Geographies Of Globalisation: Issues Of Corporate Governance And Diversity In Australian Organizations
Issues of Recruitment and Diversity in Australian Organizations
The diversity within an organization deals with the putting together of the issues that were related to the bringing together of the various individuals who have been serving the concerned organization. The following paper discusses the issues that are presented in the given scenarios. The essay opens with the presentation of the issues that have been presented within the concerned organization. The essay proceeds further to discuss the issues in light of the existing literature. The essay further proceeds with the discussion of the corporate governance issues that are presented within the given articles. The essay nears a conclusion with the discussion on the measures that can be implemented in order to address the issues of corporate governance.
In the article entitled “ASX200 boards near 30pc gender target: AICD”, Patten aims to discuss the issues that are related to the recruitment of the female employees within the organizations that are operational within the given territorial boundaries. The researches and the surveys that have been undertaken reveal the fact that the concerned companies tend to recruit lesser women in the higher levels of the organizational hierarchy. This has led to the conditions wherein the concerned people within the country have been facing issues regarding the employment of the people who have been residing within the given area. The article further discusses the fact that there has been a sharp decline in the job applications that are turned in by the female population of the country. The concerned article further discusses the conditions wherein there is a severe lack of diversity within the workforce of the multitudes of business organizations that have been functioning within the territorial boundaries of the country. The lowering of the female employees of the organization is known to have led to the creation of the lack in the diversity within the employees of the organization (Peretz, Levi and Fried 2015 pp 900). The article further states that the recruitment of the female employees have faced an increase within the Australian territories. The article claims the fact that there has been a steady progress in the incorporation of the female employees within the higher positions within the organizational hierarchies. The article concludes with the information that the establishment of the stability among the employees is a goal that remains unachieved by the small-scale companies.
In the article entitled “company boards are stacked with friends of friends so how can we expect change?”, Smith (2018) argues that the majority of the board appointments of the company are driven by the social connections. The article further suggests that the majority of the directors within the company are known to have been responsible for the actions taken by the board of directors at a number of companies at the same time. The articled reveals the fact that the people who are chosen to replace the highest hierarchical posts within the company are known to be selected from a limited number of participants. The article suggests that the concerned organizational managements generally do not aim to recruit the employees in the higher levels of the management in the from an external talent pool. The article aims to discuss the lack of the diversity within the management of the concerned company. the article states that the multitude of the business organizations that have been active within the Australian political boundaries faces a huge number of issues in the matters that are related to the corporate governance as practiced by the concerned management of the organizations that have been present within the given organization. the article also aims to reveal the poor condition of the diversity and the independence that is shared within the concerned organizational structure. The article reveals the fact that the there is a very negligible amount of improvement within the diversity of the concerned organizational board.
Corporate Governance in Australian Organizations
The organizational diversity is one of the major tools that are required by the concerned business organization in order to accommodate themselves within the given market. The concerned organization is known to have been maintaining the diversity within the organization in terms of the gender of the workforce that has been serving the concerned organization, the age as well as the cultural backgrounds of the concerned organization (Hajro, Gibson and Pudelko 2017 pp. 360). The diversity within the organization is known to have been ensuring the equality within the given organization. The employment of the women within the given organization helps in the maintenance of the diversity within the organizational workforce as well as helps in the improvement of the equality within the opportunities that have been extended to all the members of the workforce of the organization. The diversity within the organization aims to deal with the creation of the innovative ideas within the organizations. The diversity within the given organization helps in the improvisation within the matters that are related to the talent pool that is presented within the organization (Ntim 2015 pp. 117). The diversity within the organization also helps in the discussion regarding the experiences of the concerned employees in the given course of their service to the given company.
The literature on the recruitment methods that are generally followed by the major business organization reveal that the majority of the concerned organizations tend to recruit the members serving at the higher levels of the hierarchy within the concerned organization from a smaller group of employees who might under take the responsibilities in a proper manner. The major factor that poses to be a constraint in this issue is the factor that is related to the limitations that are present in the recruitment pool within the given organization (Abzug 2017). The limitation of the employees and the talent pool does not provide the employers of the organization the wider talent base that might contain people who are best suited for the given job-role. The diversity within the organization also helps in the discussion regarding the experiences of the concerned employees in the given course of their service to the given company (Marsden 2017 pp 114). The diversity within an organization aims to deal with the issues that are related to the putting together of the issues that were related to the bringing together of the various individuals who have been serving the concerned organization. The diversity within the organization is known to have been ensuring the equality within the given organization (Rudolph, Toomey and Baltes 2017 pp 621). The diversity within the given organization helps in the improvisation within the matters that are related to the talent pool that is presented within the organization.
