Virtualization Computing: Implementing Cloud Server And Database Storage

Creating a VNet on VMware

Virtualization computing refers to a new way of capabilities addition to a computer without the need of software licensing in the acquired new hardware or personnel training. In this report, we will be implementing the server of a cloud for the storage of a database and running the services of the application through online means.

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We are going to begin by installing the workstation of the VMware whereby an individual is able to create a network that is virtual through the directory that is provided by the software.

Fig 1: Selecting setting up a VNet on VMware

On create new virtual network, we will select the edit option on the displayed menu and since we are going to create a virtual network then we will select the Virtual Network option on the menu.

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The virtual Network editor will simply have different type of host connection on which different Nat type of virtual network are connected and enabled on each other. Upon the change of the setting and create a new virtual network, the one on the bottom right first, one needs to change settings and the add network button will be enabled. The next step will be adding a Virtual Network on the network editor. We will select the name of the network and configure the DHCP setting to finalize the network ip address, there are starting ip and ending ip broadcasting network in the communication channel.

All the resources ought to be located on a network. Therefore, a virtual network will be created in this since we already have the subnet, network security group, resource group as well as the public IP address.

Fig 2: Inserting Basic Criteria’s

Connecting a host virtual adapter will enable the user to use basic DHCP ip address to distribute ip address to the virtual machines that are available in the network

Subnetting is one of the new and best technology when it comes to dividing roles. Subnetting is a way of splitting/dividing the network in to one or two routes. For efficiency, reliability and authenticity. In this case, the allocated the ip range of that will give us 512 addresses with a subnet mask of

A service input is a set that simply provides connection between the Virtual Network and the other storage hub or secret data warehouse. One can also block the storage account access and protect it. One can simply protect the traffic flow. It ideally works like the firewall.

After checking that all the data entered are on the design and set correctly, then we are going to create the Virtual Network. It will take up to 3 min in order for the VMware to create one VNet.

Fig 3: Running Virtual Netwrok.

After the VNet is created and all the data in it is put into place, then we will go directly to creating the second Subnet. The application server users some few ip addresses for their own purpose so we are going to create on the remaining amount of ip ranges that is available. If I go to the subnet that I have, it shows the default that takes about half the ip address range and since VMware takes 5 ip addresses for its own use we will be left with the remaining 126 ip addresses within the network.  

Implementing Subnetting and Security Group

A resource group is a large logical group of related resources. The groups focus on the management security in the building of the Virtual Network. When selecting a region, one needs to select an area that is closer to the workstation. The closer the region the quicker the response to the Virtual Network.

Fig 4: Subnetting ip address and Subnet masks

We are going to create a second subnet where we are going to use half of the remainder. The Second subnet known as the Backhead is dedicated in covering the ip range of

 If you are going to create a virtual network it uses a net gateway to connect your private own network into Microsoft VMware then the network requires its own subnet. Then we will add a gateway on it.

Gateways helps one to get linked or connect from a private network to the virtual network hence enabling access to all the basic equipment that is ideally being shared in the group level.

Another thing that needs to be discussed is the Networking Security group. The security group act as the firewall to the virtual network and the subnetting on which they are attached to. Like all the other security roles, they also have the inbound rules that guide and govern the flow of data and information into the virtual network/they have the inbound type of rule and the outbound.

There major 3 rules that are set in the networking security group

  • Allow any traffic on the Virtual Network to travel in from other virtual networks and enter.
  • Allow load balancer traffic to travel in the virtual local network.
  • Denies all the other traffic from access to the Virtual Network.

Upon adjusting the security group then one will click on the resource tab, select create new Network Security group then it will prompt one to input the details to use in the creating, that is, the name of the security group, resource group and the region.

The following step is the one that we will need to create a virtual machine and link it with the network. One of the virtual machines will be windows 8 which will turn out to be out host machine with scvmm and the other machine is Microsoft XP which is host 2 and will act as the client in this way.

Click create a virtual machine on the home tab. A dialog box will prompt you to select the type of application you want either typical machine or a customized one with your setting on it. Then the next step is selecting the operating system, which in this case is Microsoft Xp. Then were going to allocate the disk space to the operating system. 512 mb is the appropriate disk space to be allocated to the Virtual machine. Then were going to customize the hardware configuration in that we select the iso boot location where it is the operating system and were it will store. I have the cd/dvd drive for the Microsoft Xp version

Fig 5: Hardware Configuration

On finalizing the configuration of the hardware requirement the below display will be given showing the machines detail and whether or not were going to power on the machine. On powering on the VMware will directly take us to the Bios boot and will identify the operating system and be able to boot from it.

