Understanding Age Discrimination And Its Impact On The Workplace
Different Types of Age Discrimination
Research Objectives
The aim of this research is to discover an individual’s own understanding and awareness of the presence of ageism in society and its influence on work-related decisions. The following objectives will be used by the researcher to accomplish the specified aim of this research:
- To discover the conceptual understanding about the ageism in the working place
- To discover the role of ageism in creating discrimination at the working place
- To recommend strategies for removing the ageism discrimination from working place
RO1: To discover the conceptual understanding about the ageism in the working place
According to Okechukwu et al. (2014), age discrimination within an organization is the practices of authorizing the age of person unfairly. It may become a key factor while focusing on the new job, other job benefits, and promotion. The company makes a decision regarding terminating workforces who cannot be exclusively based on their age. Moreover, age-discrimination could impact older employees who feel they have been discriminated against in favor of young employees.
In contrast to this, Macdonald and Levy (2016) evaluated that there have been cases entailing younger employees being displaced by older employees. The age discrimination in employment act of 1967 makes it unlawful for a corporation with 20 or more workforces to create employment decision such as benefits, pay, person’s age, and promotions. The employer should emphasize on employee talent and skills. The ADEA includes workforces of 40 or more years of age.
RO2: To discover the role of ageism in creating discrimination at the working place
As per the view of Bayl?Smith and Griffin (2014) age discrimination can have a negative impact on the working atmosphere of business. Age discrimination not only can damage the favorable and efficient working liaison but also, cause the business to incur legal liabilities. This kind of discrimination may come in a variety of forms like avoiding hire older workforces, firing older workforces, and treating older workforces differently as compared to younger workforces.
In contrast to this, Zaniboni (2015) evaluated that active age discrimination in business would be unlikely to go unnoticed by their other workforces. Moreover, understanding of this age discrimination by employees will generate unfavorable atmosphere and poor perception of business management.
RO3: To recommend strategies for removing the ageism discrimination from working place
As per the view of Solem (2016) employer who presently has older employees may prevent the agism discrimination. Furthermore, assigns a task and develops work team as per the skills and capabilities, not age and personality can be an effective way for removing the agism discrimination. This strategy can also make the cohesive team at the workplace.
In contrast to this, Martin, et al. (2014) evaluated that some workforces who work with older employees complain regarding those employees who should retire. In addition, the company should provide effective training regarding aging discrimination to keep fair employment practices.
The research has select few participants to conduct this this due to lack of interst of research participants for responding the questionnaire as it is associated with the role of ageism in creating discrimination at the working place.
Research questions
- What do you understand ageism- discrimination in the working place
- How ageism could create discrimination at the working place
- What are strategies for removing the ageism discrimination from working place
Ho: There is a relation between the ageism and discrimination in the working place
H1: There is no relation between the ageism and discrimination in the working place
Effects of Age Discrimination on Employees
Research methodology is a rational process that facilitates the research scholar for assessing various research techniques. It could assist to accumulate feasible data with respect to the research matter. Valid and consistent research outcome could attain by practicing an appropriate and logical research design. Along with this, this section could be effective to increase the understanding towards research issues and research design. There are several methods that are considered in the research methodology such as research design, data collection method, philosophy of research study and strategy of research. It also supports the research scholar to achieve the aim and objectives of a research study in an appropriate manner (Gonzales, et al., 2015). Research onion framework that is created by the Sunders would be used in this research study as it could support the investigator for getting more knowledge about the research design technique. Research methodology is imperative as it would supports to enhance the quality of the research study.
For achieving the aim and objectives of the research study, the research onion framework could be important as it delivers depth knowledge towards many imperative tools. Current research could be accomplished with the help of the research onion framework in the following way:
In the research study, the research philosophy approach relies on the understanding and observation of the investigator, which could assist to get depth knowledge about research concern. Apart from this, it is a process of thinking to develop depth knowledge regarding research matter. There are various types of research philosophies, which are utilized by the research scholar to accomplish the investigation in an appropriate manner such as realism, interpretivism, and positivism. Interpretivism philosophy based on trust and perception of human (O’loughlin, et al., 2017). It could be prominent to gain the brief understanding about the research dilemma and it would allow the research scholar to act as an interpreter. The positivism philosophy could be relied on figures, valid evidence and facts. It could be significant for statistical research. The realism philosophy created by using a combination of both philosophy approaches named interpretivism and positivism (Davey, 2014).
Research scholar utilized the positivism philosophy in a current research study for evaluating the research concern. This method could be effective for accumulating reliable evidence, figures, and facts about the research matter. It facilitates the research scholar to obtain the aim and objectives of the research and helps for responding against to the questions of research. It supports the investigator to consider the trust and perception of the people in the investigation to attain a valid and reliable result. Whereas the realism philosophy focuses on existing environmental view to develop the effective relationship in the variables, which are not suitable for this investigation thus, research scholar would not include this philosophy.
