Human Resource Management Roles In Carebest – A Voluntary Organization
Trends in Labor Market for Voluntary Organizations
Association which are voluntary or are non-profitable are facing organizational change because of the focus on the quality and other services. By asking for the change in legislation and the funding, it is expected that the organization should have business like operations and the attitude as well. These types of developments can cause voluntary organizations to change the strategy they follow and the organizational attitude too (Cuskelly , et al., 2006). The resourcing of employees is a part of the human resource system in which the core practice is addressed and that is recruitment and selection. Majorly human resource management follows the role of acquiring the employee services and develops motivating skills within the resources of the organization. This report will discuss the human resource management and their roles in Carebest: A voluntary organization.
The trends of labor market in the voluntary organization are Aging population, diversity, tight labor market, growing sector and the funding.
Aging Population: A study says that there has been an increase in the labor force of Canada and the trend of recruiting early is increasing day after day. This will provide the sector with the potential employees and the volunteers who bring skills and experiences which later could benefit the sector.
Diversity: The population on the whole tends to change the force of labor with the organizational change. In hiring practices, change is not happening in the hiring and the work environments. The generation born after 1980 is less focused on the honesty towards the organization and is always prepared for other jobs if they are not satisfied. Also, this generation demand work life balance always (Pischke, 2005).
Labor market: Labor market is becoming a seller market, employers need to become creative and work hard to attract and retain the staff members.
Growth Sector: NGO’s have grown so much in a recent few years. The rest of the economy is not growing that fast as compared to the voluntary organization.
Funding: NGO’s are usually not funded and challenges increases day after day if there are no funds in the organization to invest. With the funds, the retaining of the staff can be done effectively (Cdhalton, 2018).
It is hard to retain or recruit the staff when the labor market is so tight and competitive. There are four strategies that can be used.
The starting should be done by searching a talent that the organization already has and then one should commit to retain the resource. As the labor market tightens, the competitors are ready to invest in the new talent and attract them. For this strong talent management should be there in place and the team should have the ability to retain the talent within the organization. Resources should be able to paint a good picture of them with the organization they are working in. They should be shown that picture with convincing (Lastra, et al., 2014).
Strategies for Retaining Employees
Develop the bench for Talent: There is always a gap in between the talent that the organization already has and the talent it will need in the future. That gap should always be evaluated. With the monitoring of the gap, the talent bench can be created. Forbes believes that organization should always invest in the talent and development as it is cheaper than bringing the new talent within the organization.
Organization should evaluate the value of the employer proposition. Organization should always know what the employees are looking for. This intelligence would be a guide to improve future position of the talent in the organization.
There are always budget constraints while hiring or retaining the employee in the company but being more competitive in terms of the compensation benefits will give the company the viable option to the candidates and the organization both. Ability to give the huge wages can give the organization the short-term advantage in hiring and retaining staff in the labor market (Leddy, 2017).
There are several strategies that can be used for the retention of the employees for long term.
- Orientation and on boarding: The on boarding should be done by every organization and should be done in a way that the employee can figure out the successful career within the company. It depends on the company as to how it can show the employee about the positive impacts of working in the organization.
- Mentorship: A new employee when he joins has no idea how the organization works and he should be given a little bit of training about the work too. A mentor or a buddy should be there to help with the on boarding the new employee so that he feels good and confident( Das & Baruah, 2013).
- Compensation: Attractive compensation packages should be offered to the employees for making them feel that they are important to the organization. This compensation includes the salaries and also other benefits like bonus, health, retirement plan etc.
- Reward System: Employees should be appreciated every now and then for their good work and performance. This can be done with the help of providing the rewards to the employees. By doing this, staff will be happy and satisfied and will feel that they are given respect in the organization. They feel valued(Half, 2017).
- Balance between work and personal life: The organization should give the employees a good amount of time to relax. This can only be done if the employee has that work life balance in his life. This can be done by involving it in the culture of the organization.
