An Analysis Of Leadership Styles, Cultural Differences And Impact On People Performance

Leadership Style and Cultural Perspective

The concept of modern management practices is founded on the bedrock of effective leadership style (Leijnen & Gabora, 2010). It is the responsibility of the leaders to motivate the employees to execute strategic functions in order to achieve the organizational objective. The role of a leader requires him to create an engaged workforce that can resonate with organizational goals and strive for realizing them. There are numerous theories that explain and give justification to different leadership styles. However, the rigid and stereotypical theories fail to define leadership approaches that are largely influenced by dynamic behavioral pattern possessed by leaders. One of the widely recognized leadership theories is the leadership mindsets theory. This model underlines the importance of higher positioning of leaders from their subordinates and followers. The vMEMES cultural value system under the rubric of this theory defines the leadership behaviors (Beck & Cowan, 2014). In addition to this, different colors have been selected to comprehend and examine the unique leadership styles and approaches. The purple color implies an animalistic character and the paraphernalia is clan based and family oriented. The color red underscores egoistic leadership style, while the blue color is used to recognize authoritarian leadership indicating a conservative management practice. The color yellow highlights the leadership qualities that support systematic thinking pattern and collective type of leadership. The color used for identifying delegating approach of leadership is orange, whereas, green is used for recognizing the leadership approach based on egalitarianism (Schmitt, 2014). Leaders that follow equality based managerial practices promote the participation of employees in the company’s decision making. According to this particular leadership model, coral color leadership style is result oriented that drives the workforces to achieve company’s strategic objectives. On the other hand, turquoise is indicative of overcoming business complexities with effective acumen and skills. Furthermore, this color representation of leadership approach stresses on the importance of life-work balance (Gonnering, 2012). Being a banker in Oman, I have put an endeavor to analyze the leadership style practiced by me to realize the organizational goals.

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There is no singular leadership style that is uniformly practiced across the countries. Leadership styles and approaches are heavily influenced by the culture, tradition and geographical aspects of a particular region and not universal in nature (Bealer & Bhanugopan, 2014). Therefore, the inextricable link between cultural factors and unique styles of leaderships is palpable and has been proved by various scholars of recent times. The impact of geography and its boundaries on the managerial patterns adopted by business companies in different countries have been researched by the Globe studies and Hofstede. On the other hand common cultural facets shared by the Middle Eastern countries have fostered a similar pattern of leadership styles practiced by these countries, and Oman is an integral part of this case study (Alabdan & Callen, 2016). I have been working in my present organization and have observed how a country’s culture can play a monumental role in shaping of its business environment. The leadership style adopted by my seniors has been embedded in authoritarianism that limits democratic participation of workers in the company’s decision making process. Being exposed to this prevalent leadership style, I myself have begun to incorporate these practices into my managerial approach.

Analyzing Impact on People Performance and Potential Improvements

The culture of Oman is close-knit that values bonding of families and team work. This collectivism is even reflected in the business culture of the country. Thus, it can be perceived that the purple color of the above discussed theory aligns with the common leadership pattern followed in Oman (Metcalfe & Mimouni, 2011). The reason for this group dependence is squarely determined by the geography of the country. It experiences a desert type of climate which necessitates people to stay in groups and stimulated the growth of dependence amongst them. The historical background of Oman has molded its power structure in the social framework to a significant extent. The monarchical form of rule and government has been popular in the country since archaic times. The citizens of this country have barely opened to western political values and practices. Even, in this twentieth century, people rest their conviction and support on the good will of the rulers of the monarchy. Therefore, it is understandable that the country has not yet awakened to the political system that is founded on individualism and self-dependence. Lack of scope for expressing individualism and prevalence of high power distance are the common social components in Oman (Najm, 2015). The country’s business culture has imbibed the similar values and practices. Although, the importance of loyalties among groups is widely followed, the leadership pattern is basically self-centric and autocratic. The intolerance towards innovation and experimentation is common and people belonging to the higher social echelon resist changes of any kind. The country scores 80 when it comes to embracing of changes and implementation of reform. Oman’s score of 50 in term of gender parity is meager and that shows the acceptance of masculinity in this patriarchal society. In my organization, little scope is allowed for showcasing employees’ innovative abilities (Hitson, 2009). Having been acquainted with the age old culture, I am also reluctant towards incorporating changes by going against the mainstream. My colleagues have been instructed to follow the duties assigned to them and execute the allotted to them efficiently.

Managers of a business organization need to inculcate desirable leadership qualities in them in order to motivate the workers for achieving strategic goals of the company. Work productivity of employees is squarely determined by the leadership styles adopted by the managers and the leaders. Positive and encouraging leadership style provides valuable guidance and coaching to the employees (Gong, Huang & Farh, 2009). Leaders wield positive influence on their workforces and play an instrumental role in nurturing of future leaders for the organization. The widely recognized leadership approaches are democratic, autocratic and laissez faire styles. The characteristics of these managerial patterns influence the quality of work done by the employees and their success rate in fulfilling of strategic goals. The autocratic leadership style creates an adverse impact on the work productivity. It does not provide adequate independence in the functioning of the employees, and thereby restricting their innovative and creative abilities (Zehir & Erdogan, 2011). As a consequence, the workforces get estranged from the organizational values. Their insincerity gets reflected in their work performance. On the other hand, the laiseez faire leadership style is entirely employee-centric and leaders delegate substantial powers to the workforces. Employees that have qualities to innovate and adapt to changes can sharpen their skills and abilities under the rubric of this management style. It enables the employees to take their respective decisions and manage work schedule without intervention from the superiors (Walumbwa & Hartnell, 2011). As far as the democratic style of leadership is concerned, this pattern is considered to be the best for any kind of organizational management. It is characterized by positive collaboration between the leaders and the employees. Employees are given a vital role to play in the company’s decision making process and thereby intensifying their engagement with the strategic values and goals of the company. This leadership style helps unleashing the innovative abilities of employees.

