Challenges Of Employee Turnover In Hilton Hotel: Research And Solutions

Analyzing Approaches to Business and Social Research

This research is emphasized on challenges of employee turnover in Hilton Hotel. In the current period, this Hotel has confronted from the employee turnover issues that decline their overall performance. It is being a major issue because it creates difficulty in making their unique image in the marketplace and sustains their position in the marketplace for the long term. Hence, the organization should imply many techniques related to the employee turnover to eliminate possibilities of employee turnover issues form the organization.      

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This research is relied on evaluating the challenges of employee turnover at the Hilton Hotel.

  • The research will make significant contribution to the current literature on the issue of employee turnover especially in the hospitality industry
  • Come up with recommendations applicable to similar organizations across the board. Many companies will benfit a lot from the recommendations.
  • Suggest possible future research areas on the same problem 

A literature review section is an imperative tool for collecting theoretical information as it could be associated with a specified research matter. There are certain sources that could be imperative for collecting the data in the context of research issue named books, journals, online and offline sources, magazine, and company websites (Robinson, Kralj, Solnet, Goh, & Callan, 2014). This research discusses the meaning and concept of employee turnover. Moreover, it demonstrates challenges of employee turnover in the Hilton Hotel. Thus, a researcher could gain their understanding towards many strategies that could be imperative for improving issues of employee turnover in the Hilton Hotel.

AlBattat, Som, & Helalat, (2014) stated that employee turnover is determined as the number of people who exist in the working place and are replaced by new workforces. The main cause of measuring the turnover rate of the employee is to identify the causes of turnover and evaluate the spending on hire for the purposes of the budget. It is also stated that employee turnover could occur at the time of ending the relationship with others. Moreover, it is evaluated that turnover could rely on the attrition as it could occur at the time of job elimination, retirement, and employee death. It is also stated that employee termination for many reasons named inappropriate job performance, violation, and absenteeism. It could also increase employee turnover in the working place. It could involuntary because it could not be based on the employee decides to leave the organization. Moreover, it is examined that Layoffs could be involved in the terminations of involuntary. Furthermore, it is evaluated that state government could not be liable for the terminated employees because they do not follow the policies of the organization.  

In the favor, Zopiatis, Constanti, & Theocharous (2014), examined that when workforces leave the organization of their own volition then it could be known as the voluntary termination. Workforces give a number of causes for quieting their occupations. An employee might be accepting employment with another organization, relocation for the new part and controlling with the personal issue that makes it incredible to work.  It is also examined that if the workforce voluntarily terminates the relationship of employment then it generally demonstrates the employees obtained the verbal and written notice about the job intent.

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In contrast to this, Kim 2014) examined that employee turnover could not be always negative events. The desirable employee turnover occurs if the employee is failed to meet the expectation of the organization. The organization could replace workforces as per their expectation. It could be desirable because absenteeism, tardiness, and poor performance could be improved by considering the training and development method. But, the replacement could be more expansive than the training and development method. It could influence the overall profitability of the firm. Moreover, it is also examined that desirable turnover could occur if replacing workforces pervades new skills and talent that could be effective for getting higher competitive benefits. As a result, undesirable employee turnover could be consisting of losing workforces whose skills performance and qualification were valuable resources.

Difference between Primary and Secondary Research

In other hand, Mehta, Kurbetti, & Dhankhar, (2014) examined that the measurement of basic turnover could be comparatively easy and simple. The employee turnover is measured by the many components named absenteeism   of workforces, the poor performance of employees, and new job replacement. Employee turnover could influence costs of training requirements, hiring cost, and devoted activities of recruitment.             

Brown, Thomas, & Bosselman, (2015) argued that employee turnover could be a major issue for the organization. Furthermore, an organization could discover why employees leaving their job. If the organization paid hire in the recruitments section, and training and development then they could not be confronted from the same. The workforce turnover could be major imperative that could directly influence certain factors named revenue, productivity, and employee satisfaction.   

In support of this, Deery & Jago, 2015) illustrated that most leaders determined that employee turnover could occur form many reasons as it could also influence the overall organization. In addition, it is examined that many business leaders could identify the major cause of employee turnover is a lower level of employee satisfaction. The employee satisfaction could rely on payments and compensation level. In addition, it is examined that the major cause of employee turnover could be relied on the benefits and pays of workforces.  

Employees need to make enough money to provide a decent lifestyle for themselves and their families.

Kalidass & Bahron, (2015) argued that if the organization could perform consistently low as per their standard then it demonstrates lower engagement of employees in organizational activities hence they think about replacing the old employees from a new employee. Sometimes, it could be imperative for accomplishing aim and objectives of research matter. Moreover, it is evaluated that another cause is workforce appreciation as it could increase the probabilities of employee turnover. In the organization, workforces expect to top management for recognition and appreciation at the time of doing their allocated work. If an organization performs suitable behavior to their employees then they could perform well and accomplish their goal in available resources.

