Strategic Use Of IS/IT For Achieving IS/IT-Enabled Innovation In Organizations: A Critical Discussion
With the uprise in the amount of technical advancements, it has been seen that different organisations have been investing more on the impact of information systems. The use of high kind of information systems and varied form of strategy would be helpful for the organisations for securing the systems. The strategic use of IS/IT systems would be helpful for securing the data of the organisation within the cloud servers and also within the organisation culture (Druss and Dimitropoulos 2013). The use of strategic information systems should be used within the organisations based on providing the organisation to meet with the primary objectives of the organisation. The role and nature of the IS have developed over the recent years with the progress of technology. The strategy based within the use of high form of technologies within the organisations would consist of some kind of principles, objectives that would be able to help the organisation to achieve their personal goals (Kruss et al. 2015). The use of a proper form of technical strategy would be able to explain the ways in which the technology would be utilized within the organisation.
Examples of the Use of IS/IT based on Innovation
Based on the considerations of the impact of Information Systems (IS) within an organisation, there have been different kinds of innovations within the industries. These have been helpful for bringing a form of innovation within the organisations.
Some of the examples of innovation brought with the impact of IS/IT within the industries are:
- Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) – The system of TPS would be efficient for providing a different form of way based on the process of collection, processing, storing, displaying of modification and cancelling of unwanted transactions. Many of such kind of systems would be helpful for allowing several kind of transactions in a simultaneous manner (Demirkan and Delen 2013). The data collected by the TPS helps in storing data within their database. This data helps in producing different kinds of reports such as inventory summaries, management of schedules, checking of registers and many other functions.
- Management Information Systems (MIS) – This is a kind of systems that would be used for the collection of data with the help of the TPS and then this data would be used for the creation of different kind of reports. The MIS would be helpful for making of decisions based on routine business for proposing response to different kinds of problems (Laudon and Laudon 2016). Some of the kinds of reports that could be created by the MIS are summary, ad hoc and exception reports. These kinds of reports are performed for increasing the efficiency of the activity of the managerial section.
- Decision Support Systems (DSS) – The DSS would be helpful based on the making of decisions. This would be possible based on working and perform analysing on the data. This kind of system could generate data based on different forms of data models and statistical projections. The DSS helps in providing support rather than performing a replacement on the judgement of the manager (Bonczek, Holsapple and Whinston 2014). The support provided by the DSS would be based on improving the quality of the decision taken by a manager within an organisation. The DSS would thus be helpful for solving different kinds of problems based on external data.
- Neural Networks and Expert Systems –The use of neural systems would make use of computing systems for fostering the ways in which the human brain might be able to process different kinds of information, learn and thus make use of that information. An expert system would also be considered as a knowledge-based system (Azar and Vaidyanathan 2015). This is a kind of system that is primarily designed for the purpose of analysing data and thus be able to produce different kinds of recommendations, diagnose the information and making of controllable decisions.
There are different kinds of success factors with the impact of IT within the organizations. These kind of factors would fall under the categorization of technical and management factors (Cresswell and Sheikh 2013). The different kind of critical factors that would be able to determine the success of the implementation of the IS are described as follows:
- Commitment from Top Management– Based on different kinds of considerations of factors within an IT organization, it has been seen that the commitment from the top managerial level would be extremely vital based on the successful implementation of the Information Systems (Colwell and Joshi 2013). With the impact of the commitment from the top managerial level, the minor kind of issues would be minimized. The different major issues within an organization would be dealt and urgently attended by the management team.
- Composition of IT Team – The implementation of proper form of projects would be provided by the IT team. This team involved within the project would comprise of management and technical specialists from the organization of the vendor (Somech and Drach-Zahavy 2013). This would also involve people from the IS department and other stakeholders who have invested within the project. The proper form of constitution of the IT team would be helpful and a critical factor based on the successful implementation of the IS strategies.
- IT Teamwork – The team responsible for performing the different kinds of projects would be dedicated towards the successful completion of the project. They would work in a cohesive manner based on a unified sense of purpose. Different kinds of effort made by the people would be helpful for detecting the major kind of issues and they would be dealt in the right manner (Salas et al.2015). The team members involved within the project should be able to work in teams based on all kinds of situations. The IT team would also consist of representatives based on the user community. This would also comprise of people who would be involved in the team of planning, designing team within the client organization, different stakeholders and people involved within the human resources department.
