Global Corporate Management And National Societies

The Role of Pioneers in Globalization

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Discusses the National Culture in various countries, and how it influences the management of organization in a globalised economy worldwide.

Multi-societies have dependably been including embodiment into globalization of economies around the globe. Anyhow what rings the ringer is who makes them work and who may be the real sole individual mindful behind. The answer is- it is dependably a pioneer who assumes a part in going about as an undetectable bunch, holding and rousing solidarity. Corporate management should be providing a conducive atmosphere for the improvement of decisions of the managers that run the business organizations. Installing appropriate control of management and systems of incentive is a relevant part for the creation of this type of an environment.

The most broadly utilized structure for ordering national societies is the one created by Geert Hofstede, a Dutch social analyst and administration scholar. (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011) The information used to infer applicable social quality measurements originated from IBM worker reviews led somewhere around 1967 and 1973 in more than 50 societies (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011). Investigation of reactions from in excess of 116,000 IBM representatives to inquiries regarding their occupation and work settings uncovered efficient social contrasts over four measurements: force separation, independence/communalism, instability shirking, and manliness/gentility. (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011)

Why do a number of organizations end up succeeding in the expansion of their business operations beyond the national boundaries while many end up in failure? A number of reasons can be stated in this context. More often, individuals from the part of abroad related to the organization are held responsible for this kind of failure. In a consistent manner, there might be an increased need for performing any particular actions or they may end up taking initiatives that are counter- productive. Time may be spent by these organizations to define how performance of things will be done or even overlooking the specifications or doing nothing and producing inadequate results. Considering a worse point than this, this types of distrust may end up being the reciprocal and the branch placed abroad might be blaming the parent one.

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Companies that work in numerous nations must choose the amount to confine their authoritative society and related administration practices to fit inside the host nation setting and the amount to, rather, strive to keep up consistency or institutionalization (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1989; Perlmutter, 1969; Rosenzweig & Nohria, 1994 cited by (Gerhart, 2008)). The earth for associations can vary crosswise over nations in a mixed bag of measurements, including regulations, establishments, centrality of businesses, aggregate dealing, work energy qualities and society. To the extent that nation contrasts are critical and force imperatives on what associations can and can’t do, one would expect more noteworthy localization. (Gerhart, 2008) 

Overseeing worldwide associations has been a business challenge for a considerable length of time. (Dewhurst Harris and Heywood, 2012) Be that as it may the way of the errand is changing with the quickening movement of monetary action from Europe and North America to business sectors in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. (Dewhurst Harris and Heywood, 2012) Mckinsey Global Institute examination recommends that 400 average size developing business sector urban areas, numerous new in the West, will create about 40 percent of worldwide development throughout the following 15 years. (Dewhurst Harris and Heywood, 2012) The International Monetary Fund affirms that the ten quickest developing economies amid the years ahead will all be in developing markets. (Dewhurst Harris and Heywood, 2012) Against this scenery, proceeding with advances in data and interchanges innovation have made conceivable new types of worldwide coordination inside worldwide organizations and potential new routes for them to prosper in these quickly developing markets. (Dewhurst Harris and Heywood, 2012).

Geert Hofstede’s National Culture Framework

A vital question that needs to be answered is Do all nations have cultures?

Inside each of the ‘administration disciplines’ there is a critical writing which accept that every country has a unique, powerful and describable ‘society. (McSweeney, 2002) As Hickson and Pugh (1995) pronounce it shapes everything Other than from the earlier conviction, what is the premise of claims that compelling national societies exist? What is the nature of the confirmation spoke to? (McSweeney, 2002) Habitually, inside the administration teaches, the causal–national–culture tolerating writing defends its dependence on the idea of national society by refering to approvingly the work of Geert Hofstede (1980) who cases to have effectively revealed the mysteries of whole national societies . (McSweeney, 2002)Whilst Anderson (1991) has clearly depicted countries as ‘envisioned groups’ and Wallerstein (1990) expresses that he is incredulous that we can operationalise the idea of society in any capacity that empowers us to utilize it for explanations that are more than inconsequential.  (McSweeney, 2002)

Why do a number of organizations end up succeeding in the expansion of their business operations beyond the national boundaries while many end up in failure? A number of reasons can be stated in this context. More often, individuals from the part of abroad related to the organization are held responsible for this kind of failure. In a consistent manner, there might be an increased need for performing any particular actions or they may end up taking initiatives that are counter- productive. Time may be spent by these organizations to define how performance of things will be done or even overlooking the specifications or doing nothing and producing inadequate results. Considering a worse point than this, this types of distrust may end up being the reciprocal and the branch placed abroad might be blaming the parent one.