On the other hand, Knani, (2014) stated that  employee turnover is enhanced by the behavior of top management and poor leadership skills. In addition, it is examined that if people feel unsafe at their working place then they could replace their job and join job in another place where they feel safe and secure. Moreover, the organization could be confronted from issue due to higher turnover as it influences overall condition. Moreover, it could be difficult for the organization to again spend their huge amount of cost on recruitment, selection, and training of new workforces as it requires more money that could decline opportunity of obtaining a return on their previous investment.

Paek, Schuckert, Kim, & Lee, (2015) evaluated that it is being a complicated task for an organization to decline the issue of employee turnover and reach a valid conclusion. It was not only filling the vacant position of the organization but also take care of new employees till the employee will give their 100%. This situation could increase the stress level in the workplace. Moreover, it is examined that employee turnover is a major issue for workforces and make a reliable decision. From an executive’s perspective, employee turnover could influence the whole financial performance of the organization. Further, it is evaluated instead of putting resources and time in the development areas, the executive officer could replace the employee and make a favorable decision.

Identifying Researchable Problems

 In support of this, Lee, Choi, Moon, & Babin, (2014) examined that it is significant for the organization to recognize the issue of employee turnover as well as their consequence. In addition, it is evaluated that service position could also be a very common problem for increasing high-turnover in the organization. In addition, it is examined that salespeople could concentrate on making the higher sale once they are failed to do it the same when they leave it. In addition, it is examined that attribution could be natural. Thus it is also evaluated that customer care department could manage with the diverse culture of consumers that create sometimes problems with their clients so as to employee stay away from the working place.

In oppose to this, Lu, Lu, Gursoy, & Neale, (2016) examined  that if the organization has got their higher turnover rate as it addresses the main causes of employee turnover in the organization. Moreover, it is evaluated that compensation could also create the issue of employee turnover hence organization should compare the standard and actual performance to reach at the valid conclusion. It is effective for the organization to make a favorable decision with respect to the compensation to pay more and retain their employee for the long-term. The organization could inspire their team by making a positive image of the organization in the marketplace. It could support to increase their employee loyalty with respect to the organization.  

 McPhail, Patiar, Herington, Creed, & Davidson, (2015) recommended that dynamic team could also impact on the employee performance. If staff member change frequently then workforces who stay could have a complicated time building the positive team dynamic. In addition, it is evaluated that skills, characteristics, and qualification of the workforces could directly impact on the performance of the organization. The human resources could believe in their allocated work and honestly complete their work due to the positive atmosphere with supportive nature of employees. The qualities of an employee could be imperative for making a positive image in the marketplace. Hence, the organization should also need to improve qualities of workforces and comprehend ways that could be imperative in improving the same.                                 

Ladkin, & Buhalis, (2016) suggested that the organization could conduct the interview method and comprehend the opinion and views of the employees towards their experience in the specified organization. But, at the same time, it is evaluated that such kinds of the interview could be reactive. Moreover, it is examined that collected data could be relied on why people leave their job or join another organization. In addition, it is examined that the organization could comprehend the reason for employee turnover and decline possibilities of employee turnover. Furthermore, it is evaluated that workforce opinion could be a vital method for obtaining perspectives of employees at the working place and how the company could improve the retention of workforces. Moreover, the survey outcome and action plans could be vital for the managers and supervisors and operate the business and get a reliable outcome. The organization could use an effective leadership style for operating their business and get a favorable outcome. In support of this, Dusek, Ruppel, Yurova, & Clarke, (2014) illustrated that training and development method could be another method imperative method for assisting their employee and get a favorable result. Furthermore, it is also examined that organization could ensure their manager to have the leadership training and meet aim and objectives and reduce the employee turnover rate in the least time and cost. Moreover, it is examined that ineffective leadership could be imperative for leading employee in the appropriate direction and accomplish the aim and objectives.

Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Methods

Sangaran, & Jeetesh, (2015) stated that an organization should also focus on certain factors named employee capabilities, managers feedback, and opportunities level. It could be imperative for the accomplishment of the desired goal. Moreover, it is evaluated that recruitment and job expectations pitch is effective for retaining employees for the long-term. It is examined that offer leadership training to the manager of the organization on how to examine workforces, provide regular and constructive feedback as it could increase trust among workforces. It could be effective for the accomplishment of the desired goal.

In support of this, Fleming, (2015) examined that if an organization face the problem of burnout and absenteeism in the working place then they should focus on balancing the personal and professional life of the employee to reach the feasible outcome. Moreover, it is examined that the organization should make a flexible working structure to accommodate the family and personal duties and teleworking to support them secure the expenses and stress of shuttles. It could be complicated for the organization to manage every issue in an appropriate manner. But at the same time, it is evaluated that the organization could balance the working life of the employees to manage their issues and reach at a reliable conclusion.  

Guchait, Cho, & Meurs, (2015) illustrated that employee engagement could be another method that could engage each employee of the group in the specified activity. It could be crucial to accomplishing the desired goal of the firm in limited time and cost. Moreover, it is examined  that disengaged workforces could not be enthusiastic towards their job and it could rely on the skills of the supervisor. It is evaluated that that organization should comprehend employees and motivates them by considering Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory. From the application of this theory, the organization would be capable to satisfy the satisfaction level of workforces. Moreover, Herzberg’s theory could enable the firm to improve their job satisfaction level in the least time and cost.   

