Effective Employee And Labour Relations: Occupational Health And Safety & Work-Life Balance

Part A: Occupational Health and Safety Legislation

Occupational Health and Safety Legislation(OH&S) in Canada illustrates the rights and responsibilities of the employer , the workers and the supervisors with the help of the act and associated regulations. Implementation of Workplace Health and Safety Act is important not only because it is legal requirement ,it also contributes to the long term success of the organization(Government of Canada ,n.d.).

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This report illustrates the impact of implementation of OH&S on the employers as well as on the employees.

Impact of implementation of OH&S on the Employers and Employees

Occupational Health and Safety involves the evolution and minimization of threats which may impact the safety, health and welfare of the employees. It can help the employers retain their staff.

Through the implementation of OH&S, the injuries and illness are minimized at the workplace which will increase the productivity of the employees. Execution of health and safety programs will ensure the prevention of illness and injury on the workplace.

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The health and safety programs assist the employers and the employees in comprehending the probable hazards occurring at the workplace. It also involves the workers in development of the WHS policies and processes (Rothmore & Boucaut, 2015).

The employees have a key role to play in averting the work related diseases and injuries. They enjoy certain rights under the code and have the right to know, participate and refuse to perform works which are dangerous to their health.

With the help of the rights assigned to the employees, they can be informed about the probable hazards at the workplace. They can be provided with the suitable information, training, instructions and supervision which are necessary for protecting the health and safety (Cooklin, Joss, Husser & Oldenburg, 2017).

The awareness of the employees can help in increasing the productivity and minimizing their injury. It would increase the profitability of the company. The mangers must make sure that the workers comply with the OH&S acts and regulations.

They must also ensure that prescribed protective devices and equipment are used by the workers. They should also advice the workers with potential and actual hazards. Written instructions should be provided to the workers regarding the processes and measures taken to safeguard the workers.

The managers and supervisors must take every reasonable precaution for safeguarding the workers. It is their responsibility to meet their duties according to the act.  So, including mental health in the business model is crucial for a healthy workplace (Ricci, Chiesi, Bisio, Panari & Pelosi, 2016).

It is important for all the levels of the workplace including the board, management, finance and human resource department. A safe and healthy workplace promotes a mental wellbeing and does not harm the mental health of the employees through reckless, negligible and intentional ways.


Hence to conclude, it can be said that implementing workplace health and safety regulations at the workplace can improve the mental and physical health of the employees. The employer   in consultation with employees should develop certain strategies, initiatives and policies as a part of the continuous process of improvement at work and for increasing the personal empowerment and growth of the employees.  

When the employees feel a great sense of ownership and control over their lives, they tend to have a better relationship at their workplace. They are able to deal with the work and home related issues in a better way (Hutchinson, 2018).

Balanced employees tend to feel less stressed and more motivated at work. It would also enhance their productivity and lessen the conflicts with their colleagues and management. Companies which gain reputation for motivating the work life balance become attractive to the workers.

They are able to retain more employees resulting in less time consuming training, more loyalty and more in house expertise. This handbook introduces to the services and programs for maintaining better work life balance.

The programs and policies for maintaining work life balance include flexibility of work arrangements such as flexitime and telecommuting. Policies should also be formulated for providing assistance with child care and eldercare benefits. Resource should also be provided for managing the personal financial issues of the employees.

The benefits for the family members and domestic partners should also be provided to the members.  Furthermore, flexible leave options should also be given by the employers. It results in wellbeing of the employee and boosts up the performance of the company.

It enhances the commitments of the employees towards the organization and reduces their absenteeism. It improves their satisfaction level thereby lowering the employee turnover ratio. Maintaining a work life balance has certain advantages (Deery & Jago, 2015).

A good work life balance can enable the employee to exercise better control over their working life. It shall lead to lower absenteeism, increased productivity   and a happier and less stressed workforce.  It also improves the health and wellbeing of the employees as well.

It boosts up the loyalty of the employees as well as greater employee commitment and motivation. The benefits of the work life balance are not just confined to the workforce. The work life policies and flexible working hours can also help the employers to measure the increase in accountability and commitment of the employees towards the company (Russo, Shteigman & Carmeli, 2016).

It helps in better coordination amongst the teams and communication. It helps in improving their morale along with enhancing the engagement and commitment levels. It helps in mitigating the negative organizational stress (Thakur & Bhatnagar, 2017).

The programs and services comprised in the work life balance handbook   include access to the employees to exercise.  Every adult should be eligible for getting a minimum of 30 minutes exercise per day. Healthy employees are the one who exercise on daily basis and eat healthy food which makes them less prone to diseases. Therefore, they are not required to miss days at work.

 The office buildings must have a gym facility so that the employees can be encouraged to use it on regular basis .If the facility is not provided in the premises of the office, and then the employees can avail the facility at a discount at a local gym (Christensen & Schneider, 2015).

Part B: Work-Life Balance in the Workplace

Moreover, an onsite child care facility can be provided to the staff. If it is not possible to provide the facility on the premises, the employees can be offered discount on childcare services. It can help in alleviating their stress of caring children during their work and reduce the amount of missed work.

It can be concluded by reviewing the benefit plans related to maintaining work life balance. The plans and policies can be evaluated by assessment of the health coverage policies implemented for all the employees (Balven, Fenters, Siegel & Waldman, 2018).


TO:  Mr. Carlton



DATE : November 22, 2018

SUBJECT : Steps Involved in the Grievance Process  

 As an HR Consultant, I would suggest that the following grievance process should be followed by James while filling his grievance to the higher authorities.

