Report On Analytical Problem Solving Techniques
Techniques for Solving Problems
In relation to the above context, the organization must adopt the combination of analytical and creative problem solving techniques to reach to fruitful conclusions and thus, creating an environment that persuades the team members to reach to team consensus. Firstly, the supervisor must identify the problem i.e. the reason that is disrupting the normal flow of operations at the workplace and prevent this element of chaos from occurring again. The supervisor must describe the problem, learning the cause of problem and applying the brainstorm solutions to the above problems. To apply the analytical and the creative skills to the problem there should be the deep understanding of the problem (Perks 2010).
The first and the foremost technique for solving the problem Is that, the team supervisors must be effective communicators. It includes skills, which relates to appropriately able to communicate with the entire team members as well as outsiders too, listening to all the members of the organization, considering them as a team and persuading towards the goal in an effective manner. The team supervisors must be creative thinkers and providing the solution to the above conflicts in a new manner, which leads to proper implementation of the task with complete harmony. The supervisors must critically evaluate the formal as well informal way of communicating to the team members and must take the decision accordingly. The supervisor must generate the new idea of solving the problem and thus applying the creative ideas to solve them and focussing on achieving the organization goals in an efficient and effective manner (Islam 2018).
In today’s Scenario, the organization more focuses on applying informal methods to communicate to the lower levels of hierarchy as it leads to quick decisions and easy communication among all the levels of hierarchy. This allows the employees with greater authority to communicate and helps in building strong relationship among the members of the team. However, there should be a proper framework that guides the employees and thus, leading the entire task in one direction .This framework provides the guidelines to achieve the goal and define the duties of all the members, which prevents the confusion, and thus promoting a healthy environment. To solve the conflict mentioned above I, as a manager will focus to employ the members that acquires analytical skills so that they can perform the task in a better way and thus providing the creative solutions to the problems. I will implement an organization culture that fosters on achieving the organization goals with harmony and adopting new methods to achieve the goals. The generation gap of both the companies leads to difference in the perceptions of the members and generating more chances of conflict. To prevent such conflict a supervisor must implement a combination of both the formal and informal structure of communicating with the members that thus guiding all the efforts in a united direction that leads to the success of the organization (Rawlinson 2017).
Therefore, adapting such mix of structures, leads to employee’s satisfaction as they are assign with more authority than before and easy flow of information will lead to efficient and effective decisions, which creates harmony in the organization. Adopting such structure will resolve the problem of both the team leaders as discussed in part A. Monday meetings will not create conflict anymore, as both the members and their team will be satisfied (Islam 2018).
Analytical Problem Solving Techniques
Performance appraisal refers to the systematic evaluation of the performance of workforce. It analyses the abilities of a person for the further growth and development of the employees. The various strategies applied by the organization to provide motivation to the employees and thus providing them with the overall satisfaction. It includes promotion, compensation, focussing on employee development and act as a tool to motivate the employee (Denisi & Gonzalez 2017).
The most appropriate strategy to motivate the employees is through performance feedback. Every employee desires to be recognized, and to be the contributing member of the winning team for this it requires feedback from the organization. The positive feedback motivates the employees and encourages them to work efficiently. Providing the feedback to the employees helps them in judging their capabilities and further make the alterations where required to enhance the overall performance. Such technique helps the organization in motivating employees and further improves the overall performance of the organization. Providing of Continuous feedback helps the employees to know the reflection of their actions (Denisi & Smith 2014).
Other strategies to motivate the employees includes –
- Providing an effective reward system, this includes the extrinsic as well as the intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic benefits consist of promotion, time off, bonus, awards, and office fixtures. While intrinsic rewards are self-administered, that provides the feeling of competency and personal development. Such rewards help in motivating the employees and thus improving the operational efficiency (Rawlinson 2017).
- Redesigning the jobs, Repetitive performance of the same task creates unenthusiastic performance of the employees thus leads to the condition of burnout. It can be reduce through job enlargement, job rotation and job enrichment. It provides the employees with variety of task and thus providing them with greater authority and responsibility, which boost the confidence of the employees, and helps in employee retention and motivation (Audia & Tams 2017).
