Effective Leadership And Management Techniques For Running A Government School In Maldives

Importance of leadership for school management

The principal leadership and its impact on the engagement and the achievement of the students in the school have been documented well over the past decades. The connection and the link among the level of engagement of the principal in the practice of effective leadership and towards the meeting of the measure of accountability has been unexplored through most of the past decades. The context of school leadership has the tendency to become priority towards the agenda of the educational policies in the international platform (Louis, Murphy & Smylie, 2016). The leadership practices in the school management furthermore play a key role in the improvement of the outcomes of the school by the influencing of the capacities and the motivation of the teachers and the students of the school enhancing the environment and the climate of the school. Effective leadership in school is essential for the improvement of the efficiency and the equity of the schooling. With the trend of adaptation of the education systems towards the requirement of the contemporary society, the expectations for the school and the leaders of the school are altering (Romay, Magee & Slater, 2016).  The assignment report demonstrates the application of the concepts related to the educational leadership and management for the enhancement of the management of the school in Maldives. The assignment illustrates the leadership skills and the management techniques that need to be acquired and applied by the principal of a government school in Maldives for running the school effectively.

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Over the last few decades the Maldives has witnessed significant improvements towards the access to the education. Though there lie still many challenges impending the quality of education in the country of South Asia. The assignment report aims to provide an insight to the issues within the education system and the school of Maldives and the importance of the skills of the leadership of the principal towards the effective management in managing the school.  

Multiple studies and the articles by the scholars reported the importance and the effectiveness of the leadership skills in the school as one of the pivotal factor towards the success of the school (Knapp et al., 2014). Aiming on the leadership distribution and the improvement chances of the education in the school, many of the research studies and the literature depicts the need for the clear and the effective leadership together with strong and evident skills to nurture successful students. There lies an increasing range of evidences relating to the contribution of school leadership to the outcomes of the students of the school.

Researches has furthermore depicted that the leaders of the school which includes the principal, the educational manager and the teachers of the school makes a difference in the outcomes of the performance of the students in the school in case of granting autonomy towards making important decisions. Some of the major factors in connection to the essentiality of the leadership skills by the leaders of the school for the management of the educational leadership are as follows.

Theoretical approaches

The traits and the factors related to the school leadership are important after the quality of teaching since it serves as an influence on the learning of the pupil of the school.  Furthermore all the successful leaders tend to draw over the same factors of the basic leadership practices (Godfrey, 2016). The leaders of the school aim towards the improvement of the teaching and learning and by the influence of the motivation, commitment and the working conditions of the staff.

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The government of Maldives is encouraging the principal of the best school of the country towards improvement of the skills to promote equity in the quality of the education in the school.

A major study by the government of the country depicted the importance of the leadership targeting the responsibilities and the extent to which the principal of the school serves as the main leader towards managing the school. The importance of the skills of leadership and management generally provide the basis for the involvement and the building of the education. A more systematic approaches towards the development of the requisite skills for the assumption of leadership and the roles of the management have been useful (Stoll, 2015). It is thus essential to have a systematic approach towards the development if the skills for the assumption of the leadership and the management roles. The role of the leaders and their skills towards the development of careers of the students and the improvement in the school has thus been one of the most important factors targeting the responsibility for the improvement of the school management.

There has bene rising apprehension that the school leadership and its skills are extremely essential variable that tends to generate some sort of differences in the school. Several of the studies have denoted some of the positive growth and the indirect effect of the school leaders and the skills of the management and leadership of the principal towards the outcomes on the students in the school.

Researchers have discussed a wide number of leadership patterns and designs in connection to the management of the educational knowledge and the school.  There lies a vivid correlation among the leadership and the performance of the school that furthermore appears to be relatively straightforward and simple in the practice of the theory in relation to the inherent complexity of the leadership styles for the school management (Fultz, 2017).

There lies multiple styles and types of leadership which are very suitable for managing educational institutions. Among which some are described below.

Transformational leadership can be illustrated as the increasing interest of the leaders towards the achievement of the higher performances by the development of the beliefs and the commitments in the organization which is the school. This model of leadership is often associated with factors such as setting the directions, restructuring, vision and realigning the development of the staff and the organization towards the involvement with the external community (Costello, 2015). In the context of the school leadership, this model of leadership demonstrated some of the following factors such as the building of the vision and setting of the directions, understanding and the development of the pupil of the school, the redesigning of the organization and managing of the teaching and the learning programs.

