Training And Development: Public Service Management

Discuss about the Report for Training and Development of Public Service Management.

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In Singapore, near the Changi Airport Casino (CAC), a third casino has opened recently. The purpose of the casino is to serve the travellers, thrill seekers, tourists and many more of them. The communication within the airport is also very smooth as the terminals are connected with Sky train (Pollock, Wick & Jefferson, 2015). Therefore, the location for this casino was selected near the airport to provide the service to the tourists easily. It has almost 3000 employees and 2000 out of them are the full time dealers of casino, who were known as the croupiers.

This assignment is focussing on the issue regarding the training program of the workers. The director of this company (CAC), Margaret Chan, who was also the director of the gaming activities of the company, has received the notice about the training session of the croupiers in her section. However, she was not interested in the training session as the previous experience was not good. Almost 100 croupiers were sent for the training and development session in the last time and they had experienced a very negative. Additionally, they have complained about it to her. She had to face many problems in running the business that time and had to face many losses (Sundstrom et al., 2015). Therefore, she is not interested in this time to send her croupiers to the Training Session.

In this assignment, the study is emphasising on the issues faced by the company CAC. The problem was between the two directors of this company, the Gaming Operation Director and the director of Training and Development department, who were not agreeing in the matter of sending the croupiers to the training program. In the end of the study, there are some recommendations also provided for the company to improve the relationship between Margaret Chan and Caleb Tan as well as the situation.

The mistakes done by the Director in the Training Session

The main three areas where the Director of Training made the mistakes are –

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  1. Transfer of Knowledge

The employees who were appointed in the new opened Casino under the Changi Airport Casino have experience in this sector. Therefore, all of them knew the process of handling the customers in this sector. They are able to deal with the customers, the travellers, thrill seeker and many more at the gambling table. These croupiers knew the strategies to handle the customers of a casino without hampering the business. All of them had worked for the local casinos and gathered experience of working in a casino. Additionally, all o them have passed the interview process before joining the casino of CAC. Therefore, the knowledge is transferring from the past to present. They always work on the prior experiences and learning a human nature. Therefore, they have performed very well in this new job. The training session was arranged for the croupiers who were already know the basics of the work. The Director has arranged the wrong training material for the employees and therefore faced the problem (Torraco, 2016). The employees have to be trained in the advanced level to improve their working procedures but they got training on the same basic level. This was the main issue about the decision of director for selecting wrong training topics.

  1. Ability of analysis the Training requirements

Every training program should be arranged after doing the full research on the company and then have to start the program. However, in this case the director, Caleb Tan, has started the training session without doing any research about the background of the croupiers of the casino. Therefore, the director was not aware of their experience and working procedures. The training was set up on the basics for working in the casino. This subject was not perfect for the croupiers who were sent to the training program. They were sent with the expectation to be trained in the sectors of the new processes to improve their business as well as their working style (Mazerolle & Dodge, 2015). However, they got a very basic training program that disappointed them as well as decreased the business. Therefore, it was the drawback of the director of setting the training subject without analysing the requirements of the employees as well as the business situation.

  1. Estimation of Training

The training needs to be evaluated properly. When a training program is arranged, there is a requirement of the training has emerged surely in that time in the organisation. This can be for attaining more profit in future or to change some business procedures that are not working and customers do not like those (Denne et al., 2015). In this case, the development director has planned to train the croupiers on the process of handling the customers in a casino and on their leadership quality to team building. However, they all knew about these qualities in their previous work places and the training program did not help them at all. They were already worked as the full time casino dealers and they knew how to deal with the customers (Berman et al., 2015). Therefore, the evaluation of training should help the trainer to know the effectiveness of the training on the trainee that was not followed here. It was another fault of the director that led the training session not successful. If the director tried to evaluate the training procedure whether it was affecting the employees or not then the problem was solved. The reason of dissatisfaction of the croupiers would be corrected then. However, this fault of the director has increased the problem.

Wide literature is required to support the identified errors

The trainer should know the previous activities of the company as well as the employees who will be taught in the training session. According to Olaniyi (2015), it helps the trainer to set the objectives of the training session and to make the strategies for the betterment of the organisational business. Therefore, according to this theory the director of Changi Airport Casino has to go through the history of the company to know the strategies that the company was following. On the other hand, the background of the croupiers should be analysed before setting the objectives of the program. The employees who were supposed to be trained in this training program were already experienced in this field and they knew the lessons that have taught in the training program. Therefore, it was a total time consuming and loss of time for the company as well as the employees. From the view point of Biech (2015), it can be said that the director has to check the interview procedure of the employees before setting the training program. This made the director able to know about the qualities and experiences of the croupiers and then the training session would be helpful for them without wasting their time.

Recommendations to reduce the errors of the training session

There are three areas where is a chance to improve the situation and to make the training session effective. These are –

1) The Director should have recognised the problems of the company as well as the employees to set the objective of the Training program. As the program has set without interacting with the other members of the company and developing knowledge about the real needs, therefore, the session has been proved to be wrong both for the company and croupiers. Therefore, it can be recommended to that the Director should analyse the situation and the requirements of the employees and company before arranging any Training session in future to get results from that.

