The Significance Of Professional Nursing Courses

The Importance of Nursing Courses for Aspiring Registered Nurses

The educational courses that the students undertake provide them with the relevant information that would help them in a significant manner during the later course of their professional lives (Hoffman, 2017). It is with this particular purpose that the students undertake various kinds of professional educational courses so as to gain the relevant as well adequate kind of knowledge that they would need in the later part of their professional lives (Hoffman, 2017). One of the most commonly undertaken courses by the various students are the diverse kinds of nursing courses that would offer them the kind of knowledge which they can utilize later on in their career as nurses (Endacott et al., 2018).

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The profession of nursing requires a thorough knowledge of the various theories as well as the practical knowledge about the diverse aspects of the profession of nursing (Hegney et al., 2014). They are particularly designed to provides the various students with not only the theoretical knowledge that they would be needing in the later part of their professional lives but at the same time they are also designed to provide the concerned individuals with diverse kinds of practical exposure (Hegney et al., 2014). Furthermore, it is significant to note that the profession of nursing requires the practical use of the knowledge that the students have gained during the course of their educational career at the various educational courses that they have undertaken during their student lives (Smith, 2016). In addition to these, it is seen that there are diverse situations in which registered nurses are required to work and thus the information that they have gained in their educational career become important in this particular context (Smith, 2016).

The best part about the education that these educational institutions related to the genre of nursing provides to the students is related to the concept of exposure (McKenna, 2018). It is significant to note that the profession of nursing is the one which requires the students to undergo various kinds of practical experiences during the course of their educational career that are likely to help them in a significant manner during their professional career (Melnyk et al., 2014). It is precisely here that the role played by the various educational institutions related to the genre of nursing becomes very important. The various educational institutions provides practical experiences wherein they create simulated scenarios just like the ones that the concerned individuals are likely to encounter during the course of their professional career as nurses (Auerbach, Buerhaus & Staiger, 2015). Thus, there practical experiences that are being provided to them not only help the concerned individuals to learn about the practical aspects of the things that are being taught to but at the same provides them the kind of knowledge so that they are being to deal with similar kinds of situations during the course of their professional lives as registered nurses.

Decision making is one of the most important personal skills that the registered nurses are not only required to have but at the same time need to use during the course of their professional career as registered nurses (Henderson, 2015). This is the kind of skill that could be developed through training and the effective display as well as the use of these skills in simulated scenarios (Flinkman & Salanterä, 2015). It is with this particular objective that the various educational institutions of the present times related to the genre of nursing are increasingly taking diverse kinds of initiatives like workshops, creation of simulated situations wherein the students will be able to practice these skills and others so that the students would later on become registered nurses would be able to have a thorough idea as well as knowledge about these skills and would at the same time be able to use them in an effective manner during their professional career (Flinkman & Salanterä, 2015). Therefore, within the clinical setting, utilization of effective decision making will allow graduate nurses to confidently problem solve and appropriately prioritize tasks in order to become autonomous and assertive registered nurses.

Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Exposure

Critical thinking is another significant skill that the registered nurses are required to have so that they are not only being able to make the decisions in the best possible manner but at the same time are able to provide kind of care and treatment to the patients (McKenna, 2018). Furthermore, the registered nurses during the course of their professional career are likely to come across various kinds of situations wherein they need to access the situation in which they will find themselves and the patients and then taking the help of the process of critical thinking make the kind of decision that is beneficial for all the individuals involved in the process (McKenna, 2018). Moreover, the acquisition of this particular skill is likely to help the registered nurses in a significant manner not only to provide medical care and treatment facilities to the patients who needs them but at the same time to effective deal with the family members of the patients as well in the best possible manner (McKenna, 2018).   

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Communication skills are other key requirements of the registered nurses and the effective use of this particular skill helps them in a significant manner during the course of their professional career (Hall et al., 2018). The registered nurses are not only required to take the help of this particular skill so that they are being able to communicate in an effective manner with the doctors and the other health care professionals but at the same time with the patients and their immediate family members (Hall et al., 2018). Thus, the use of these skills are likely to help the concerned registered nurse to understand the instructions of the doctors as well as the health care professionals in the most effective manner and thereby provide better quality of treatment facilities to the patients. Furthermore, the use of this particular skill at the same time is likely to help the concerned nurse to convey in an effective manner to the patients and their family members the problems that the patients are facing and at the same time help them to make the best decision under the situation (Hall et al., 2018). Thus, it is in the light of the numerous benefits that these skills provides to the registered nurses that the various educational institutions related to the cannon of nursing are increasingly helping the students who would one day become professional nurses in the acquisition of these skills. The educational institutions are taking the help of various kinds of workshops, most sessions and others so that the students are being able to acquire this particular skill and at the same learn to use them in the most effective manner.

