When Will Jesus Return?

The significance of the Rapture

One of the most debated and widely misunderstood topics relates to the Second Coming of Jesus – even scholars of eschatology are themselves confused. In the book of Revelation, the Bible provides a prophecy talking of the “end times” or the “day of the Lord.” However, most of the people who go through the scriptures talking about the prophecy, Revelation, in particular, confuse the prophesied incident to Rapture. With several studies existing on the “return of Jesus,” it is vital to understand the difference between Rapture and “day of the Lord.” On the other hand, many debates proclaim that the word “Rapture” is not in the Bible – that is true. The English version does not have the word “Rapture” used in the Bible as it is. However, the word is a translation of harpazo – a Greek word meaning away, caught, up. Such a belief is based on the book of first Thessalonians – with quoted inscriptions in the entire book. Within the verse, it is inscribed “…to meet the Lord in the air.” The phrase in first Thessalonians then means that Jesus will not set His foot on earth during such proceeding.

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Those who believe in Him will be summoned to meet Him in the clouds. However, in the book of Revelation, – inscriptions of which are in the entire book, the “Second Coming” is described as Jesus’ return to earth to conquer the rule of Satan. Revelation also asserts that upon Jesus’ return to earth, He will reclaiming the Kingdom of God together with His saints. Mathew – both chapters 24 and 25, an account is given in which Jesus himself foretells the manner of His return (also referred to as the “Second Coming.” In the two chapters, Mathew 24, 25, Jesus provides a vivid account on issues and events that would precede His return to earth.

As Jesus proclaims about events in which will have to pass to ascertain His return, it is described (in Matthew) that, “When the Son of Man returns in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” In the verses, Jesus asserts that God will have the obedient followers removed amidst the unbelievers and pretenders. Another verse, in John, the writer quotes the words of Jesus. He says, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” In the same book of John, Jesus himself proclaims the promise given to His people and told that He is forecasting the issues that must take place before His arrival so that when believers see such things happening, they will have to know that He is truthful. Those that followed and believed in Jesus during His time on earth knew that He was acclaimed into the heavens and expects that He return to collect them as he had promised. Contrarily, the promise that Jesus gave only favors those that believe in Him.

Rapture’s definition or meaning associates with the idea that Jesus’ “Second Coming” will happen in two stages. The first stage involves a secret Rapture – also referred to as the carrying away of saints to Heaven. However, this stage happens before the seven-year tribulation period. After the first stage, the Antichrist appears. However, the second stage is the actual return of Jesus to earth to fight the anti-Christ in his glory. The first stage will involve acclaiming the living believers and those who died in Christ. The process, as explained, will occur exactly seven years before the occurrence of the second stage of Jesus’ coming. The first stage is also recognized as Rapture for the church. However, the second stage – as soon as tribulation approaches its end, Jesus will acclaim the Kingdom of God with His “church.” In other words, Jesus will return with His church in the second stage. In His return, in the second phase, everyone will see him in His glory.

Otherwise, concerning Rapture’s significance to Christians, the timing of the chronological events prophesied in the Bible is crucial. However, in an attempt to further understand such occurrences sequentially; several debates have cropped within Christianity. It is intriguing to point out how many Christians do not understand if Rapture will take place before, during, or after the tribulation. Most significantly, Christians need not focus on debates about the “Second Coming” of Jesus but instead, when the rapture will occur about tribulation. Three views have erupted about debates on Rapture – the pre-tribulation view, the mid-tribulation view, and the post-tribulation view. Arguments supporting pre-tribulation view conform to the fact that Rapture will take place before the tribulation. However, arguments going for the mid-tribulation theory assert that Rapture will take place while tribulation is on halfway process. Lastly, those who believe in post-tribulation theory acknowledge the fact that Rapture will take place as soon as tribulation ends. However, for those who believe in Jesus, Rapture according to the pre-tribulation theory would be wonderful hope.

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Most importantly, Hill believes that there is an enormous confusion existing about the teachings in the Bible – mostly in the future. Christians are currently within a “Rapture fever” situations as proclaimed in classical novels of “Left Behind.” On the other hand, there are those who oppose the Christian doctrine. Such individuals concur with the opinion that Jesus never taught about the approaching Kingdom of God. However, the doctrines of Craig provide alternative opinions to what most Christians believe. According to many scholars, such doctrines may be described as sane, faithful, scholarly, and readable. Craig encourages Christians to be thoughtfully sensible and serious towards the hope of ultimate victory by God. Concerning such insightfulness of Christians, Craig highlights on the Bible’s nature as well as the history of prophecy. On the history of prophecy, the writer provides a deep insight on the apocalyptic writings within the Bible by interpreting the Revelation and Daniel. Apart from that, the writer creates an understanding that Jesus’ expectations should be the guideline of Christianity and morality regarding the Bible’s doctrines. The provided appendix – “Not Left Behind,” is a study point on what Christians should expect regarding the rapture.


Rapture is significant to a Christian’s life. It dictates the timing of the chronological events prophesied in the Bible that leads to the understanding of Jesus’ ultimate return. However, as mentioned before, in an attempt to further understand such occurrences sequentially; several debates have cropped within Christianity. It is intriguing to point out how many Christians do not understand if Rapture will take place before, during, or after the tribulation. Most significantly, Christians need not to focus on debates about the “Second Coming” of Jesus but instead, when the rapture will occur concerning tribulation. The activity has highlighted three views on debates regarding Rapture. The views are the pre-tribulation view, the mid-tribulation view, and the post-tribulation view. For those who support pre-tribulation, Rapture will take place before the tribulation. However, those supporting mid-tribulation theories believe that Rapture will take place while tribulation is on halfway process. Otherwise, those who believe in post-tribulation theory think that Rapture will take place as soon as tribulation ends.

Christopher, Garrison J. “The Judaism Of Jesus: The Messiah’s Redemption Of The Jews.” Westbowpress, 2014, 264.

Donald K, McKim. “The Westminster Dictionary Of Theological Terms.” Presbyterian Publishing Corporation Vol 2 (2014): 215-216.

Hill, Craig C. In God’s Time: The Bible And The Future. Eerdmans, 2002.

James, Jeremy. “Understanding The Rapture From A Strictly Biblical Perspective” Vol 2, no. 1 (2018): 1-16. https://www.zephaniah.eu/Understanding%20the%20Rapture%20from%20a%20Strictly%20Biblical%20Perspective.pdf.

Kodell, Jerome. “The Rapture.” Little Rock Scripture Study, Last modified 2007. https://www.littlerockscripture.org/WTBSA/rapture.

Rhodes, Melvin. “Seven Prophecies That Must Be Fulfilled Before Jesus Christ’s Return”. Beyond Today, Last modified 2008. https://www.ucg.org/the-good-news/seven-prophecies-that-must-be-fulfilled-before-jesus-christs-return.  

ROTHMAN, LILY. “The Search For Jesus: Inside The Scholars’ Debate,” Last modified 2014. https://time.com/3637889/historical-jesus-history/.

Saint Mary’s Press. “The Divinity Of Jesus: An Early Christian Debate,” Last modified 2018. https://www.smp.org/resourcecenter/resource/9109/.

White, Lesli. “What The Bible Says About The Rapture.” Are You Prepared For What Is To Come? Last modified 2018. https://www.beliefnet.com/faiths/christianity/what-the-bible-really-says-about-the-rapture.aspx.

Williams, Peter L., and Peter Benson. “Religion On Capitol Hill: Myth And Reality” Vol 2 (2010): 34-67.

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