2016).
Democratic Theory of Robert Dahl
In the movie, the social problems are seen like alcoholism and rape and attempt to the murder. This phenomenon of society can be handled by the theory of democratic power. The democratic power teaches that power should be given to that person in the society who has the capability to control the power. If proper distribution power is not done in the family level then it may have a bad impact in the family.
According to the movie, power is in the central position of social behaviour. Rex the central member of the family was unable to handle the power in a proper manner. He was an alcoholic and was not able to control his family in a systematic manner. This had a negative impact on the family. Due to the negative impact, Maureen started living a reckless life. She did not care about her family or social bonding. She even tried to murder her own mother. This story depicts that if the Central member of the family Rex could handle the power in proper manner then the upbringing of his children would be performed in a proper manner.
The relationship between private troubles and public issues
The private issues and public issues are different from each other as per the ethical considerations of sociology. The film ‘The Glass Castle’ has shown two different concepts of problems; social problems and personal problems. The social problems are related to moral break down, unethical gestures and improper behaviour of Jeannette’s father Rex that created a good amount of social problem on Jeannette and her family. On the contrary, Jeannette and her family have been facingeconomic issues over the years, which can be considered as their personal problem. These problems can be described under Social Problem theory (Fish & Hardy, 2015).
Social problem theory
The distinct theoreticalperspectives of social problems are not new. However, it is notable that the sociological problems relate the social issues. Thus, the social issues distinct features from the personal problems. As per the social problem theory, the sociological issues are not connectable with personal issues. Thus, the personal problems of Jeannette and her family remain not connected with their social problems. However, they faced both kinds of problems along with ethical degradation and decline of morality. The financial problems of Jeannette and her family is a big social problem. This reflects the social position of the middle and lower middle-class families of America. On the contrary, the moral degradation of Rex can be considered a decline of ethical perspective, which is a personal problem.
Social Problems in The Glass Castle
The impact of the personal problem in social life
The personal problems are impactful on social life. The outcome of the social behaviours can be impactful due to personal problems. As seen in the film, Maureen became violent in her social behaviour due to previous personal life experiences. She faced poverty from her childhood, she saw the rough behaviour of her drunkard father and she was unable to grow any particular social relationship as her family migrated to different places due to poverty. The impacts of these ill-fated experiences made her violent when she grew up. She had a poor relationship with her parents. When she grew up she had an adamant attitude. Moreover, she tried to stab her mother.
This shows the impact of personal experiences on social behaviour. The personal relations and family situations generally con troll the mental cognitive of a person. On the contrary, poor personal life experiences and poor family experiences can be impactful on social behaviour. It is the distribution of ethical power that controls the economic structure of the society. The poor economic background is often impactful on social and personal issues. The equal distribution of power and wealth can change social and personal relationships. The Glass Castle is an impactful example of the poor economic structure of the middle-class society of America.
Examination of own values with experiential knowledge in relation to this issue
The movie displays a number of psychological issues, which are having a bad influence on the relationships of the person. A person’s mindset is reflected in his actions; the character Rex sets an example of this idea.
The idea of power in relationships is very complex as it presents a number of perspectives to look at power and how it plays an important role in relationships (Clayton, 2017). In my opinion, power should always be used as a responsibility and not as oppression on the other person in the relationship. Power gives a person the ability to learn from others and act according to the situation keeping in mind the interests of their own and their partner.
A person’s own values most come from their experiential knowledge. As experiential knowledge is all about learning about something through self-practice. A person has to learn a lot from his or her own life as well as from the lives of the people around them. Experiential knowledge accumulates from these life-lessons and it is understandable through reflection. Reflection allows a person to look into a situation, with proper logic and through many perspectives (Clayton, 2017). Therefore, a person gets a chance to reflect on a situation and get to a proper decision.
It is important to understand the social construct of society. The study includes the analysis of the movie The Glass castle. The movie explains a sociological construct. It helps in explaining the sociological construct of society. Families are the units of the society. The story tells about the problem of the families linked to that of society. It can be analysed that personal problems are the problems at the family level. These personal problems are related to public issues. The movie depicts the problem of society. In the study, there is a part analysing the complex nature of the power and its relationship to that of the society. The last point covers the self-reflection. It is the perception of the reader about the societal problem according to the case story.
Clayton, S. (2017). Social Issues and Personal Life: Considering the Environment. Journal Of Social Issues, 73(3), 667-681. doi: 10.1111/josi.12237
Fish, S., & Hardy, M. (2015). Complex issues, complex solutions: applying complexity theory in social work practice. Nordic Social Work Research, 5(sup1), 98-114. doi: 10.1080/2156857x.2015.1065902
Shaw, I., & Lorenz, W. (2016). Special issue: Private troubles or public issues? Challenges for social work research. European Journal Of Social Work, 19(3-4), 305-309. doi: 10.1080/13691457.2016.1168081