The Importance Of Infrastructure In Economic And Population Growth
The Impact of Infrastructure on Sustainable Growth and Competitiveness
Infrastructure is very important to us since the reflection of a country’s ambition is through infrastructure. Having a well developed and operational infrastructure such as the transport system enhances the country’s sustainable fire and ensure its competitiveness in the market, (Sellers et al 2016).This clearly shows that if we act or work on the right things first, then a lot of time and resources would have been saved for propelling both economic and population growth. A shortfall in infrastructure leads to constrains in economic performance, production depression and lower standards of living. This shortfall is normally caused by the current infrastructure failing to keep pace with the rising demands and some even being outdated and do not meet the quality standards required, (Sotomayor et al 2009). Due to the increase of production and huge population growth being experienced, modernized infrastructure which require adequate funding is inevitable for competitiveness in the day to day market and sustainability of comic growth in a nation.
Australia, for example, is expected to have infrastructure network of high quality and meet the first world living standards. However, there are major concerns of infrastructure not meeting the requirements and expectations. This has majorly been caused by the nation’s inadequate attention on infrastructure. There is growth of demand from the transport sector and in the near future, if not well taken cared for, will not withstand the pressure that will build up from population growth, global and local economic developments, environmental sustainability and even the technological changes. At the moment, gaps already exist and will continue to grow in the urban transport system. This has brought the need for a serious public discussion on how to control this, (Wu et al 2010).
Aging of the transport sector poses a great risk to the growing population. As the transport sector, ranging from road, water to air continue to age, there is an increase in number of potential hazards that normally lead to countless number of accidents. The aging of transport sector has more impact on the urban areas which are in continual move as compared to the rural areas. This has a great impact on economic growth as most of the activities are being carried out in the urban areas. Over the last few years there has been an increase in number of accidents especially in roads as compared to air, water and railways. The vehicles collision and accidents are majorly caused by the old roads which are in bad conditions. Potholes are some of the most common causes of aging roads. Potholes often pose a lot of risks to the drivers in cases of limited vision and the little or no time to react to them. Potholes are normally referred to as the missing parts of the road surface. Due to the dangers that are caused by potholes there is an urgent need to fix the aging roads, (Yilmaz & Krein, 2013).
While new roads have good grips, the old and aging are slippery. The slick road due to aging pose a great risk to not only drivers but the community at large. There are a lot of hazards associated with this slippery roads. Vehicles usually switch lanes or even slide away from the roads therefore causing accidents. Everybody usually likes to enjoy a smooth and nice ride. Most people try to enjoy driving with this old and poor conditioned roads and in the process, the end up causing harm. In case of rains in these old roads, some usually catch mud, other pathways filled with water and thus become generally dangerous for all, (Schraven, Hartmann & Dewulf, 2011).
Concerns about the Inadequate Attention Given to Infrastructure in Australia
Aging does not only affect road sectors alone but the entire transport sector. Rail transportation also has aging effects. Rails were at first being used for cargo transport but in recent years unto date , the y are being used for both human and cargo transport. They are good when it comes to transportation. Problem usually arises when they get old. They produce a lot of carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other particular matters that usually contribute to the general negative health effects and air pollution, (Selih et al 2008). This does not mean the new system do not pollute, but the do at a controlled and minimal rate as compared to the old and aging systems which have been worn out. They notably pose a great risk to humans alone but to the entire ecosystem. This affects the global climate and conservation of the future becomes hard. There has also been a lot of reports on accidents cause by the old rails due to engines, brakes and cooling systems failures due to their aging. This usually cause accidents and fire outbreak leading to lose of life and wildlife.
Air transport have continually received appraisal due to the efficiency it has brought to the entire transport system. Problems usually arise when this systems starts to age. This old systems have continually been used due to the high cost of buying new planes and establishment of new infrastructure. Old plane are usually prone to accidents due to engine and various parts failures. A lot of these accidents usually happen with little or no survivors at all. Old planes not only cause accidents but have sound and noise effects. In recent years, noise has become a concern to many people thus leading to the establishment of noise regulation, (Redlich, Nemzow & Digital Doors Inc, 2015). This noise not only affect the human but the whole ecosystem including the wildlife which have great impact to the society. Old systems have also become prone to failures. This usually lead to delayed and cancelation of flight. It has caused a lot of problems to many people due to delay and at time loss in cases of perishable goods. This leads to the urgent need to do away with the with old and aging system and establish modern ones to control these problems.
Transport sector has evolved over the years. This is to say that the aging transport systems have been passed by time. They were set up at the time of their need. Currently they have been passed by time due to their capacity and speed. With the use of these systems, there has been an increase in congestion and are slow, (Ng, Zhang & Waller, 2011). Technology has no limits and so there are new and modern means of transport coming up day after day which has necessitated the need for change and use of these new systems. Many nations have however been reluctant to change due to the high costs involved.
