Using The SPICES Model For Curriculum Planning In A Health Professions Institution

Introduction to Curriculum Planning in Education

Curriculum is the collectivity of academic content and lessons that are taught in a specific course, or an institution, or in school. Generally, a curriculum is referred to the courses that are taught in a school. It is to the curriculum that the students acquire the skills that are needed for their future. According to Carollo & Mason (2017) curriculum is a founding element in effective teaching and schooling and thus, it is quite often subject to reforms. Most of these are intended broadly to encourage or mandate a more complex curricular standardization across schools, grade levels and states.

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In order to form a proper curriculum for the Institute, it is important to base it on a curriculum model. Schools form a curriculum guide that is a framework detailing how, when and what instructions occur. There are some models or formats of a curriculum guide. Tronsmo & Nerland (2018) stated a curriculum model could be said to be the tool for helping the person in charge to both write and develop the curriculum of an institution. The choices made while teaching is backed by the reasons that are provided by a curriculum model.  

The model that is currently followed by the institution is the Wheeler model of curriculum development (1967) also known as the Cyclic Model (Macik et al. 2017). This model is based on the idea that the curriculum must be a continued cycle being responsive towards the changes that occur inside the education sector. It also makes adjustments that are suitable for accounting for the changes. This model targets situational analysis that is it places importance on the context within which the decisions about the curriculum is taken.

This model which has been followed in the institution up till now has five interconnected stages. They are as follows:

  1. Objective schools and aims
  2. Selecting the learning experiences
  3. Selecting the content
  4. Organising an integrating the content and the learning experiences
  5. Evaluating the curriculum.

This model is also called a cyclic model because after this cycle of 5 stages husband wants to be followed it starts again from Step one and continues to the other end of the circle while improving the curriculum during the times of imposed or sudden changes (Chen, 2017). A lot of importance has been placed on evaluation by Wheeler.

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Evaluation helps us to compare the expected outcome and the actual outcome. As a result, it is possible to calculate till how far the objectives have been realised through the curriculum. The simple and effective curriculum has been followed in the institution for a long time but, it has now become difficult to cope up with the external changes without changing the present curriculum. Paesani (2017) mentioned that it is very time-consuming to make a detailed analysis of a situation following Wheeler’s model. Such a time-consuming process can be hectic to be utilized in modern educational practice. 

Importance of Curriculum Models

As a health professions educator to develop the teaching methods in the institution, I have chosen to advise the teachers to follow the SPICES model of teaching and learning. In my opinion, the SPICES model is a useful framework which will allow my institution to receive Innovative teaching and learning methods which can be used on both graduate and undergraduate students (Sutton, 2015). There are many positives to take for the students, teachers and the whole of the institution by using the SPICES model. One of the benefits that the institution gains are that it reduces the in-patient stay to encourage patient care that is more ambulatory.

Moreover, traditional teaching in hospitals helps in reducing the core clinical problems which can be helpful for the institution. One important reason for me to choose the SPICES model as a method for innovative teaching and learning is that an ambulatory care education is uniquely suited to meet the necessities of the students, the professors and also the patients when it is implemented in a proper way (Kugler, Gogineni & Garavalia, 2018). Dedicated programs and teaching spaces have been used by many medical schools in the past, and it was effective for most of them. SPICES model is more likely to provide encouragement to the institution to deliver programs that are more student-centred with a very systematic approach by using volunteer patients that are system-sensitive. This helps the students to integrate their learnings with the information they gather from outside.

Using the SPICES model will bring about more benefits to the students as they are provided more of problem-based learning which they encounter in a community-based setting as it also provides opportunities for the students to choose their elective studies. Students will be interested in selecting their subject of interest for inspiration and the push to study better. According to Quintero (2014) using the SPICES model in order to promote innovative teaching and learning also helps innovate teaching and learning methods in a different new place. As there are multiple problems in my institution that I need to look after, it is easier to use the SPICES model to situate my institution in the SPICES spectrum in order to understand the position of my institute (Remesh, 2017). Moreover, learning in a student-centred approach will inspire the institute to meet the needs of the students and also the professors. It is obvious that the SPICES model is a useful approach which can be used for the overall development of a student and inspire innovative learning in the institution.