Social contrasts, while hard to watch and measure, are clearly critical. (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011) Disappointment to acknowledge and record for them can prompt humiliating goofs, strain connections, and drag down business execution. What’s more the impacts of society persevere even in life-and-passing circumstances.

Consider the illustration of Korean Air’s high frequency of plane crashes somewhere around 1970 and 2000. (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011) As an investigation of discussions recorded operating at a profit boxes of the crashed planes uncovered, the co-pilots and flight designs on the whole Korean cockpits were so respectful it would have been impossible to suggest an alternative measure to their captain. Indeed in the coming of a conceivable accident, Korean Air co-pilots and flight designs infrequently proposed activities that would negate the judgments of their captain. Testing one’s predominant in Korea was considered socially deficient conduct. The Korean Air illustration is especially significant for two reasons. First and foremost, if national society can have critical – not to say existential – results among individuals of the same social source, we have to be exceptionally mindful by the way we manage national social contrasts in cross-fringe communications. (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011) Second, it is fascinating to note that the demeanor and practices uncovered by Korean Air co-pilots and flight designers continued in such an exceptionally directed environment like business avionics. (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011) National society shapes conduct and this impact arrives at past managerial characteristics, for example, administrative strategies, laws and open organizations. Hence, this note concentrates on how the impact of society emerges and how social contrasts influence the operation of firms around the globe. (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011)

Challenges Faced by International Organizations

As a matter of fact, the impacts of culture seem to be persisting even in situations of life and death. The example of Korean Air is specifically noteworthy due to two key reasons. Firstly, if the factor of national culture can result in having huge significance, not to mention existential, consequences amongst individuals of the same origin of culture, there is an increased need for being extremely cautious regarding how one deals with the differences in national culture amongst the interactions taking place cross- border. Secondly, the interesting point that can be noted is that the behaviors and attitudes revealed by the flight engineers and co- pilots of Korean Air ended up persisting in an extremely high environment of regulation such as the commercial aviation.

Multi-societies have dependably been including embodiment into globalization of economies around the globe. Anyhow what rings the ringer is who makes them work and who may be the real sole individual mindful behind. The answer is- it is dependably a pioneer who assumes a part in going about as an undetectable bunch, holding and rousing solidarity. Corporate management should be providing a conducive atmosphere for the improvement of decisions of the managers that run the business organizations. Installing appropriate control of management and systems of incentive is a relevant part for the creation of this type of an environment. The theory of contingency are known to be maintaining the fact that the optimal functioning of this system is highly dependent over the specific elements of the context of the firm. The theory of contingency would help in predicting that the favorable responses of management to these systems have chances for accruing in order to tailor these systems in a careful manner towards particular national culture based on the appropriateness of the culture. A number of critics now have been demanding to have reforms of corporate governance with the main goal focused on the protection of shareholders in a significant manner. While there is crises in the boards, activism amongst the investors, and globalization of market have been increasingly calling for international reforms of corporate governance, it is extremely important for understanding the variations in the structures of corporate governance across different nations and cultures.

This implies that a pioneer assumes a basic part and results in building a fruitful hierarchical execution. At the point when socially variation, the groups create an exceptional system to unite their history and their social learning. The ”interlinked nature of society” has been clarified by Brooks. (Mullins, 2010)Brookes surrounded six elements that influence the national society:

(Mullins, 2010) 

It likewise relies on upon where to utilize the idea of rivalry and where may aggressive climate really work. It has been decently demonstrated in an exploration led over diverse gatherings of understudies that Competitive and noncompetitive circumstances appear to expand the potential for collaboration in socially various and non-different gatherings in an unexpected way

The ID of national social contrasts has likewise been demonstrated by Geert Hofstede. Hence the social contrasts demonstrate by Hofstede is known as ”the five measurements of society” model. (Mullins, 2010) which are:

Balancing Standardization and Localization

Power Distance Index (PDI) (Hofstede, n.d)

The measurement of PDI helps in communicating the limit to which the parts with less capability of acknowledging general public and the expectation is that the dispersion of power is done unequally (Hofstede, n.d). The main issue in this context is the source through which handling of general public is done by imbalance amongst the individuals (Hofstede, n.d). Population in social order help to display an expansive degree of acknowledging force separation a request with a number of levels within each and every has been spotting and which requires no further factor of defense.  (Hofstede, n.d). In context with social order having low separation of power, people end up on striving in order to even out the circulation taking place for interest defense and force for disparities. (Hofstede, n.d).