2) The training session has failed to achieve success as it has a wrong training objective for the employees who already have the knowledge. Therefore, the director should have gone through some procedures to get the knowledge about the employees and the business. Then Caleb Tan should have decided about the training session whether it was important or required or not. In order to know the real picture of the business and the croupiers the Director should have asked the customers to get their feedback about it. If the customers were asked about the casino then the Director could be able to know the business situation and the customers’ expectations from their staffs (Dodson, Kitburi & Berge, 2015). Additionally, Tan could have interviewed the croupiers to test their knowledge about customer handling. These procedures would help the director to analyse the present situation. Therefore, the decision regarding the Training has been taken properly. However, the wrong training has demoralised the croupiers to improve their working policies.

3) Every training program should have to follow the evaluating process strictly. In this case, the director has not followed the evaluating process to verify the effectiveness of the training. Caleb tan has not tried to check the trainees whether they were getting helped by the program or not. If it was evaluated by the director regularly then the problem was detected in the starting of the training session. Director should conduct survey on the trainees in order to know about their progress in the training and to get their feedback about the training program. This survey would have helped to understand about their dissatisfaction and time wasting. Therefore, it was a great mistake of the director not to assess the effectiveness of the training. Thus, it is hereby recommended to check and evaluate the process of the training and the effectiveness of it to overcome this kind of situations.

Evidence of research and application of theories to support the recommendations

According to Khan et al. (2016), the training sessions are arranged to overcome the poor situations of any organisation and to measure the ability of its employees to improve the business. In this casino the director has not checked the present situation of the company and started a training session with 100 croupiers of it. This has led to failure of the training session obviously. As per the report, the director should have recognised the drawbacks of the company and then develop the training program for the required areas. Instead of that the training was given to them who were already trained in the sector (Turner, 2015).The theories from Pande (2015), has stated that the training  should not emphasised on the customer handling procedures, team making, team leading etc rather it would have been given to develop their skills of customer handling that should increase the business. The director must have arranged for practical sessions that the trainees could develop their interest in training. Tan would allow the croupiers those who are under training to handle the consumers and enhance their skills under the direction of expert.

Working Relations with the Director of Operations

Strategies that can be acquired to improve the relationship between Director of Training and Director of Operation

The relationship between the two directors in this case was not in good terms due to the failure of the previous training session. They should have to develop a good communication between them to know the progress and requirements of each other. Director of Training should have asked the Director of Operation about the croupiers’ experience and work progress before setting the training plan (Chandrasiri & Fernando, 2015). Likewise, the Director of Operation should have helped the Director of Training by providing the real situation and requirements of the company.

Measures supported by literature research and theories

As opined by Pollock, Wick and Jefferson (2015), to run an organisation the relationships between the directors must be maintained properly, otherwise the organisation have to face many problems regarding this. One of the mostly faced problems is the miscommunication between departments. In this case, the training session was proved to be wrong due to this communication gap between director of operations and director of training. Therefore, developing a healthy relationship between them is very essential for the betterment of the company.


The study has analysed the importance of the communication between the departments in an organisation in order to improve the overall business. The case study of the casino under CAC has explained the outcome of independent decisions taken by the two Directors. The directors has not discussed about the requirements and drawbacks of the organisation to resolve those issues rather developed individual plans for giving training to the croupiers. Therefore, both the directors should consult each other and figure out if the training session would be required for the croupiers and then set the training program.

Reference List

Berman, E. M., Bowman, J. S., West, J. P., & Van Wart, M. R. (2015).Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage Publications.

Biech, E. (2015). Training and Development for Dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

Chandrasiri, M. S., & Fernando, N. G. (2015). Training and Development Framework to Improve Employee Job Performance in Public Sector Banks in Sri Lanka.

Denne, L., Jones, E., Lowe, K., Brown, F. J., & Hughes, J. C. (2015). Putting positive behavioural support into practice: the challenges of workforce training and development. International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support, 5(2), 43-54.

Dodson, M. N., Kitburi, K., & Berge, Z. L. (2015). Possibilities for MOOCs in Corporate Training and Development. Performance Improvement, 54(10), 14-21

Khan, A. A., Abbasi, S. O. B. H., Waseem, R. M., Ayaz, M., & Ijaz, M. (2016). Impact of Training and Development of Employees on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction: A Study of Telecom Sector of Pakistan.Business Management and Strategy, 7(1), 29-46.

Mazerolle, S. M., & Dodge, T. (2015). Role of clinical education experiences on athletic training students’ development of professional commitment. Athletic Training Education Journal, 10(2), 138-145.


Pande, S. S. (2015). A comparative study of employee training and development practices of selected public and private hospitals in pcmc area.

Pollock, R. V., Wick, C. W., & Jefferson, A. (2015). The six disciplines of breakthrough learning: How to turn training and development into business results. John Wiley & Sons.

Sundstrom, E. D., Lounsbury, J. W., Gibson, L. W., & Huang, J. L. (2015). Personality Traits and Career Satisfaction in Training and Development Occupations: Toward a Distinctive T&D Personality Profile. Human Resource Development Quarterly

Torraco, R. J. (2016). Early history of the fields of practice of training and development and organization development. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 1523422316659898.

Turner, A. J. (2015). Generational cohort experiences with training and development: A phenomenological study. NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY.

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