Analyzing Strategic Problems In Business Organizations
Literature Review
Topic: “Addressing Impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail company, UK”
The key objective of every business is to sustain in business so that, employees can be motivated and empowered at the workplace. Motivated employees always deal with the customers effectively. The key issue in Tesco Plc is increasing employee’s turnover and declining revenue due to lack of effective motivational and empowerment strategy (Zareen, Razzaq, and Mujtaba, 2015). In this way, the organization needs to emphasize on developing motivational and empowerment strategy so as to, improve the organizational performance. In the retail industry, employees may frequently contact with the customers as a representative of the organization in order to deal with products and services. Hence, employees who are motivated and empowered within an organization can portray a favorable or unfavorable image on customers (Zhang, and Zhou, 2014).
Tesco Plc is an international retailer who deals in about 5700 stores on more than 14 nations and employs about 501,000 employees. Furthermore, headquarter of this company is situated in the UK nation which was founded 90 years ago. In current time, Tesco plc is one of the leading private sectors as it has employed over 295,000 employees in the UK. Tesco contributed their best efforts during climate changes as, it believes in making the favorable association with customers for long-term (Tesco, 2018)
This project is beneficial for readers to understand the meaning and concept of employee motivation, empowerment, and organizational performance. This project has a wider scope for retailers to comprehend the impact of employment motivation and empowerment on organizational performance. It is also effective for Tesco Company to gain awareness regarding a lucrative strategy for motivating and empowering the employees that leads to improving the organizational performance (Ölçer and Florescu, 2015).
RO1: To explore the meaning and concept of employment motivation, empowerment, and organizational performance
RO2: To address the Impact of employment motivation and empowerment on organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail company, UK
RO3: To recommend the strategy for motivating and empowering the employees that leads to improving the organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail Company, UK
Hypothesis 1
H0: There is no significant relationship between employment motivation and organisational performance
H1: There is significant relationship between employment motivation and organisational performance
Hypothesis 2:
H0: There is no significant relationship between employment empowerment and organisational performance
Research Methodology and Data Analysis
H2: There is significant relationship between employment empowerment and organisational performance
RQ1:What is the meaning and concept of employee motivation, empowerment, and organizational performance?
RQ2: What isthe impact of employment motivation and empowerment on organizational performance in the case of Tesco PLC Retail Company, UK?
RQ3: what are the strategies for motivating and empowering the employees that leads to improving the organizational performance in the case of Tesco PLC Retail Company, UK?
Dissertation structure is beneficial for completing the research in a systematic manner. This dissertation will contain different chapters such as introduction, literature review, research methodology and data analysis and findings, and conclusion and recommendations. The first chapter includes the research background, research aim and objectives, project scope and research questions. The second chapter is a literature review that provides depth information regarding research issue by using secondary sources.
The third chapter is a research methodology that involves certain research philosophies, approaches, design, data collection and data analysis method that helps to comprehend the data in a meaningful manner. The fourth chapter is the data analysis part that presents the pooled data through different charts and graphs (Han, et. al., 2016). The fifth chapter is the discussion part that interprets the findings of data analysis and relates it with a literature review to get an authentic outcome. The last chapter is the conclusion and recommendation that summarised the whole solution and recommend the strategy accordingly.
RO1: To explore the meaning and concept of employee motivation, empowerment, and organizational performance
Meaning and concept of employment motivation
According to Mone and London (2018), employee motivation is defined as the factor that can cause an employee for behaving the specific method when performing their work and it can involve how committed the workforce for staying the goal of the company and how empowered they experience in their routine practices. The motivation of job could be extrinsic or intrinsic that means a motivating factor of workforces can come from the external and internal sources.
In opposed to this, Li Chiaburu and Kirkman (2017) illustrated that an extrinsically encouraged workforce wants to perform well in order to increase recognition, praise and certain financial rewards from the organization. For instance, a manager may offer the employee’s month award to their employees and also offers the bonus to employees who have the highest achieved the target in their department (Sanyal and Biswas, 2014). Along with this, intrinsically encouraged workforces is motivated for performing better from power, desire for acceptance, independence, meaningful work, and certain another internal factor (Lorinkova, and Perry, 2017). The manager can offer to challenge as well as interesting work to encourage these workforces.
Findings and Analysis
As per the view of Petrou Demerouti and Schaufeli (2015), empowerment is defined as the allocation of certain responsibility and authority to workforces and entailing them in the process of decision making not only in job practices but also, incorporating in all level of management. In addition, empowerment refers to encouragement, authority, power, and motivation given to workforces to make judgment associated with the particular task of an organization. It is also known as participative management because employees are entailed in the decision making.