Individualism Vs. Collectivism (Hofstede, n.d)

Independence that is referred to as the high aspect of this measurement, can be featured as inclining with the approximate social system of weave within which individuals are needed for dealing with their quick families and just themselves.  (Hofstede, n.d). Considering an inverse point, communalism speaks towards inclining the system of hard sew within the public area in which it is an expectation of people from their parts of a particular in- gathering or relatives for taking care of them in returning the steadfastness without any question (Hofstede, n.d). The position of general public over this measurement seems to be providing a reflection in whether the mental self portrait of an individual is featured with respect to “We” or “I”. (Hofstede, n.d)

Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS) (Hofstede, n.d)

The side of manliness with respect to this measurement helps to speak about inclining within the eye of the public for self- assuredness, accomplishment, material prizes and valor. (Hofstede, n.d). Considering an inverse point, gentility remains towards inclining towards unobtrusiveness, collaboration, personal satisfaction and administration of the frail (Hofstede, n.d). Society across the entire globe is arranged in a more accord manner. In the setting of businesses, femininity versus masculinity is an on and off topic, similar to the identification of the societies that are tough with gender. (Hofstede, n.d).

Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) (Hofstede, n.d)

The measurement of shirked instability contributes in communicating the limit up to which the parts related to uncomfortable feeling of general public alongside with vulnerability as well as uncertainty (Hofstede, n.d). The key issue here is the way a general public manages the way that the future can never be known: would it be a good idea for us to attempt to control the future or simply let it happen?  (Hofstede, n.d) Nations showing solid UAI keep up inflexible codes of conviction and conduct and are narrow minded of irregular conduct and thoughts. Frail UAI social orders keep up a more loose state of mind in which practice numbers more than standards.  (Hofstede, n.d)

Long Term Orientation versus Short Term Normative Orientation (LTO) (Hofstede, n.d)

Every general public requires for keeping up some connections with the individual past while there was management of difficulties what is supposed to come and the  present (Hofstede, n.d). Social orders who end up scoring low on this particular measurement, for example, showing willingness for keeping up standards as well as customs with respect to time while considering the changes taking place in society with suspicious deeds (Hofstede, n.d). Those having a society with higher scores, then repeatedly, there is a need for taking a methodology that has common sense, they end up empowering endeavors and thrifts in the current day instruction as a type of approach for getting ready for what is supposed to come. (PRA).  (Hofstede, n.d)  In the environment that is scholar, the words flex vs. monumentalize is frequently used likewise. In the scholarly environment the wording Monumentalize versus Flex humility is frequently likewise utilized.  (Hofstede, n.d)

Managing Global Organizations

Indulgence versus Restraint (IND)(Hofstede, n.d)

Liberality has remained intact for the basic public that provides permission for the general form of free delight related to the common and fundamental human drives recognized with the appreciation of life and to have a fabulous duration of time. Limitation has remained for a specific public that results in stifling the delight of having the controls and requirements by the methodology for strict standards in the society.  (Hofstede, n.d).

Institutional hypothesis distinguishes formal standards about authoritative structure – including standards for board structure – as parts of national society. (Adler, 2002) In the event that a board’s structure communicates the society of a general public, then it ought to be identified with the social measurements distinguished by Hofstede (1980). (Li & Harrison, 2008)Hofstede (1980; 1991) has distinguished four noteworthy measurements of national society. (Li & Harrison, 2008) Vulnerability evasion is an absence of resistance for vagueness. Independence versus communalism alludes to a requirement for excelling versus a need to have a place. The manliness/womanliness measurement is Hofstede’s code for an inclination for command versus participation in unrivaled/subordinate connections. Force separation depicts an inclination for, or resilience of, imbalance. Hofstede (1991) and Hickson and Pugh (1995) have connected these social measurements to hierarchical conduct. They found that high power separation is connected with solid power and steep progressive systems, and that instability evasion is connected with formalization. (Li & Harrison, 2008)