The issues that are presented within the five different articles are all related to the issues that bear relevance to the corporate governance issues faced by the concerned employees within the organization. The concerned employees might also face issues that are related to the recruitment of the employees from within the existing talent pool within the company. The given articles also discuss the failure of the CEO or the chief executive officer to depict the conditions that almost demands on a stepping down of the CEO of the organization. The other major issue that has been discussed within the given article is the remuneration that ids extended to the concerned employees. The article further suggests that the majority of the directors within the company are known to have been responsible for the actions taken by the board of directors at a number of companies at the same time (Greber 2018). The article reveals the fact that the people who are chosen to replace the highest hierarchical posts within the company are known to be selected from a limited number of participants. The concerned organizational managements generally do not aim to recruit the employees in the higher levels of the management in the from an external talent pool (Pahos and Galanaki 2018). The article aims to discuss the lack of the diversity within the management of the concerned company. The other issue that is faced by the concerned employees of the organization is the choice of the board members of the company on the basis of the experience that has been gathered by the concerned stakeholders of the company as compared to the employment of the independent directors within the given issue (Frost 2018).
The Importance of Diversity in Organizations
The corporate governance in Australia and New Zealand might be improved with the help of the implementation of the following recommended measures. In order to overcome the above-mentioned issues, the business organization must in the first place open to the idea of diversification and the implementation of the same within the given company. The concerned organization is known to have been maintaining the diversity within the organization in terms of the gender of the workforce that has been serving the concerned organization, the age as well as the cultural backgrounds of the concerned organization. The diversity within the organization is known to have been ensuring the equality within the given organization. In order to deal with the recruitment from the external talent pool present in the given market, the concerned company mighty be advised to implement the recruitment strategies that involve the connection to the broader base of the potential employees who might help in the improvement of the overall performance of the company. This in turn would help the business organization in the generation of novel products and ideas that might be helpful for the competitive market of the present days. The organizations might also be advised to deal with the proper remunerational structure as well as provide the employees with an amount that suffices for the service that they have been extending towards the organization.
Thus, from the above discussion it might be inferred that the organization in discussion should impose the recommended measures that are mentioned above in order to deal with the issues that arise within the organization. The recruitment of the employees from within the present organizational workforce aims to restrict the diversity within the given organization. The diversity within the organization aims to deal with the creation of the innovative ideas within the organizations.
Abzug, R., 2017. Recruitment and Selection for Nonprofit Organizations. In The Nonprofit Human Resource Management Handbook (pp. 87-100). Routledge.
Frost, J. 2018. APRA: Bank pay is out of step and must change. [online] Financial Review. Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2018].
Greber, J. 2018. Is Elon Musk running out of time at Tesla?. [online] Financial Review. Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2018].
Hajro, A., Gibson, C.B. and Pudelko, M., 2017. Knowledge exchange processes in multicultural teams: Linking organizational diversity climates to teams’ effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal, 60(1), pp.345-372.
Marsden, P.V., 2017. Interpersonal ties, social capital, and employer staffing practices. In Social capital (pp. 105-125). Routledge.
Ntim, C.G., 2015. Board diversity and organizational valuation: unravelling the effects of ethnicity and gender. Journal of Management & Governance, 19(1), pp.167-195.
Pahos, N. and Galanaki, E., 2018, June. Staffing practices and employee performance: the role of age. In Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Patten, S. 2018. ASX200 boards near 30pc gender target: AICD. [online] Financial Review. Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2018].
Peretz, H., Levi, A. and Fried, Y., 2015. Organizational diversity programs across cultures: effects on absenteeism, turnover, performance and innovation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(6), pp.875-903.
Rudolph, C.W., Toomey, E.C. and Baltes, B.B., 2017. Considering age diversity in recruitment and selection: An expanded work lifespan view of age management. In The Palgrave Handbook of Age Diversity and Work (pp. 607-638). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Smith, S. 2018. Company boards are stacked with friends of friends. So how can we expect change?. [online] ABC News. Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2018].
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