In contrast to this, Lamm Tosti-Kharas and King (2015) stated that the purpose of empowerment is to provide the decision making at the lower level of an organization in which workforces can provide the unique suggestion and ideas regarding the problem being faced by a company at a certain extent (Dong, et. al., 2015). The key method of empowerment is a stock option, participation in the board, job enlargement and enrichment, collective bargaining, suggestion plans, self-managed teams and total quality management (Zhong, Wayne, and Liden, 2016).
According to Li Wei Ren and Di (2015), organizational performance involves the genuine output and consequences of a company that is assessed against its desired result such as goals and objectives. Organizational performance analysis emphasizes on three key results such as financial performance, shareholder’s value performance, and market performance.
In contrast to this, Hartnell et al. (2016) evaluated that financial performance is defined as assessing the operation of company and strategy in a monetary way such as value terms in pounds, euro, and the dollar. Market performance assesses how well as corporation and product deals within an organization. It is also assessed that whether the market share of the product has risen and up-gradation of product aids to increase the revenue. In addition, the value performance of shareholder focuses on how much a corporation arrives at its shareholders (Lorinkova, and Perry, 2017). These measures are used by Tesco Plc in order to assess their organizational performance.
(Sources: Wallace, et. al., 2016).
According to Barrick et al. (2015), Maslow’s hierarchy of needs facilitates a foundational theory for managers in current scenario and is the basis of much of investigation that has completed on employee’s motivation. There are different levels in the hierarchy such as physiological needs, safety and security needs and psychological needs and self-actualization needs. Maslow recommended that workforces cannot move to the next phase of the hierarchy until the lower level needs have been achieved. The highest level requirements, peak experience, and self-actualization are closely related to empowerment (Guillaume, et. al., 2017). In addition, empowered workforces feel that they can use their independent decision in getting their success at the workplace.
Conclusion and Recommendations
To address the Impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail company, UK
According to Kim Liu and Diefendorff (2015), employment motivation leads to improve the efficiency of employees. An efficiency level of employees is not only relied on their qualifications or competencies. For obtaining the best outcome in a corporation, a workforces need to make good balance amid the competency to attain the allocated task and willingness for performing the tasks. This equality can lead to gain the productivity as well as enhances the efficiency.
In contrast to this, Shin and Konrad (2017) evaluated that employment motivation helps to attain the organizational goals. The encouraged workforces are making efforts for accomplishing the goal and also making their best efforts for understanding the organizational goal as they can comprehend how to attain it. All the workforces are giving their contribution in one way for attaining the goal at the workplace.
As per the view of Elnaga and Imran (2014), the employment motivation reduces the turnover of employees. The employment motivation generates the confidence among workforces to satisfy their needs at the workplace. Furthermore, employees choose the alternative to stay at the workplace and gain their earning as compared to leaving the organization. By getting the employee motivation, turnover can be declined as the satisfied workforces never leave the work (Zacher, Robinson, and Rosing, 2016).
According to Peng et al. (2016), employment empowerment has a favorable impact on the organizational performance in terms of improving the quality of produced work. Tesco plc provides the independence to employees that helps them to make difference between the outcome of products and services and also aids to generate higher quality performance. The finished product creates an issue in terms of getting personal satisfaction as the benefits for both employees and customers will create eventually within an organization (Jyoti, and Dev, 2015). The real advantage to the company is gaining quality respective to customer loyalty that may lead to boost revenue.
In opposed to this, MostafaGould?Williams and Bottomley (2015) evaluated that employee empowerment may reduce the cost of the company. Costs would be declined in across the organization. An empowered employee is more satisfied with their career path and job as there is a possibility to decline the staff turnover. Furthermore, empowerment leads to increase the retention rates, declining training expenses and experience remains in-house. In addition, empowerment aids to increase the efficiency of operation and raises the productivity (Foss, et. al., 2015). Empowerment is beneficial for a company to deal with the customer’s complaints and also aids to increase their loyalty. Thus, empowerment helps to decline the cost of marketing and addressing new customers.
According to Hanaysha (2016), empowerment increases the productivity of an organization. As self-esteem and confidence of employee boost at the workplace then, it may lead to boost the productivity. Furthermore, employees who are responsible for their work may become the owner of procedure and products as they give their contribution to do a better job. Hence, Tesco focuses on the importance of empowering the workforces and addresses the ways to eliminate the waste, reduce bureaucracy and spent more time efficiently.
