Global Marketing: New Products By Global Companies
Marketing has been defined to be the most useful tool in evaluating the growth of the business throughout different market segments. International companies have been using the concepts of marketing mainly to expand their business throughout different countries world in order to gain more profitability. McDonald corporations are one of the well-known fast food restaurant chain operating throughout different parts of the world. It is evident to realize that the marketing strategy by the international companies is detrimental to the culture of the people within the concerned host country. This research paper will help identifying the above argument from different aspects whether it is valid for the global companies or not. McDonald corporations have established its brand name all over the different countries by delivering the best quality of the food at affordable prices (“All the latest products under one roof”, 2016). Cultures of the host country are supposed to be very crucial for the development and growth of the people living in that particular country as it helps in strengthening the community by the spread of adequate knowledge. Moreover, the paper will reflect the changes as well as the impact on the concerned host country by the introduction of the new global products by the international firms.
For this particular research paper, Australia has been selected as the Host country. The craze for fast foods is increasing at a rapid rate throughout the different market of Australia. The youth market segment of Australia is considered to be the very crucial part of the visitor’s mix. The youth of the Australia nearly contributes A$12 billion annually throughout tourism and international arrivals. Australia is a developed and wealthiest country throughout the world and has 12th largest economy of the world. It is known as the independent western democratic country having a population of more than 22 million of people and is also the most urbanized countries of the world (“Google’s latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice”, 2012). The country has noticed the changing trends throughout the different countries regarding the fast food restaurant chain. The different ages and categories of people are fond of the fast food and thus, it becomes very crucial for a firm to understand the market segments and execute its business process accordingly. The increase in the demands of the different types of the foods available all over the different countries reflects the desired fact that the fast food business chains can be run throughout the market segments of Australia. The country is divided into six states as well as two territories. The capital of Australia is Canberra and it is known to be the smallest continent of the world. It is evident to know that Australia is considered to be the six largest countries throughout the world (“Interested in the latest Tools and Techniques?”, 2012). The population of the country consists of 20 million of people and the common official name of the country is Commonwealth of Australia (Kompridis, 2011). The climate ranges from tropical to temperate and most of the Australia is composed of arid land or is a desert. Aboriginal, English, and different languages are spoken throughout the different governmental and non-governmental sectors.
The most important fact about Australia is that it is a multicultural country where people from different parts of the world come by migrating. McDonald is one of the leading firms in the field of fast food restaurant throughout the different parts of the world. The company has analyzed the different market segments of Australia and is offering services as per the desired needs and the expectations of the customers (“Latest composites market survey continues positive trend”, 2015). The company is offering the wide variety of the products and has created desired impact on the different culture prevailing throughout the country. In order to understand the desired value of the culture too is evident to understand the needs of the people (Werner, 2014). The global products contributed in speeding up the demand and the craze for the fast food across the different market segments concerned. It has resulted in the generation of immense impact on the growth and expansion of the business process throughout the residents of Australia. The behavior of the consumers evaluates the different facts related to the craze of the wide variety of the global products across different market segments of Australia (“Latest news and product developments”, 2007). The people of Australia mainly reflects different culture as there are migrants from different parts of the world and therefore the establishment of McDonald Corporation is much easier in terms of the distribution of the products. On the other hand, the increase in the demand for the pizzas and burgers critically reflects the originality of the products offered by the local firms. It is very important to understand the fact that adaptation and entrance of the global products somehow affect the products from the local residents as well as it affects the culture of the firm (“Mitsui to market latest metathesis technology for propylene”, 2011). As per the past researchers, the globalization has seriously affected the culture of Australia.
The use of the social media and the different campaigns has been adopted by McDonald Corporation in order to spread the knowledge of its products all across the different market segments of Australia. Use of the well-known celebrities is considered by McDonald Corporation to advertise its products throughout the different market segments of Australia. There are various ways by which McDonald Corporation advertises and promotes all its fast food products throughout the different market segments of Australia (Nili, 2011). The use of the effective marketing mix contributes to promoting the products with greater ease throughout the concerned market segments of Australia. The marketing mix consists of products, place, price, and promotions. Thus, the above four strategies such as the use of social media, use of celebrities, use of marketing mix and the effective promotional campaigns helps in enhancing the growth of the firm to a large extent (“THE MARKETING MIX: A REVIEW”, 2014). There were several promotional campaigns from McDonald Corporation to win over the other marketing strategies from the local fast food chains. Thus, these marketing strategies affected the culture as well as the growing population of the country and a large population of the country was attracted towards the different global products from McDonald Corporation (“Rinker distributes Imbrium Systems’ latest products”, 2010). Many of the good knee researchers have evaluated the fact that the use of the celebrities of the particular country generates enormous impact on the execution of the business process of the firm on a larger scale. There has been the crucial impact from the different marketing campaigns by McDonald Corporation throughput different market segments and this has resulted in a large number of the customers towards the firm. as it is a matter of fact that the people from different culture comes to Australia and therefore the global products of different countries are critically adopted the Australian culture.
In order to capture the entire market segments, the most crucial are to work to the satisfaction of the customers (Sangani, 2011). The paper reflects the fact that the entering of the global products within a particular country is detrimental to the culture of the citizens and the people living in the host country. Thus, the identification of the needs of the clients relating to the fast food products and fulfilling the demands of the customers are of great importance as this evaluates the growth of the firm. the consumers are the key assets for any country and it becomes very crucial to work as per the satisfaction of the consumers (“Stroke: latest treatment options in acute management”, 2015). McDonald Corporation has established its reputation by working as per the satisfaction of the customers and moreover the launching of the global products has affected the culture of the country by various ways (Sensmeier, 2009). The identification of the segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies is supposed to be of large importance in order to market the products throughout the global market segments. The offering of the best food products helps in establishing the pillars of the firm within the different cultures concerned.
The research paper reflects the fact that the marketing of the products by the international firms is detrimental for the culture of the host country concerned. McDonald Corporation has been selected for the marketing of the products throughout the Australian Market segments and this has affected the culture of the firm in both ways that are the positive side and the negative side. The international goods contributed in speeding up the demand and the trend for the fast food across the diverse market segments concerned. It has resulted in the generation of immense impact on the growth and expansion of the business process throughout the residents of Australia. The amplification in the order for the pizzas and burgers critically reflects the originality of the products offered by the local firms. The four strategies such as the use of social media, use of celebrities, use of marketing mix and the effective promotional campaigns helps in enhancing the growth of the firm to a large extent.
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