Research Paradigm To Understand Employee Motivation

Discuss about the Research Paradigm to Understand Employee Motivation.

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Business is a complex web of activities performed by different individuals with a set goal for outcome on the subject. The people forms the key to research as they contribute in giving the best of Human Resource practices followed by the business and thus the results received due to those activities. The study undertaken would venture into the need for such employee motivation to understand the need and value of it in the business sphere. Importantly it has been proved that not all are equal and thus the issue of motivation is complex to handle but if it’s well executed it has the ability to give business a different outlook altogether. However, every business has its own way of determining the need for employee motivation for the goal achievement for the business. The motivated employees are the one who are at par with the management’s expectations to aid the business gain the needed success and height.

Further, the profitability, existence and sustainability are also features of employee motivation which helps the business grow and reach the summits it wishes to. Hence the need for employee motivation is a strategic key to a business success, seen from a long and short term perspective.

Employee Motivation

The employees of today’s firm are from a diverse group of people with the changing social balance in the population. Each group has their own preferences and motivations to work and give the best. However, the need for such motivation needs a through insight where the people and their aspirations gets a place of comfort making them happy and contained This is also a good source for new process and systems being implemented which comes from the employees themselves to make the task more easy to perform with precession. Thus innovation and modification are two very dynamic outputs that a motivated employee supplies to the business (Duan, 2011). The business may take them and implement to see the yields and benefits for such doings. The retention problems of the current industries have also been of a deep concern where the motivated employees would like to stay and give their best each day.

The other very interesting nature of employee motivation is the elasticity that can be given to the employee for the best interest of the business is the capability to change and take over those tasks which were previously not done. With the growth of technology the manpower need to learn and adapt the changes needed to make the business get an edge over others in the market. Such elasticity of change for the best interest of business where the employee finds their personal growth of knowledge, responsibility, position and rewards would make them very closely related to each process and policy the business adheres to and maintain the same for the best business fame and outcome.

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It had been so happening in few nations where the policies of taking employees with the decision of change had been blurred making the most of industrial dispute case in such lands as the employees are unsure of the businesses overall motives. The employees are the key stakeholders in the business as they represent the quality, pricing like aspects making the business stronger than their counterparts. The moment the business fails in achieving the consensus with the employees for change the dispute comes in. Thus the best way is to take employees on board while deciding upon some technicalities and changes in technology adopted. If the employees are in line with the management where they too wish to seek a prosperous future in the business gives their own suggestion and implementations details which are necessity for the business to achieve (Goldstein, 2012).

Therefore, getting all onboard while taking a decision regarding operations means a greater participation and more ideas generated in the process which turns the events to be further better for the business future than it would had been if done without employee consultation. Employees are the key stakeholders so their words seek a way to ventilate out. The business which gives them this opportunity would definitely perform better than an autocratic management who decides and the rest follows the orders without any questions asked. However, where the people or employees are involved in decision making the inflow of ideas is best suited while the team is in a mode of constant change. Such constant changing mode keeps the employees up-to-date with technologies while also help in keeping their morals high, getting the best of the employees in the process. On the other hand the motivation of employees encompasses a vast range of activities which are both intrinsic and extrinsic, to keep the advance of business on in a highly competitive market (Eastwood, OʼConnell. and Gardner, 2008). 

Research Questions

The answers that the research wishes to find out through its process are as follows:

–    How is motivation an important aspect of business growth and development?

–    What elements of the job motivates them and why?

–    What aspect does motivation of employee plays in developing a competent business in a competitive business world?

Research Paradigm

The research to find out the level of motivation among a set of people needs to give a proper research. The framework for the research is developed on the goal of the research and the answers that we seek from such a research idea. The research paradigm can be divided into positivism inspired to its counterpart interpretive research. The positivism is the one which uses the technique of research that would give the clue of how the research would be conducted. As the choice is post-positivism so the research would actively participate in Data collection and interviews to come to a certain conclusion as the result of the research paradigm. However, interpretive research comes with an overall view of the situation and gives a comment on it. It won’t be a scientific derivation of the actual events on the ground and is a generalized comment which the researcher finds that “it seems like” conclusion. Such interpretive analysis doesn’t go deep into the research or follow a certain framework but holds on to a belief that is observed or seen by them from an overall perspective. Hence the philosophy to measure the motivation among the employees would remain unknown if the research philosophy is not chosen properly. Such analysis would be completely wrong if not chosen with proper in-depth knowledge (Vogel, 2011).

The research has to get data and analyze them to find the reality. The reality or the positivism may use the prescribed way of deductive conclusion over inductive conclusion. The deductive conclusions for a research are based on the deduction of the research data both primary and secondary. Based on these data the researcher collects it gives an overview of the subject at hand which along with secondary inputs or those inputs those has already been published is done (Pansari, 2011). A qualitative and quantitative research approach is adopted for the research to get to the conclusion of the findings. The interviews or the qualitative research is as important as the qualitative data which aids to bring the conclusion to a substantial end. The research may include many difficulties like data authentication, interpretation of the qualitative data in a manner that suits the research cause etc. The deductive analysis depends on the data collected which in the later process is matched with previous researches conducted and made from the research (Collis and Hussey, 2013).

Hence the selection of the right questions for the right answers on the quantitative scope which uses a Liker’s scale to gather all the data and present them graphically for the reader to understand why such conclusion is been reached along with qualitative interviews. The qualitative interviews may need people strength of over 50 to 100 so that the right and a broader perspective can be found. The qualitative data is interview based data which are meant for the interviewed person to go out of their way and express things they feel. This may give the research a new way ahead which was previously ignored in the process. The way one summarize the information received through the process is important since it helps the readers to have a well researched conclusion to come to a point where they find the observations true and based on solid research data gathered for the purpose. Thus the use of the data and presentation is an important aspect of suggesting one conclusion as it is the most important source for such derivation (Clark et al., 2009).

The paradigm is not restricted to philosophy or reality but on the subject who seeks positivism in its research outcome which is why it was selected in such a manner. Therefore, based on the understanding of research paradigm, the researcher found the post-positivism to be the way forward. Thus with a deductive analysis of the research objectives and questions the research would see its logical end.


The research questions to determine the employee motivation and business health was analyzed to find out the most suitable way to conduct the research. The post-positivism with a deductive approach was selected to conduct the said research. The utility of this research would give the management an overview of the current state of affairs and thus the way forward.


Clark, R., Estes, F., Middlebrook, R. and Palchesko, A. (2009). Turning research into results: A guide to selecting the right performance solutions. Performance Improvement, 43(2), pp.44-46.

Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2013) Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students. 4th ed. London: Palgrave-MacMillan

Duan, L. (2011). Selecting the Right Correlation Measure for Binary Data. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Eastwood, G., OʼConnell, B. and Gardner, A. (2008). Selecting the Right Integration of Research Into Practice Strategy. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 23(3), pp.258-265.

Goldstein, H. (2012). Selecting the right mesh. Hernia, 5(3), pp.23-26.

Hill, C. (2013). International business. 3rd Ed.

Pansari, M. (2011). The strategic teacher: selecting the right research-based strategy for every lesson. Choice Reviews Online, 46(08), pp.46-4582-46-4582.

Stones, S. (2010). Turning research into results: a guide to selecting the right performance solutions. Choice Reviews Online, 40(06), pp.40-3504-40-3504.

Vogel, J. (2011). Selecting the Right Cro for Your Project. Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs, 14(3-4), pp.221-230.

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