An Exploration Of Nature And Human’s Relationship

ENG 102 Introduction to Literature

ENG 102 Introduction to Literature

A closer look at “Early Spring”

English Literature has always played a crucial role in shaping the lives of human beings (Attridge).Literature pen-portrays certain ideas and thoughts that cannot be depicted otherwise. English literature also presents the crucial theme of nature and human relationship, which has been explored by writers throughout the ages. A closer reading of literary texts can depict the manner in which the portrayal of this relationship has changed over the years. This essay aims to explore the dynamic change that has overpowered the relationship of nature and human beings. This dynamic change in the relationship shall be explored by closely analyzing the three texts, “Early Spring”, “As You Like it” and “The Spring Catches you and you Fall Down”. The following paragraphs shall trace the manner in which the change in nature and human relationship is explored in the above-mentioned texts.   

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Literature produced during the Romantic Period chiefly discussed about the themes of nature- human relationship and politics (Roe, Nicholas). His poems trace the manner in which he used to elevate and align himself with the higher spiritual presence, that is, nature (Hartman, Geoffrey).  His works propagated his personal and staunch belief in the concept of ‘Pantheism’, which refers to his idea of the presence of a uniting presence and soul that binds both human beings and Nature (Ali et al.). This idea is presented in “Early Spring”. Exploring the dominant theme of nature and human relationship, his short poem “Early Spring” depicts the manner in which this relationship has changed over the years. From the very outset, the poem depicts the manner in which the speaker is placed amidst the lap of nature. A look at the biographical details of Wordsworth will throw light on the fact that he could spend his time by contemplating about the various aspects of nature (Wilson). An intrinsically similar picture is portrayed in the poem where the speaker also ponders over and appreciates the beauteous aspects of nature. Despite the overpowering presence of the beauty of Nature, the speaker cannot discard the disturbing feeling of the change that has penetrated into the once pure relationship shred by nature and man.

In his earlier poems, Nature has been depicted as a force that not only heals but also protects the human beings who try to seek help from Nature (Sen). Despite his inherent beliefs, in this poems he deviates from his accepted beliefs. The speaker cannot fully concentrate on or appreciate the beauty and solace that nature is offering to him. Nature was considered to be a surreal power that could pacify and encourage a lonely human being (Yang and Zeng). The relationship that nature and human shared in his earlier poem depicted the presence of love, protection and care. On the other hand, in his poem “Early Spring”, the relationship that is shared is tarnished by the emerging fear and doubts in the mind of the speaker. A dynamic change in the relationship is depicted in this poem.  In this poem, the speaker is unable to perceive the healing powers of Nature. It is directly emblematic of the inability of man to perceive the bounty of nature. The nature and human relationship is affected by the thoughts of the future of human beings. His thoughts point towards the idea that human beings have failed to comprehend the fact that only nature can provide pure joy. Men have started viewing nature as a secondary force. This has hampered the nature and man relationship (Bahar).

A closer look at Shakespeare’s As You Like It

The theme of nature and human relationship is also explored in this play of Shakespeare. Generally considered as an example of romantic comedy, Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” projects the picture of the relationship shared by nature and man. The central characters of the play come together in The Forest of Arden. In addition to this, the central and crucial action takes place in The Forest of Arden (Gesner). A very clear picture of this relationship is presented throughout the play. In this play, nature is manifested in the spirit of the forest that shelters its inhabitants. In this play, nature can be seen as a benevolent force that protects and nurtures every sojourner of the forest. The forest provides a kind of release for the characters of Rosalind, Celia, Orlando and Oliver (Gesner). Disturbed by the recurring tortures of Duke Frederick, Rosalind and Celia escape to the above- mentioned forest, which acts like a true nurturer. Along with the pair of lovers, The Forest of Arden also shelters the banished Duke Senior and his fellow-mates (MacMullan and Thompson).

