Annotated Bibliography In Mechanical Engineering

A Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering

 This research paper is about the annotated bibliography in the field of mechanical engineering. The field of mechanical engineering needs an understanding of the core areas comprising the thermodynamics, dynamics, mechanics, electricity and structural analysis. Mechanical engineers apply technologies like the computer-aided design, manufacturing aided by a computer, management of the product life cycle to analyses and design the machines, robots and other devices. Many programs of mechanical engineering need research or the projects to gain experience on how to solve the problems practically. Mechanical engineers design, research, and test the tools and machines. They analyze the challenges to see how the thermal devices might be applied to solve the problems.

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Atkins, A. & Atkins, T., 2013. A Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering. 2nd Ed. Michigan: OUP Oxford. Vol 3. ISBN 0199587434, 9780199587438.

         The dictionary of mechanical engineering is among the lasts journals to the market-leading oxford paperback reference series. In more than 8500 clear and concise A to Z entries, it gives the definition and explanations to the terms of mechanical engineering in the core areas of the stress analysis, designs, vibrations and dynamics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. The topics covered comprise the control, robotics, lubrication, heat transfer, instrumentations, and measurement where relevant. The dictionary also covered the related field areas like bioengineering, civic, chemical, environmental and aeronautical engineering. Important entry-level web links are listed and updated regularly on the website to expand the coverage of the journal. It is an important reference for the students of mechanical engineering and any -person with the interest in the subject. 

Cai, L.-W., 2016. Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations. 4th Ed. London: John Wiley & Sons. Vol 2. ISBN 111905012X, 9781119050124.

              The introductory journal coves the most important aspect of the analysis if linear vibration for the mechanical engineering students and engineers. Comprising of five main topics, every topic has its chapter and aligned with five main objectives of the book. It starts from the concise, rigorous and accessible introduction to the Lagrangian dynamics as the tool for getting the governing equations for the system. The second topic discusses the mathematical tool for vibration analysis for the single degree of the freedom system. In the procedure, each example comprises the section exploring the solution with the MATLAB which is intended to an affinity of the students to symbolic calculations and to encourage the explorations driven by the curiosity.

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              The third topic introduces the modelling of the lumped parameter to convert the engineering simple structure to equivalent springs and masses.  The fourth topic introduces tools of mathematics for the system of general multiple degrees of freedom with more examples good for the hand calculation and few computer aided examples. The last chapter introduces the method of a finite element as the jumping point for the students to understand the use of the software for the vibration analysis in the real world.

Davim, P., 2014. Modern Mechanical Engineering. 6th Ed. Paris: Springer Science & Business Media. Vol 1. ISBN 3642451764, 9783642451768.

        This journal covers the modern subjects of mechanical engineering like the nanotechnology, robotics, mechatronics, sustainability and all the aspects related to mechanical engineering. The chapters help improve the understanding of mechanical engineering and its applications to the problems solved in modern industry. This journal is good for the students in the final undergraduate mechanical engineering course and at the graduate level. It serves as an important reference for the academic, researchers, material and manufacturing engineering.

Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations

          The journal provides the professional and students with the reference text of essentially practical nature. The text and use of the tables and illustrations give quick and clear access to the information. It includes the detailed calculation and examples on many technological applications used by the mechanical engineers for production and designers. A glance at the content display that the journal is useful to the branches of engineering like mining, marine and minerals. This journal helps the engineers with the important materials in quick and compact accessible form. 

Gentle, R. & Edwards, P., 2010. Mechanical Engineering Systems. 4th Ed. New York: Elsevier. Vol 7. ISBN 0080496504, 9780080496504.

            The authors of this journal have taken a practical approach within the book by bringing the subject into reality via lively texts supported by many activities and case studies. Less prior knowledge of mathematics is assumed and so the main statistical and numerical techniques are introduced via unique math in action features. This journal involves the application of principles designs, physics, and manufacturing and maintenance systems. It needs a solid understanding of the major concepts comprising the thermodynamics, kinematics, mechanics, and energy.