The primary aim of this research is to identify the strategies for eliminating the issue of employee turnover from Hilton Hotel. The following objectives will be accomplished by the researcher to meet the aim of this study:

  • To discover the meaning and concept of employee turnover
  • To explore the challenges of employee turnover of Hilton Hotel
  • To recommend strategies of eliminating the  employee turnover from Hilton Hotel

The research approach could consider three imperative tools named descriptive, explanatory, and, exploratory research approach. The descriptive research will be used by the researcher to collect depth information towards the current matter (Gatling, Kang, & Kim). It could also be effective to examine the relationship between organization performance and employee turnover rate. Furthermore, exploratory and explanatory research will not be used by research scholar to due to their subjective nature.

In this study, mixed research design will be practiced by the research that could consider both qualitative and quantitative method. This method will be vital for the researcher because it could lead to getting the benefits of both qualitative as well as a quantitative method that will increase the feasibility of the research outcome. This method also facilitates to collect opinion and views of research candidates towards the employee’s turnovers.       

Data Collection Methods and Tools

In the research strategies, many kinds of methods could be considered that could be implied on behalf of the research nature named focus group, content analysis method, interview method, and observation method (Haider, et al., 2015). For conducting this strategy, content analysis and survey strategies will be practiced by the research candidates to meet the aim and objectives of the research matter. These methods will also assist the researcher to systematically conduct the research and research at the feasible conclusion. From the application of interview method, the researcher will directly communicate with their trained research participants and understand their opinion with respect to the current matter. Apart from that, the content analysis tool will be used by the researcher as it enables the researcher to get theoretical information in the context of employee turnover.         

In this study, probability sampling method will be used by the research scholar to accomplish the targeted aim and objectives of the research dilemma (Haider, et al., 2015).  This method will allow the investigator to consider the simple random sampling method and select research candidates for being a part of the research and reach a reliable conclusion. In addition, it is also addressed that the on-probability sampling method will not be practiced by the research as it could be quite ineffective as it would create the biases in the research. For conducting this research, the researcher will select 50 employees of Hilton hotel to comprehend their opinion towards the employee turnover as it would also facilitate the investigator to get comprehensive information with respect to the research concern.  

The researcher will use many tools and techniques for evaluating the collected data and reach the valid conclusion named conversational analysis, thematic/content analysis, statistical analysis. These methods will allow to systematically evaluate the data and meet the research objectives (Gatling, Kang, & Kim). For this, research will use SPSS and MS-Excel software to present their collected information by graphs, tables, and chart. It will increase the reliability of the research outcome.        

In this study, the primary and secondary data collection method will be implied by the researcher to conduct their study and solve the research issue.  From the application of both primary and secondary data collection method, the investigator will be able to fill the gaps between standard and real data (Gatling, Kang, & Kim).   The primary data will be collected direct observation method while the secondary data could rely on the other research researcher study. Thus, it is also evaluated that the primary data could lead to getting fresh data towards employee turnover.  The secondary data collection method could be imperative for collecting information from the existing sources.   

Survey through questionnaire

Demographic factor

Please mark your gender

  1. Masculine   
  2. Feminine

Please mark on your age-group  

  1. Under 21
  2. 22-27 years
  3. 28-32 years
  4. More than 32

Please mark your experience

  1. Less than 1 years  
  2. 2-6 years             
  3. 7- 11 years
  4. More than 12 years

Research objectives based questions

To discover the meaning and concept of employee turnover

Do you agree that he workforce turnover could be major imperative that could directly influence certain factors named revenue, productivity, and employee satisfaction?

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Agree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree

Developing a Defensible Framework for Proposed Research

Do you think that employee turnover is enhanced by behaviour of top management and poor leadership skills?

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Agree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree

To explore the challenges of employee turnover of Hilton Hotel

Do you think business leaders could identify the major cause of employee turnover is a lower level of employee satisfaction?

  1. Yes
  2. No

In your opinion, organization could perform consistently low as per their standard then it demonstrates lower engagement of employees in organizational activities hence they think about replacing the old employees from a new employee?

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Agree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree

To recommend strategies of eliminating the employee turnover from Hilton Hotel

Do you think that dynamic team could also impact on the employee performance?

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Agree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree

Do you agree that organization could conduct the interview method and comprehend the opinion and views of the employees towards their experience in the specified organization?

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Agree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree

Project schedule

The research timeline will also support the researcher to evaluate the time of each research activity and meet the aim and objectives (Gatling, Kang, & Kim). Following table demonstrates that each activity that will be conducted in the research study:   

Research Activities

Estimated time
















Research Issue Development

Selection of  research aim and objectives,

Development of Literature review  

Chosen of data collection method  

Data analysis method selection    

Final draft

Report submission


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