To recommend the strategy for motivating and empowering the employees that leads to improving the organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail Company, UK
Strategy for motivating employees that leads to improving the organizational performance
According to Kim and Fernandez (2017), the company should provide the reward system in order to motivate the employees. The incentive is an effective way of encouraging the workforces. The manager can use certain kinds of reward incentives and incentives plan to gain the productivity and increase the motivation level among workforces. The incentive can be in different forms such paid time off, bonuses, travel perks, and vouchers. It provides employees with something to aspire and provides them with a bit of healthy rivalry.
In opposed to this, Fernandez and Moldogaziev (2015) evaluated that recognition is a key strategy for motivating the workforces. The simple process of hiring the workforces helps to understand they are performing well and recognizing their efforts that they can do lucrative for their motivation. As individual like to listen to appreciation while they are performing well as it may generate the sense of attainment. This encourages workforces to keep getting recognition and attainment. There is no requirement for recognizing everything an employee does however, the manager can take some time to congratulate their staff for performing well.
According to Schoorman Mayer and Davis (2016), a manager should offer the required skills to perform the job as it would lead to empowering the employees. As a result, organization performance will be improved. Employees cannot do the assigned task in case of lack of adequate skills to do. In such a way, the organization needs to evaluate the gap between current and required skills. Training should be provided to workforces to fill the gap of skills. Hence, employees need to be trained in the right skills in case of empowering the employees.
In contrast to this, Aryee Walumbwa Seidu and Otaye (2016) stated that the company should offer adequate data and resources in order to empower the employees. Workforces may access toall the data they required to make a judgment. Hence, supplying data and allocating the essential resources may empower the workforces for performing well.
(Sources:Hanaysha and Tahir, 2016).
From the above conceptual chart, it can be stated that there are two variable i.e. independent variable and dependent variable. In this way, the independent variable is employee motivation and empowerment and the dependent variable is organizational performance (Amundsen and Martinsen, 2015). Thus, it shows that organizational performance relies on two different independent variable i.e. employment motivation and empowerment in Tesco Plc, UK.
Research methodology is defined as a procedure that can be practiced for gathering facts and figures with the aim of conducting an investigation in an effective and efficient manner. This chapter involves a brief description regarding the different research approach, philosophies, purpose, strategies and data gathering techniques. These elements are beneficial for pooling required data in order to solve the investigation issue and for attaining the objective of investigation magnificently (Conger, 2017).
Research philosophy is significant to assess the success of any specific investigation as it adds the value in the understanding of research. This philosophy is beneficial to build comprehension regarding the issue and characteristics of the investigation. There are certain kinds of philosophies such as positivism, interpretivism, and realism of research. These kinds of philosophies are different from each other in a certain manner associated with scope and nature (Selden and Sowa, 2015). For this, positivism research philosophy is chosen as compare to interpretivism and realism philosophy due to subjective nature of research issue. This helps to make hypotheses regarding the impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance in case of Tesco PLC Retail company, UK (Nguyen, et. al., 2017).
The research approach is referred to as the methodology that can be practiced in the investigation in order to illustrate the investigation behind the choice of specific approach and techniques. There are different kinds of approaches to an investigation that can be highly practiced in research study such as inductive and deductive approach (Boxall, Hutchison, and Wassenaar, 2015).
For this investigation, the deductive approach is selected over inductive approach as it aids an investigator for making effective utilization of qualitative information. It helps to gain depth analysis regarding research concern (Namasivayam, Guchait, and Lei, 2014). This approach facilitated an investigator to collect the large amount of data associated with the Impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance in the case of Tesco PLC Retail Company, UK. Further, it is selected as, there is need to make hypothesis testing (Fabi, Lacoursière, and Raymond, 2015).
The research strategy is a methodical way of data pooling that makes sure the availability of facts and figures in order to attain the objectives of research significantly. Under this investigation, a literature review practices as it demonstrated information of several authors regarding the impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance in case of Tesco PLC Retail company, UK (Montano, et. al., 2017).
Moreover, analysis of the impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance incorporates certain concepts and reasoning that are beneficial to discover the outcomes. This strategy facilitated an investigator to assess each aspect regarding research concern. It is also feasible for collecting the positive investigation outcome (Pinder, 2014).
