Developing And Implementing Health And Safety Emergency Response Systems And Contingency Plans
The Five Components of Health and Safety Emergency Management Plans
I have been positioned as occupation and health manager in an or4ganization so my work is to maintain the occupation safety standards according to WHS legislation. For this purpose, first I will conduct situational analysis so as to know the point of weaknesses. Then investigations will be conducted to assess the attitude of employees regarding the same. After that, there will be the implementation of action plan. From preliminary investigations, it has been revealed that there is a need to change the workplace culture in the organization so that occupational health and safety standards are maintained. For this purpose, the attitudes and beliefs of the employees and higher authorities in the organization needed to be changed. It has been revealed from clear investigations and analysis that for the purpose of maintaining the standards regarding occupational safety, the culture of the organization needs to be changed. There is a need to change the attitudes and beliefs so as to implement this change in culture. Convincing the employees seems to be a daunting task as merely persuasion will not be appropriate. The primary task is to get relevant information and find out if employees and management are aware of the need to have occupational safeguards in place. After identifying this, the task is to have a positive impact on the safety and health culture of the organization. There need to implement policy in regard to behavioral changes. Culture is developed gradually and changing it needs effective planning and leadership skills. The policy must be adopted to achieve practical and realistic targets related to occupational safety (Kogi, 2002). I am feeling that it would be a difficult task, but not impossible. The culture of the organization can be changed by maintaining transparency and inclusive approach. I am hopeful for better results and outcomes.
The cultural issues have greater importance than the factors affecting workplace safety. Every individual tends to perform the task according to the norms adopted in the organization. The workplace safety culture is a broad term that encompasses practices of shared working, tolerating and accepting risks, controlling hazards and dealing with contingencies. The way of doing things in a certain manner is known as workplace culture. I could evaluate from my personal experience that the connection between poor workplace practices and resulting poor health can be less enforceable. It can be said in wider terms that workplace safety culture is the combination of feelings regarding safety, actual things done and procedures and policies of the particular organization. There is a need to maintain balance related to needs and aspirations so that change in culture is done without any persuasion and misunderstanding. If the misunderstanding is allowed, in that case, the employees who are key talented persons of the organization may leave the organization. Plus, employees can go on strike leading to loss of productivity. This situation has to be prevented so that no misunderstanding takes place in the process of change implementation.
The Importance of Workplace Safety Culture and its Relation to Firm Performance
Three key elements play of safety culture comes in the role here- rules and practices related to management of hazards; positive attitude and risk management, and learning ability from near misses or accidents. I and other managers of the organization will strive hard to bring positive attitude n the working of the organization. To make this happen, the organization will be made to learn from near miss and accidents. The awareness regarding the accidents and safety measures is important to deal with future contingencies. In addition to this, there is a need to have honest investigation reports generation so that I and managers can analyze the situation well and concentrate on desired aspects. There will be policy to change the behavior and culture prevalent in the organization and create new possibilities, regular check-ins, and stronger leadership (Perry, and Lindell, 2003). A thorough analysis will lead to pointing out the weaknesses and strong points in the policy of the organization. There will be sound criteria based on which the different findings will be evaluated and WHS legislation will be adhered to. There will be a complete analysis of near miss and accidents happened in the past; those incidents will reveal the shortcomings in the approach of the organization as far as occupational safety is concerned.
The workplace culture is associated with success and long-term survivability of the organization so implementing any change in the workplace culture can be a challenging task. By positive thinking and effective leadership, the change can be done in the organization without any major hiccups. First of all, the plans and procedures related to change implementation will be understood. Senior managers need to commit themselves to bring the change otherwise the plan can have harmful repercussions. So there will be an inclusive approach; along with senior managers the local workforce would be included in the change implementation. The local workforce participation will lead to awareness regarding ground-realities and consequent damage incurred due to accidents. The local workforce participation will ensure the success of the plan. For this to happen, the plan will be communicated to all stakeholders on the appropriate time. This needs an efficient knowledge management policy as there is a risk of loss of intellectual property rights if knowledge management is poor. Loss of intellectual property rights can lead to loss of competitive advantage, ultimately impacting the sustainability. To prevent such risks, knowledge management will be done keeping all the relevant factors in mind.
Challenges of Changing Workplace Culture
The commitment of the local workforce and senior managers towards workplace safety would be analyzed first of all. There will be an inclusive approach. I would have to show efficient leadership skills so that an inclusive approach is maintained and cultural change is implemented without any resistance. Any kind of haste can generate resistance from the local workforce. Keeping that aspect in mind, the action plan will be formed and executed. There will be complete analysis and sound management strategies which will be implicitly or exp0licitly included in the action plan. The action plan will be such that it addresses all unique needs and requirements of the organization. The action plan formation is a crucial part of overall planning so it suitable emphasis will be given towards its formation. Along with this, the mid-term appraisal will be done so as to check the outcomes of the action plan and keep the plan going on in the desired direction.
Project 2 Developing or implementing health and safety emergency response systems, and contingency plans and procedures.
