The Importance Of A Healthy Workplace And Society
The Definition of Society and Its Impact
Society, although it’s a seven letter word, it comprises of all the human beings sharing a similar ideology and cooperating with each other to achieve their quotidian goals. We cannot live in isolation; we need someone to share our views, cultures, customs, etc. leading to the formation of a society. Similarly, our workplace shares a society which not only includes the living beings but also the technologies which helps in making our lives easier (Den Dulk and Groeneveld 2013). One can never work in a toxic environment as the place where we work leaves a great impact on both our mind and health. We have a healthy workplace when people can share their views, communicate with one another properly, increasing their productivity to achieve a common milestone. Hence, in order to thrive we need people with similar perspective, ethics, principles to coordinate with one another establishing a successful society for mankind. The life we lead every day, the deeds we do, the thoughts we perceive are greatly influenced by the society we live in Our world can only prosper if we lead our lives based on a healthy Social Infrastructure and contribute to the development of the Society. In this assignment I would like to illustrate my every day life as administrative assistant in Swedish Public Employment Service where I have been working for the past few years.
An Average individual spends most of his time in his workplace associated to the work he is bestowed to. Hence, a work life balance is very important for our survival. One can only work effectively and learn new things if he is provided with a satisfactory work environment (Deery et al. 2018). It is very important for an employee to be aware of the job assigned to him and the organization he is working in. Emails and Meetings organized by the
Organization helps in maintaining a clarity regarding the various changes happening around him related to his work and the organization. We are expected to continually enrich our skills and upgrade ourselves to be successful in achieving our goals. Every Organization takes measures in order to encourage their employee by organizing regular workshops and training sessions, so that they can learn and enrich their knowledge and also implement the same in their work. We live in a competitive world, where we face difficult challenges every day. Hence, it is very important to note that an individual is appreciated for his contribution in being an asset to the organization (Haar et al. 2014). Recreational activities, Award ceremonies, and presents given by the employer on the special days like birthdays, retirements, etc. indeed makes an individual feel acknowledged and delighted. To maintain a pleasant work life balance, it is very important to have a well-defined working hour with proper breaks in between so that we can refresh our self and work more diligently. Usually we witness a normal working day stretches for eight hours, depending on the amount of the work the person is expected to complete. At times the organizations provide every employee with the list of holidays at the beginning of the year so that the employee can plan his holidays accordingly and manage in providing sufficient time with their family and friends (Deery and Jago 2015). An important aspect of a desirable work life balance is achieved if we can maintain an equilibrium in our personal as well as professional life.
Work-Life Balance: An Essential Component
Everyday, at any given workplace, it is found that different individuals working differently. Now, this difference among the individuals’ ability to produce different levels of efficiency everyday, is what helps to make the workplace find growth in a society. Similarly, the difference of efficiencies among the different workplaces at any given society helps the particular society to find growth in the world (Isaksson 2018). We know that different societies comprise the world. Everyday different society finds different levels of growth. Hence, for the world to maintain its equilibrium, it is very essential to maintain the balance between different societies, by achieving a point of social interaction. The social interaction among the individuals in a society not only promotes the sustenance of the society, but also, it helps to maintain the work-life balance of the individuals. Hence, the structure of the societies, that are comprised of its individuals, that interact within themselves, maintaining their work-life balance is what regulates the world everyday.
According to the article by Wagner, Barnes and Scott (2014), employees in the current generation tend to carry their workplace emotional labour to their home which furthermore affects their personal life. The article highlights on the majority of the research study on emotional labour that focused on the outcomes and at the workplace. The authors in the article examined the influence and the effects of the day to day life on the stress outcomes experienced by the employees at their house. This include emotional exhaustion, family and work conflicts and chances of insomnia. The literature on the instances of emotional labour has tends to distinguish among primary ways towards the confirmation of the display rues of the employees.
Workplace can be defined by many terms, the individual’s individuality and comprehension of the same varies from person to person. But it is a sole duty of the employer to provide the best working environment for their employees. Many factors come into play when we are judging this scenario, mainly the factors that affect the working of the individual at the workplace and also their daily live (Sheikh et al. 2018).
Natural Setting or the working environment. The setting from each miniscule point changes how happy and willing an employee is going to be while working there. if the atmosphere and people there the lighting seating etc is up to standards of the individual then the same feels a resemblance of satisfaction while working.
