Strategic People Management For Stephanie Urban Developer: A Review

Relevance of managing people and developing intellectual capital

Strategic People Management can help in improving the performance of the employees in an organization and it can help in achieving incredible result for the company. A company can achieve competitive advantage by managing people and by developing their intellectual capital (Shockley-Zalabak, 2014). This essay reviews the presentation that discusses about Brazilian urban estate developer called Stephanie Urban Developer. It talks about the strength of the presentation and the areas that can be focussed on for developing the presentation.

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According to me, the opinion of the millennials should be given due importance that can help in the development of the organization. The presenter of the video is right when asserting that young people have a habit of challenging the opinion of the older people in the organization. According to me, appreciation of the unique talents of the young people can help in fostering innovation in a company. I think that the presenter is quite right when asserting that all the employees in a company working together can become a competitive advantage for a company (Carnall, 2018). I think that the skills that the young people bring to an organization should be appreciated and their skills should be nurtured that can act as a source of competitive advantage for the Brazilian estate developer called Stephanie Urban Developer. According to me, organizational diversity can play a crucial role in enhancing the performance of employees that can augment the organizational performance (Kramer, 2014). The presenter is right when stating that abiding by the ethical principles can help a company in staying ahead of the competitors and it can help in bringing profit for the company in the long run (Barbour, Gill & Barge, 2018).

 I think that the presenter is right when stating that the partners of Stephanie Urban Developer being the director of the company is not a positive sign for the organization as it means that they would be equipped with all the powers that would prevent the taking of right decision in the company (Bailey et al., 2018). In my opinion, the partners and the directors should be kept separate that can help successfully in the growth of an organization. The presenter has been right in stating that the retaining to the old employees can give rise to a high performance culture within Stephanie Urban Developer but I think that the new employees joining the organization can bring their own set of knowledge and skillset that can work for the betterment of the organization. It can however be mentioned that retaining of old employees can help in saving money for the organization (Gargiulo, 2014). The business should be conducted in a fair manner in the company and abide by the principle of corporate governance that can help in the growth of the organization (Wheelen et al., 2017). I think that the management in an organization should act in a transparent manner that can help in building trust in the employees of an organization. The important decisions in a company being made known to all the employees of the company can help the company in making great amount of profit.

Importance of considering the opinions and skills of young people

According to me, the presenter is quite right when stating the fact that combining human resources and the processes of the company can help the company in excelling in the long run. The human resources management of the organization can take recourse to training along with incentive plans for motivating the people of the organization (Michie et al., 2016). I think that the people of an organization are its asset and quality and the behaviour of the employees can help in the determination of success of an organization. I think that the presenter is right when claiming that the employees of a company should adopt the objective of their company as their own that can help in keeping them encouraged. It can help in increasing their productivity and thus bring more revenues for the company. The aligning of the organizational goal and the personal goal can be an important step that can maximise the performance of the employees of a company (Zhang et al., 2015). The management of Stephanie Urban Developer should focus on both business along with the personal growth of the employees that can greatly help in fostering growth of the company.

The problems in an organization should be dealt with in an ethical manner in Stephanie Urban Developer that can act to the advantage of the organization. According to me, improving the skillset of the employees with the help of training can help in giving rise to a culture of high performance in the organization. The leaders in the company should be attentive of the needs of each individual member of his team that can make the employees feel engaged and make them loyal to the cause of the organization (Alagaraja, Cumberland & Choi, 2015). There lies a deep relationship between the people management and performance of organization. According to me, the people of the company can be managed with the help of communication that can bridge the difference between the employees (Hoffman & Tadelis, 2018).The presenter has been right in laying forth that the frameworks of PESTEL and SWOT can be useful for the growth of Stephanie Urban Developer.

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The strength of the presentation lies in the fact that it has focussed on all the arenas that can help in the aspect of strategic people management of an organization. It has rightly stressed on how acceptance of new ideas of young people, ethical principles and division of power can help the organization performing in an efficient manner. The communication style of the presenter helped in portraying in a vivid manner the functioning of Stephanie Urban Developer and the areas that it should consider for bringing about improvements in their business. Her point of view was distinct and she has been successful in laying clear some pertinent points before the audience. The presentation does not also drag for a long time thus it can keep the audiences engaged. The areas of development lie in the fact that it could have elaborated on the kinds of communication technique that can be helpful in bringing of varying age groups together in the urban estate company (Wilkinson, Wood & Demirbag, 2014). The presentation could have focussed on powerful internal communication strategies that can help in bringing the employees together in Stephanie Urban Developer. It could elaborate on how the creation of open communication environment along with inclusive communication strategy could work to the benefit of Stephanie Urban Developers. The presentation could have talked about the techniques that can help in creating open communication in the organisation. It could have talked about the advantages that one can get with the help of inclusive communication strategy in a company.


Strategic People Management can be useful in improving employee performance that can help in achieving positive result for a company. The opinion of the young people should be attended to that can help Stephanie Urban Developer to grow. They should be provided opportunity to challenge the older people working in the organization that can bring about growth of company. A company has to work along ethical principles that can help the employees in staying motivated in the organisation. It can provide the company with competitive advantage that can help them in the aspect of competitive advantage. According to me, new employees can bring their unique set of skills that can help the company to grow. The dealings of the organization should be fair and the company should work on the basis of principle of corporate governance that can assist in developing of organization. The management of Stephanie Urban Developer should act transparently that can build trust within employees of company.


Alagaraja, M., Cumberland, D. M., & Choi, N. (2015). The mediating role of leadership and people management practices on HRD and organizational performance. Human Resource Development International, 18(3), 220-234.

Bailey, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C., & Garavan, T. (2018). Strategic human resource management. Oxford University Press.

Barbour, J. B., Gill, R., & Barge, J. K. (2018). Organizational Communication Design Logics: A Theory of Communicative Intervention and Collective Communication Design. Communication Theory.

Carnall, C. (2018). Managing change. Routledge.

Gargiulo, T. L. (2014). The strategic use of stories in organizational communication and learning. Routledge.

Hoffman, M., & Tadelis, S. (2018). People Management Skills, Employee Attrition, and Manager Rewards: An Empirical Analysis (No. w24360). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Kramer, M. W. (2014). Managing uncertainty in organizational communication. Routledge.

Michie, J., Sparrow, P., Cooper, C., & Hird, M. (2016). Do we need HR?: Repositioning people management for success. Springer.

Shockley-Zalabak, P. (2014). Fundamentals of organizational communication. Boston, MA: Pearson.

Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2017). Strategic management and business policy. pearson.

Wilkinson, A., Wood, G., & Demirbag, M. (2014). Guest editors’ introduction: People management and emerging market multinationals. Human Resource Management, 53(6), 835-849.

Zhang, Y., Waldman, D. A., Han, Y. L., & Li, X. B. (2015). Paradoxical leader behaviors in people management: Antecedents and consequences. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 538-566.

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