The Wheeler Model of Curriculum Development

Even after 30 years of its original description, the SPICES model is still one of the most important educational strategies that can be used as a tool for organizing and reforming an undergraduate medical curriculum of an institution. There are six key elements or dimensions that have been promoted while using the SPICES model framework for enhancing the teaching experience of the professors and the learning experience for the students. These dimensions are Student-centred learning, Problem based learning, integrated teaching or inter-professional teaching, Community based education, Elective studies and a systematic and planned approach as these are widely projected and accepted in most of the successful institutions (Quirk & Harden, 2017). All the six elements combined provide an innovative and alternative approach to the traditional approach that my institution is using in our curriculum which is a teacher-centred standardized program for opportunistic learning. I believe, my institution, with the help of a reformed curriculum by incorporating the aspects of the SPICES model, has improved in new clinical teaching opportunities.

Dent (2014) mentioned that using the structured logbooks and the study guides, the promotion of student-centred learning could be done. These resources may have helped the students to learn the outcomes of seeing the clinical problems. In the current curriculum that my institution is following now, the teachers tend to go on their way and style of teaching; regardless of the fact that the students are able to grab the knowledge or not. Nor et al. (2017) added that a student-centred approach could be used in my institution where the teachers and the professors are free from patient-care demands and interruptions. This has helped the overall development of the students as they have benefited from the teaching environment that is unhurried and also get time to practice communication and clinical skills.

The diagnostics or the management problems provided by the logbooks and the study guides had been solved by the students on the basis of their encounters with core clinical problems. Since the employers of my institution are already complaining about the lack of practical skills of the graduate, this method has certainly brought the much-desired quality in practice for the students.  

Integrated learning is a useful method that has been used for the students of my institution by making them attend a clinical teaching session by using system sensitive volunteer patients (Goldie et al. 2015). These lessons can be enhanced by making the teachers teach in a routine clinical setting and also in dedicated venues for teaching. Since the teachers in my institution have been complaining about the attitudes of the students, this method has helped their self-directed learning skills as the students have learned to integrate the information which they gathered from elsewhere and the lessons they are getting in the institution.

Challenges with the Current Curriculum

The students have been allowed to gain more experience in a wider, more distinct range of problems related to common healthcare if the student teaching is moved to different venues that are in the wider community such as community child development clinics or DTC (Taghipour & Javdani, 2017). This method has been very useful for the students of my institution as they are currently learning in a teaching hospital. Moreover, updating the curriculum of my institution with this method has developed the learning and teaching experience based on core competence.

Students have been given an opportunity to make their choice of study based on their interest if my institution moves away from the standardized teaching and learning programs by introducing student elective studies opportunities (Rizvi & Tanzil, 2017). This method has also provided more enthusiasm and willingness in the students to learn more about their preferred area of subjects. According to the current evaluation, the current curriculum focuses too much on knowledge in a certain area; but the use of elective studies will generate more interest within the students to study different subjects of their choice which should promote innovative learning.

The key to delivering a systematic or structured approach to medical teaching for my institution is the use of structured logbooks. These logbooks have helped the students in focusing on the objectives of appropriate learning by making them see the required range of core problems that are clinical. Students of my institution often asked for better preparation when it comes to dealing with patients in a clinical setting. Hopefully, this method has provided the much-needed education and practice for the students to flourish under different circumstances. Achike (2016) justified a systematic and planned approach is essential to develop a sound teaching and learning method. 

From the above discussion the current pattern for the university where recognized with respect to the six dimensions on the SPICES model. The systematic or planed approach and the elective studies I found to be satisfied with their present curriculum. However other four of the dimension of the SPICES framework need improvements which are described in the following. As there are multiple weaknesses in the current curriculum of my institution, I have been given sufficient funding to improve upon the ongoing ways of teaching and learning experience in my institution. I have decided to use the four specific dimension of the SPICES model to bring about this wanted change in the teaching and learning curriculum in order to promote innovative learning.  