Workplace Environment and Employee Satisfaction
The interaction, sociality and socialization can conjunct into one type, i.e., the feeling that comes from interaction to people in the workspace and their social behaviour offline and online (Wadhwa and Shetty 2017). The more they can freely interaction the more they will feel connected and comfortable which will result in their happiness and efficiency in work.
Every person is different with their different tastes and way of living and individual thoughts. Because of this the choices that they make are different and they are also attracted towards different things and like different stuff. This is the identity of the person, this is who they are and how they behave. Each and every person has two identity that they forge from the moment they are born (Starmer, Frintner and Freed 2016). One of them is the Social-Identity and one is Self-Identity. Social identity is the portrayal of oneself to other people within their circle of friends and colleagues and strangers while self-identity is the real one which is what that person is to themselves, raw and unmodified (Bulger 2014). The social identity is set differently for the individual towards different groups, for example, they behave very close to their self-identity with the people the individual is most comfortable with, ie, friends and family but changes for strangers and/or their work colleagues.
The social identity also helps the individual to forge connections thus is pretty important for them. While the self-identity is inner thoughts and thus has no implications on the real life of the individual. Every individual no matter how simple they might seem doesn’t wholely reveal who they to anyone not even their own family (Stokes and Wood 2016). Thus, the social identity is very important and could make or break the individual’s career.
My everyday life starts at 8AM when I wake up the thing that we all take for granted is the reality that we are alive today and have a fit body. We often fail to realize that our body is going to degrade with each passing day. We so easily ignore the fact that death is inevitable and it can happen anytime. As I wake up every day and go to take a shower, I ponder of the fact that someone else, another individual who stays in the same apartment as me wakes up before me and gets to work turning the water on and heating the same, I am very thankful for their everyday efforts otherwise my schedule would have been a complete mess. When we were little, my sister and I used to make bank selling lemonade and avocados on our street. Little entrepreneurs that we were, we were actually participating in the “informal marketplace.” These kinds of jobs can be great when you’re a kid, but I’m grateful to now be employed in the Swedish Public Employment Service where I enjoy protections such as health insurance, a steady pay check, and legal protections .
Social Identity and Its Impact on Work
Coming to the part of the life at my employment service at Swedish Public Employment Service, my job role includes various types of administrative and clerical duties. I got the job just after my graduation since the regular selling of lemonade with my sister was not working efficiently. I wanted my sister to dedicate all her time to studies while me supporting the entire family. Organized under the ministry of employment, the Swedish governmental agency mainly deals with the responsibility towards the public employment services in the country together with the implementation of the labour and the policies of the market. The main aim of the agency I am employed is to provide active support to the companies in the process of recruitment with the use of vacancy databases. My every day job role in the employment service includes providing effective support to the employee and the managers and assisting them for their needs and the management of the general activities of the administration of the company. Some of the noted responsibilities of mine on a daily basis includes handling of the administrative requests and the queries from the senior managers, organization and the scheduling of the appointments with the admin software and planning towards the meeting and taking the detail of the minutes of the meeting. I furthermore engage myself in making meeting and travel arrangements, preparation of the reports, maintenance of the appropriate systems. With some of the good oral and written communication, I use software like MS Excel and MS Office equipments for ensuring efficient and smooth office work.
Apart from the above stated characteristics related to the job role I fulfil everyday, some of the major responsibilities as a administrator assistant that I do are answering and directing the phone calls, organize and schedule appointments, planning of the meetings and assisting in the effective preparation of the regular scheduled reports. Besides this, I maintain the contact list, submit and reconcile the expense reports, provide some of the general support to the visitors and liaise with the senior administrative manager and the floor assistant towards the handling of the request and the queries from the manager authority.
World, at large, consists of different societies thriving together, to establish a healthy environment that mutually benefits every living individual being part of the respective societies. Work is an integral part of every individual’s life. Any society, at any given time, sustains on the basis of how well the work-life balance of the individuals are maintained. In an ideal situation, it would be considered that every individual is capable of maintaining the same level of work-life balance, and hence, all the society of the world would be able to deliver same level of productivity. However, this is impossible in reality. In everyday life, different individual provide different kind of productivity, and hence, different societies evolve differently everyday. This creates a difference between the evolution of the societies everyday. This difference, however, opens up the scope of competition among the societies, which in turn leads to the growth of a better world.
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