The Relationship Between Spiritual Leadership And Intrinsic Motivation

The Study and its Strengths

The source of the objective is relevant to workplace motivation in organizational behaviour. The study anticipated and confirmed that spiritual leadership positively influenced intrinsic motivation and passion that in turn affect organizational behaviour. Intrinsic motivation is pro-environmental factor driving positive mental passion of employees enhancing organizational care and support.

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The strength of study is that research confirmed the hypothesis that there is positive relationship between spiritual relationship and spirituality in workplace affecting organizational behaviour. The study highlighted that workplace spirituality increase intrinsic motivation of employees and environmental passion through tested conceptual model integrating spiritual leadership theory and organization environmental theories. Concisely, study synthesized spiritual and leadership theories potentially influencing pro-environmental behaviour and in turn intrinsic motivation of employees. The limitation was that study was not able to establish and explain results with causality as data was cross-sectional. Furthermore, future studies are required as research was conducted in Thailand context and it cannot be generalized to other workplace cultures demanding comparisons.

The conclusion made by authors’ states that environmental, spirituality and leadership greatly influences pro-environmental factors like intrinsic motivation. The results illustrated that spiritual leadership help to develop and increase intrinsic motivation of employees inculcating values of faith and hope among followers. This study also explicitly explained that intrinsic motivation increases organizational performance and positive outcomes.

The source is relevant in study of motivation at workplace because it brings in discourse that spiritual leadership have positive influence on intrinsic motivation. Pro-environmental factor like intrinsic motivation enhanced by spiritual leaders influencing perceived organizational behaviour and support. Environmental passion has important influence on intrinsic motivation engaging employees in pro-environmental behaviours.

The three authors of this source are renowned affiliated to various reputed business schools. The author Afsar holds doctorate degree from Asian University of Technology (AIT), Thailand. Other author Badir and Kiani also completed their degree from School of Management, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand.

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The source is highly relevant to the topic motivation at workplace as it greatly highlighted connection between leadership and intrinsic motivation. The study highlighted that when leaders exhibit spiritual leadership qualities, it has positive effect on employee intrinsic motivation thereby enhancing organizational behaviour and support. Moreover, pro-environmental factor like intrinsic motivation greatly enhances organizational care and support driving employees towards organizational performance and accomplishing goals and objectives. Spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality has great influence on environmental passion in organizations. Therefore, I agree that spiritual leaders greatly motivate employees intrinsically and support them in working towards organizational goals.

The Conceptual Model

The article by Olafsen et al., (2015) published a paper stating that managerial support is the main driving factor for intrinsic work motivation and employee satisfaction. The study also highlighted that amount of pay and perceived justice of employees regarding pay was not associated with work motivation and job satisfaction.

The strength of the study is that it established a strong and positive relationship between distributive justice and amount of pay, however no relation between amount of pay and job satisfaction or justice although latter was moderately linked needing support. The study also highlighted that interpersonal climate has a great influence on prediction of intrinsic motivation rather than amount of pay or distributive justice. The weakness of study is that it require further research focusing on various investigation relations like compensation system and work motivation influencing motivation. Furthermore, future study is also required for examining relationship between compensation, distributive justice to employee need satisfaction.

The present study explicitly demonstrated that how amount of employee pay, need for support and distributive justice regarding pay is greatly related to intrinsic work motivation of employees through use of psychological need study. The results illustrated that variables related to compensation like procedural justice was found to be related to intrinsic motivation at workplace. The results also highlighted that compensation given to employees has implications for their need satisfaction. This result greatly helped to analyse that distributive justice and amount of pay were found unrelated to intrinsic motivation and need satisfaction of employees at work and only procedural justice was related.

This study is highly relevant to motivation at workplace examining relationship between employee pay amount to need satisfaction and work intrinsic motivation. These variables are associated with intrinsic work motivation model studying employee experience of justice and use of pay. The results were able to prove relevancy in terms of need satisfaction associated with intrinsic motivation at workplace.