Creating Virtual Machines

Fig 6: Validation Pass

We will then select the language the keyboard use and the region as to which we are in. then click ok and the disk partition option will appear and will prompt us to select eh location were the iso image and boot mgr. will be store in the local storage unit. On directing the channel then the boot will commence.

Fig 7: Bios Boot Loader

After successfully setting up the operating system them were good to go and the virtual machine is up and running

Fig 8: Windows Finally Setup

The next step is also to create the second virtual machine but in this case, the machine will be used for scvmm function. The difference also is that the operating system will be in window 8 Version. In creation of the Microsoft Xp the same steps and procedures will be followed the difference is that in this we do not have the windows iso disk. We have a bootable flash. So on the validation pass will need to add some information for the hard disk drive in that we select typical location and on it will choose the hardware that we want to use and the partition number of the hard disk to the drive. One can check on the command prompt the number in which the partition is in use


Fig 9: SCVMM Setup

Were also going to setup and SCVMM server manager for the network in which it is hosted in.

In this phase, a host virtual machine is will be established with the SCVMM machine to enable them to communicate.

Once logged in, we create the profile of the user. We then move to the starter manager and make changes on the server by use of roles that provide a number of choices to the server manager. We then move to the dialog box whereby we select which is:

  • Data analysis and processing
  • Development of VMware
  • Web development and ASP.NET

This enables modification of the firewall as well as restriction of the traffic that enters the box from outside. Then the security rule added from the outside.

Windows 8 is the host that is trusted to run the residential domain and to store the virtual machine in the SCVMM library.

On creating a SCVMM 2012 R2 Requirements there are several requirements that need to be meet such as

  • the allocation of memory that is 4 gb
  • Windows Server 2011 & above
  • Must be a member of active directory domain
  • Server name cannot exceed it character
  • SQL Server 2008 R2 with sp 2 and greater.

Fig 10: Local Serve Properties

Create an account of active directory that were going to use for the Virtual Machine to get to admin the host machine

We will create some user and login credentials for the administrator of the server to login and be able to manage the network database and the server

We also need to create a Container in active directory for distributed key management

The diagram below shows how we are going to add hosts to the SCVMM.

In this phase were going to deploy the Permission and administrator account to the server machine by granting it access to various function in the virtual machine

Were also going to Grant the SQL SERVER the permission to admin.

Migration of one virtual machine from one host to another

The sql database being one major backbone for the storage of data and information is very crucial for person guarantee. Move to the dashboard and then pick the option of manage. Use the name of logging in and the password, the level of the performance and the tired of the service we are going to select. After that, begin sending data from the database of the SQL. At the manage option, a notification will appear indicating that we import the blog. Then, enter a password to begin exporting data.

Download Team manager for Windows 8. By doing so, we will be able to access and manage the SQL Database remotely even without login in into the scvmm machine to grant entry to the database

After downloading, we will need to install and make it run to the virtual machine and be able to deploy the administrative rule to the database

The process is as follows: create a database in the cloud in the counsel of the VMware management windows. After creating the database, choose a server, work location and the virtual server.

Placing the SQL server used by SCVMM on a machine that does not operate the VMM service.

We begin this by creating a database. Create two tables that will be used in storing the data contained in sent zip. Then go to import and export data. Then, upload it into the VMware using a tool after creating an account for storage.

MY SQL database creation.

To begin with, launch instances of multi RDS. Create and modify the instances of the database run as deployment of multi A2. Multi A2 deployment enables the application to become transparent. One cannot interact with it directly and it is not possible to use it supporting the read traffic when setting up a database of the VMware. The following conditions should be met:

  • Creating a security group for the database.
  • Authorizing the instance for the database.
  • Launching the instance of the database.


Amazon EC2 Available:

Zhang, L. J., Zhou, Q., 2009. CCOA: Cloud Computing Open Architecture. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Web Service, pp. 607-616

Chu, D., Popa, L., Tavakoli, A., Hellerstein, J.M., Levis, P., Shenker, S. and Stoica, I., 2009, November. The design and implementation of a declarative Embedded Cloud implementing. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Embedded Cloud implementing systems (pp. 175-188). ACM.

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