Hofstede’s (1980) system has been scrutinized on both exact and hypothetical grounds (e.g., one time, single organization information; measurements got from variable investigation). By the by, on parity, Hofstede’s structure has been generally accepted  and gives a sensible representation of national social characteristics. Moreover, it appears glaringly evident that board structure is likewise affected by contrasts in nations’ financial, political and lawful frameworks. The structure on which corporate governance is built varies a lot across a number of different economies that are highly developed. These range from management boards and two- tiered supervision found in the France, to the boards dominated by insider in Japan, to boards that include both, independent directors as well as insiders in nations like the United States of America. All across the globe, corporate boards are known to be finding themselves in the state of being scrutinized by the agencies of regulation, investors of the institution, their lawyers, normal shareholders, and the boards are being criticized more and more for the decisions they take with respect to the payment for executives, offers of taking- over, diversification, and any kind of negligence being perceived. A number of critics now have been demanding to have reforms of corporate governance with the main goal focused on the protection of shareholders in a significant manner. While there is crises in the boards, activism amongst the investors, and globalization of market have been increasingly calling for international reforms of corporate governance, it is extremely important for understanding the variations in the structures of corporate governance across different nations and cultures. A number of previous researches have laid emphasis on the variations in the constraints of politics and law over control and ownership, specifically how the regulations of government have a major impact on the ways in which organizations are controlled and owned, along with the processes, with the help of which changes can be made in these systems of control and ownership. One highly significant impact of differences in national culture is the variations within the structures of corporate ownership. Two wide categories for the structure of corporate ownership have been distinguished. Considering the first category, there is an inclusion of firms from the nation of Japan and the continent of Europe, within which, more often there is a concentrated nature in the ownership of individual organization in a small number of firms, families and banks that have a direct relation. This concentrated nature leads towards forming the consolidated groups of industries, and within this category, shareholdings across national cultures amongst organizations are common in nature. In consideration with the second category, where there is an inclusion of companies based in the United States and Great Britain, there is dispersion in the ownership amongst several unrelated investors at personal level or at the institutes. These two categories in the structure of ownership provide reflection in composing the boards of directors of these firms. In nations that have been marked by the ownership of concentration, like in Sweden, Japan and Germany, the directors of a firm have the tendency of mirroring the most relevant long- term relationships with the stakeholders of the organization. As identified by the theory of institute, formal norms regarding the structure of organization that includes norms for the structure of board, are the key components in the culture of a nation. If the structure of a board helps in expressing the culture of a specific society, then there should be a close relation with the dimensions of culture identified. Multi-societies have dependably been including embodiment into globalization of economies around the globe. Anyhow what rings the ringer is who makes them work and who may be the real sole individual mindful behind. The answer is- it is dependably a pioneer who assumes a part in going about as an undetectable bunch, holding and rousing solidarity. 

Do All Nations Have Cultures?

Most supervisors who are generally amazingly able in their utilitarian claim to fame, for example, showcasing, fund, bookkeeping and so forward, regularly find that overseeing representatives is a troublesome and grave errand. (Kanungo, 2014) This trouble stems fundamentally from the way that worker conduct, by its exceptionally nature, is perplexing and by and large capricious with any sensible level of conviction. (Kanungo, 2014)  In the first place, representative practices in the working environment result from the longing to fulfill a mixture of necessities and to accomplish goals which may not be consistent with those of the association. (Kanungo, 2014)Besides, in spite of the fact that the supervisor should at last deal with the individual worker’s conduct, the constrains that drive such conduct can’t be completely seen totally as far as that individual representative on the grounds that workers don’t work in seclusion. (Kanungo, 2014) They have to interface with different representatives and such collaboration may happen in a few ways. Consequently, to completely understand representative conduct, chiefs additionally need to consider the mind boggling, complicated web of collaborations and impacts created by an assemblage of interpersonal relations, intergroup relations and intergroup relations all of which may straightforwardly or in a roundabout way influence the worker’s work conduct. Added to this unpredictability are those included in overseeing in the worldwide connection? Globalization is essentially characterized as ‘indication of expanded unpredictability. (Kanungo, 2014)

                                                                                 (Fig: Multicultural Competence)

Since the goals, needs, interests, values, beliefs, and assumptions of people are formed by the culture being followed by them and to which they belong, there can be comparatively deeper roots within an individual as well. Therefore, one must be making an assumption, at least for the short duration of time that changes cannot be made in the values of culture for meeting the demands with respect to management. In consideration with the cultures of ethnicity and the nation, more often they are given support by a long established and highly complex social system that seemed to be having vibrant existence beyond the scope of the business organization, power being fathered and discrepancies of opportunity taking place amongst the groups of culture.