Under this investigation, survey through questionnaire technique is applied through a research scholar in order to gather the opinion and views from employees regarding the impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance in case of Tesco Plc. Survey technique is beneficial for an investigator in gathering of information (Stephan, et. al., 2016). It is also beneficial for declining the discriminate on and gains the quality of investigation through consistent and valid information.
It is another element of research methodology that is beneficial for attaining the objective of research in trustworthy and practical manner. There are certain kinds of research design such as qualitative, quantitative and mixed designing of investigation (Goetsch, and Davis, 2014).
For this research, mix research design is chosen in order to attain the objectives of the investigation. Since, this research design contains the features of both research designs. In this way, quantitative research design is practiced in order to assess the responses of respondents. In addition, qualitative research design is applied to assess the relationship between employee motivation and empowerment, and organizational performance (Dekoulou and Trivellas, 2015).
Research type facilitates an investigator in order to develop and enhance its comprehension regarding research concern significantly. An investigator can implement explanatory, exploratory and descriptive research methodology as per the nature of research issue (Hu and Liden, 2015).
For this research, the descriptive investigation is chosen by an investigator as it facilitated them to assess the answer regarding how and why employment motivation and empowerment has an impact on organizational performance. The descriptive research design is not used in this research as it is relied on previous experience rather than including current experience (Jung, and Yoon, 2016).
Data gathering technique is practiced for pooling and assessing the data regarding the research issue. There are different techniques used for gathering the information such as primary and secondary data collection method (Albrecht, et. al., 2015). With the intention of this research, both techniques are chosen by an investigator because of its relevancy with assessing the impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance. Primary data is gathered from obtaining the survey with respondents. Although, this sort of sources takes more time, however, offers reliable and authentic information (Paillé, Chen, Boiral, and Jin, 2014). In opposed to this, secondary data is gathered via a literature review. This source may take less time along with help to gain deep knowledge regarding research concern.
Sampling is processes that can be utilized to choose the respondents from a larger set of the population to take the observation by implementing statistical assessment. Under this investigation, the probability sampling technique is chosen by an investigator to select the respondents in order to conduct the survey as; it helps to increase the comprehension regarding research concern (Top, Akdere, and Tarcan, 2015). In the sampling technique, the simple random sampling method is exercised. Under this technique, samples are taken from the higher amount of population on a random basis. This technique offers equal probability for all participants to respond to the investigation (Kukenberger, Mathieu, and Ruddy, 2015).
In this investigation, 80 workforces from the different organization are chosen as a sample size for investigation. The researcher has sent the previous consent letter to each workforce in order to get their consent for participating in the investigation (Jiang, and Liu, 2015). Subsequently, the format of the questionnairewas sent to all respondents through e-mails. An investigator has requested to each respondent in order to give responses within the targeted time period. It helps an investigator in order to obtain reliable and authentic output regarding research concern (Hong, et. al., 2016).
It is an essential element of methodology that is beneficial to address the feasible outcome. After gathering the information, an investigator has assessed the information through statistical assessment. Furthermore, an investigator has implemented Ms-excel techniques that are beneficial to interpret the facts and figures in a meaningful way (Mayfield, and Mayfield, 2016). This technique is practiced for demonstrating the several types of graphs like column chart, pie charts and bar diagrams. These graphs enable an investigator for understanding the information in an effective manner (Kim, and Holzer, 2016).
Ethical consideration is a significant aspect of investigation that is practiced for enhancing the trustworthiness and consistency of research results. Since, there are chances to exist concern related to ethics such as plagiarism, confidentiality of research data and protection of privacy regarding research participants (Nyberg, Pieper, and Trevor, 2016).
For this research, ethical concept is related to technique and approaches that was practiced by an investigator in order to reduce the chances of ethical problems in a research study. Moreover, in-text citation is cited cautiously by eliminating the copyright (Hon, Bloom, and Crant, 2014). For reducing the ethical concern related to manipulation and plagiarism, an investigator has selected the data from secondary sources. In addition, an investigator will keep the privacy and confidentiality of data about participants in avoiding the ethical dilemma from the research study (Colbert, Barrick, and Bradley, 2014).
Demographic based question
Table 1: Gender
Gender |
Male |
40 |
Female |
40 |
From the above table and chart, it can be interpreted that the researcher has selected 50% of male and 50% of female to conduct the survey through a questionnaire. This could lead to avoiding the biases from research.