I am able to feel that developing a plan and executing it will not be easy. I alone cannot perform all tasks so there is need to engage every stakeholder so that the plan can be made and executed in an effective manner. The stakeholders include employees, H& S professionals and so forth. The organization must be prevented from any loss due to change implementation as the plan may affect one or more aspects of the workplace requirements (Perry, and Lindell, 2003). Any contingency emerged during the action plan implementation will be dealt with utmost care so there will be ready alternative solutions available to contingencies. Contingencies will be included in the action plan from the beginning so that the organization is not mired with any controversy and does not face any unsuspected problem. There have been mixed feelings regarding the project. On the one hand the difficulty in implementing the change makes me anxious; on the other hand, the enthusiasm related to better outcomes inspires me to go ahead with the project. The project needs to well-planned and executed so that intended outcomes are yielded. The anxiety will be over, once the plan is implemented without any major derailment in the efforts. There must be sound approach so that difficulties related to implementation can be overcome with readily made decisions and effective solutions. The plan needs to be implemented with full sincerity so that everyone involved in the process is confident to have better outcomes in the future. There must be effective ready-made solutions for the predicted problems or contingencies along with suitable responses to deal with unpredictable accidents.
Preparedness for Emergency Response Guidelines in the Emergency Planning Process while Adhering to WHS Legislation
The views of other individuals associated with the task will be taken and an alternate view will be evaluated. The best alternative will be chosen and the views of every individual will be considered. The broadening of practice into wider competencies and the specialization of existing competencies will be considered for the purpose of change implementation. According to my experience, I believe that local employees are a better harbinger of growth and success because they are aware of ground realities. Consulting them in the whole process will give a better view of the problem (Kogi, 2002). I evaluated in the task that issues related to occupational safety come from weaknesses in planning and reinforcement of these plans. Risk management implies that the organization is aware of potential threats to its working and better able to deal with contingencies. The risk and emergency management is a continuous process so as a health and safety officer I need to assure that different component of the emergency report systems are integrated. The integrated approach will yield better outcomes and there will be the smooth implementation of the action plan. The organization will be on the trajectory of growth and can be the biggest corporate giant in its field. The occupational health and safety measures in such a scenario cannot be left to the mercy of a few individuals. All the relevant stakeholders need to be considered so that no one feels left outside of the process. Along with yielding economic benefits, this will generate goodwill for the organization, resulting in many non-economic benefits.
There are five components of the health and safety management in an organization. These five components are- preparedness, prevention, mitigation, response, and recovery. These elements must be implemented in the organization as they will help in emergencies as a response to the problem. They can be the first line of defense against the contingencies in the organization. These components must be aligned or in sync to the overall policy of the organization or there is need to take a broader view of the problem. The organization must be prepared to deal with any untoward accident and contingency along with risk mitigation plans. The response to contingencies will be adequate and according to the overall workplace safety of the organization. This will prevent the company from controversies and legal cost resulting in economic advantage. The legal costs reduce the profit of the organization and impact the brand image; thus, they must be prevented by every mean.
Emergency response system has an important role to play during contingencies. The emergency management, which is at the center of workplace health and safety policy, depends on the comprehensiveness and strength of the plan. Therefore inclusive approach will not only lead to better strategy, but it will also build the resilience of organization against disruptions. In addition to this, the plan and policies related to the workplace safety need to be changed with the exigencies of time. The new situation has unique requirements which cannot be met by the business-as-usual approach. The involvement of all stakeholders is a big asset in the policies related to workplace safety. The managers deal with daily function of the organization but other stakeholders also have important say in the matters of the organization. All stakeholders have their own role to play in the success and growth of the organization. Their role in occupational safety as well cannot be ignored. The organization must abide by its principles of transparency and inclusivity so that the consent of every stakeholder is taken before implementing any cultural change plan.
After developing a plan, I have realized that the occupational health safety is paramount in the organization and the work of the concerned office significantly matters for the success of the organization. I have got to know that contingencies plan needs to be updated with the passage of time with the involvement of all relevant stakeholders so that the resources and information can be better channelized through different processes. Any change in the current policy needs a consultation with all stakeholders. The inclusive approach will lead to better output and outcomes. There will be better prospects and sound management deals. There have to be different approaches towards different problems so that every problem is solved in a timely manner and adequate skills without unnecessary wastage of available physical and human resources. The resources will be utilized with efficiency so that wastage is reduced to the minimum. Along with this, the plan will ensure long-term sustainability in terms of environmental factors. This aspect has to be considered as this has become the hot topic of the 21st century, especially after the Paris climate deal of 2014. Moreover, the organization itself requires sustainability for long-time survivability. The long-time visions of the organization can be achieved by the longtime sustainability measures.
Kogi, K., 2002. Work improvement and occupational safety and health management systems: common features and research needs. Industrial health, 40(2), pp.121-133.
Perry, R.W. and Lindell, M.K., 2003. Preparedness for emergency response: guidelines for the emergency planning process. Disasters, 27(4), pp.336-350.