The engineers apply these principles to the design and analysis of heating and cooling systems, automobiles, industrial machinery and equipment. Every subject is discussed in the details and supported by various tables and figures. Standards of DIN standards are retained and ISO equivalents are given. The new edition can be used on the course of undergraduate in mechanical, aeronautical, structural and civil engineering this journal is supported by free online material, videos of practical demonstrations for the lecturers and students. 

Gwyther, W. & Brown, G., 2014. Mechanical Engineering Science. 9th Ed. London: Elsevier. Vol 6. ISBN 1483183246, 9781483183244.

          Mechanical engineering science covers the numerous important concepts that are significant in practical mechanical engineering. The title is composed of 19 chapters that detail many topics comprising physical and chemical law. The coverage of the book comprised if the mechanical energy, Newtonian law, stress, friction and gravity. The book also discusses the chemical aspects of mechanical engineering which comprise the gas law states if the matter ad consumption of fuel. The last chapters cover the concerns in the laboratory experiments. This journal is of great use to the mechanical engineering students. This is one of the first journals to give the in-depth application of the methods of the finite elements to the field of mechanical engineering.

          The parallel development of the method of the finite method in the 1950s and the engineering application of the stochastic process in 1940s provided the integrated numerical analysis tool for the studies of structures under random loadings. Aimed at the advanced level, the authors present and illustrates direct integration and analytical methods for analyzing the statistic of the structure’s response to the stochastic loads. The book also addresses the nonlinear problems and random non-stationary excitation with the systems with a large variation of the stochastic properties. 

Holmes, R., 2013. The Characteristics of Mechanical Engineering Systems. 3rd Ed. Vol 8. Manchester: Elsevier Science. ISBN   1483139336, 9781483139333.

Modern Mechanical Engineering

         This book covers focus on the properties that should be considered when designing a system of mechanical engineering which is presented on the basis of constituent input/output relationship paying the attention to lumped problems and interrelationship between lumped constituents in the engineering systems. This book consists of five chapters and begins with the introduction to the systems of engineering and its operations giving the number of examples like electric generators, engines, and converters. Power conversion and transmission is also discussed along with the dynamic performances and storage of energy. The final topic covers the subjects like integral control, sinusoidal disturbances, and excursion dynamics.

         This book was developed and written specifically to fill the need for mechanical engineering students. With more than 1000 pages, 550 illustrations, and 26 tables, this book is comprehensive, durable and compact. The book covers the main areas of mechanical engineering with the coverage of the formulas definitions, examples, explanations and proofs of all the courses included. This journal can also help those who are preparing for the engineering licensing examinations. The analytical techniques give the students and practising engineers with good tools for mechanical designs. 

Mangey, R. & Paulo, D., 2017. Soft Computing Techniques and Applications in Mechanical Engineering. 4th Ed. Lancaster: IGI Global. Vol 2. ISBN 1522530363, 9781522530367.

          The evolution of soft computing application has offered many methodologies and techniques that are important in facilitating new ways to address the real and practical scenario in many fields. These concepts have created an improvement in the field of engineering. Application of soft computing techniques in mechanical engineering is the main reference sources for the latest finding of research on the comprehensive range of soft computing techniques applied in the field of mechanical engineering. This book has covered thermodynamics, computational intelligence, and is the ideal source for the students, research scientists, engineers, and the academicians involved in the soft computing techniques application in mechanical engineering fields.

         This journal introduces the mechanical technologies through the application and examples enabling the students to develop an understanding of the engineering principles and their applications in practice. These concepts are supported by the 400 worked problems, 70 further problems and 300 questions of multiple choices. The further chapters have been added on revisionary mathematics because progress in engineering education is impossible without some basic knowledge of mathematics. Through the use of these technologies, the models may be used directly by the software to produce the instructions 

Prasad, A. & Selvaraj, R., 2018. Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development. 5th Ed. Scotland: Apple Academic Press. Vol 9. ISBN 1771886811, 9781771886819.

