UI Design Principles For The Glucose Monitoring App
Clarity in Interface Design
The UI Design Principles are necessary for the development of any type of interface for the system. There is a certain number of criteria that a design has to fulfill in order to successfully the maintain the criteria of Design Principle.
- Your design should solve a real problem founded in some type of research or data
- The design should make it clear what each element of the interface can and should do (buttons should look like buttons, titles like titles, anything that’s not interactive should be clear)
- The design should be built around a coherent and unified system of components and patterns
- There should be a clear visual hierarchy in the design (what matters most, what matters least, how does the visual design of these things communicate that)
- The design should have a clear start and end state (how does a user know they’re in step one versus how do they know when they’ve accomplished something in the experience)
There are various categories of principles which are to be considered for the justification of the designs which have been developed for the User Interface Designs.
Firstly, there has to be clarity in any type of interface design that has been created. The people should be able to realize the use of the design and also should be able to able understand the design to their benefit. There is no room for predictions and mysteries in the designs as the users are to be provided with the full information about the functions of each and every part of the interface. This helps in the people feeling confident about the system and uses it to their advantage. Hence the clarity in the design for the glucose monitoring app has been kept in mind and designing has been done appropriately.
Secondly, the interface should be able to provide an efficient mode for the interaction in between the user and the system that has be designed for the benefit of the users. In addition to this, the interface should be effective and all the function should be utilized effectively the organization. Hence, the interface design for the glucose monitor has been developed efficiently, so that all the functionalities are realized and there are not irrelevant content in the design.
In addition to this, it should be kept in mind that attention to the minor details in the interface is to be provided so that the developer is able to implement all the functionalities into the system. It’s difficult to peruse in peace any longer without something endeavoring to divert us and direct our consideration somewhere else. Consideration is precious. When utilize is the essential objective, consideration turns into the essential. Hence it is very important that all the main aspects of the system are utilized from the interface design. Hence, the consideration of the conservation of the attention to details has been made during the implementation of the interface for the glucose monitoring system. In addition to this, it important that the design provides an option of feedback for the users of the system and also the system should be able to make an efficient development to the design which is already existent in case there is a requirement of making an improvement. The designing should also be responsive to various types of platforms which would be helpful for the users to access it from different devices and different browsers. Additionally, the during the development of the interfaces it is to be kept in mind that the standards for the development of the designs, as there are some standards which are established for the development of application and interfaces. The interface designs are provided below:
This is the home screen of the user and the user would be redirected to the page in case the user exits the application.
Efficient Interaction between User and System
An Alert appears on the screen of the user.
The homepage of the application
The recoding screen
The history page
The user is able to view the history of the recording they have done on the application. The user would be able to review the recording and discard it in case they no longer require it.
In addition to all this it is to be noted that a mobile application has been designed here as it has been assumed that the designing of a mobile application would be most appropriate for the requirements stated by the developer. Hence there are a number of design principle and architectural requirement for the system which is to be designed.
Purpose of the app: The purpose with which the application was created should be understood very easily by the users. The description and the name of the application should be able to provide the user with a clear view of purpose and the application. The application should be having a primary aim of engaging the user with the system and the interface is the one to do it.
Revenue mode: It is mostly thought that the number of downloads and the ranking of the application would be helpful in generating a huge amount of money, however this is wrong and the primary aim of the application should not be just earing money. The main purpose of the application that has been designed is to provide the people with the correct measure for their glucose level and keep their health conditions in check which would help them in performing an efficient analysis of their health.
UX, Color, and UI: Appearance is very important for any type of application and hence, a ppro designing of the UI would make the application lose its potential customers. In addition to this the attractiveness of the application also depends on the colors used and the designs of application should be able to prove a point. Attractive colors have been selected in the application which has been designed for the monitoring of the glucose in the patients. The different colors would help the people in the identification of the value and the graphs.
Navigation or search: If it is difficult to find out one thing in the app, it will probably lose out on a number of users due to this5. Navigation is one of the most important aspects of designing a good app. If the app has a larger than normal set of functions or content, there should be a convenient search bar. There has been an efficient use of the navigation bar for the glucose monitoring application that would be very beneficial for the user as this would help them in navigation through the menus in the application.
Well defined data structure and flow: In comparison to the other the mobile devices are very effective and more powerful. The designer of the application has to pay a detailed attention to the flow of data and storage within the application. The data structure and the flow of events are very efficiently designed in the Glucose monitoring application.
Attention to Detail
Conversions: Although this is targeted to the e-commerce application mainly. However, there are few things that need to be present in an application for better conversion rates-
- allow user reviews to be viewed and filtered,
- provide multiple third-party payment options
- make it easy to add and manage payment methods
The application does not involve any payment related design; however, it can be implemented in future in the application.
Stats & Analytics: Tracking and analyzing is very important for any type of application. This would allow the developer of the application to track the performances of the application whenever some user is looking to interact with the Glucose monitor application.
Product roadmap and upgrade model: Every time an application is created it is very important that an upgrade plan is devised in order to provide a steady roadmap for the ap;plication.. Analysis and product statistics basically give the developer an idea about what can be done to make the app better. Hence the development of the Glucose monitoring application has been done with the room further improvement6.
The interaction of the objects in the system, and it depicts the classes and the objects that are involved in the scenario and the sequence in which the exchanges of the messages takes place in between the users and the components of the many businesses hire consultants to map their processes8. This often results in diagrams that show a potential future state of work that may inspire management. However they are rarely used beyond this since they are not owned, management and maintained by the right people in the organization. The companies that succeeded are the ones that manage to build decentralized process communities where employees find practical guidance for everyday work. The sequence diagram has been developed on the provided use case scenario.
The information about the classes in the system and the relationship associated with them. If it’s an Association or a Dependency relationship, then it’s usually represented by a line (solid for Association or dotted for Dependency) between the two classes, without an arrow head on either side. This is called a bidirectional relationship. For Inheritance and Realization, it doesn’t make sense for the arrow head to be on both sides. It doesn’t make sense for two classes to implement or inherit from each other. The design class diagram is also used for displaying the interaction of the classes in the system with the objects in the system. The design class diagram has been developed for the Glucose monitoring system.
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