There are some kind of internal factors that would be able to contribute towards the success of Information Systems within an organization. The primary among them is organizational factors. Different organizational variables such as size, mission, top managerial support and others. Different kind of organizational factors that would influence the usage of IT are organizational structure, size of the organization, knowledge of the managerial IT, size of the organization, financial resources, budgeting method and use of financial resources (Bossle et al. 2016). The experience of the users with the use of Information Systems would be defined based on the prior use of IS and computers. The training of the individual would be defined as the extent based on which the computers would be used. The use of another external factors such as the decisions made by the management team would be essential for deciding the different kinds of actions. Different kinds of management techniques would be adopted by the top managerial team within the organisation (Hung and Chou 2013). There are firms, which have adopted new form of techniques based on management and systems based on the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the operation of the company.
Examples of the Use of IS/IT based on Innovation
There are also different kinds of external factors such as technological, social, and economic and policy or political factors. The impact of technological factors within the organisation would play a major kind of role for the development of systems within the organisation (Antonelli, Crespi and Scellato 2013). The rigid and old systems would be replaced by various kinds of flexible systems. The new technological systems would be helpful for overcoming the different kinds of problems based on information delivery and inefficient form of public service. In the recent times, the IT systems are considered to be the most important part within any industry. Different kinds of social factors would be able to determine the impact of new technical systems on the organization. These include the impact of technical systems on the social structure within the society (Davis 2014). This includes the use of technical systems within an organization and the ways in which the organizations and different people who would be benefitted with the impact of information systems. This includes the use of computing systems by the people and the ways in which they will make use of such kind of systems for the benefit of the society. The organizational politics is determined as the most important determinant based on the success of Information Systems (Urbancova 2013). Organizational politics could be defined as the kind of activities and different actions that would not be required as per the formal roles within an organization. These form of decisions based on organizational politics would be helpful for influencing the making of decisions. They would also be able to distribute different kind of benefits and various resources within the organization.
The impact of these external and internal factors would be helpful for the determination of the success within the organization. These kind of factors would help for bringing out successful results based on the needs of the organization. The use of such kind of factors would help in the successful form of implementation based on the different forms of innovations. These form of innovations would be helpful for bringing out different kinds of success within the organization (Mueller, Rosenbusch and Bausch 2013). These factors would also be helpful for improving the quality of products that are produced by the organization. Quality of the products is a major concern for the organization. These would be helpful for helping in the satisfaction of the customers and thus proceeding for putting a high kind of reputation of the brand.
There could be different kinds of guidelines based on providing a wide form of recommendation that would be able to support the bringing of innovation within the IS. Some kind of recommendation and guidelines based on IT for supporting the organizations are:
- Focusing of the Security of the IT Assets– The different kinds of information systems within the organizations contain a wide form of sensitive data based on the clients and of the private use of the organization (Mouratidis et al. 2013). The building and sustainability of a secure form of information technology environment would be helpful for the organization.
- Invest in New kind of Technologies – New kinds of technologies have a high form of basic form of latest security and encryption systems inbuilt within them. These kind of systems would be helpful for bringing about a change within the business of the organization. Cloud services are becoming an important factor based on the meeting of various kinds of challenges based on exponential growth of data and issues in relation to the cyber security. Cloud based program are mainly used within the organizations for storing their data within the cloud. The cloud platforms are highly secure and thus would be able to secure the data of the organization from unauthorized access of users.
- Build of Smarter Procurement of IT – With the impact of innovation strategies, the administration within the organization should be able to identify the unfriendly form of business regulations. The streamlining of the process based on procurement could be aligned based on following the terms and conditions of the contracts based on IT.
- Leveraging of Big Data Technologies – The innovation strategies within the organization should be able to include a plan based on the identification, definition and managing of the state data (Gandomi and Haider 2015). Big Data technologies should be adopted within the organization, which would be helpful for performing a vast form of data analysis based on measuring the performance and thus also be able to improve the service provided to the customers.
- Improvement within the Speed of Services – An innovation strategy based on the organizations should be able to track the trends of innovation within the private sector. They would also be able to leverage agile form of development methodology, high kind of mobility and improved form of software and hardware solutions. Improved form of business solutions for the organization would be able to provide faster form of services to the clients based on the needs of the business.
Based on the discussion based on the impact of Information Systems and Technology within the organization, it could be concluded that these form of innovative technologies would be helpful for developing new kinds of business solutions. This discussion helps in describing the different innovative techniques that have been helpful for bringing innovation within the organizations. With the impact of such kind of innovative systems, there have been a huge level of success that has been made within the organizations. These kinds of innovative techniques have been able to provide a wide form of success and benefits to the organization. There are different kinds of external and internal factors that have been able to provide success to the organization. Based on the different forms of factors within the organization, various recommendations and guidelines have been provided for the organization that would be able to provide high level of success for the future working within the organization.
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