Gibbs Model Of Reflection And Its Impact On Nursing Practice Among Aboriginal And Torres Islanders

Background on Gibbs Model of Reflection

Gibbs model of reflection is a theoretical model that is often used as a framework for self evaluation. It was created by Graham Gibbs in 1998 (Hosseinzadeh and Dadich, 2016). It explains that a reflective cycle should have six stages. They include description stage, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. The Gibbs reflective cycle helps to challenge assumptions that a person holds and to explore various different new ideas and approaches towards thinking about something. It also helps in linking theory with practical activities. This report discusses my attitudes, biases, and myths towards Aboriginal and Torres Islanders.

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The perceptions and attitudes are discussed in depth using Gibbs model before learning this subject. In addition to this, the report also discusses the impact that this subject has had on my future nursing practice of Aboriginal and Torres Islander people. The report discusses in detail how my perception and myths about the Aboriginals has changed since learning this subject and how it will help me to practice nursing in this community (Levett-Jones, 2018). The three Yarning Circle activities that are discussed in this essay include; Thursday Island and Kahoot quiz, stimulation workshop and chronic disease in indigenous communities. Throughout this essay, REM framework, UTS Graduate Attributes and ABCD Cultural assessment models are used. This models help in understanding the culture of the indigenous community. The national competency standards for registered nurses are discussed and applied in this essay.

Task 1

Before learning this subject, I had many assumptions and biases concerning the Aboriginal and Torres Islanders. This perceptions and biases were influenced by the things I heard from different people concerning the indigenous people. This shaped my attitude towards the Aboriginals. One of the perception I had about the indigenous people is that the Aboriginal people are primitive and nomadic (Healey, 2014). When I was growing up, I heard many stories about the Aboriginal people and how they had no education nor civilization. I thought that the people lived only in forests and none of them had access to modern education.

I also thought that they had no permanent homes and hence they kept moving from one place to another in search for food and water. I also had the perception that the Aboriginals used primitive hunting and gathering methods and had no modern clothing (Adegbija, Hoy and Wang, 2015). The bad thing about my experience is that it led me to believing that the indigenous people are not intellectually capable as compared to other people. After learning this subject,I came to realize that the aboriginal people are intelligent and are not primitive as I had believed earlier.

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The experience helped me to understand that the Aboriginals and Torres Islanders are civilized and learned (Australian Institute Of Health And Welfare, 2017). After learning this subject I realized that there are indigenous people who are professors and doctors in different colleges and universities in Australia. The thing that I would have done differently is that I would treat the indigenous people with more respect and interact with them more to understand their culture.

Attitudes and Biases Towards Aboriginal and Torres Islanders

Before learning this subject, I had a perception that the indigenous people had no complex laws and were not organized socially. I always thought that the people did not adhere to the Law of Australia and they were governed by unwritten code of behavior which was not strictly adhered to. I had the stereotype that the Aboriginals and Torrent Islanders were not organized into social groupings such as clans or any other social groups.

he good thing about the experience of learning this subject is that I realized the Aboriginal people do not have complex rules and that they are governed by a simple code of behavior that is passed from generation to generation(Clark, 2011). I was surprised to realize that the Aboriginals had very organized social life. They are organized in large families which form clans. The community is very closely knit. The people have social events such as cultural festivals which help them in bonding with one another.

I had heard from friends that the Aboriginals are drunks and violent. This made me fear and develop a bad attitude towards the indigenous people. Whenever I met an Aboriginal person, I always thought of them as people who are always drunk and they liked confrontations and fights. I had heard about how the people drink their traditional brew and that many of the people were addicted to drugs. I was however shocked to learn that the Aboriginal people are very orderly and peaceful. This was after I made some friends during the experience. I learned that there are indigenous people who have never engaged in drinking and that they are very warm and friendly.

The other stereotype I had about the Aboriginals is that they are lazy and depend too much on welfare. I thought that the people live in rural areas drinking alcohol and have no time to work and improve their lives (Wangerek, 2012). I developed this perception because I had heard that the people depend on aid from the government and other organizations. The government spends a lot of many on the people as an affirmative action to help improve their lives and hence most of them were lazy and were not interested in working hard like the rest of the people (Walker, 2007). During my learning experience, I realized that the aboriginals are hardworking that changed my perception. I realized that there are many aboriginal people who own businesses and others who carry out farming activities and are not dependent on aid.