- Training and Development: Sometimes juts to welcome the new talent, companies offer high compensation to the new employees. Instead of doing that the recruitment team can provide training and development sessions so that the current employees can learn new talent and work efficiently.
- Feedback: Communication and regular feedback is very important for employee retention. The employees should feel comfortable to talk to the managers and leaders about anything they feel. This would give employees the confidence to work within the organization(Mathimaran & Kumar, 2017).
There are 5 steps with the help of which HR team of Carebest can ensure the need for skills in the future. They are as follows:
- Up skill the current staff: Skills of the workforce should be improved in order to up the needs of the business and a new talent also would not be needed in this case in future. With the analysis of the skills of current staff, Carebest may discover the knowledge and information that the staff has. It might find something new.
- Inclusion of Trainings: Apprentices will be helpful in the reduction of cost of training and development. Also, it will increase the productivity and help in creating the skills and knowledge.
- Partnership with schools: Sometimes, starting at the initial level is good for the youth as well. By doing partnerships with the schools and colleges, this can be done easily and with schedule.
- Do not hire graduates only: Sometimes, companies hire only graduates in order to pay less to the workforce. Hiring talented and experienced people would bring new talent for future.
- Keeping workforce informed: Workforce should always should know about the industry they work for. In this case, what does Carebest do and how they work should be known to the future staff(Neilson, 2017).
- Provision of supportive leadership: Leaders do know how to keep their followers motivated. The leaders who are supportive always work closely with their subordinates and make them earn powerful incentives by keeping them motivated. Carebest can keep such leaders in their organization.
- Individual Empowering: If the employees are valued, they feel respected and immediately get motivated to do hard work and perform their best. Carebest should keep their employees valued and empowered.
- Environment Positive: Employees should enjoy the workplace and its ambience while working. Hence, keeping the atmosphere would help the employees to work light headed and perform better.
- Team Work: Team work should be encouraged in every workplace as employees learn to work with each other and learn to be patient with everyone and also learns to tackle the situations if any in teams.
- Rewards: Rewards should be given to the employees for their hard work so that they do even better in future(Ganta, 2014).
Flexible Labor Markets means that the markets easily adjust with a competitive equilibrium. Flexible labor markets consist of the following features:
- Easy hire and fire the employees.
- Labor is occupational and geographical flexible.
- Government does not distort it.
Tight labor market: Tight labor market means that unemployment is high and there are few job vacancies only. This decline in jobs tends to push up daily wages as companies find more difficult to hire workers (Ostoj, 2015).
In the year 2007, the employment growth became rapid but then it was preceded by the downfall in the employment till the year2008 came. All the regions in the world faced the same situation of the downfall in the job vacancies. G20 countries from year to year faced downfall in the employment from 1.9 percent to -1.2 percent in between 2008 and 2009. However, in the year 2010, everything came back to normal but yet the problem a little bit persisted (Eichhorst, et al., 2010). When the combination of the labor markets new entrants and the job seekers combined, there was a rapid growth in the unemployment rate. Being in flexible labor market, the impact on Carebest would not be much as job seekers and the organization both will be at their best to hire and work together. Being in tight labor market, the organization might not be needing more people to work with them. It would then be good if the organization would work with the current employees by keeping them happy and satisfied (Sama, 2012).
Impacts of Flexible Working Hours and Equality in the Workplace
Manpower planning should be done and monitored regularly. It actually is the process in which manpower is determined for carrying out the integration plan in the organization. In order to compete with the competitors in future, it is necessary for the organization to monitor the forecasting of the manpower. It is directly related to the success of the organization. Planning of the manpower is the main key functions of the human resource department and it is done to maintain the good will too in the industry. Human resources or manpower must be utilized in an efficient way as possible as it depends on the prediction of the labor and supply. A few used and significance of manpower planning is to predict the redundancies and if possible to know how to prevent them, to evaluate the ratio of manpower according to their cost so that best of resources can be utilized. For providing training and development program and work according to the organization needs it is helpful. Future recruitment can easily be done if forecasting is done efficiently (Wajiga & Ndaghu, 2017).