The Benefits of the SPICES Model for Curriculum Planning

By utilizing the organized logbooks and the investigation directs, the advancement of student-focused learning should be possible. These assets may assist the understudies with learning the results of seeing the clinical issues (Cleland & Durning, 2017). In the present educational modules that my organization is following now, the educators will, in general, go without anyone else way and style of instructing; paying little mind to the way that the understudies have the capacity to snatch the information or not. At the institutional level, this requires completing instructive projects orchestrating rehearses, instructional strategy and evaluation procedures that assist the student-driven approach learning. In the classroom, teachers make direction and apply advancement in a way that best serves each student’s learning adventure. Quintero et al. (2016) added right when students expect risk for their learning; they will be advancing toward getting to be explorers prepared for using their enthusiasm to deal with authentic issues. Student centred learning can be utilized where the educators and teachers are free from patient-care requests and interferences. This will help the general advancement of the understudies as they will profit by the instructing condition that is unhurried and furthermore inspire time to rehearse correspondence and clinical abilities.

The diagnostics or the administration issues given by the logbooks and the examination aides will be explained by the understudies based on their experiences with centre clinical issues. Since the businesses of my establishment are as of now grumbling about the absence of functional aptitudes of the alumni, this technique will acquire the much-wanted quality practice for the understudies (Arja et al. 2018). In classrooms where teachers use dynamic learning methods, students chatting with each other, not through the instructor, and they begin and manage their one of a kind critical number activities. In these classes, the teacher fills in as a manual for getting the hang of, offering space to understudies to extend their self-rule and manufacture their special creative ability.  

According to Chen (2017), integrated learning is a helpful technique that can be utilized for the understudies of my organization by influencing them to go to a clinical showing session by utilizing framework touchy volunteer patients. These exercises can be improved by making the instructors educate in a routine clinical setting and furthermore in devoted scenes for instructing. The changing human administrations condition and advancement toward gathering based thought are contemporary challenges facing prosperity capable guidance. Sutton (2015) opined that the basic thought workforce must be set up with progressing national inter-professional capacities to practice and lead in this advancing condition. Since the educators in my organization have been grumbling about the demeanours of the students, this technique will help their self-coordinated learning abilities as the understudies will figure out how to incorporate the data which they assembled from somewhere else and the exercises they are getting in the foundation.

Key Dimensions of the SPICES Model

The students will be permitted to acquire involvement in a more extensive, increasingly particular scope of issues identified with regular medicinal services if the understudy educating is moved to various scenes that are in the more extensive network. This technique will be exceptionally helpful for the understudies of my foundation as they are at present learning in an educating doctor’s facility (Remesh, 2017). In addition, refreshing the educational programs of my organization with this strategy will build up the learning and training knowledge dependent on centre fitness. 

There are several factors which are perceived as possible obstruction while planning and implementing a curriculum plan. They are more often adopted from the research-based practices which also help in determining a possible solution to overcome those challenges. The expected challenges are as follows:

  • Lack of good leadership is the most possible barrier that is expected to arise within the plan (Dent, 2014). The vision set out in the new design of the curriculum plan can only be expressed effectively if a leader is competent in developing strategies in a clear way. A leader is expected to inspire the students and make them cooperate for building the new design into success within the medical field. Leaders need to be constant motivators who are more responsible for tackling common barriers in effective planning.
  • The time is a challenging factor which might be short than required. Goldieet al. (2015) stated learning about new strategies and redesigning the curriculum courses involves a lot of research activities. Any distraction further amplifies the time shortage produce a significant barrier to effective planning. Consequently, an effective planning system will need to consider every other factors and component in the present curriculum activities. Many nonessential materials get involved while prosecuting a plan which means by every minute of curriculum time are not utilized properly (Achike, 2016). Moreover, it is expected the curriculum would only focus on the most crucial skills that are required to be streamlined.
  • According to Tronsmo & Nerland(2018), there will be concerns for ensuring the student are consuming the most important and relevant content. The concerns regarding students’ reaction to the unfamiliar curriculum method and thereby impacting the course evaluations of the students. Taghipour & Javdani (2017) mentioned unavailability of the required resources is a major challenge for the designed curriculum to act as a success. Acquiring the right system, information and resources to support the plan is something to care about before designing the plan since lack of system will bring the effectiveness of the designed plan drastically.
  • Additionally, it is also feared that a different strategy will not function or give output as expected which will harm the tenure or reputation of the medical institution (Carollo & Mason, 2017). Here lack of training or adequate knowledge and understanding of the specific events or planning factors would lead to a failure. Some strategies would need a skilled man force which could implement the new generation plan and convey the new curriculum of the institute to be more attractive and interesting for the student. 