- Creating flexibility, in today’s scenario the employees prefer flexibility in their working to fulfil their family needs and able to create work life balance. It helps in motivating the employees and further helping them to work efficiently. It involves providing the benefit of job sharing, telecommunicating so that the employees can work enthusiastically and ensuring the success of the organization (Rawlinson 2017).
- Career Advancement, The employees feel motivated if the work assigned to them provides the opportunity of career advancement and thus promoting the personal development and has the scope of growth of the employee. Career advancement helps the employees in improving their status and quality of life.
- Building trust and creating positive environment, the organization fosters to create a positive environment that helps in improvising the performance and make the employees motivated. The supervisors should trust its employees and be a good listener to the suggestions given by the employees (Dipboye 2018).
Consequently, by applying such strategies to the organization it will enhance the on-going performance of the employees and thus focuses on employee retention and satisfaction. Providing continuous feedback enhance the performance of employees and thus taking the corrective actions to remove the barriers that hinders the organization success.
The strategies discussed above helps the team leader to move to the different stages of team development and thus ensuring the success of the organization. It begins with forming stage. At this stage, the members of both the companies are introducing to each other and the goals and the objectives of the project discussed at this stage. The main role of team leader lies here where the person assigns the roles and responsibilities to each member and thus ensures the working of the organization. Here the team leader guides the members towards achieving the goals (Woodcock 2017).
This is the most prominent stage because from this stage the conflicts take place due to the difference in the opinions of the team members and competes with one another for the acceptance of their ideas. At this stage, the team leader ensures that there is complete harmony between the team members and they respect the decisions of each other. The team leader guides the members to solve the problems together and settle into the roles and responsibilities. The team leader ensures that the team members become assertive and become the effective leaders. This stage considered as the most prominent one because at this stage the team leads provides motivation to its members to achieve the objectives (Clinton 2018).
At this stage, the team members are highly motivated and together work towards achieving the goal of the organization. The members respect the each other decisions and unite towards achieving the common goal. The team leader guides the members in case of any difficulties and thus the members achieve the overall satisfaction.
Strategies adopted to improvise the performance
At this stage, the team members are highly motivated through the strategies adopted by the team leader and thus work towards achieving the higher returns.
This stage mainly focuses on achieving the objectives without any conflicts and has the proper understanding of the goals (Denisi & Gonzalez 2017).
Therefore, such strategies are vital to achieve the efficiency and proper functioning of the organization. The team leader must ensure the team has gone through all these stages of team development and further motivates the team to unite in one direction towards the achievement of the common goal. I as a team leader will ensure that my team has been through all these stages by motivating them as regarding them as one team. All the strategies discussed above helps the leader to motivate the members and prevent the conflicts. This strategy paves the path for reaching to the stage of team development and thus, ensures that all the members unite and work for a common goal (DePasque & Tricomi 2015).
From the above discussion, it concludes that the organization must use the combination of the informal and formal structure to communicate among the team members so that the problem of Monday morning meeting can be resolved thus satisfying both the teams and work in a united direction towards the achievement of the common goal. To motivate the employees the organization must adopt certain strategies, which, includes paying compensation, rewards and recognition to the members, by adopting the process of continuous feedback so that the members gets reward for their ideas, which has improved the overall performance of the organization and reflects the capabilities of the members. The other strategies to motivate the employees include providing the opportunity of career advancements for the personal growth of the members and thus creating the flexibility in the organization structure so that the members can maintain a work life balance.
Redesigning the job structures also helps in motivating the members, as it will prevent the situation of burnout by employing the strategy of job enrichment, job rotation. I as a team leader will ensure that the members of the team go through the stages of team development, which begins, from the stage of forming at ends at the performance. Going through such stages ensures the efficient working of the organization and thus promotes the team development of the team. Adopting such strategies and process helps the organization in retaining the members and providing the overall satisfaction to the team.
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