The four authors are affiliated to reputed business and economic colleges. Olafsen is in Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Hønefoss, Norway and Halvari has passed from Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway. While Forest and Deci are in 3ESG UQAM, Montreal, Canada and University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 14627, USA respectively.

The results of this study explicitly explained that intrinsic motivation is a determining factor for organizational behaviour and support. The results illustrated that managerial support through self-determination theory (SDT) model is the most crucial factor promoting intrinsic motivation and employee need satisfaction. Therefore, it is crucial for managers to provide ample support to employees for promoting employee satisfaction and motivation enhancing organizational performance.

The Limitations of the Study

The study by Baloch & Shafi, (2018) studied the relationship between motivational dimensions and workplace performance influencing motivation on public sector employees’ performance. The present study highlighted that there is positive relationship between high salaries of employees and organizational performance. The research results suggested that annual salary progression of employees in public sector organizations is the most crucial motivating factor.

The present study laid the foundation that poor performance of employees in an organization is due to lack of proper motivation. The study also revealed that motivational factor is the alone standing factor being the top priority leading to achievement of targeted organizational goals and employee satisfaction. This research also suggested that motivation management strategies employed by managers can help to promote fulfilment of organizational goals. The study require further research evaluating wants and needs of employees for motivation as well as encouraging them to work hard and be committed towards their work having long-term organizational benefits and achievement of objectives and goals.

From the study results, it can be concluded that there exists a positive relationship between high salary of employees and organizational performance. The annual salary hike given to employees is the most encouraging factor for intricate intrinsic motivation in public sector organizations. The above results strongly suggest that by developing performance management strategies according to motivation level of employees can help to maintain organisational performance and fulfilment of goals and objectives.  

The source is highly relevant to organizational motivation and employee performance. Employee motivation plays a vital role in their organizational performance stipulating affirmative link between the two factors. When employees are motivated, they become more aware and knowledgeable about goals and objectives of their organization. Therefore, poor motivation greatly affects employee performance and organizational outputs.

The two authors are affiliated to reputed health and science universities in Pakistan. Dr. Baloch is working at Medical Research Centre, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences (LUMHS), Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. The author Shafi is currently at Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences (LUMHS), Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.

Motivation is one of the most important mechanisms in contemporary organizations that greatly affect employee performance. Moreover, the annual pay received by employees greatly offer motivation ensuring highest organizational goals and objectives accomplishment. Therefore, this source greatly highlights that by employing motivation management strategies can help to maintain performance and eliminate problems of poor performance and low productivity.  

The Conclusion of the Study

The primary objective of this study was to examine relationship between ethical leadership and extra-role performance of employees. In addition, it also studied effect of intrinsic motivation on relationship between general self efficacy of subordinates and ethical leadership. The study findings suggested that intrinsic motivation has a moderate and positive effect on ethical leadership and self-efficacy.

The strength of the research is that it explored social cognitive theory and cognitive mechanisms that underlies relationship between extra-role performance and ethical leadership. The results were consistent with the research hypothesis substantiating mediation of self-efficacy in relation to extra-role employee performance and ethical leadership. This result strongly confirmed that strengthening of intrinsic motivation has an effect on leadership to self-efficacy. However, in the study, research design has some limitations as common method variance (CMV) was concerning as ethical leadership, intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy were assessed at the same time and require future research measuring the three variable separately reducing potential CMV.

The research study concluded that results obtained fulfilled objectives exploring social cognitive procedure that underlies relationship between extra-role performance and ethical leadership with relevant boundary conditions. The results findings also suggested an insight into psychological mechanisms where ethical leadership affected discretionary power behaviour. The results also suggested implications for ethical leaders instilling confidence in employees encouraging them to go extra miles who are intrinsically motivated. The study highlighted the importance of cognitive processes that underlies ethical leadership. Furthermore, results findings also advanced literature by highlighting crucial role of self-efficacy influencing ethical leadership and predictive role in extra-role performance. Intrinsic motivation was found to be augmented the effect of ethical leadership on self-efficacy ad extra-role employee performance.

