Roles Of European Union In Making And Shaping Social Policy Among Member States


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The decisions that are made by the European Union or EU are quite often termed to be complex. This is one of the reasons, the union needs to adopt and implement transparent system through which the changes in the social factors can be implemented in the right manner. The policies that are drafted by the EU have to be interacted with the members, as this will help in increasing the level of understanding. Besides this, it will help in handling the challenging aspects along with the adoption of the improved methods for introducing the changes that are required for the execution of different tasks. The prevalence of the social acts or policies drafted by the company cannot be overlooked at all for a simple fact that it is meant to benefit the members. The policies that are drafted for the members are considered to be quite important and this is meant to help in analysing the challenges that exists within the system. The strategies for implementing the changes for the company have always been quite simple and effective. It was meant to help in the sustainable growth of the system. The objectives of the EU have been effectively communicated with the members with the prime objective of catering the needs of the members. Thus it becomes relevant to analyze the changes and other factor that needs to be implemented by the company for handling the needs and preferences of the members (Aaronson, 2011)


The European Union is a result of determination with respect to European politicians to reduce the issues in Europe after World War II. The goal is to bring countries together with economic support and cooperation. The roles and responsibilities of European Union have tremendously increased in terms of new issues. European Union was developed by the Treaty of Maastricht in the year 1993. The impact of European integration on industrial relations links with each other and the process of decision making in the European Union is both simple as well as complex. (Paulet, 2014)

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In European Union, wage determination is the vital role of the social partners in individual member states in terms of growth and stability. The movement in wage levels from one country to other leads to the increase in the real and nominal wages when compared to the different circumstances. Thus the terms of labor cost develops an essence of responsiveness in the EMU context. Also, the change in information creates huge convergence between national systems. It has high diversity and there is an increase in the working time in the European Union. There is a significant change in timings and process that increases the size of part time work force.

Labor and Free Movement of People

Like the EU policy, the industrial relations are continuous process. It has huge impact that leads to discussion and also increases other issues. There is a strong need to identify both the top-down and bottom-up approach that aims to increase the competition and coordination which could lead to success.

The European Union is an economic and political union that consists of 27 states of member and it is strongly associated in Europe. It has developed the single market with respect to standardized system of laws and policies that is applied to all member states. It assures free movement of products, services and capital. This way, it manages common policies on growth and development. It also has developed the limited role in foreign policy. It operates among six countries. They promote European harmony to develop the single market and to enable the shift in products, people and services. (Archik, 2014)

European Union countries are not at loggerheads these days. It has managed to heal the divisions which were exposed in the 20th century in the two World Wars. It also has awarded the Nobel peace prize for promoting peace and support and also to promote the growth and stability in the economy. Thus it has strong commitments to protect the rights of human and also to protect the discrimination of law. (Straw, 2014)

Labor and free movement of people

Free movement of people and capital has developed the economy more flexible. It also enables British people to reside and work in Europe. It also has enabled people to easily travel and make the tourism easier and cheaper. (, 2007)

European Union law is a body of court judgments and it is strongly respected in terms of issues and other economic and political system that involves human rights. It progressively commits to harmonize the laws and to deal with the policies to reduce the issues. (Archik, 2014)

Europeans are considered as both the local as well as global authorities that have major impacts on the living conditions. The development of Europe has primary importance and it is strongly controversial. Multilateralism is a novel concept and it is a strong support among sovereign states. Today it has increased the diversification and represents the platform for support and cooperation. (Lagenhove & Maes, 2012)

The process of economic integration leads to the development of economic union and it is a common policy that deals with strong harmony and different rules and policies among member states. It brings some issues and involves economic integration. Thus it also has static and dynamic effects with the best use of available resources. This results to the formation of union that increases the competition as well and also there is a use of new opportunities and the strong advantage of integration is efficient that generates fast economic growth and also helps with opportunities to increase the level of production and also to increase the scale of economy. European Union is one of the most powerful economic factors that are also known as regional integration. (Djuric, 2015)

EU has experienced the gradual movement of power of decision making from the institution to the governments of member states. EU capitals have strong European commission that is required for union’s achievements. There are initiatives that focus on stronger economic growth and EU comprises rules, policies and practices. (Debaere, 2012)

Strategy of EU for social cause

The union has always believed in adopting the best policies through which the inclusive growth methods can be adopted and implemented by the company. This is also related to adopting and implementing the best employment process that will cater the needs of the mass population of the people aged among 20-64. The prime objective has been to include the steps through which the poverty level amongst the members can be reduced drastically by the members. In order to reduce the impact of unemployment an attempt has been made to introduce new skills and job agenda, through which the required changes can be introduced by the management. For this the EU has introduced effective social investment packages, through which the needs could be catered by the members in the best possible manner. Such plans have been prepared so as to reach out to maximum number of members at the same time. Also the support system has been developed so as to ensure that the right offers for support system is developed and communicated with the members. Through the package system the management of the EU introduce the best guidance’s to the member states that will help in catering the needs that is required for making changes in the social investments. Such things are meant to provide better services and opportunities to the member states (Bartels, 2014). Some of the steps that has been taken by the authorities for improving the welfare position of the members include –

1.Introducing an effective employment package system, for improving the quality of the services that are expected to be rendered to the member states.Introduce the best system for making changes in the white paper on pensions for the people.