Task 2

This subject has had a great impact on my future nursing practice. Learning the subject has helped me to respect cultural values, beliefs, life experiences, and health practices. This will be very important when practicing nursing among the Aboriginals and Torres Islanders because, the people living in this community are very conservative. The ABCD cultural assessment model provides a structure for undertaking cultural assessment. Factors such as attitude, beliefs, context and decision-making style are crucial in assessing the culture. It will therefore be very important for me to understand the cultural values of the Aboriginals and respect them while undertaking my nursing roles. Learning the subject will help me to understand the culture of the people relating to palliative care and other aspects of health care (Eckermann, 2010).

Impact of Learning on Perception

According to the AHPRA standards for RNs, it is important to consider cultural values of a patient when making decisions involving their health.For example in the simulation exercise conducted, I was able to get an introduction from the patients siblings before starting treating the patient. Through introduction to the family of Judy, I was able to understand the family values and hence respect them as I undertake my daily duties. I was able to understand the environment that Judy is living and hence I gave advice which helped to reduce the risk of the patient acquiring

Learning the subject will help me to improve my communication skills. The Aboriginals and Torres Islanders speak very different languages and some of them are not able to communicate in English (Australian Institute of Health And Welfare, 2017). Learning this subject will help me to understand how best to communicate with the local communities so as to provide high quality health care. For example, after watching the Thursday Island film. I realized that people living there speak different indigenous languages and that most of the people cannot communicate in English. This will therefore help me to be ready with a translator who will help me to communicate with the people living in the community.

Learning the subject will also help me to understand the attitudes of the local community in regard to; meaning of life, truth telling when it comes to diagnosis, communicating about death and traditional healing practices versus Western health care. This is an important concept of ABCD cultural assessment model. In addition to this the subject will help me when am a registered nurse since it has helped me to understand the patients religious and spiritual beliefs. This will be critical in understanding the patients while providing health care services.

With the experience that I have after learning this subject, I will be able to understand the decision making style of the Aboriginals and Torres Islanders. When I will be practicing nursing, I will be aware of who makes health care decisions in the family and who are the right people to talk to on family health matters (Murphy, Goossen, & Weber, 2017). For example chronic diseases such as respiratory diseases and circulatory diseases are more common among the Aboriginals than in other regions (Queensland Health, 2010). The indigenous people refuse to disclose their illness and they fail to seek professional treatment and hence many of them end up dying. Learning this subject will help me to encourage indigenous people on chronic diseases and the need for seeking treatment.


This report describes the Gibbs Model of reflection and applies the model in analyzing my attitudes, perceptions and beliefs that I had towards the Aboriginals and the Torres Islanders. I had the perception that the indigenous people are very primitive and I thought they are all uneducated. I also had the perception that they have no social organizations and they are evil and have no religion. After learning this subject, I was surprised to realize that most of my perceptions were wrong. I learned that there are many positive attributes about the indigenous people and I interacted with them more. The report also discusses how the things learned in the subject will assist me when practicing nursing among the indigenous people.


Adegbija, O., Hoy, W. and Wang, Z. (2015). Prediction of cardiovascular disease risk using waist circumference among Aboriginals in a remote Australian community. BMC Public Health, 15(1).

Australian Institute Of Health And Welfare. (2017). Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2017 Report: Northern Territory.

Clark, S. (2011). Health initiatives by Indigenous people in Australia. The Lancet, 377(9783), pp.2066-2067.

Eckermann, A.-K. (2010). Binan Goonj: Bridging Cultures In Aboriginal Health. Chatswood, N.S.W.,

IV/AIDS in Australia. Sexual Health, 13(2), p.182.

Fleming, M. L., & Parker, E. (2012). Introduction To Public Health – E-Book.

Healey, J. (2014). Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health. 

Levett-Jones, T. (2018). Cultural Competence, Patient Safety, Cultural Assessment – Ausmed. 

Murphy, j., Goossen, w., & Weber, p. (2017). Forecasting Informatics Competencies For Nurses In The Future Of Connected Health Proceedings Of The Nursing Informatics Post Conference 2016. Amsterdam, Ios Press,

Walker, C. (2007). Chronic illness and consumer inequality: the impact of health costs on people with chronic illnesses in rural and regional Australia. Australian Health Review, 31(2), p.203.

Wangerek, L. (2012). Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health Services Report, 2010-11: Oatsih Services Reporting : Key Results. Canberra, Australian Institute Of Health And Welfare.p.156

Queensland Health. (2010). Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Framework 2010-2033. Brisbane, Qld, Queensland 98,pg107.

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