Various styles of leadership are imperative in deciding placements of employees to the correct job profile. Right selection election and placement of candidates are required to achieve a profitable cost-benefit ratio of the company (Bohle, 2016). The ways in which the employees are going to attain the organizational objectives are affected by leadership styles adopted by the management. The characteristic of a supportive leadership pattern exhibits concerns for the workforces and their business practices are societal oriented. Employees develop conviction in their leaders that enable them to encounter business challenges without apprehensions. This leadership style is embedded in cooperation and collaboration between the employer and the employees (Leroy, Anseel, Gardner & Sels, 2015). On the other hand, the directive leadership style entails spelling out of work instructions to the employees that the latter have to execute with utmost efficiency. It emphasizes lesser on the collaborative approach and upholds an authoritative managerial approach. Leaders that follow this style stress the importance of supervision rather than mentoring or coaching for the employees. In the participative leadership style, substantial power is delegated to the employees that motivate them to actively participate in the company’s decision making process. It is more open to employees input for realizing functional improvement of the company. Team work is the major highlight of the leadership based on achievement orientation (Agho, 2009). The leader of the team motivates the members to achieve strategic targets by nurturing self-improvisation. It fosters mutual trust among the members and diligence towards their team leaders. As far as the transformational leadership style is concerned, implementation of reforms is achieved with the aid of effective communication skill. The healthy interactions with the employees enable leaders to create an engaged workforce that will embrace positive changes in order to realize company’s strategic ambitions (Zaccaro, 2014). Furthermore, the workers get motivated by leader’s supervisions and commit themselves in carrying out their functions with an increased vigor.

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Upon analyzing my personal leadership style and approach, it is evident that my skills are substantiated by the purple and blue colors of the Seven Leadership Mindset Theory. I have unconsciously imbibed the leadership and supervision styles practiced in Oman. Being the head of retail banking, I am accustomed with taking instructions from my seniors and replicate the same practice while treating my subordinates (Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber, 2009). Therefore, my personal leadership approach is strongly rooted in authoritative and hierarchical practices. I divide the workload among my juniors and guide them to execute the delegated functions with sincerity.  This practice shows that leadership style followed by me is directive in nature. However, the phenomenon of globalization has necessitated the embracing of global managerial practices and implementing the same in respective business organizations (Carter, Armenakis, Feild & Mossholder, 2013).  The higher management of my current bank has resolved to undertake business development by opening its branches overseas. In order to achieve professional development, it is imperative for me to open up to changes and practice the transformative style of leadership. The desired result of career progression would require me to rise above the cultural limitations reflected in my current leadership skill (Zhang & Bartol, 2010). I need to realize my potential drawbacks and then designed steps in order to overcome them. It is essential to become a global leader and overcome the cultural limitations, as this would allow me to enhance my career as a banker as well.  

The forces of globalizations have integrated the world commerce and business. Corporate competition has motivated the business houses to carry out business development transcending the regional barriers and proliferating into the global market (Gill, 2011). Banking services have diversified products and services and for expanding the customer base by winning their satisfaction and support. Amidst the service dynamism experienced in the banking field, I feel that I am best suited for the position of a banker. With the assistance of the Seven Leadership Mindset Theory, my skills and capabilities have been identified. Furthermore, analysis of my leadership styles through the lenses of the E.G Situation Task Action and Result (STAR) has showcased my competency level as a banker (Shepherd, 2013). I possess essential banking knowledge of all products and services, including ways to deal with customers. I have the required to communication skill to interact with the stakeholders of the bank. My experience in this field and expertise knowledge has enabled me to handle functional complexities of the bank. I am aggressive and am easily able to attain targets that have been assigned to me. Being an authoritative leader, I possess the capability to provide the necessary guidance and supervision to my employees for execution of their functions with precision. However, I am aware of my lacking in term of adapting to current changes in global commercial arena (Downs, 2015). An honest endeavor will be made on my part to imbibe the qualities of transformative leadership in my future managerial practices. It will benefit my company since the innovative reforms introduced by me can augment the organizational productivity. Furthermore, essential qualities of this leadership style are expected to sharpen my skills to deal with diverse employees with intelligence and compassion (Kennedy, Carroll & Francoeur, 2013). An engaged workforce will cooperate with me towards attaining the organizational objective of profit maximization and expansion of customer base in the global business market.


With the world becoming a global village, business organizations are keen to adopt innovative reforms to sustain themselves amidst the corporate competition. Moreover, the banking services have emerged to be backbone of the international economy. Therefore, the leaders of modern managerial system have to have essential qualities for taking challenges in their positive stride and thereby realizing the company’s goal with skill and acumen. The scope of leadership style has transformed over the years, and with the inception of diverse workforce, leaders have to accommodate reformative managerial practices. Practice of transformational leadership will allow the company to enjoy fruits of innovation. It will enable the organization to survive by incorporating required changes to beat rivals in the industry. I will strive for nurturing the progressive values of leadership in order to generate sense of trust and security among the employees. Since manpower is the backbone of every organization, I will put in my honest effort to be more accommodative of their view points and concerns. It is expected that the current company I am working in will retain faith in my reformed leadership practices and encourage me to execute strategic functions with the larger vision of change.


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