Different Types Of Questions For Information Elicitation From Project Stakeholders
Overview of Information Repositories
Information repository provides an easy way to deploy and make available secondary sources of information. In cases of information repositories, all data storage resources are usually virtualized in to composite sets of data storage in order to operate as a federated operational environment. The main goal of developing information repositories was to eliminate the data proliferation as well as need to segregate any stored data solutions. Depending on the nature of information stored, information repositories can be divided into several instances. These categories would be discussed based on Nexus repository manager configuration. First, proxy repository is usually linked to remote repository and any form of request made is verified in respect to local content stored in proxy repository (Yan, Dijkman & Grefen, 2012). In cases where local information requested cannot be found, requests are redirected to available linked remote repository. Once remote information content has been found, it has to be retrieved and be stored locally in available repository manager. In this regard, repository manager acts as a cache which hosts data temporarily for ease of access. Since same type of components might be requested in future, requested information would be fulfilled from local repository in a bid to eliminate network bandwidth. Local storage repository and data retrieval helps eliminate time overhead usually experienced when same access is made from remote repository.
The next aspect would be hosted repository which stores its components in a specific repository manager. Hosted repository makes use of maven releases namely maven2 repository which in turn releases version policy. Maven2 is usually believed to be an internal repository to be used by organization for internal release. Similarly, it makes use of maven snapshots which uses maven2 repository format but in a snapshot version policy. Finally, organization may decide to make use of nugget –hosted repository which are used by specific organizations to publish all its internal releases in nugget-format (Armbruster & Romary, 2010). Lastly, repository group is believed to be a collection of other existing repositories which combines more than one repository. A repository group represents all powerful features such as Nexus repository manager which allows developers to make use of single URL for configuration purpose. A good example can be observed in cases where a combination of maven central proxy repository and hosted repository are done to come up with one URL. Available repository manager ships in group repository are; maven-public which is a repository group of maven2 and nuget-group which combines both nuget-hosted and nuget.org-proxy to form a single repository.
Project stakeholders are key players in project actualization and should be engaged from initial phases of project implementation. During stakeholders’ engagement, it is important to have different set of questions which would help elicit some information from target respondents. During formulation of the questions, they should be carefully structured and revised to make sure they are clear and non-ambiguous. In order to understand the context of the project, sample questions would be highlighted. Once the project context has been understood in relation to organizational setup, it is important to allow stakeholders to explain some of the major challenges faced. A sample question could be, what are the biggest challenges that you faced while executing your roles? This opportunity should be accorded to all people, either in management or at operational level (Dhanda, 2015). The question prompts should be able to help explore outside projects scope in a bid to elicit comprehensive information. To answer such question in an interview setting, it will allow collection of relevant information in form of narrations. Narrations makes it possible to have elaborate answers from stakeholders as well as cement project value. Narrations provided by respondents would be based on business needs and requirements that communicates the value of the subject project in the entire project development lifecycle. As much as there is need to avoid project creep during information elicitation, moving slightly outside the confines of the project can help identify some issues. These issues can either be organizational risks that hinder project execution, chances of having missing stakeholders in the project actualization as well as any project unfilled gaps.
Sample Questions for Project Stakeholders
The next question which stakeholders would be expected to provide a suitable solution would be, the view of success in regard to specific stakeholder. A good example would be; in your opinion, how do you perceive project success? In order to make sure question is prompted in the right way, stakeholders can be asked to explain the meaning of project success. At initial stages of project implementation, the subject question would be used to elicit very specific project features and capabilities. The main goal would be to keep all stakeholders focused on all processes to be undertaken, number of participants to be involved, governing rules and data. Project team should be aware that, going for unplanned changes such as technology might be quite risky. Important aspect would be to focus on success parameters, benefits related to specific undertaking and making sure all stakeholders are involved and happy on the proposed project value (D’Ortenzio, 2012). Additionally, it would be good to understand the impact of the project. The sample question which would be, who is impacted is by the project positively or negatively? Since all people touched by the project are important stakeholders, their roles and categorization would be critical for successful elicitation of information. The last question would be framed on basis of organizational changes that might hinder project actualization. The sample question would be, what other changes are current happening within organization that may impact organization positively or negatively? To avoid being blindsided by organizational constant changes, this can only be avoided by engaging stakeholders who are familiar with both current and proposed strategies, policies, rules and technological changes.
During project actualization, information gathering is an important aspect that cannot be ignored by the project team. To gather required information, several techniques can be used in regard to target respondents, number of respondents and convenience of subject technique. Some of the techniques which can be used are; questionnaires which are sent to specific respondents over mail or postal address. All questions should be structured in such a way that, respondent can understand and answer them without much strain. During respondent selection, it has to factor the closeness of fit within the context of individual stakeholder. Additionally, interviews can be used to collect required project information (Murgan, 2015). Interviews can focus on selected individual respondents by considering impacts they get from actualization of the project, availability of information from such individuals and ease of reaching respondents. Interviews can be conducted through different processes such as over the phone by calling respondents. It can also be done on face to face by engaging specific respondent or through focus groups. Focus groups involves interviewing a group of respondents in a forum. Interviewer poses a question and gets suggestions from members. This can be done in situations where respondents are diverse and there is need to factor all available scenarios. Moreover, project information can be collected through observation. In this case, researcher may visit the site during project actualization and make formal observation on the entire process. Research should be knowledgeable on the entire project scenario in order to be able to identify either strengths or weaknesses (Peersman, 2014). On the same note, information can be collected through secondary means such as case studies and databases. Researcher should be able to get the relevant tools and resources to support entire data collection process. Once all resources are available, research should be able to evaluate presented case studies, extract information, analyze and present it for decision making.