Instructional or Pedagogical leadership model emphasizes the essentiality of the establishment of the planning of the curriculum, establishment of clear educational goals and the process of the evaluation of the teachers and the teaching. This model of leadership illustrates the prime focus of the leaders towards their responsible approaches for the promotion of better outcomes for the students together with the emphasizing of the importance of the learning and teaching towards enhancing of the quality (Li, Hallinger & Ko, 2016). The meta-analysis of the leadership model identified some of the major dimensions influencing the success towards the promotion of better outcomes of the student. The model of leadership summarizes some of the important facts that includes the establishment of the goals and the expectations, the resourcing of the strategies, planning, coordinating and evaluation of the teaching and the curriculum, the promotion and the participation of the learning and the development and finally the ensuring of the orderly and the supportive environment.

Transactional leadership model is based on the reciprocal exchanges towards the rewards and the duty that are generally controlled by the principal.  Defined by scholars, this model of leadership defines the agreements and the contracts towards the achievement of the specific objectives of the work together with the discovering of the capabilities of the individual and the specification of the compensation and the rewards for the effective and successful completion of the tasks (Walker & Qian, 2015). This particular leadership model identifies three forms of the transactional leadership namely active management, passive management and constructive transactional management.

There exists a range of leadership pattern in the school among the teachers, leaders, principal and the assistant principal but it is evident that the principal remains the central and the major source of the influence of the skills and the management of leadership. The early norms of the effective leadership of the principal of the school aimed on the ability of the principal towards the effective management of the procedures and the process of the school that is furthermore related to the supervision and the instructions (Beare, Caldwell & Millikan, 2018). With the consideration of the recent movements in the system of the education and the alteration in the society it is furthermore understandable the reason why the principals must restructure and retool the need for acquiring new skills and knowledges, With the consideration of the recent research’s and the movements in the society it can be considerate over the reason for which the principals must retool and acquire some of the new skills and knowledges. Furthermore, with the consideration of the current research study there have been several leadership skills some which has been illustrated on the above which can be an effective option to lead the educational organization.

Reviews and researchers of the international evidences and also the current education and the policies related to the school of the Maldives point to the effective and the implementation of all the leadership skills stated above, that is the transformational, the transactional and the instructional leadership at all the levels.

Figure1; The dimension of successful leadership traits

Source: (Nir & Hameiri, 2014)

The above figure explains the eight key dimension regrading effective leadership skills and models identified for the success of the school. The inner circle in the figure explains the focus of the attention of the leader together with the core level of strategies. It is furthermore essential for the building of trust since it is an intrinsic part embedded with core strategic measures (Yusuf, 2016). The implementation of the leadership skills and models are denoted above as the core strategies for the effective management of the school by the leader includes the following steps.

Explaining or defining the values, the visons and the directions

The principal of the school must have a very strong and clear vision regarding the set of values for the school. This is because this skill heavily influence the actions of them together with clear establishment and implementation of the leadership skills for the targeted direction and purpose of the school (McLeskey, Billingsley & Waldron, 2016).

Improvement of the condition of teaching and learning

It is furthermore identified regarding the need or the requirement towards the improvement of the conditions by the leadership model by the principal for the improvement of the conditions for the maximization of the teaching quality and the enhancement of the learning and the performance of the students.

Restructuring the entire organization together with redesigning of the roles and the responsibilities

Taking enough of the references form the leadership skills it is furthermore important for the principal of the school to aim for a transformation of the school in Maldives. The principal should progressively and purposefully redesign the structure of the school or the educational institution together with the refining of the roles and the notion of the distributed leadership (Templeton et al., 2015). This will furthermore promote great engagement of the staff together with the provision of great opportunities for the learning of the student.

Enhancing the quality of the teacher and its teaching

It is the responsibility of the principal to use his or her leadership skills and the models to look for new ways for the improvement of teaching, achievement and learning (Arokiasamy, bin Abdullah & Ismail, 2015). This will have a positive effect on the way of interaction with the students and other member staff of the school.

Building of the relation inside the school community

Development of sustained and positive connection and relationship with all the staff members at all the levels tend to make them fell that they are involved and valued. The connection and the relation illustrate one of the main components of leadership that is the mutual trust and respect.