Management of diversity is referred to enable a workforce of multiple culture for learning and performing to the potentiality within the equitable environment of work where there is an advantage towards one group and a disadvantage towards the other. Effective management of multicultural organizations needs a minimum of basic knowledge in the traditions and culture of the employees. Similarity and familiarity with both is important as each seems to be having a bearing over the everyday behavior of the employees. The identity of culture helps in creating a feeling of being a significant part within the society. This helps the individuals for staying away from the feeling of isolation and at times, this even helps in knowing how reaction can be imposed over these. Traditions that involve nationalism, education, religion, and family seems to be playing a significant role in the life of every one. The key factors of consideration include etiquette, ethics, and personal appearance.

The Impact of Cultural Differences

Thus, one must be taking the position here that the behavior of an individual within the organization, will mainly be given guidance by the culture being followed by them. Employees and employers of an organization with multiple culture, therefore, would not be sharing a basic set of needs, interests, values, beliefs, and assumptions, nor the goals that are originated from the local context of the environment. As a matter of fact, employees do not end up leaving their cultures at the door of the organization when they approach towards work. It has been stated that these values of culture from the environment are introduced within the workplace and seem to having a major impact on the behavior of individuals in the organization. The practical effect of culture over the practices of management will therefore be recognized in the following steps:

  • Process of motivation, as individuals within the organizations have a number of different needs and interests and opportunities. These have been considered as the foundational base of motivation
  • Process of interaction, as members in the organizations, do not have the tendency of sharing a basic combination of assumptions. The perceiving and evaluation of these behaviors and attitudes has not been done in a similar manner, thus these seem to be acting in a different manner.
  • Process of visioning, as the effective achievement of this process can be done after accomplishing the processes of interaction as well as motivation. This means that there is an increased need for having common goals, aspirations and need in order to conjunct along with a basic way to see the entire world. If all of these elements are combined together, then it can be assured that the vision is shared.
  • Process of learning as in the absence of a common vision, there is no point of having collective learning. In addition to this, individuals within the organizations are known to be holding diversified experiences, differentiated ways of doing and thinking, and varying knowledge
  • Performance as output of work is highly dependent on the processes mentioned above.

The process of globalization has resulted in creating a number of new difficulties amongst all directors of businesses currently. (Erez, 2000). A number of other directors have been experiencing acquisition and mergers across the globe, or framed collisions with organizations across different nations. In the late years of 1980s, the furious rivalry in the middle of Japan and the USA pointed out the social variable. (Erez, 2000) Around then, reflection of alarm and hatred towards Japan can be found in the articles present in business papers. This is an attempt for understanding the ways in which Japan is developing as a strong nation, why it is not safe, what can be done regarding this context. (Fortune, 1990). Throughout the ages, an expanding population of American supervisors ended up being arranged within the population of Japan, advertising their items in Japan, offering administrations to remote clients, and overseeing operations the border of their nations of origin. Therefore, the fame of manuals on the best way to work with the Japanese and other remote nations developed. The requirement for such books vouches for the way that supervisors have perceived their absence of information and ability in overseeing crosswise over social fringes. In the late years of 1990s, the opposition amongst organizations in distinctive societies had resulted in turning clash to collaboration as business co-operations, joint wanders and mergers. In the most recent year, the news of business features caught extensive scale global mergers, for example, the ones between Nissan- Japan, and amongst Renault- France, Deutsche Bank in Germany, Chrysler in USA, Volvo in Sweden, Ford in USA, and bankers trust in USA. A wedding function has turned into a typical analogy for global mergers; (Erez, 2000) with an inquiry imprint concerning whether these mergers will last, or deteriorate. The mode of participation as opposed to rivalry obliges a superior understanding of the universal accomplice than just knowing the contender. It appears that the requirement for understanding culturally diverse contrasts and likenesses is getting to be progressively pivotal for powerful global organizations and their administrations. (Erez, 2000)

                                                                          (Fig: Different Advantages of Local and Global Brands)

