Exploring Sustainable Ideologies In Construction Projects

The Impact of Sustainable Development Planning on Higher Learning Institutions

Construction governments, as well as clients have begun to appreciate and recognise the effects associated with construction, design in addition to occupation of buildings have to the society as well as the environment. Accordingly, the construction sector as well as governments have a significant role to play towards driving and ensuring the sustainable development objective. As a result, sustainability design engineers are working round the clock with the target to design houses which minimise the use of natural resources. Certainly, there is need to design building in a manner that decline the consumption of energy and water as well as refraining from production of excessive usage of petroleum energy. Consequently, there is need to design energy effective systems which allow for a greener environment. Indeed, research has shown that good sustainable design stand a better chance to develop buildings at a low operation costs which is a characteristic that will be greatly to not only society but also businesses. In this sense, the intent of this paper is to explore the integration of sustainability ideologies in the construction projects.         

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Ramos et al. states that sustainable development planning is a vital component that should be used to allow higher learning institutions to set their goals by taking concrete measures to implement sustainability. Research has shown that global warming as well as climate change are posing unequalled threats to all living things. Therefore, the rapid development of the emerging nations is going to accelerate global warming leading to resource problem exacerbation. Undeniably, this problem is significant in the long run because a majority of the policy makers acknowledge that for most of the developing nations the problem could result in additional precarious sustainable development challenges which will impact on the welfare of humans more immediately. According to reports by the Environmental Agency it is stated that “it is high time there are changes in the building, production energy in additional to technology make to ensure that it is more efficient since these processes always go hand in hand with variation in the behaviour as well as the required lifestyle to be able to thrive instead of surviving climate change” (Becerik-Gerber, Gerber, and Ku, 2011, p. 412). As a result, it goes without saying that any method that help to fight against climate change is worthy and should therefore be considered as part and parcel of the progressive sustainable objective. On the same note, the support for sustainable activities can only be realised through attaining the right balance between sustainable standards which include environmental, economic and social implementation of the construction projects. Subsequently, there is the necessity to advocate for sustainable construction which is relevant to what is constructed today will help to protect the environment of the upcoming generation. Thus, in doing so, this will impact the capacity of the forthcoming generation to be able to realise their needs.

In accordance to Ramos et al. the primary purpose of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) was initiated with the target to realise an equilibrium between human and economic good fortune as well as the cultural traditions in addition to respect for the planet’s natural resources using educational activities. In general the primary objective of ESD was to include ecological, economic and environmental elements throughout the long-term learning process. The focus and gaol of Higher Education for Sustainable Development was to go past the generation acquiring knowledge so as to be reflect on the extra effects in addition to decisions and behaviours in a future-driven and international perspective accountability through inclusion of environmental, economic and ecological features into the entire process. Accordingly, the introduction of the ESD at university level intent to implement programs that will allow students to not only develop competency and skills but also foster attitudes as well as values that they will be required to muddle through with upcoming sustainable matters as a requirement to realise their responsibility to come up with sustainable societies. Therefore, through the process of education re-orientation the practice intent to support the realisation of sustainable development competences through students learning progression opportunity into an interdisciplinary, self-controlled, problem-based and trans-disciplinary course. Thus, the benefit related to sustainable development is that it aid on the development of students who are competencies related to alliance which is realised through, improved communication capacities, decision-making built of problem solving critical thinking, conflict management, teamwork and planning.          

Education for Sustainable Development

Through consideration of the education for sustainable development transformation concept, it shows that there is need to redirect the association and resource amongst shareholders engaged in higher education institutions so as to reshape the learning and teaching course according to the principles of sustainability. Therefore, in regard to the latest perception universities are inspired to encourage dialogue as well as communication about sustainable subject matters as a way to reorient to the novel strategic theories. Indeed, these strategic theories are vital to higher learning institutions because the transforming teaching and environment standpoint. As a result, the teaching perspective are required to be flexible in readiness to experience upcoming variations. 