The research approach is imperative for presenting relevant information in a systematic manner to obtain the aim and objectives of the research study. It could be significant for providing a description of several research tool and techniques. There are two types of methods that are involved in the research approach, which are inductive approach and deductive approach. A deductive approach based on the trust, perception, and beliefs of the research scholar and it is practiced with positivism philosophy for attaining the targeted purpose of the research (Marchiondo, Gonzales, and Ran, 2016). Research scholar makes a hypothesis in this approach, with the help of several methods and verifies them as per the evaluation of data. Apart from this, in the inductive approach, the hypothesis is not required to gather the data and accomplishing the research study hence, it is more flexible than another approach. The inductive approach could be helpful for creating the theories from beliefs and perception of the research candidates towards research concern. Research scholar would utilize the deductive approach to accomplish the current research in an appropriate manner because this approach facilitates the investigator to recognize the relationship among many variables such as the performance of the organization, leadership style and motivation of the employees (Spedale, Coupland, and Tempest, 2014). Research scholar could utilize the hypothesis and verifies them, to develop the relationships among above-mentioned variables.
Case Studies of Age Discrimination in the Workplace
The main purpose of this research study is ageism- discrimination in the workplace. Research scholar could use two types of research methods like quantitative and qualitative data analysis to accomplish the research concern. Quantitative research method would be practiced by the investigator to accumulate the statistical data. It assists to attain statistical data with respect to research issues (Irving, 2015). For identifying the relationship between the two variables, this method is adopted. Apart from this, the qualitative method will be utilized by the investigator to gather the non-statistical data. This method would be implemented to gain an understanding of the research concern. Mixed data collection method named statistical and qualitative research method is practiced by the research scholar in this research study. Combinations of these methods are used for getting the advantage of qualitative and statistical data collection method and remove the drawbacks of these methods. Qualitative data collection method facilitates the research scholar to develop the non-numerical aspect in the context of a research dilemma. For this research study, the mixed data collection method will be practiced by the searcher to conduct the research and supports to obtain a reliable outcome. These research techniques could be imperative for collecting theoretical data and factual data about the research issue (King and Bryant, 2017).
The use of research strategy facilitates the investigator to effectively accomplish research aim by considering the suitable techniques and tools. It could aid research scholar to enhance the research quality. For obtaining the quality result, different factors could be entailed by the researcher like a case study, literature review, observation method experiments, interview, and survey through questionnaire method. It could facilitate the investigator to obtain a reliable outcome. It could facilitate the research scholar to get information with respect to current research issue and meet specified aim (Kagan and Melendez?Torres, 2015). In this study, the investigator is practiced literature review as well as a survey through questionnaire technique to accomplish the specified aim. It is imperative to deliver valid and reliable information about research issue. Moreover, survey through questionnaire is effective for collecting suitable data in collecting suitable data in the context of the research matter. Moreover, it is evaluated that survey through questionnaire enables the research scholar to obtain opinion and views of the research participants about the role of ageism- discrimination at the workplace. From the application of the survey through questionnaire facilitates the investigator to ask the questions related to the specified research matter and conduct the research. It could facilitate to obtain a valid and reliable outcome. art from this, the literature review could assist the research scholar to obtain theoretical data in the context ageism- discrimination at the workplace (Flint, and Snook, 2014).
In the research study, the research purpose relies on certain on aim, nature, and objectives of the particular study. The exploratory, explanatory, and descriptive are considered as the purpose of research. In this, the descriptive research is used to identify the information and characteristics of the research issue. Moreover, the explanatory study could rely on a common study that is used to define the research matter (Harris, et al., 2017). Apart from this, exploratory research is used to discover something new that not earlier identified.
Solutions to Age Discrimination in the Workplace
For identifying the role of ageism- discrimination at the workplace, the researcher will use descriptive research methods and collect feasible outcome in the context of the research issue. It enables the researcher to identify different features of the ageism- discrimination. Apart from this, the descriptive research technique facilitates the researcher to determine the relationship between ageism- discrimination
In the research methodology section, the data collection method is very important as this method enables the research scholar to accumulate the relevant data with respect to the research concern. It could also be a prominent factor for obtaining the aim and objectives of a research study in targeted time and allocated cost. Data collection methods consider two types of methods which are the primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. Research scholar has practiced both types of data collection method in the current research (Lazar, et al., 2017).
In the primary data collection method, fresh and innovative data is accumulated by the investigator for getting the specified research dilemma. Primary data collection method consist various approaches like survey through a questionnaire, interview, and observation. This method facilitates the investigator to accumulate the relevant data regarding the requirement of the research study. Apart from this, data is pooled from the current information in the secondary data gathering technique. There are several sources that assist for gathering these data such as authentic websites, academic journals, online and offline sources, annual report and books. In addition to this, primary and secondary data collective on method could support the investigator to remove the biases from actual and standard information (Lagacé, et al., 2016). Primary data could be accumulated by survey through questionnaire and practicing the interview in this investigation. On the other hand, there are several techniques for gathering the relevant data in the secondary data collection method. This method could be prominent for attaining the valid and reliable research outcome in the least time and low cost.