Table 2: Experience
Experience |
5-10yrs |
17 |
10-15 yrs |
11 |
15-20 yrs |
27 |
20-25 yrs |
13 |
25- Above |
12 |
To explore the meaning and concept of employee motivation, empowerment,and organizational performance
From the above analysis, it can be interpreted that most of the respondents believe that extrinsic sources are kind of motivating sources that are highly motivated to them within the organization. Along with this, most of the respondents believed that extrinsically encouraged workforce wants to perform well in order to increase recognition, praise and certain financial rewards from the organization. These findings are supported by the view of Li Chiaburu and Kirkman (2017) as, it was illustrated that extrinsically motivated employees want to good work for increasing praise, recognition and some financial rewards from an organization. For example, a manager may provide the month award to their workforces and also provides the bonus to workforces who has accomplished maximum target in their organization. It was evaluated that job enlargement and enrichmentis a key method of employee empowerment at the workplace. This finding is favored by the view of Lamm Tosti-Kharas and King (2015), as it was described that key of empowerment is to offer the decision-making at the lower level of the company where employees can offer unique recommendation and opinion about the issue being faced by the corporation at some extent. It can be explained that most of the respondents believed that market performance can be used to measure the performance of the company. This finding is favored by the opinion of Hartnell et al. (2016), as it was discussed that organizational performance assessment focuses on different key outcomes like shareholder’s value performance, financial performance,and market performance. Furthermore, market performance evaluates how well a company and products deals at the workplace. It is also evaluated that whether the market share of the product has increased and advancement of the product helps to gain sales of the company.
To address the Impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail company, UK
From the analysis, it is interpreted that employment motivation leads to improve their efficiency of work within an organization. This finding is supported by the view of Kim Liu and Diefendorff (2015), as it was described that employee motivation may lead to enhance the efficiency of workforces. An efficiency extent of workforces is not only depending on their abilities but also, depending on their qualifications. For capturing the best result in the company, an employee needs to create a good balance between competency in order to accomplish the allocated task and willingness for attaining the tasks.
Most of the respondents believe that employment motivation helps employees to attain the organizational goals. This finding is favored by the opinion of Shin and Konrad (2017), as it was evaluated that employee motivation is beneficial toaccomplishing the goal of an organization. The encouraged employees are making efforts to attain the goal. For this, they focus on the ways of comprehending the goal for attaining it. All the employees are providing their efforts in one way in order to accomplish the goal of an organization.
It was also assessed that most of the employees were believed that there isemployment empowerment has a favorable impact on the organizational performance in terms of improving the quality of produced work. This finding is supported by the views of Peng et al. (2016), as it was assessed that employee empowerment has a positive impact on the performance of organization with regards to enhancing the quality of produced work. Tesco Plc offers the independence to workforces that aid them to create differentiation between the outcome of products and services and also facilitates to create a higher quality performance.It was also determined that most of the respondents were agreed that employee empowerment may reduce the cost of the company and also increases the productivity of an organization. These findings are favored by the view of MostafaGould?Williams and Bottomley (2015), as it was illustrated that that employee empowerment may decline the expenses of the corporation. Costs would be reduced in across the workplace. An empowered workforce is more satisfied with their career path because there are chances to reduce the turnover of employees.It is also supported by the opinion of Hanaysha (2016), as it was demonstrated empowerment may increase the productivity of the company. If, confidence and self-esteem of workforces increase within an organization then, it may help to improve the productivity. In addition, workforces who are accountable for their work may become manager of producing the product as they give their efforts to perform the job.
To recommend the strategy for motivating and empowering the employees that leads to improving the organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail Company, UK
There isa large number of participants who were recommended that the company should provide the reward system in order to motivate the employees. Along with this, most of the participants believed that recognition is a key strategy for motivating the workforces in the workplace. These findings are supported by the view of Kim and Fernandez (2017), as it was depicted that the company should offer the reward system for encouraging the employment. The incentive is a significant method to motivate the employees. The supervisor can practice a certain type of reward incentives and monetary plans to increase their efficiency and gains the motivation level between employees.
This finding is also favored by the view of Fernandez and Moldogaziev (2015), as it was stated that recognition is a key technique to encourage the employees. The simple procedure of recruiting the employee aids to comprehend they are performing better and recognizing their efforts that they can perform better for their encouragement. As a person like to listen to gratefulness when they are performing better hence, it may create the sense of attainment. This motivates a workforce to keep attainment and recognition.
Most of the participants were agreed with the statement that the manager should offer the required skills to perform the job as it would lead to empowering the employees. This finding isfavored by the view of Schoorman Mayer and Davis (2016), as it was discussed that a manager should offer the required skills in order to perform the task as it would lead to empowering the workforces and also affects the performance of an organization. Workforces cannot do the assigned task in terms of the lack of adequate skills to perform. In such a case, the organization should assess the gap amid existing and required skills.