Techniques for Eliciting Information from Project Stakeholders
Project critical requirements are essential factors that should be considered in order to execute project successfully. Important to note is that, failure to consider such project requirements, project success would definitely be halted. According to Frefer, Mahmoud, Haleema, & Almamlook (2018), project critical requirements should be quite diverse in order to capture all process that are regarded as project success metrics. These critical requirements can range from organizational resources to external entities such as government policies. Some of the project critical requirements are; resources required to actualize the project. It is understood that without all required resources in place, it would be quite difficult to actualize any project. Project resources include; knowledgeable personal, finance and tools to make project implementation a success. In this case, knowledgeable personnel would be used to implement subject project successfully. Personnel would be categorized into expert and non-expertise but all personnel play an important role. Similarly, during implementation of project, government policies should be considered as they form very important aspect of any project. Failing to adhere to state policies eventually results to failed project. Policies are a fundamental factor that can result to project failure if not well considered during implementation (Jones, Gray, Gold & Miller, 2010). A project can be quite good but failing to adhere to state policies may make entire project null and void. Some of the state policies that project team should focus on is the security of related parties. The security aspect of the project would vary depending on the nature of the project being implemented. A good example can be deduced from technology project being actualized by an organization. In such a case, organization should factor other trading partners as well as privacy of system users.
In any project actualization, critical requirements can be categorized in regard to business requirements. It is only from business requirements that project team is able to analyze and categorize these requirements. A critical factor in one project might be categorized as non-critical in another similar project. A good example would be on IT projects where system requirements are either functional or non-functional. In the case of IT projects, functional requirements would be categorized as critical because if unmet, the entire project would be considered to have failed. The entire project requirement mapping can be done using project network diagram which defines each project stage, resources required and time to be taken.
Windows server can be considered to be the lasted network server in many organizations. Its technological implementation can has mapped today’s technology I terms of containerization and hybrid capability to make cloud connection (Thomas, 2007). The first feature would be Nono server which offers 92% of the entire installation footprint when compared to windows server with Graphical User Interface (GUI). Nano feature that makes it more outstanding include; ability to host almost all windows server workload not excluding Hyper-V hosts. On the same note, it has been observed to be very small such that it can be ported from data centers and servers easily. Despite being set in such a way to be managed remotely, it still offers User Interface (UI) indented for configuration purposes only. The next windows server 2016 is containers. Containers as they are known from other systems such as Linux and UNIX are meant to isolate both applications and services in agile manner which is easy to administer. The windows 2016 server container is intended to offer minimal workloads in cases where container instances running on the same server might be using shared resources. The one is Hyper-V container which is regarded as “super isolated” windows instance which is completely from other containers and host servers. According to Thomas (2007), hyper-v container is usually for high-trust workload. There are minimal hardware requirements for windows server 2016 to run effectively. These requirements are; a processor of 1.4 GHz within a 64-bit operating system. Since server runs intensive processes, high speed processor is quite essential in order to withstand all network requests and demands. A RAM of 512 MB is required in order to run windows server 2016. Similarly, a minimum disk space of 32 G would be quite essential. It would also require some other peripheral devices such as mouse and keyboard.
Armbruster, C., & Romary, L. (2010). Comparing repository types: challenges and barriers for subject-based repositories, research repositories, national repository systems and institutional repositories in serving scholarly communication. International Journal of Digital Library Systems (IJDLS), 1(4), 61-73.
Dhanda, S. (2015). Evaluating stakeholder perceptions and approaches for improving the impact of the re-designated Saigachy Reserve, Uzbekistan. Doctoral dissertation,Department of Life Sciences, Silwood Park, Imperial College London, 1-75.
D’Ortenzio, C. (2012). Understanding change and change management processes: a case study. University of Canberra. University of Canberra, 1-274.
Frefer, A. A., Mahmoud, M., Haleema, H., & Almamlook, R. (2018). Overview Success Criteria and Critical Success Factors in Project Management. Ind Eng Manage, 7(244), 2169- 0316.
Jones, C. G., Gray, G. L., Gold, A. H., & Miller, D. W. (2010). Strategies for improving systems development project success. Issues in information system, 1(10), 164-172.
Murgan, M. G. (2015). A Critical analysis of the techniques for data gathering in legal research. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(3), 266-274.
Peersman, G. (2014). Overview: Data Collection and Analysis Methods in Impact Evaluation. UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti, 1-15.
Thomas, T. (2007). Symantec Enterprise Vault Integration with the Sun StorageTekTM 5320 NAS Appliance. Sun Microsystems, Inc.1-10.
Yan, Z., Dijkman, R., & Grefen, P. (2012). Business process model repositories–Framework and survey. Information and Software Technology, 54(4), 380-395.