Transition To A Computerized System For Nova Cosmetics Wholesaler

Advantages and disadvantages of different development models

The Nova cosmetics wholesaler is tasked with the day to day operations in the provision of the cosmetics orders to the private retail chemists. The operations at some extent can be considered as a tiresome process since all the activities are much more unlike in comparisons of an automated system. Due to this, therefore, the cosmetics shop is required to make internal changes in their system. This system analysis and the design process involves a series of the phases in the life cycle for any given system, (Oinas-Kukkonen and Harjumaa, 2018). These phases provide an understanding which is common for the development process based on the understanding of the business requirements. This paper ought to bring forth the discussion on the transition of the systems to a development of a well-organized computerized system.

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  1. Waterfall model- the waterfall model was the first to be introduced in the software development system majorly referred to as the linear-sequential life cycle for the model. Of all the models of software development, this seems to be the simplest to use and comes along with a brief and clear understanding. In this type of model, each and every phase must be completed first before the beginning of the next phase hence ensuring that there is no phase overlapping (Houston, Mackulak and Collofello, 2011).


  1. Waterfall model is indeed easy and very simple to use and for understanding
  2. With its rigidity, it can be easily managed
  3. Does not allow overlapping


  1. Does not allow the developer to refer back to some other level once at the testing stage
  2. A sample software cannot be produced along the way
  3. Involves a lot of risks

From the above said advantages and disadvantages, we can conclude that this model is not fit for the development of an object-oriented projects. This is because of the of the fact that all the requirements must be listed first before commencing the process.

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  1. V-Shaped model- this involves a sequential V-shape manner in which the process is executed in the software development life cycle. The most common practice done here is the verification and the validation process. The fact that is has a V shape, it because of the fact that it results from the waterfall model based on the testing association phase for every stage that corresponds to the whole software development life cycle stage (Rajagopalan, 2014).


  1. Very simple to understand and use
  2. Before coding, one is able to test
  3. Defects can be dealt with at an earlier stage


  1. Less flexible
  2. Does not allow production of earlier prototypes
  3. Requires updates to the test documents in case of any change

Having mentioned the that the V-shaped model lacks the production of the prototypes, it possesses a higher risk when developing a project since there is a higher chance that the end user expectations could not be met hence not best for the development of an object-oriented project.

  1. Evolutionary prototyping model- this is the model that involves construction of the prototype done by the development team or the individual developer which is first sent to the customers and later on after getting a feedback, the developer team should once again produce a series of prototype which is basically an improvement of the previous until the final stage of the software development is attained.


  1. Room to updating requirements
  2. Less initial operating time
  3. Facilitates feedback since the software is produced earlier


  1. Only suitable for large projects
  2. More complexity in management
  3. Risks must be analyzed first before progressing

Generally, the Evolutionary model is fit for large projects hence the best model for use in the development of large projects in the object oriented

  1. Spiral method- this spiral model that looks like the incremental having more emphasis on the section of the analysis part for all the risk involved. This model has its own phase namely; the phase dealing with the planning process, the analysis of the risks, phase for the engineering and the evaluation phase. During the implementation, any software project is passed through the iteration phases in a repeated manner. All this involves the spiral rotation from the planning phase at the baseline spiral to the later stages ending with the gathering and the assessment of the risk.

Advantages of the spiral model.

  1. Enhances the risk avoidance from the fact that it involves high amount of risk analysis.
  2. It is the best for the large and the mission-critical projects.
  3. It has a Strong control for the approval and the documentation.


  1. Very expensive model
  2. For well analyzed risk, there must be an expert
  3. It does not benefit those with smaller projects

This model is the best for the object-oriented projects, risky projects are well analyzed via the use of the spiral model, every complex requirement is regularly updated to ensure production of a lasting software project.

  1. Dynamic Systems Development Method.

This is the agile methodology that attempts to prioritize the time frame and the quality of the software unlike the overall functionality of the system. The requirements are tracked regularly hence providing room for formalization of the reports at any instance of the project development. The most unique factor associated with this kind of methodology is the fact that it considers both the conditions after the development process and the follow up post-development activities as compared to the other methodologies.


  1. This model offers the developer the independent processes
  2. All the customers and other stakeholders are being incorporated to the process of the software development
  3. All the expectations are acted on from the beginning of the program until the final level of development.


  1. Users must be involved hence making it tiresome at some times the users are not willing to take part
  2. Reference materials could be costly to access
  3. Skilled personnel is required

The generation of the reports on a regular basis provides an opportunity for assessment and advances to new levels of software development. This in line with the gathered resources allow the development team to carry out a software development process without fear of any kind hence favorable for development of an object-oriented project.