It was also analyzed that most of the respondents were agreed with the statement that the company should offer adequate data and resources to empower the employees. This finding is supported by the view of Aryee Walumbwa Seidu and Otaye (2016), as it was described that the company should offer the sufficient data and resources to empower the workforces. Furthermore, employees may access to all the information they need to make a decision.
To explore the meaning and concept of employee motivation, empowerment, and organizational performance
It can be concluded that there is a different kind of motivating sources that can highly motivated to employees within the organization. These motivating sources are intrinsic sources and extrinsic sources. Furthermore, it can be found out that extrinsically encouraged workforce wants to perform well for increasing recognition, praise and certain financial rewards from the organization. It can be concluded that there is a different method of employee empowerment in the workplace such as job enlargement and enrichment, stock option, suggestion plans and total quality management. It can be exhibited that there is a different measure to assess the performance of an organization such as financial performance, shareholder’s value performance, and market performance.
To address the Impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail company, UK
As per the above interpretation, it can be concluded that employment motivation leads to improve the efficiency of work within an organization. Furthermore, it can be summarised that employment motivation helps employees to attain the organizational goals. Along with this, it can be discussed that employee empowerment has a favorable impact on the organizational performance in terms of improving the quality of produced work. It can be evaluated that employee empowerment may reduce the cost of the company. It can be concluded that empowerment increases the productivity of an organization.
To recommend the strategy for motivating and empowering the employees that leads to improving the organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail Company, UK
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the company should provide the reward system in order to motivate the employees. It can be described that recognition is a key strategy for motivating the workforces in the workplace. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the manager should offer the required skills to perform the job as it would lead to empowering the employees. It can be also found out that the company should offer adequate data and resources to empower the employees.
To explore the meaning and concept of employee motivation, empowerment, and organizational performance
From the above interpretation, it can be recommended that Tesco should create a favorable working environment in order to motivate and empower the employees. Because, motivated team-work, sharing of idea and ensure the staffers is a key technique for performing well. Further, the manager should be available when workforces need dispute mediator. They should also avoid the conflict as it increases and facilitates the employee’s freedom to work independently when feasible (Guerci, et. al., 2015).
It can be also recommended that manager should set the goal to motivate and empower the employment at the workplace. But, it should focus on SMART goals as, employees do not get discouraged. The manager should motivate the employees when employees attain outstanding milestone (Karatepe, 2015).
To address the Impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail company, UK
From the above discussion, it can be recommended that employees should provide an incentive for hard working. It can generate the individual incentives for each workforce and team incentives to motivate the workforces as a group. Financial incentive involves the gift cards, prizes, and a restaurant gift certificate. It can be also suggested that non-financial incentives can involve the compressed work weeks, extra vacation days, parking spot and choice of office space (Petrou, Demerouti, and Schaufeli, 2018).
As per the above interpretation, it can be also recommended that employees should celebrate the achievement of employees via star performer awards and employee-of-the-month as it would lead to employee motivation within an organization. It can also make a big deal out of attainment by celebrating the staff meeting. Furthermore, engrave plaques,Print certificates, post a notice on company’s website and issue a press release can lead the employee motivation and empowerment (Tsai, Horng, Liu, and Hu, 2015).
To recommend the strategy for motivating and empowering the employees that leads to improving the organizational performance: A case study of Tesco PLC Retail Company, UK
As per the above interpretation, it can be suggested that encouraged workforces can involve the incentive of a profit-sharing program. In such a case, workforces gain the earning while they support to increase the business income. This strategy simultaneously endorses collective teamwork and goal-setting. It also provides the employees a sense of pride in the ownership and can enhance the performance and declines the turnover and increases the morale (Boxall, Guthrie, and Paauwe, 2016).
The finding of this research would be advantageous for a company to motivate and empower the employees within an organization as it would lead to improving the performance of an organization. As, this investigation is based on 80 employees who work in Tesco Plc, UK. Hence, this research is unable to generate more depth information regarding research concern. However, further research can exercise more than 80 sample size to collect the depth facts and figures regarding the impact of employee motivation and empowerment on organizational performance. This can also lead to getting the authentic result and feasible research result. The future research can entail the experts in the interview for enhancing the findings and obtain the more authentic results (Yahaya, and Ebrahim, 2016).
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