Common values

The principal of the school achieve improved performances not only through the successful leadership theories but also through the core values and the personal qualities for the demonstration of the daily interactions and the achievement and the learning of the students.

The increased responsibilities and the accountability of the leadership of the school are generally creating the need or the requirement for the distribution of the leadership both within and across the school (Barr & Saltmarsh, 2014). The role of the principal remains as the strong factor in the management of the multiple resources with various responsibilities. In respect to the acquired skills of knowledges and the essential skills of leadership it is important for the principal to construct a plan for the new approaching academic year.

The five key responsibilities or the actions that the principal should aim to achieve in the upcoming academic year in respect to the leadership qualities and traits are as follows.

Shaping of the vison of all the academic success for the students – This change is essential for the success of the career in the global economy that furthermore depends on the strong education of the society yawning the gap in the achievements of the academics among the range of the students (Avci, 2015). Development of shared vision for the standards and the success for all the students is an essential factor and element for the school leadership that needs to be implemented in the upcoming year.

Development of a climate hospitable to the education – One of the most effective principals for focusing on the building of the sense of community together with the promotion of healthy school environment is the creation of climate hospitable environment (Whitaker, 2015). This will furthermore help in combating the isolation of the teachers, the issues of defeatism, negativism and sense of school community.

Cultivations of the skills of the leadership in the other staffs of the school – Leaders not only guide the audience but also encourages to choose them the right path take upon the responsibility of leadership (Smylie, 2015). The principal of the school should furthermore encourage the other teaching and the non-teaching staffs of the school to tale up responsibilities to improve the management of the school.

Improvement in the instructions – One of the central parts of being the leader is to cultivate the traits and the skills of leadership of the others (Moorosi & Bantwini, 2016). The principal of the educational institute in Maldives must focus on the learning and must intent towards helping the other staff members for improvement of their practices and their expertise to promote a better life for the students in the school.

Managing the people, the process and the data –  It is important for the principal to make some of the best use of the resources and to be a good manager for managing the school. This will furthermore help them in understanding and pinpointing the problems and the causes of the issues while carrying out the essential responsibilities of leadership that includes planning, target or implementation, supporting, communication, advocating and monitoring.

The current discourse on the international education noted a drastic shift in the aim or the focus of the emergence of the new issues and challenges in the educational sector. Furthermore the initiates by the UNESCO intends to contribute to the proper understanding of the different nations and their initiatives to monitor, measure and assess the performance of the educational system to address the major issues that have been identified for the achievement of the goals of the education (Josanov-Vrgovic & Pavlovic, 2014).

The figure above illustrates the monitoring and evaluation approaches that is designated for the addressing of the compliances by simply addressing the challenges. The result based management initiates the improvement of the effectiveness and the accountability of the organization. The monitoring and the evaluation system especially for the educational sector of Maldives is to ensure that quality and equitable education is served and being provided for the populations of all the level. The multi dimensional concept of quality education can include the following categories of monitoring. These include compliance monitoring, diagnostic monitoring and performance monitoring. The system of evaluation for the educational institute of Maldives should include the following components.

  • The School record keeping system – Tis aims to keep information at the school level. This includes data related to attendance, students, academic achievements and more (Neumerski et al., 2018). It furthermore includes data related to finance and the profile of the teachers
  • The system of statistical data – The management information system should be designed to collect, compile and analyze the school level data.
  • The system of resource management – This include the management of the teacher, the financial resource management and the status of the education institutions.
  • The system of performance evaluation –  This include school inspection and evaluation system for the observation of the rules and the standards of the school (Price, 2014). Further evaluation of the teacher is also necessary for analysis of their performances.
  • The student evaluation System – This method can include the system of examination and the student assessment method for the provision of the estimated level of achievement in the system of education.


The leadership practices in the school management furthermore play a key role in the improvement of the outcomes of the school by the influencing of the capacities and the motivation of the teachers and the students of the school enhancing the environment and the climate of the school. The early norms of the effective leadership of the principal of the school aimed on the ability of the principal towards the effective management of the procedures and the process of the school that is furthermore related to the supervision and the instructions. Effective leadership in school is essential for the improvement of the efficiency and the equity of the schooling. The assignment illustrates the leadership skills and the management techniques that need to be acquired and applied by the principal of a government school in Maldives for running the school effectively.


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