  1. b) For the Nova cosmetics, the best model to use during the development is the dynamic systems development method (DSDM), one of the agile methodologies model since it allows the user to first complete each phase before proceeding to the next level of operation in the form of spirals. It involves the following stages;
  2. Identification and feasibility- The essential stage incorporates understanding what ought to be structure and what is its ability, reason et cetera. Here, the points of interest of the data and yield or the last thing are pondered and checked. This involves the requirements both for units, subsystems and the overall system requirements. Here the final user must be identified.
  3. System design- this is the process where the developer does the actual coding of the program. The output of the system is designed leading to the overall understanding of what exactly is expected before the deployment of the whole system (Gronbaek et al., 2017). The developers and the entire team assemble all the gathered requirements so that real coding takes place. The logical design of the modules starts at the baseline of the overall spiral.
  4. Construction- this is the process where the team bring the requirements and the design in question into a real working program. The developed software is now installed on the final end user’s machines to allow other activities to be carried out on the same. The proposed system is now installed physically in the computers by the team of developers involving the coding team or rather the programmers, the designers, for instance the interface designers and the specialist in the development. The computer code is turned to a working program at this stage of spiral model. Every build comes along with its own version number.
  5. Implementation, Evaluation and risk analysis-this is another step in which all the minor units are combined together then tested as a whole working team. It involves the combinations of all the modules of the system and tested all at once as one group (Modarres, Kaminskiy and Krivtsov, 2016). The item organized, necessities to encounter reliable programming testing to see whether there are any defect or mix-ups. Testing is done all things considered that the client does not go up against any issue in the midst of the foundation of the item. Every customer is asked to provide a feedback based on the version given.
  6. c) The development of this Nova cosmetics system will fit its development in the DSDM model basing its operations in the internal and the external factors. Given this explanation we can conclude that the Nova business operations falls in the following situations;
  7. The requirements for all the operations are all well documented, displayed in a clear manner and has its managerial activities well fixed.
  8. The definition of their products
  9. It is all stable and they are all aware of the technological operations.
  10. The product under study requires more expertise and the resources are ample.
  11. The Nova projects involves a lot of constraints to the budget hence fit for spiral modelling.
  12. Changes are significant all through the process.

Proposed solution: Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

All these well said, the Dynamic Systems Development Method outdo the other models for the development of the Nova cosmetics allows the control and the departmentalization of the whole work (Lopez, 2017). This timeline management allows the users to easily understand the whole operation with just a simple explanation. Other benefit being realized is the model rigidity where every phase can be reviewed and its deliverables well understood. The whole operation is processed at each time and the developer is able to see the stages clearly. Finally, the documentation for the results are well arranged in every stage (Calina, Calina and Buzatu, 2015).

The cost for all the properties in a Business operation tend to rise up high with the increase in the paper archive kept within the department. The implementation of the system under consideration will help a lot in the reduction of the cost for the organization team.  With the fact that the system will keep track of all the documents in the organization, more and more space will be created. This will allow the management team to get to know which records should be kept electronically and those that must be kept with the printouts, this will allow them have a small record kept unlike keeping everything in the store (Okolocha and Baba, 2017).

Every record in a system should be well secured for every platform. With the database system, a well generated report is displayed from the powerful database. Various gatherings should be accessed with all the records. Every record being kept in the archive is tracked based on the day they were created, the manner in which it could be altered (Kiang and Lee, 2018). Overseen archives are exceptionally traceable and can be labeled to consider mechanized cautions

Some situations like the consistency of the prerequisites is really perplexing especially to some specific reports. Some of the failures will lead to the fines, licenses being repudiated hence leading to a risk in the criminal section (Gunningham, 2017). Through this initiative, some government rules are put in place so that all the activities of any given organization are well managed and as expected by the rule of law. Having a database management system will reduce this rebellious danger because new plans for maintaining the records can to a far much level be mechanized and effectively put together in one location.

With the manual system, the retrieval of the information is much tedious. With the fact that time is money, the time taken to search for a particular article should be very limited in order to maximize the profits. With the new proposed system in place, the measurements will be distributed in a delineating many to reduce the cost of production and especially in the search for the documents. For the Nova cosmetics, the new computerized system will aid much in the efficiency of the operations. Other than this retrieval, the database management system proposed will also be of great importance in the actualization of the contingent documents (Courbieres, Roux and Berthou, 2016). The records will be easily retrieved and also could be stored in the remote storage which will aid in the association with the web applications. The archives can be retrieved easily at anyplace and at any given time.