Khalili et al. states that cleaner production is a preventive way of regulating the ecological effects of business procedures and products. Accordingly, cleaner production make use of modification in technology resources and processes to minimise waste, health and environmental risks, as well as environmental damage. Therefore, higher learning institutions should make use of their mission to research train as well as give service to the society by strengthening cleaner production in a sustainable development way. Indeed, universities are supposed to make deeper lifelong goals of a production which will not use a lot of energy and bio-resources as compared to what nature give freely. Accordingly, in so doing it will said to restrict pollution in a manner that the surrounding as well as human health will not be harmed thus the quality of life will progressively improve (Ramos et al., 2015, p. 4). Certainly, this can be achieved through improving social, economic as well as environmental performance. Cleaner production has to be advocated at all levels that is in the service industry and production sectors. Thus, the role of higher learning institutions on cleaner production is significant towards building nations as well as economies under transition. Surely, universities should not only produce knowledge by targeting research, instead they should understand that they are the heart to enhancing environmental awareness as well as literacy amongst leaners, staff and the society at large.

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Research by Ramos et al; and Khalili et al. reveal that higher learning institutions have been frontline actors in terms of innovation and transformation of the society. Therefore, the call as well as quest for sustainable development has landed on a fertile ground in the journals, campuses as well as curricula across the globe. Indeed, researcher in addition to higher learning institutions have a significant role to play in advancing a sustainable tomorrow because they are proactively involved in teaching a majority of the professionals that manage, lead, and teach the society. In addition, universities stand a better chance to becoming sustainability inventors through research practices and acting as mentor to the community. There are numerous initiatives which have sprung up in a greatly diverse context which range from mission and vision statements, sustainability inclusion, to greenhouse gas saving programs. Also, multinational proclamation has been produced in making attempts to direct higher learning institutions to integrate sustainability in the curricula.               

The Role of Higher Learning Institutions in Cleaner Production

According to Perez-Foguet et al. postulate that it is significance to support sustainable development in metropolitans because they are a major threat to the international ecosystem as well as settlement among the developing nations which are in need of energy, raw materials and economic development to counter the primary social and economic challenges. As a result of trailing sustainable construction activities, a lot of studies have been undertaken by many scholars. For instance, Perez-Foguet et al. postulate that there should be a framework in place to realise sustainable construction such that the main elements of the structure should be included in the project setting evaluation as well as environmental policy. Accordingly, there are many construction companies which have started to embrace sustainability in their construction business value since recent studies show that many property tenants are currently willing to pay more base rents for greener building. Therefore, building tenants are greatly demanding for that contractors, business consultants as well as suppliers move towards adopting sustainable regulations in their process of construction.

According to World Environment Agency statistics it indicate that building account for more than 40 per cent of the total global yearly energy consumption (Kibert, 2016). Thus, a lot of the globe’s energy that is currently produced is utilised in ways which are not sustainable. The good news is that one way to decline construction energy consumption is through the design of structure that are much more economical in their energy consumption. As a result, the United States has advanced a Green Building Council (USGBC) by developing a green building assessment system referred to as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Accordingly, LEED is used for assessing the ecological performance of buildings with the target to support sustainability in the construction industry. At the same time construction companies are making stride by making sure that they get LEED certification as a show that they have addressed the environmental effect of all building they construct. Certainly, this is a clear indication that there is effective execution of the principles of project management which aid in the course of securing the environment to attain sustainability.            

Cushman-Roisin states that sustainable engineering is supposed to be built on standards which enhance sustainable development since engineering act as an interface between design, implementation and production. Consequently, sustainable engineering make attempts to resolve the challenge of unsustainable environment by considering the entire system in the life-cycle. As a result of the increase in the concern regarding global warming, scarcity of resources, environmental degradation, upsurge in population as well as globalisation it is clear that all these aspects are posing a major threat to the planet (Zimmerman, 2006). Therefore, it is the responsibility of engineering design to be more involved in the effective design to advance the objective of sustainability. Certainly, this will call for a novel design structure which will incorporate sustainability components through an explicit performance gauge. According to Vanegas, (2013) sustainability is the ability to realise the needs of the present generation by ensuring that it does not interfere with the needs of the coming generation.