The transport system requires updating ,modification and continual planning to keep up with the currently living standards. There is a need of repairing, modifying existing roads and planning of boundaries when it comes to the road transport. New road constructions should be put into place, laws, regulations and policies need some considerations due to arising matters and should be followed to the latter, (Matthes et al 2008). The air transport also need an overhaul so as to keep up with the passenger capacity. There is also need to expand the airports so as to accommodate the newer and bigger planes. Modern security systems also need to be put in place to curb the dangers arising from terrorism and other security factors. Railway and water transport are not left behind as there is need for continual improvement and efficiency. They also need updating and use of environment friendly machines. In general, there is need to update the whole transport system so as to keep up with current state of worlds technology, (Kobayashi, Kaito & Lethanh 2012).
The Risks Associated with Aging Transport Sector
1. Effective risk management is very important when it comes to activities in a project. In this case there are various risks that are involved and weighing of all the options is mandatory so as to come up with the one with the least cost and most suitable for the hospital. First the optimistic probability need to be lower followed by the most likely the worst case. This leads to a solution where there is a combination of all the risks that results in a hundred percent probability. The first scenario is the having excavation and ground water infiltration risk as optimistic with a probability of 0.15, weather related risks of superstructure construction as the most likely with a probability of 0.45 and exterior and interior finishes with a probability of 0.4, (Haviv, Berlovitch, & Mellanox 2012). This probability will give 100% [ 0.15 +0.45+0.4 ]. This the most suitable one due to its costs. It is relatively cheaper compared to the rest with a total amount of $171,500.
Results ; 0.15*10,000= 1,500
0.4*200,000= 80,000
90,000+80,000+1,500= 171,500
The second scenario is by having the weather related risks of superstructure construction as the optimistic with a probability of 0.25, interior and exterior finishes as the most likely with a probability of 0.3 and excavation and ground water infiltration risks as the worst case with a probability of 0.35. A sum of all these gives a probability of 100%, (Kiziltas et al 2008 ). The cost of this scenario is slightly expensive than the first one with a total of $185,000.
RESULTS ; 0.25*200,000 =50,000
The last scenario is by having geotechnical risks of substructure with a probability of 0.25 as the optimistic, interior and exterior finishes as the most likely with a probability of 0.3 as the most likely and excavation and ground water infiltration as the worst case with a probability of 0.35. This will add up to 100%. This is however the highest among the three scenarios with a total of $187,000 .
RESULTS ; 0.25*200,000=50,000
The best scenario to use is the first one since its expected monetary value is a bit cheaper compared to the rest in this project. The planners will therefore likely to use in their risk planning and for this hospital complex construction project.
2. The best value DBM contractor is Delta. Using contractors selection score DBM proposal which is price quoted by the contractor for DB that is $3,900,000 plus the price proposed by that contractor that is m,$175,000 added to time value penalty adjustment for component DB which is $220,000 for twenty nine days. This is then divide by the combination of technical score of Delta component which is 84.2 with technical score M proposal which is 88.8 to give a total of 173; [84.2+88.8= 173].
solution= 10,455,000/173= 60,433. 3900000+ 1750000+ {29*220000}]=10,455,000
84.2+88.8= 173
= 60,433
The results come to 60,433 which is the contractors DBM selection score.This is the highest score among the six contractors.
Effects of Aging Transportation Systems on Air Transport
Alpha ; 2,940,000+150,000+[4*220,000] =25,222
[76.5 + 80.5]
Beta ; 3,060,000+160,000+0 = 20,601
79.5 +76.8
Gamma; 2,880,000+125,000+{20*220000} =48,399
68.7 +84.3
Theta ; 3,850,000+160,000 + 0 =24,814
Rho ; 3000,000 + 140,000 + 0 = 19,625
80 +80
Using the same calculations,Alpha’s score is 25,222, Beta’s 20,602, Gamma’s 48,399, Theta’s 24,814 and Rho’s 19,625. This clearly shows that Delta has the highest best value . By considering this, Delta is the best value DBM contractor, (Al-Barqawi & Zayed 2008).
The best and final offers is rarely used. The idea of using it provides that those who have shortlisted submit their final and best offer. The general reason for using this is to ensure that those who unsuccessfully bided do not make complains and ask for second chances. The strategy I would use for best and final offer is the cost, (Aad et al 2010). The time of completion do not have big variation. The quality of work matter the most, (Halfawy 2008). This would involve not only considering the cost but quality, sustainability and minimizing or eliminating risks involved. For good and quality work the past performance and vision of contractor is also considered in this best and final offer.
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