Benefits of the proposed computerized system for Nova Cosmetics

Another benefit that can be realized from the se of this new proposed system is the collaboration where information can be easily shared among the users and also the significance of the collaboration will greatly increase. Information from the archives can be retrieved from any given place without the restriction from any personnel. With an internet connection information can be shared easily by the use of the email. Database Management System provides a prominent business perceivability in a form that allows better work check hence permitting the outer clients to get the approval for the services they are carrying out (Dreier, 2015). The feature of the version control allows the database to seasonally report the recuperation if need be for the renditions. With this well said, then the system will be of importance to the clients in the creation of the team work.

Any report organization game plan should join a data fortification and calamity recovery plan. With cutting edge recording as a fortification, paper reports are protected from fire and flood and diverse disasters. With a DMS, records are exceedingly traceable and can be pursued inside an extent of criteria. Moreover, in light of the way that imaged records are most of the way secured they can’t be lost or lost resulting to audit (Hicks, 2017). Reports are less disposed to be misfiled, and if so they are less complex to arrange with cross-requesting. Records can be digitized and documented at their motivation of section into the system.

  1. b) To identify the business need for the proposed system you will need to create a set of survey questions that you can give to the relevant stakeholders (users) – this will be used as evidence, that this is a worthwhile problem worth solving.
  • Write six (6) open type questions.

Question one

Suppose you are appointed the software team leader or a member. How would you recommend this software to your family members or your friends?

Question two

From the use of the software, what will you conclude about the software reliability compared with the manual system in use in the Nova cosmetics wholesalers?

Question three

To what extend do you get satisfied with the security feature of the system? Briefly explain to us.

Question four

Explain to use the satisfaction you get from the integration of the software in question with other software.

Question five

What can you say about the look and the feel of the developed software?

Question six

Do you have any thoughts our best we can improve this software?

  • Write six (6) closed type questions.

Question one

How long have you been a customer of our company?

  1. Less than six months
  2. Six months to a year
  3. 1-2 years
  4. More than 2 years
  5. I am not a customer

Question two

How likely is it that you would recommend the software to a friend or a colleague?











Questions for software team leader or member

Question three

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with introduction of the new software?

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Somewhat satisfied
  3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  4. Somewhat dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

Which of the following words would you use to describe the output as a result of the introduction of the system? Select all that apply.

  1. Reliable
  2. High quality
  3. Useful
  4. Unique
  5. Overpriced
  6. Impractical
  7. Ineffective
  8. Poor quality

How would you rate the quality of service for the newly introduced system?

  1. Very high quality
  2. High quality
  3. Neither high nor low quality
  4. Low quality
  5. Very low quality

The assumption made in the above diagram is that the whole system involves the flow of information from the customer at the lower end, through the system, the managers updates as required then a request is sent to the cosmetics suppliers.

The relationships displayed are one-to-many and many-to-one for instance, taking the entity staff and the product entity, one staff can check, add or remove many products from the stock that is one to many relationship while product to staff shows many to one relationship.

2) Entity Life History Diagram (ELH) (for this part only, map the part of scenario that deals with the “Retail Chemist” entity).  (20%)

  1. c) From the design of the Nova cosmetics computerized system, we can conclude that the human execution and the coordination of the framework will never come out to be the best in structure except if considered by all the stakeholders to be the vital pieces for all the software building process from the investigation phase of the software through the utilization of the operational section until the final stage of development (Gunarathne and Kumarasiri, 2017). From the Context diagram, we can interpret that the main stakeholders in the Nova collection revolves around the customers, manufacturers, the Bank, the Managers and the Staff members. The manager is responsible for the generation of the reports an update all the requests as sent by the customers. The supporting staff are validated before using the system, their main duty being approval of the orders. Manufacturers on their side receives the order requests an act accordingly by providing the cosmetics. Customers being the main factor of concern are involved in a number of activities ranging from registration, sending order requests, checking reservation information and making the overall payments.

Various systems have failed in light of the way that the activity of individuals was seen as basically after structure issues were recognized when it was past the point where it is conceivable to reveal the kind of upgrades that were required to convey structures responsive to customers’ needs (Steele, 2016). We assume that the importance of customer necessities should begin when the system is first being envisioned, and those requirements should continue surrendering fundamental appraisal criteria to the time the structure is put being utilized. The nova cosmetics computerized system has more advantages to both the staff members and the end customers. This will greatly increase the sales and the customer satisfaction. The imposed system also needs some a few changes to fit for the future advances.


Through this discussion, we can conclude that the newly developed system will be of much importance to the Nova cosmetics shop since the tiresome process of keeping huge records in the books. The human performance based on the hard copies of the recorded work compared to the integration of the system shows disparity in that the human-system is far much better in effectiveness and the efficiency (Georgsson and Staggers, 2015). Through this research paper we get to understand the importance of consideration of the roles played by the humans in a software design in respect to the development of a system that is well responsive to all the needs of a user.


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