The various educational institutions related to the genre of nursing are increasingly provided the students the knowledge about the concepts of time management and also the ability to work under pressure (Williams et al., 2016). It is significant to note that the profession of nursing is one which not only requires the registered nurses to work under pressure as well as stress but at the same time they are also required to handle different kinds of tasks at the same time (Williams et al., 2016). Thus, the skills of time management as well as the ability to work under pressure become very important for them. Furthermore, the effective use of the time management skill is likely to help the concerned nurse to treat as well as look after the medical needs of a much larger number of patients that they have been used to doing. It is with this objective that the various educational institutions related to the genre of nursing help the students to acquire these skills so that they are not only able to meet the requirements of the health care organization for which they would be working in the near future but at the same time to help them to provide the best kind of services to the patients.

Personal Skills Required for Nursing

The various registered nurses during the course of their professional career are require to take the help of not only the concepts of leadership, corporate governance but also management skills as well. The acquisition of these skills is likely to help the registered nurses to not only to improve their own individual performance level but at the same time the overall performance of the concerned health care organization as well. Thus, it becomes all the more important for the educational institutions to provide basic or working knowledge to the students so that in the later part of their lives they would be able to use the knowledge in an effective manner.

To conclude, registered nurses need to perform a wide range of tasks during their professional career and the knowledge or the information that they have gained during the course of their educational career at the various educational institutions helps them in a significant manner. In addition to this, the practical exposure provided by the various educational institutions also helps the concerned individuals in a significant manner during the course of their professional career as registered nurses. Furthermore, it is also seen that the various educational institutions of the present times are increasingly helping the students to acquire the kind of skills that they would need during the course of their professional career as registered nurses. Thus, it would be apt to say that the education which the students acquire at the various educational institutions related to the genre of nursing helps them in a significant manner during the course of their professional career as registered nurses. Therefore, it can be said that effectiveness as well as efficiency of a registered nurse is likely to depend on the effectiveness with which the concerned nurse is being able to utilize all these skills as well as concepts for the dispensation of their job roles.   


Auerbach, D. I., Buerhaus, P. I., & Staiger, D. O. (2015). Do associate degree registered nurses fare differently in the nurse labor market compared to baccalaureate-prepared RNs?. Nursing Economics, 33(1), 8.

Endacott, R., O’connor, M., Williams, A., Wood, P., McKenna, L., Griffiths, D., … & Cross, W. (2018). Roles and functions of enrolled nurses in Australia: Perspectives of enrolled nurses and registered nurses. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(5-6), e913-e920.

Flinkman, M., & Salanterä, S. (2015). Early career experiences and perceptions–a qualitative exploration of the turnover of young registered nurses and intention to leave the nursing profession in F inland. Journal of Nursing Management, 23(8), 1050-1057.

Hall, H., Leach, M. J., Brosnan, C., Cant, R., & Collins, M. (2018). Registered Nurses’ communication about patients’ use of complementary therapies: A national survey. Patient education and counseling.

Hegney, D. G., Craigie, M., Hemsworth, D., Osseiran?Moisson, R., Aoun, S., Francis, K., & Drury, V. (2014). Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, anxiety, depression and stress in registered nurses in A ustralia: study 1 results. Journal of Nursing Management, 22(4), 506-518.

Henderson, J. (2015). The effect of hardiness education on hardiness and burnout on registered nurses. Nursing Economics, 33(4), 204.

Hoffman, R. O. (2017). In Registered Nurses Who Care for Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Devices, Does a Standardized Hands on Education Program as Outlined By the Heart Mate II Competency Checklist Increase Confidence and Reduce Anxiety as Assessed by the Nursing Anxiety and Self-Confidence with Clinical Decision Making (NASC-CDM) Scale and Reduce Hospital Length of Stay Over 4 Weeks?. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 23(8), S98.

McKenna, L. (2018). Preparing qualified nurses: Nurse education institutions’ role in providing excellent standards of nurse education, graduate transition and work readiness. Strengthening Research Capacity And Disseminating New Findings In Nursing And Public Health, 7.

Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher?Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout?Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence?based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real?world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence?Based Nursing, 11(1), 5-15.

Smith, L. W. (2016). Registered nurses and education abroad: The lasting effects of their acquired cultural attitudes and skills on their current practice (Doctoral dissertation, Northern Kentucky University).

Williams, T. E., Baker, K., Evans, L., Lucatorto, M. A., Moss, E., O’Sullivan, A., … & Zittel, B. (2016). Registered Nurses as Professionals, Advocates, Innovators, and Collaborative Leaders: Executive Summary. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(3).

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