Policy Changes For Nursing Professionals And Public Health Benefits

Nursing Professionals as Key Players in Healthcare Organizations

Nurses are a key player of the healthcare organization that provides health promotion, administrate medication and numerous other interventions for the healing of the patients (Tyczkowski et al., 2015). Making a health-related critical decision of patients, interpreting the medical conditions and improving medical practices in order to get better outcome are also part of her job. However, nurses need leadership skills for working with physicians (Ross et al., 2014).there are few public health policies, which need a change in nursing to give a vision of better health care system. Therefore, This essay focuses on a few policy changes in nursing professions for the sake of these professionals and public health benefits.

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At a different level of health care practices, nurses require adequate leadership quality to contribute their best version to patient safety and quality health care. However, for decades different layers of health professionals and public view nurses only as health care professions who obey the instructions of the hierarchy of the health care system, not someone who makes

Rational decision for a patient that is based on pieces of evidence and experiences( Johnstone , 2015). Leadership surveys of different working field suggested that a significant number of nurses especially frontline nurses possess critical thinking and sound knowledge about the safety of patients and other healthcare protocol but do not voice their opinion when needed (Shaban, 2015). Gallup poll stated that as most trusted healthcare professionals they should have more influence in health care system than the functions them currently serving in the critical areas of patient safety (Virginia & Keeney, 2016)

Every practitioner must learn leadership skills in healthcare society. Nurses being the closest to the patient and crucial part of the healthcare practice require leadership skills to proceed with the quality action in the safety department. Therefore, nursing educators must provide the relevant knowledge about healthcare competencies and other personal characteristics for serving better services. Irrespective of nursing knowledge, public health policy should be changed for giving nurses opportunities for voicing their opinion,  involve themselves in policy-making positions in healthcare systems, include them in the regulatory post so that when needed they can take independent decisions. To be an active part of health care protocol and accepted as leader nurses should look into legal and ethics of the health care for structuring the law and reshaping each treatment procedure for providing a better treatment plan to the patients (Chadwick & Gallagher, 2016). A significant number of nurses do not frame their life as leader of healthcare protocol but to be accepted as the leader of the organization they should engage themselves ineffective political processes. They should take the responsibility of identification of an area of problem, track the improvement in the delivery procedure of patient care and make the decision for the development of the concern (Ramos et al., 2015). The national student nurse association initiated an online university to allow the student to facilitate the potency of leadership by discussing different issues of faculty, learning session and different conferences so that students can enhance themselves.

Importance of Leadership Skills for Nurses

American nurses association (ANA) stated that irrespective of the role, educational background and personal characteristics every registered nurse should perform in the medical field with competency and standard (Andrew et al., .2014).  The legal aspect of nursing has an enormous impact in the delivery of care and quality of the attention. Federal and state laws also have massive implications in nursing practices, as healthcare is one of the most regulated centers. The greatest loophole of nursing professions is ordinary negligence and nursing malpractices. Due to atmosphere and circumstances of healthcare organization a significant number of cases filed in the emergency department where nurses ill-treat the patients specifically older patients. There are few policies need to change in order to achieve the best care method. The Privacy act (1974) regulates the collection and maintenance of the personal document that recorded in the computer (Kerr, 2014). This act needs to be modified where this act should penalize those health care experts who try to breach the confidentiality of patients. Record access should be password protected so that privacy remains intact. Health care quality improvement act (1990) which encourages the hospital in providing quality care to the customers (Burwell, 2015). This act needs to be modified which can protect the patient from the wrong treatment procedure; personal investigation teams should be created in order to prevent the all the criminal deeds and other illegal actions.  Federal patient self-determination act( PSDA 1990) stated that all the medical care received by every individual should be in written form. This act needs to be modified for the sake of patient safety since every health professionals even healthcare organizations are not transparent to the patients. In the case of reported child abuse, child protection law (1975) stated that health care professionals are not able to judge any child abuse without any specific evidences. It should be recommended to modify this activity for emergency cases where the action needed to for severe violations (Bern?Klug & Stensland, 2015)  Multidisciplinary team should involve nurses and their decision should be prioritized for the improvement of health care system. Nurses should also aware of cultural beliefs, economic status of particular patients and aware of all researches going on involving treatment and propose a better implementation plan.

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Thus, it can be concluded that string leadership quality part of not only health professionals but also an active part of nursing. Nursing leaders should enhance their skills and competence to contribute to the society. There are few public policy and ethics need to be modified in order to filter preferred methods of care and prevent the malpractice of the nursing profession. Nurses should be well aware of the changes that occur in the health care centers. Moreover, nurses should be educated by analytical thinking procedure and practice learning to voice their decision and other improvements in the medical practice.  By improving, capabilities and essential nurses of thinking can be the leader of the health care centers and will get the chance to voice their opinion for parents.


Andrew Scanlon, D. N. P., Denise Hibbert, R. G. N., Freda DeKeyser Ganz PhD, R. N., Linda East PhD, R. N., & Debbie Fraser MN, R. N. (2014). Addressing issues impacting advanced nursing practice worldwide. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing19(2), 1.

Bern?Klug, M., & Stensland, M. (2015). Patient Self?Determination Act and do not Resuscitate. The Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging, 1-5.

Burwell, S. M. (2015). Setting value-based payment goals—HHS efforts to improve US health care. N Engl J Med372(10), 897-899.

Chadwick, R., & Gallagher, A. (2016). Ethics and nursing practice. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Johnstone, M. J. (2015). Bioethics: a nursing perspective. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Kerr, O. S. (2014). The Next Generation Communications Privacy Act. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 373-419.

Ramos, F. R. S., Brehmer, L. C. D. F., Vargas, M. A., Trombetta, A. P., Silveira, L. R., & Drago, L. (2015). Ethical conflicts and the process of reflection in undergraduate nursing students in Brazil. Nursing ethics22(4), 428-439.

Ross, E. J., Fitzpatrick, J. J., Click, E. R., Krouse, H. J., & Clavelle, J. T. (2014). Transformational leadership practices of nurse leaders in professional nursing associations. Journal of Nursing Administration44(4), 201-206.

Shaban, R. (2015). Theories of clinical judgment and decision-making: A review of the theoretical literature. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine3(1).

Tyczkowski, B., Vandenhouten, C., Reilly, J., Bansal, G., Kubsch, S. M., & Jakkola, R. (2015). Emotional intelligence (EI) and nursing leadership styles among nurse managers. Nursing administration quarterly39(2), 172-180.

Virginia Curcio, M.BA., & Keeney, D. (2016). Nurses still No. 1 at top of Gallup’s annual Honesty and Ethics Poll.

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