Sampling is a technique of choosing the participants among the targeted population because of accumulating the assessed data for the investigation. Determination of accurate observation among the specified people could be effectively done by selecting the appropriate sampling method in this investigation. Sampling method contains two types of methods that are probability sampling method and non-probability sampling method. These methods were implied to select their research candidates (Ayalon, 2014). Probability sampling technique could be prominent for removing the partialities from the investigation and supports to attain valid and consistent data. This method is also useful to provide similar opportunities to the research participants that are involved in the research. In contrast to this, a non-probability sampling technique is not capable to offer a similar opportunity to the research candidates. At the time of sample size selection, this method could generate partialities but it is less time and cost consuming as compared to probability sampling method. Probability sampling method together with random sampling technique is utilized by research scholar in the current research. Research scholar would not practice the non-probability sampling method as it allows the investigator for selecting the research candidates on the basis of their skills, knowledge, and experience instead of responding to the questionnaire. It could generate partialities to choose the participants in the research study (Whitley Jr and Kite, 2016). Simultaneously, it is also analyzed that the probability sampling technique facilitates the research scholar to randomly choose the research candidates. 40 research participants from the different organization of Australia to conduct the survey through a questionnaire. Selected research candidates were belonging to various geographical zones. It assists the research scholar for accumulating the relevant data regarding the research dilemma. It also enables the investigator for developing the reliability of result and obtains the objectives of a research study in an appropriate manner. For gathering the valid and relevant information related to the personal data of the organization, the investigator would take permission from managers of the targeted company. During this, research scholar also evaluated regarding the purpose of the research study, time and contribution of the employees to top management of the organization for attaining the aim and objectives of investigation (Rippon, Zaninotto, and Steptoe, 2015). Research scholar has used SPSS and excel program for making the questionnaire about the motivation, company excellence and leadership style in this research study. After the preparation of the questionnaire, research scholar would offer the questionnaire to the respondents through email in the targeted time.
Research Methodology
Data analysis method is important to analyze the gathered data as it addresses the relevant data. It is also evaluated that it facilitates the research scholar for obtaining the objectives of research in the targeted time and money. Several tools like quantitative analysis, disclosure analysis, content analysis, and conversational analysis that are involved in the research study. With respect to the research dilemma, these tools are prominent to attain the consistent and valid result. SPSS and excel program would be utilized by the research scholar to analyze the accumulated data (Rudman, 2015). Research scholar has applied t-test, correlation, and regression test in this research for attaining the valid outcome. SPSS supports to gather the relevant data and demonstrate this information in an appropriate way.
This section enables the research scholar to perform the investigation in an appropriate and ethical way by using research instructions of the university. Therefore, ethical norms are utilized by the research scholar to accomplish the objectives of a research study in an appropriate way. It also aids to conduct the investigation inconsistent manner. There are certain elements that require the proper attention of the research scholar such as plagiarism, accurate referencing, and removal of data manipulation. Proper referencing to the data that is gathered by secondary data collection method, has utilized by the research scholar to minimize the ethical issues from the investigation (Zacher and Steinvik, 2015). For performing the research study in an ethical way, research scholar will secure the personal information of the research candidates. Researcher will use privacy guard will be used by investigator to secure the collected data for long term. IT protection tool also be used by the researcher to secure the collected information and make reliable result.
This research is imperative for gaining the understanding of many research techniques that will aid to conduct the research in an appropriate manner. These techniques are research philosophies, research approaches, research strategy, data collection method, data analysis method, sampling method, ethical consideration, and research limitation. It also increases understanding of theoretical understanding Ageism- discrimination at the workplace. This research supports the researcher to increase the knowledge about many new concepts that could be imperative to conduct the research in an appropriate manner (Rudman, 2015).
Research outcome could be affected by the research limitation. Research scholar would concentrate on many components such as predetermine time structure, for removing the elements that affect the research study. Research outcome could be negatively affected by the predetermined time structure. Apart from this, more time is taken by the primary data collection method that could also stimulate the investigation. Research scholar has conversed with the research candidates by utilizing email for eliminating the issues. Communication between research scholar and participants could enhance the possibility to accomplish the research successively. It allows the research scholar for practicing the strategies to preserve the personal information of research candidates and eliminate the ethical issues from the research study (Zacher and Steinvik, 2015).
This report is imperative for critically evaluating the impact of Ageism- discrimination at workplace. This research is also valuable for increasing the conceptual understanding about ageism and discrimination. It also supports to understand many strategies that could be effective for removing the ageism discrimination from working place.
Research Design
With respect to the above interpretation, it can be summarized that the appropriate knowledge about research tools and techniques could be imperative to attain the research objectives effectively. In this research, the inductive approach is used by the researcher as compared to the deductive approach. In this, research has also used a survey through questionnaire method to collect the quality outcome. The mixed method is also practiced by the researcher to meet the aim and objectives of the research issue.
Gantt chart is beneficial for representing the activities and time that would be implemented during the research. It would be beneficial for completing the main aim of the research.
Task (In weeks) |
1-2 |
3-4 |
5-6 |
7-8 |
9-10 |
11-12 |
13-16 |
17-20 |
21-24 |
Identification of research issue |
Creating aim and objectives |
Literature Review conduct |
Gathering data through primary sources |
Data assessment |
Drafting of Report |
Final Submission |
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