This source is valuable in the current context of employee motivation through psychological mechanisms underlying relationship between extra-role performance and ethical leadership. The source showed relevance in terms of mediation of self-efficacy associated with extra-role performance and ethical leadership confirming intrinsic motivation strengthening the former two factors. Moreover, result draws attention towards cognitive processes and ethical leadership.   

The two authors are affiliated to reputed universities as the author Yidong is Associate Professor at Economics and Management School of Wuhan University in Department of Business Administration. The author Lu is Doctoral Student in Business Administration, Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management at University of Illinois at Chicago.  

The results suggest that the cognitive processes aid in making leaders as role models and authority figures playing an important role in catering to ethical needs of the organization inducing positive attitude in them. This in-turn enhances their job performance and deviating from unethical behaviour promoting positive intrinsic motivation.   

The Relevance to Workplace Motivation

The article published by Yousaf, Yang & Sanders, (2015) studied the underlying linkages between intrinsic or extrinsic motivation and task performance of employees in Pakistani healthcare. The results highlighted the fact that intrinsic motivation is associated with task performance mediated by occupational commitment as it acted as mediators for explaining these relationships. In addition, extrinsic motivation is associated with both task performance as well as contextual performance.

The results of study is valuable as it recognized multi-dimensional motivation nature differentiating effects of extrinsic and intrinsic motivational employee orientations through establishment of unique linkages between task performance, contextual performance and orientations. Moreover, the research also examined differential role of employee commitment foci for analysing main effects. The study was conducted in Pakistan cultural context for the first time providing evidence for cross-cultural validation. The results indicated that motivational orientations differ among employees depending upon need level and subsequent performance, attitude and behaviours. This might be a potential limitation and implication for future studies on choosing jobs for employees after evaluation of motivational orientations.

The result findings suggested that there exists string relationship between intrinsic motivation and task performance of employees as compared to extrinsic motivation. Moreover, study also confirmed the expectation that motivational orientations types are different and connected to employee performance types.

The source is valuable and highly relevant to motivation at workplaces both intrinsic and extrinsic in nature. The study also examined relationship between motivation of employees and commitment in organisational behaviour. Moreover, it could be stated that this study contributed to the fact of self-construal linking commitment and motivation through process of self-identification. The research findings also provided drawing of meaningful interrelationships aligning to the fact that commitment in the form of characteristic adaptation explains different types of employee motivation having different task and contextual performance.

The authors are affiliated to esteemed institutions as author Yousaf is from Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. Author Yang is associated with University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK in Department of Organization and Management. The author Sanders is from School of Management, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

This source has successfully highlighted important aspects of motivation in global business. The study highlighted that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has implications on employee behaviour at workplace and implementation of human resource management. The study also has future implications for management suggesting strategies aiming at increasing motivation of employees. It also poses challenges for competitive advantage suggesting that employees should be intrinsically motivated in performing their tasks enhancing organizational performance.


Afsar, B., Badir, Y., & Kiani, U. S. (2016). Linking spiritual leadership and employee pro-environmental behavior: The influence of workplace spirituality, intrinsic motivation, and environmental passion. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 45, 79-88.

Baloch, S., & Shafi, M. (2018). The influence of motivation on performance of public sector employees. GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR), 4(4).

Olafsen, A. H., Halvari, H., Forest, J., & Deci, E. L. (2015). Show them the money? The role of pay, managerial need support, and justice in a self?determination theory model of intrinsic work motivation. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 56(4), 447-457.

Tu, Y., & Lu, X. (2016). Do ethical leaders give followers the confidence to go the extra mile? The moderating role of intrinsic motivation. Journal of Business Ethics, 135(1), 129-144.

Yousaf, A., Yang, H., & Sanders, K. (2015). Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on task and contextual performance of Pakistani professionals: the mediating role of commitment foci. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(2), 133-150.

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