Firstly, the manager should go for an informal action if the grievance is minor and can be resolved informally. However, if the grievance is of serious nature or is the one which in the nature of employee has not been satisfactory resolved then the complaint should be dealt by the employer under a formal grievance procedure.

The next step in the process is investigation which is carried out by the employer after receiving the grievance. The basic purpose of investigation will be to establish the full facts of grievance before taking any decision.

In the next step, the employer will hold the meeting for the employee for the purpose of providing the employee an opportunity for explaining the complaint.  Along with this, the opinion of the employee will also be employed regarding the manner of resolving the grievance and the expected outcome.

After considering the evidences, decision will be made by the employer regarding whether to reject or uphold the grievance and the same will be communicated to the employee in writing (McAndrew, 2016).

In the last step, the employer should be prepared for the appeal in cases if the grievance has been rejected for partially rejected. This will be handled by the senior manager of the organization. The employee will be informed regarding the outcome of the appeal in writing (Cooke & Saini, 2015).    

Mr. Carlton should work towards resolving the situation through the adoption of a systematic approach which means by following the employee grievance process. There is a requirement for improving the vacation allocation process of CN Rail. Instead of just troubleshooting, Mr. Carlton is required to find a permanent solution for the problem. The manager should aim at dealing with the root cause of the problem and altogether removing the reason for the complaint made by employee.  The grievance proceedings should not be carried on for months and the decision should be made as quickly as possible (Haar, Russo, Suñe & Ollier- Malaterre, 2014). Moreover, all the communication lines should be kept open for the employees while resolving the grievance which allows the employee to communicate and connect with the employer throughout the process. Along with this, the employer or manager should be responsive whenever they are reached out by the employee. Also, every step of the grievance process should be documented by the employer. Such documentation will prove to be of great help if similar grievances arise in the future (Paauwe & Boon, 2018). The improvement in the internal policies can be brought with the help of such documentation on employee welfare, personal administration and similar management issues and aspects. In this way, the grievance should be resolved by the Mr. Carlton.

Termination of employment can be defined as the departure of an employee from the job and the end of the employee’s duration with an employer (Connelly & Torrence, 2018). Even after several months of receiving the performance feedback, the performance of the employee did not improve and therefore the services of the employee are being terminated. Following is the checklist of things which will be required to prepare prior to the termination-   

  • Recording of the termination details- Firstly the details of the employees will be recording along with the reason of the termination i.e. voluntary or involuntary with detail (Falcone, 2017).
  • Requesting a letter of Resignation- the employee will be asked to write a letter of resignation stating that he/she is leaving the organization along with the date of resignation (Bratton & Gold, 2017).
  • Receiving the letter of resignation- After the employee has provided the letter of resignation, attach it with the respective documents and record the effective date of resignation (Ross, 2016).
  • Informing the HR department- the HR department of the organization will be notified regarding the termination so that further process can be taken into consideration.
  • Terminating the online accounts- Firstly, network administrator will be informed and then all the online accounts of the employee will be terminated.   
  • Return of Company’s property- all the assets provided to the employee by the company will be taken back before termination.
  • Reviewing all signed documents- the confidentiality and non- compete agreements will be reviewed for the purpose of ensuring that the employee understands the expectations out of him after the termination (Currie, Gormley, Roche & Teague, 2017).
  • Final Payment- all the dues of the employee will be cleared by the company.
  • Disabling access to company buildings and property- depending on the access method of the organization, the building entry code of the employee will be disabled.

Employer: Mr. XYZ, the reason behind calling this meeting is to discuss the quality of your work. In the previous few months, a number of meetings were called to assist you in identifying the areas where you performance can be improved. Unfortunately, the desired improvement was not seen in your performance. Several opportunities have been given to you so that you can improve your performance along with providing you multiple notices and warnings, both verbal and written.  Even after all this, you were unable to make adjustments as requested. Therefore, we’ve decided to let you go. I have some logistics to go over with you. Afterward, I can answer your questions.

It was anticipated that the termination process adopted by the employers is very easy. However, it involves a number of tasks to be completely prior to the termination. It is a time consuming and detailed process and therefore is different from what was anticipated.

There are a number of important aspects of human resources which I have learnt over the course. I have learnt that this branch of management deals with the overall management of the organization. Furthermore, it aims at the establishment and maintenance of better relations within the human workforce in any organization. However, this is attained by HRM with the help of evaluating, applying and developing the policies, procedures and programs that are related to the human workforce such that their contributions can be maximized in the effort to realize the goals and objectives of the organization. Organizational design is of great role in human resource management as it impacts on employee and resource planning. Human resource management seeks to initiate the organization wide practices which results in increased motivation of the employees, decreased reliance on the hierarchies of management and increased push for performance data for measuring the progress of the employees (Dessler, Chhinzer & Cole, 2014).  

I further learnt that there is a grievance process which should be followed by the organizations for the purpose of dealing with the grievances of the employees in an effective manner.   Also, if the termination of any employee is planned by the organization, it is required to perform a number of tasks from documentation to the final payment of all the dues to the employee. Furthermore, I have learnt that Occupational Health and Safety involves the evolution and minimization of threats which may impact the safety, health and welfare of the employees. It can help the employers retain their staff. Over the course, I also realized the importance of work- life balance for the employees as it is essential for them to feel less stressed and more motivated at work. Therefore, I have learnt that policies and programs for the maintenance of work- life balance play an importance role in an organization.


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