The Role of Research and Higher Learning Institutions in Advancing Sustainable Development

Therefore, the 12 principles of Green Engineering have been put forth so as to allow a design protocol responsible for moving the engineering design towards a sustainable future. For quite a long period of time, the effect of population growth has been seen as a grand challenge to the progression of the goals of sustainability. Nevertheless, traditionally higher quality of life and the rise in population have been intricately been associated with the degradation of the environment as well as the depletion of resources. Nonetheless, studies shows that the rising human populace is the reason for the upsurge strain on natural resources utilised for consumption in addition to waste integration (Cushman-Roisin, 2018). While there is no a suitable index to measure the state of the environment, the relation between the environment and the population scan be evaluated through aspects like pollution especially originating from the demand of energy, water quantity, the quality of the environment, climate change, use of land and biodiversity. Past research indicate that each of these aspects has been found to support the idea that the increase in population has generally influenced the environment in a detrimental way. Therefore, the standing challenge is how this lead to continuous progress and improvement of life quality both to the developed as well as emerging world minus posing harmful effects to the environment and over utilisation of resources. Indeed, the objective of green engineering as well as green chemistry is to utilise science and technology in ensuring quality of life. Certainly, realisation of this objective will result in dissociation of the traditional connection between populace growth, degradation of the environment and enhanced quality of life.  

Consequently, the 12 Principles of Green Engineering provide a basis for designing novel product processes, materials, as well as systems which will initiate a new leaf to the health of humans and the environment. The design that is built on the 12 principles goes past the engineering foundation of safety and quality specifications related to sustainability components which have been regarded as the vital elements from the early stages of design process, material, building, product and system. Indeed, the 12 principles have been advanced purposely to operate as international design principles for sustainability for the future generation.

According to Kelly (2018) the World Federation of Engineering Organisation (EFEO) committee regarding education in engineering is focussed on sustainability. While sustainable development and sustainability have been in existence for decades there is more need to emphasis on the same. Accordingly, sustainable development can be realised by encouraging the WFEO to describe the modifications in engineering education to support sustainable development. According to the Brundtland report that is “Our Common Future” which was initiated in 1987 by the Word Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) has positioned the future sustainable development on the world’s map political plan so as to relight the public interest towards the environment (Zimmerman, 2006). The primary goal of the WCED has been to circulate information regarding the international environmental management.

On the other hand sustainability is a large discipline that provide graduates and students insights into most elements of the human world from business to social sciences, to technology and the environment (Gilbertson et al., 2015, p. 5758). Certainly, the main skills that higher learning institution should impart to students in the contemporary world are skills that will sallow graduates as they move to the society to considerably minimise carbon emissions by discovering and developing technologies that support a greener world for the coming generation (Wong, and Zhou, 2015, p. 156). Sustainability skills as well as environmental awareness in the preference in a majority of the companies for graduates. Thus, with sustainable graduates they will help to ensure that the environment is protected against further destruction for the betterment of the coming generation.

In accordance to the above literature it suggests that engineering managers are required to advocate for the design of sustainable processes, materials, and systems. In conclusion, in the context of architecture engineering in order to realise effective sustainable engineering management practices engineers in this filed should integrate sustainability ideologies in the construction projects. 


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Gilbertson, L.M., Zimmerman, J.B., Plata, D.L., Hutchison, J.E. and Anastas, P.T., 2015. Designing nanomaterials to maximize performance and minimize undesirable implications guided by the Principles of Green Chemistry. Chemical Society Reviews, 44(16), pp.5758-5777.

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Zimmerman, J.B., 2006, February. Sustainable Development through the Principles of Green Engineering. In Frontiers of Engineering, Reports on Leading-Edge Engineering from the 2005 Symposium.

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