CSC1401 Foundation Programming

State of completeness
State of assignment

The assignment was done according to the requirements provided and each feature specified in the requirements has been implemented. The design used is simplistic as illustrated in the requirements document and each functionality described in the requirements document has been implemented. The naming of the functions is similar to the requirements but more methods have been added to the code to make coding easier and to improve reusability of some code where it deemed appropriate.

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Problems encountered

For the design using HTML, no problems were encountered at all but the actual JavaScript coding had some technical aspects that required a lot of research. One of the issues encountered during the implementation of the task is the sorting of the appointments using different parameters. This task was challenging because every parameter required the implementation to factor in the type of string the search parameter is. However, by referring to different internet sources like Mozilla SDN which was very hopeful any errors and difficulties experienced were dealt with.


The whole assignment was challenging but very informative as it covered very many aspects of programming that are essential for any programmer. Perhaps the most important lesson I learnt while working on this task was working with arrays containing keys and values.

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