         This journal provides some important insight into the diverse topics related to mechanical engineering and sustainable development is done through the world by scientists and researchers. the volume is grouped into 3 sections, covering the materials, machine designs, thermal engineering and manufacturing. The work is done in both the numerical and experimental in mature. The part on the design of machine introduces numerous innovative work of the relevant field like agriculture, automotive and human anatomy. the second part of the book covers the research in the manufacturing technologies, which is expanding because of advances in nanomaterials, graded materials, composites and development in the optimization tools in forming and cutting procedures, this journal addresses the characterizations of materials as significant tool for the applications in jobs and machining procedures like the EDM that is expanding.

Mechanical Engineering Systems

         The section on thermal engineering covers the alternative fuel like biodiesel and HHO with the aim of lowering burden on petroleum and environment. The book also covers the selection of research on innovative technologies with the focus of sustainability in many fields of mechanical engineering. 

Smith, E., 2013. Mechanical Engineer’s Reference Book. 1st Ed. New York: Elsevier Science. Vol 3. ISBN 1483102572, 9781483102573.

         The first chapter of this journal discusses the principles if the mechanical engineering, electronics and electrical, instrumentation, microprocessors, and the control. the nets chapter covers the applciations of the computers and the computer combined engineering systems, the standard designs, and the materials’ selection and properties. other chapters are devoted to other knowledge in the mechanical engineering field comprising tribology, solid mechanics, transmissions, power units, alternative energy and consumption of fuel.

the remaining topics cover the mechanical engineering field related to offshore, nuclear and plant engineering. This book is of great value to the students and engineers. this book also covers the latest research and development in engineering across the ranges of similar areas. it considers numerous techniques, tools, and methods of mechanical engineering. This journal covers the latest technologies for engineering designs that can help in economic development.

Purohit, K., 2015. Mechanical Engineering. London: Scientific Publishers. ISBN 8172335369, 9788172335366.

          This is the major subject having a close relationship with the branches of engineering. this book was designed as the capsule for self-learning with the objective in view, the materials have been organised in the order logically and the line diagrams have been used to enable the students to master the subject thoroughly. to provide the students with clear concepts, the method of perfect induction is applied to prove most of the theorems. new devices available commercially were also used so that the reader may become familiar with the order of the parameters of magnitude devices within the given type. this book is written in single and easy to follow and understand language so that even the average students can grasp the subject by self-study.

This book has also tried to link the technologies and mechanical engineering to improve machinery and operation design. the journal also discusses the interdisciplinary areas of automation, computers, communication and control. the graduates, researcher and other readers that are interested benefits scientifically from the book.

Atkins, A. & Atkins, T., 2013. A Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering.2nd Ed.  Michigan: OUP Oxford.Vol3. ISBN 0199587434, 9780199587438.

Cai, L.-W., 2016. Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations.4th Ed. London: John Wiley & Sons. Vol2. ISBN 111905012X, 9781119050124.

Davim, P., 2014. Modern Mechanical Engineering. 6th Ed.Paris: Springer Science & Business Media. Vol 1. ISBN 3642451764, 9783642451768.

Gentle, R. & Edwards, P., 2010. Mechanical Engineering Systems. 4th Ed. New York: Elsevier.Vol 7.  ISBN 0080496504, 9780080496504.

Gwyther, W. & Brown, G., 2014. Mechanical Engineering Science.9th Ed.  London: Elsevier. Vol 6. ISBN 1483183246, 9781483183244.

Holmes, R., 2013. The Characteristics of Mechanical Engineering Systems. 3rd Ed.Manchester: Elsevier Science.Vol 8. ISBN   1483139336, 9781483139333.

Mangey, R. & Paulo, D., 2017. Soft Computing Techniques and Applications in Mechanical Engineering. 4th Ed. Lancaster: IGI Global. Vol 2. ISBN 1522530363, 9781522530367.

Prasad, A. & Selvaraj, R., 2018. Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development.5th Ed.  Scotland: Apple Academic Press.Vol 9. ISBN 1771886811, 9781771886819.

Smith, E., 2013. Mechanical Engineer’s Reference Book.1st Ed. New York: Elsevier Science.Vol 3. ISBN 1483102572, 9781483102573.

Purohit, K., 2015. Mechanical Engineering. London: Scientific Publishers. ISBN 8172335369, 9788172335366.

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