The Forest of Arden almost acts a purgatorial space for the characters to realize and comprehend their actual emotions. It is in this forest that Duke Frederick understands his wicked nature and undergoes a drastic transformation (Felperin). It can be said that the forest participates in verbalizing the hidden love of Orlando. Orlando writes poems of love and affection for Rosalind and hangs them by the bark and branches of the trees in this very forest (Gale). Nature almost assists the character in their various undertakings. Further, in this play, Shakespeare also incorporates the idea of pastoral romance. The forest depicts the stark difference between the city and country life. It exemplifies the idea that nature provides a pure form of innocence, which cannot be found anywhere else. The theme of the relationship of nature and man is clearly projected by using pastoral romance where the lovers try to make nature as a medium of communication. A closer reading of the play can also depict the idea that the theme of the relationship of nature and man is presented in an intricate manner. In this play, nature binds each character. According to the opinion of (Berry), the Forest of Arden is not a true paradise and  that there is no possible escape from the forest.

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A comparison of the portrayal of the relationship of nature and man in “Early Spring” and “As You Like It” will depict the fact that Wordsworth had presented the picture of a man who is not able to perceive the  all-encompassing force attribute of nature. Nature almost intervenes into the soul of the speaker in the poem. On the contrary, in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”, the characters partly understand and maintain a cordial relation with nature. The forest allows the characters to indulge in various activities. In the play, the relationship shared by man and nature is concrete and wholesome. On the other hand, there is a dynamic change in the relationship shared by the speaker and nature in “Early Spring”. Though there is a constant reminder of the overpowering presence of Nature, the speaker remains detached due to the disturbing thoughts. This is directly reflective of the dynamic change in the relationship of nature and man. People have failed to perceive the true value of Nature.  It can also be said that in both the cases, human beings fail to completely elevate themselves to the higher presence of nature. They remain chained to the earthly considerations and activities.

A closer reading of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

A truly dynamic change in the relationship shared between man and nature is projected in the above-mentioned text. Deviating from the previously discussed and accepted beliefs, this book presents the manner in which the various aspects of the ‘Natural’ collides with the aspects of the ‘artificial’. The over-all perception and attitude of the Hmong community towards nature and natural activities is clearly depicted in “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down”. A scrutiny of the text will present the subtle yet overpowering presence of the Spiritual (Bates). In this novel, Nature manifests itself as the surreal spiritual force and the characters in this text are intrinsically related to the various beliefs pertaining to the Spiritual. In this text, the relationship of man and nature is explored in a very intricate manner. The parents of the protagonist believe in the power of nature. Their blind belief in the spiritual compels them to misunderstand the seizures of Lia as being the blessings of the Spiritual. The novel centers around the recurring fits of epilepsy of the protagonist (Nyugen). A radical change in the perspective is introduced in this text where belief in Nature or the Spirit is seen to yield negative results.

A closer reading of the novel will throw light on the fact that the protagonist was a descendant of the Hmong community, which believed in the absolute power of the shaman (Xiang et al.). The shaman was considered as a demi-god who could cure any physical and mental ailment by ascertaining the spiritual cause. The Hmong did not place their trust on scientific advancements. This is directly reflected in the above-mentioned text. Though the characters share an important and intricate relationship with the spiritual aspects of Nature, this spiritual aspect also exercises a malevolent influence on the susceptible persons. The parents of the protagonist fail to view nature as  malevolent force which shelters and protects every human being. Needless to say, in this text, nature is not considered as a benign force and the relationship shared between nature and man is not appropriate.  

Wordsworth’s “Early Spring” and Fadiman’s “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” present an intricate picture of the relationship shared by nature and man. Analyzing the two texts, it can be said that the former does not represent any kind of malevolence of nature and the natural aspects. In fact, the pleasing aspects of Nature surround the speaker in the poem. On the contrary, the latter shows the manner in which blind belief in nature and the spiritual can lead to debilitation and doom.  Though Wordsworth’s “Early Spring” depicts a disturbed human being, it does not diminish or erase the power of nature. Even in Shakespeare’s As You Like It, nature discharges a very positive role assisting the characters in assessing and comprehending their respective flaws.


Considering the above-discussed points it can be concluded that the idea of the relationship of nature and man has undergone a dynamic change with each passing age. Shakespeare presented the manner in which nature can act as an assistance in myriad human endeavors and Wordsworth depicted how the relationship of nature and man gets hampered by the inability of human beings to comprehend the power of nature. Fadiman depicted the manner in which blind belief can pave the way for danger. Thus, literature presents diverse scenarios.

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