2.It also includes introducing the strategy for adequate changes that will ensure safe pension scheme for the people.

3. Analyse the relevance of the youth employment package scheme through which the changes can be implemented for introducing more jobs for the people. The programs are designed and implemented for youths who are qualified but don’t have better jobs (Richardson, 2012).

Flagship issues

There are different types of programs that has been introduced for the people or the members of the state. The changes have been implemented in order to provide the best possible services through which the improved quality changes can be introduced for the people. One of the greatest tasks that have been adopted by the company includes adopting and implementing steps to fight against the poverty, which also includes social exclusion of certain factors. There are different types of flagships and this is considered to be one of the most important factors that could directly impact the plan that has been decided to be implemented by the authorities. The major task that was planned to be introduced by the authorities includes adopting and implementing the steps through which around 20 million and more people could be lifted above the poverty line. This was meant to improve the social position of the people and provide better opportunities to the member state to reside. The plan was launched in the year 2010 and was expected to continue till 2020 (Krajewski, 2010).

In order to accomplish the below mentioned task, the authorities had concentrated on five different areas that required the action plan. Some of the changes were introduced for the below mentioned factors –

1. Draft policies for delivering the expected actions for the whole policy strategies. This also included analysing the labour market and implementing the minimum support system, through which the required changes can be introduced by the management. Through this program an effort was made to introduce better educational system that would benefit the people and providing the required housing facilities for the people. In this process, the access to the banking requirements were also planned and implemented din the right manner (Tilikainen, 2011).

2. In the second step, the funds that were allocated for supporting the social exclusion cause was expected to be used in the best possible manner. For this, the management had proposed to use around 20 per cent of the total funds for eradicating the poverty level that existed in the system. It was noted that the problem associated with the poverty was quite serious and had to be handled in the right manner (Podgorny, 2013).

3. Analysing the best method through which the problem related to the social policy system can be improved and sorted out in the right manner. In this process, the plans has been analysed and the same needs to be evaluated in the described manner. This will help in improving the plan that has been proposed to be implemented by the authorities. In this case, the different strategies that will be adopted for implementing the changes in the process will have to be analysed. This is important as the implementation process will be done in an effective manner.

4. Developing partnership is one of the most important tasks as this will help in increasing the quality of working for the authorities. In this process, the challenges are analysed and the corrective steps are taken to ensure that the right details and services are provided to the people. This is quite an important task, as it will help in increasing the quality of services that has been proposed to be rendered to the people. In this case, the participation of the people has to be analyse das it will help in accomplishing the task in the best possible manner. Such factors are considered to be necessary for introducing the social policy reforms that are necessary for eradicating the poverty level that exists in the member states.

5.In the late stage the best policy for implementing changes in the coordination policy is adopted and implemented by the authorities. This is done with an intention of making the corrective changes that will be considered to be useful for introducing the required changes that are necessary for introducing the changes that are essential for the member states. For this, the coordination method is adopted and implemented in the right manner, and the whole purpose is to protect the social cause and implement changes for the social inclusion method.      

Evaluation of the process

The process that has been proposed to be introduced by the authorities has been analysed and the corrective steps are taken for making the changes. Important key actions are planned and communicated with the members and the same is done with an intention of making the changes that will be useful in improving the program that has been introduced by the EU. The targets has been set forth by the EU has been effectively communicated with the members. This also includes informing the targets that has been defined by the management. The policies and the changes that are intended to be introduced by the management have been evaluated. This is done with an intention of improving the quality of services that has been planned to be implemented by the authorities. It includes analysing the individual efforts and the growth prospects that has been planned to be introduced by the authorities. In this case, the individual efforts introduced for the people will be evaluated on the basis of the benefits that will be derived by the members. In this case the actions that have been proposed to be introduced by the members will be evaluated and the corrective actions will be taken by the management on a timely manner. This is done with an intention of reducing the poverty level that impacts the quality of living amongst the people. Apart from this, the members are provided with effective training that will help in handling the challenges that exists with the process of implementing the methods. The scoreboards are decided and the same is communicated with the intention of improving the quality of interaction with the members and others who are involved in the process of discussion and the steps that needs to be followed for implementing the changes that are required for introducing social reform programs (Wolcock, 2005).

Decision making process

At the time of introducing the changes that are necessary for decision making, it is necessary to analyse the challenges and gather the reviews from the members. In this process, the councils have to be interacted and the issues with the process of introducing the changes have to be analysed. Changes are made after analysing the steps that needs to be followed for implementing the required changes (Wolcock, 2010).


There are different types of reform programs that have been introduced by the management of the EU commission board. In this case, the issues have to be analysed so that the best method can be selected by the authorities. The process includes different steps and the same needs to be followed in the right manner. This will improve the plan that has been prepared for making the changes that is required for providing better services to the people.


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