The HR life cycle usually experiences 5 stages. They are as follows:
- Recruitment: In order to grow the business, one should hire more and more people. Decisions in hiring is significant as it helps in turnover and the productivity of the company. For success in the hiring, HR should keep these few things in mind:
- Strategic plan of hiring should be done to understand the need of open positions and what exactly is needed from the employee to attract the best employees.
- Analyze the compensation and benefits packages effectively.
- Education: The education process should begin as soon as the employee joins. They should know what the company expects from them and what are their responsibilities.
- Motivation: Leaders should focus on motivating the employees since their inception of the duty so as to improve the turnover of the company in the first 90 days only.
- Evaluation: The evaluation of the employees should be done regularly for the first few months so that the employee can be judged efficiently and the organization will know if the employee is working hard enough and deserved the attention. Evaluation should be done on the basis of performance and not on the basis of feelings.
- Celebration: Rewards should be given to the employees so that they feel valued and respected. Gift cards or compensation raise etc. are the kind of rewards an employee can get for his hard work(Jacoby, 2015).
There can be major impacts of flexible working hours and equality in the workplace.
Flexible working hours help the employees in the cost saving as they can work from anywhere and at any time and they would not need to be come to office for that. This can save their money in commuting. This will make the employees have more time for them at home with family. Their work life balance will improve (Shagvaliyeva & Yazdanifard, 2014). They will be able to take out quality time for their family. The job will be less stressful for the employees as they will work at home in their own comfort zone. In case if the person is a morning person, he can do the work early in the morning and can have the evening for himself and vice versa can also be done. Job satisfaction will always be there as the person get to work his own way. Employees will also become a part of energy saving and environment saving as they will not have to commute (Perrons, 1999).
The HR at Carebest will be able to recruit best talent if they are equality and diversity conscious. Members of the staff will feel empowered as they will be hired solely on the basis of their aptitude. Business can increase if creativity is added and equal opportunities is given to the staff. Different cultures get to merge under one roof which provides a unique identity to the organization and shows unity. The turnover cost will also be reduced for the employees as they will feel comfortable and happy and satisfied (Metcalfe & Woodhams, 2008).
Attracting Employees to Carebest
Joining voluntary organization is usually a big choice made by individuals as very few are there who really wants to help the organization by helping other people and in return they might or might not get and wages. But by joining Carebest, they can build their resume by showing that they volunteered for the nonprofit zone as well as their experience will make them learn more and more about the worldly affairs. The resources will learn how to maintain health of their own and their families. Carebest is the organization which despite being voluntary can make an individual earn wages and rewards for their hard work as well as gain experience of different cultures by working in teams and with different cultures (Health, 2018).
There are several strategies that can be followed in order to attract employees to Carebest. They are:
- The word should be out just like marketing of a new position so that individuals should know about the opportunity.
- Feedback should be taken on the open position by doing a survey as to what individuals feel about this.
- Emotional cord should be stroked so that individuals feel a sense of responsibility to work at the organization that needs them.
- Contests and prizes are to be announced to attract the individuals.
- Families should be given priority of the individuals so that join organization thinking that they and their families are valued.
- Individuals should be encouraged to develop new skills time to time(Swain, 2013).
This report focusses on the organization named Carebest which is a voluntary organization. The human resources play an important role in managing and recruiting new employees and making them happy and satisfied till the time they are a part of the organization. This report states the strategies that human resource should follow in order to hire and retain the employees at Carebest. Also, the benefits or the flexible working hours and diversity are discussed. It is difficult to hire people when the market is tough. Labor markets and its types are also stated in the report and how they impact the human resources in hiring the employees is also discussed.
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