Even though there are huge difficulties in observing and measuring cultural difference, there should be no denial in the fact that differences in culture are extremely important. Failure in appreciating and accounting for these can result in the creation of drag down performance of business, strain relationships, and embarrassing blunders. As a matter of fact, the impacts of culture seem to be persisting even in situations of life and death. The example of Korean Air is specifically noteworthy due to two key reasons. Firstly, if the factor of national culture can result in having huge significance, not to mention existential, consequences amongst individuals of the same origin of culture, there is an increased need for being extremely cautious regarding how one deals with the differences in national culture amongst the interactions taking place cross- border. Secondly, the interesting point that can be noted is that the behaviors and attitudes revealed by the flight engineers and co- pilots of Korean Air ended up persisting in an extremely high environment of regulation such as the commercial aviation. The national culture helps in shaping behavior, and this impact reaches beyond the attributes of administration like the policies of government, public institutions and laws. Therefore, it can be concluded that the focus is on how the impact of culture results in materializing and how the differences in culture results in affecting the operational activities of organizations across the world. 


National society is generally seen as a demand on practices of management. Be that as it may, that view is progressively conflicting with accessible observational confirmation. The key suspicions that must be met for multifaceted administration explore that uses national society (mean) scores, for example, those accessible from Hofstede, to yield important and interpretable discoveries. It is observed that these suppositions are either conflicting with accessible exact proof or have not been satisfactorily tended to exactly. For instance, for national society to go about as a requirement on administration, social contrasts inside nations ought to be little with respect to contrasts between nations. Proof shows, nonetheless, that this is not the situation. As a result of the absence of backing for this and different suspicions, the article recommends that diverse administration research needs to continue diversely later on and gives particular proposals in this respect. Most supervisors who are generally amazingly able in their utilitarian claim to fame, for example, showcasing, fund, bookkeeping and so forward, regularly find that overseeing representatives is a troublesome and grave errand. (Kanungo, 2014) This trouble stems fundamentally from the way that worker conduct, by its exceptionally nature, is perplexing and by and large capricious with any sensible level of conviction. As a matter of fact, employees do not end up leaving their cultures at the door of the organization when they approach towards work. It has been stated that these values of culture from the environment are introduced within the workplace and seem to having a major impact on the behavior of individuals in the organization. Since the goals, needs, interests, values, beliefs, and assumptions of people are formed by the culture being followed by them and to which they belong, there can be comparatively deeper roots within an individual as well. Therefore, one must be making an assumption, at least for the short duration of time that changes cannot be made in the values of culture for meeting the demands with respect to management. Management of diversity is referred to enable a workforce of multiple culture for learning and performing to the potentiality within the equitable environment of work where there is an advantage towards one group and a disadvantage towards the other. Effective management of multicultural organizations needs a minimum of basic knowledge in the traditions and culture of the employees. One highly significant impact of differences in national culture is the variations within the structures of corporate ownership. Two wide categories for the structure of corporate ownership have been distinguished. Considering the first category, there is an inclusion of firms from the nation of Japan and the continent of Europe, within which, more often there is a concentrated nature in the ownership of individual organization in a small number of firms, families and banks that have a direct relation. 


Adler, N.J. (2002) International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 4th edition, Cincinnati: South-Western.

Dewhurst Harris and Heywood (2012) The global company’s challenge, June, [Online], Available: [14 January 2015].

Erez, M. (2000) ‘Make Management Practice Fit the National Culture’, in Locke, E.A. (ed.) Basic Principles of Organizational Behavior: A Handbook., NY: Blackwell.

Gerhart, B. (2008) ‘How Much Does National Culture Constrain Organizational Culture?’, Management and Organization Review, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 241-259.

Ghemawat & Reiche (2011) ‘National Cultural Differences and Multinational Business’, Globalization Note Series.

Hofstede, G. (n.d) Dimensions, [Online], Available: [14 January 2015].

Kanungo (2014) ‘Managing Learning Organizations in Cross-cultural Context’.

Li & Harrison (2008) ‘NATIONAL CULTURE STRUCTURES AND BOARDS OF DIRECTORS’, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, vol. 16, no. 5, September, pp. 75-85.

McSweeney, B. (2002) ‘Hofstede’s model of national cultural differences and their consequences: A triumph of faith – a failure of analysis’, Human Relations, vol. 55, no., pp. 89-118.

Mullins, L.J. (2010) Management & Organisational Behaviour, Essex: Pearson Education.

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