There are multiple stakeholders in my health and social care institution who are able to drive changes in the curriculum and other aspects of the institution. There are stakeholders like deans, committees, external bodies and quality units who are more than capable of driving changes in my institution (Rizvi & Tanzil, 2017). These stakeholders can directly or indirectly force and generate changes in the institution to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. The general role of a dean varies from one institute to another, but the overall responsibilities of a dean are very similar. Deans are very much involved in the central issues of the institution like budget, curriculum, strategic planning and so on. Marei et al. (2017) discussed convening strategic intellect with the faculty, teachers and the students is also a role that is played by the dean of the institution.

Moreover, the dean is the key participant in the external relations of my institution that includes fundraising, economic development and public relations. The dean of my institution is also responsible for engaging discussions about all the important issues related to the institution. According to Taghipour & Javdani (2017), the dean of the institution is one of the most important stakeholders to force a change in not just the curriculum of the institution but also the economy by being the force to raise funds for scholarships, professorships, various facilities and other programs that the institution needs.

Apart from the dean himself, there are multiple other stakeholders who are more than capable of driving changes in the curriculum of the health and social care institution. There are other stakeholders such as students, staff, faculty, quality units and external bodies who can just as easily drive changes in the educational curriculum. Cleland & Durning (2017) opined the community in which the institution is located in could also be a major stakeholder in order to drive changes in the institution too. These stakeholders are responsible for playing important roles in the aspects of program review, accreditation and various other processes that are important for the overall development of the institution. Stakeholders are also responsible for hiring staff that are highly experienced and are able to take actions according to the changes prescribed by the stakeholders. As participants in a wide range of institutional decision making and discussions the stakeholders assure coordination of all the aspects about the institution such as different departments, economic development, and graduate and undergraduate academic programs. 

Applying the SPICES Model in Health Professions Education

The SPICES model have six dimensions which is discussed in the above discussion. The 7th dimension that may be considered for implementing within the curriculum planning is behaviour centred approach. The value and its implications are discussed as follows:

Behaviour approach

Many studies have confirmed that behaviour based learning curriculum is an effective way to produce teaching to the medical students. Behaviour centred approaches anticipate research through own experiences and learning that shape curriculum programming (Achike, 2016). Distinctive research methods purposely recognize social determinants, help elucidate gathering of spectators setting, and spotlight on emotive parts that affect rehearses. This investigation may be exceptional or disclosures associated from past, pertinent research. Here the behaviours of the students were even more studied deliberately at examination approaches, for instance, Trials of Improved Practices (TIPs), calling attention to that current data and information, together with the assignment made bits of learning, are essential to plan thorough lead change strategies that help to steer through a learning process. Cleland & Durning (2017) justified that by conducting focused methodologies for behaviour approach teaching method expect research to shape programming. Different research strategies efficiently recognize social determinants, help comprehend gathering of people setting, and sharpen on the emotive components that impact practices.

Behaviour centred approaches oblige appropriate social choices, starting from one’s present setting or mastermind and organizing close to nothing, practical redesigns toward flawless educational practices. A single fundamental theory underpins the behaviours centred design which is also termed as reinforcement learning (Paesani, 2017). Reinforcement learning procedure is expected to produce a different kind of behavioural responses to a situation which is going to be based on the goal of a behaviour change efforts. With the initiation of reinforcement, the learning occurs through interacting with the environment or trial and error method which is about to view a maximizing performance competency form the students.

There are times when an understudy’s behaviour can influence learning and limit flourishing for both the understudy and for individuals around them. Keefe (2017) mentioned as behaviour, learning, and success are inseparable, this approach takes a gander at planning the learning condition and its structure with understudy adjusting necessities, premiums, and characteristics. It also considers the expression of each student during different situation and impact of the responses to support their self-regulation and self-advocacy. The Stages of Change theory and Small Doable Action also consider this approach for leading a change in the planning process. The contemplations are creating out of Science of Habit Formation speculation fall inside this standard (Tronsmo & Nerland, 2018). Behaviour centred approaches reach to the reflexive identity responsible for engraving conscious, reflective and deliberate mind. The key effort should lie in using tested and innovative approaches that are more likely to influence the positive behaviour among the students and understand how this approach can change the way students learn in their medial institution.

Promoting Student-Centered Learning


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