Communication Management Strategy For Pacifying Patient’s Family Members In An Aged Care Facility

Concept of Family Centered Care

This nursing assignment will discuss about the communication strategy that I will be using while shift changing to pacify the patient’s family members using the aggression or anger management communication framework and using the handover communication tool. While commencement of my shift in the aged care facility, I received the patient handover from the morning shift. The handover mentioned that the patient Mr. William Taylor (86) had a major fall while moving towards the toilet and it has resulted to a major fracture. Healthcare physicians at the aged care center had prepared him to transfer to the hospital. However, while shift changing when I came to know that his family is present in the care center and I prepared myself to visit them, to introduce myself, I was confronted with aggression of the family members. Therefore, this essay will discuss about the communication framework for aggression management, concept and effectiveness of communication management tools.

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The nursing concept that will be chosen for this scenario is the family centered care. Family centered care is the approach of in which planning, delivery and evaluation of the healthcare processes so that a mutually developed approach can be used for the patents care with family and care givers as partners of the care process (Stuart, 2014). This is relevant for this scenario as the family of the patient mentioned that they were unaware about the health condition of their family member at care center. Using this concept will affect the situation positively as the family members will be able to understand the emergency properly and will be able to reciprocate with their support to the healthcare facility (Dougherty & Lister, 2015). On the other hand, the aggression management communication framework and handover communication tool will be chosen as nursing communication framework and communication tool respectively. As the family members of the patient are angry and behaving aggressively, to pacify the situation aggression management framework is appropriate, as it will help to manage the situation. Whereas, using handover communication tool, I will be able to transfer all the information of the patient to the family members to include them in the family centered care process (Dougherty & Lister, 2015).

Sears et al. (2013) mentioned that ineffective communication is a process which has the capability to affect any situation which could have been easily avoided. In healthcare process, ineffective communication leads to negative patient situation, stress and tension between the healthcare professionals, patient and associated family members of the patient. In this situation, when the patient was severely injured due to the fall, the nursing professionals should have informed the family members regarding the patient situation and should have involved them in the care process (Stuart, 2014). Further, when they came to visit their father in the aged care center, they were left unattended that created aggression and agony within them. Therefore, this communication was ineffective and affected the handover situation. O’Shea et al. (2013) also mentioned in his research that ineffective communication within nursing practice affects the working environment by increasing the healthcare related error, medication errors and others. Further, it is also associated with physical and verbal aggression, which was witnessed in the given scenario when I approached the family to introduce myself, they replied with anger and aggression. Their agitation, anger and other emotions were due to the ineffective information provided to them by the healthcare facility and hence, the ineffective communication inappropriate social interaction was the primary reason for such incidence in the aged care facility. Sprangers, Dijkstra and Romijn-Luijten (2015) also mentioned in an article that ineffective communication in healthcare can limit the application of healthcare interventions which can be witnessed in the case study as the family member started arguing with me while I went to them to make them understand the process and patient condition, therefore, ultimately affected the process of care giving (Quill & Holloway, 2012). Therefore, the communication practice, which was used by the registered nurses prior to my shift was ineffective (Stuart, 2014).

Aggression Management Communication Framework and Handover Communication Tool

Application of chosen framework, concept and tools will require effective communication with the patient’s family members. This communication will be completely focused on the patient’s family and the patient condition so that they can understand the priority of the aged care facility, which is to provide required healthcare intervention for patient’s health improvement (Gitlin, Kales& Lyketsos, 2012). This focused program will include the family centered care, aggression management framework and handover communication tool which will together help to uplift the quality of care, communication and will the increase the patient and their family satisfaction (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2018). Further it will also help to reduce the level of malpractice and will help to showcase the loyalty and honesty of healthcare professionals towards each of the patient. While application of the family centered care, the first aim will be managing the anger of the family by using the aggression management framework. For this purpose, they will be provided with the details of the situation and the activities the aged care facility was involved in to improve the patient condition (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2018). This will make them understand the emergency situation in which nursing and other healthcare professionals were to improve their father’s condition. Therefore, using communication framework will help me to move ahead and apply the communication concept and tool for further process 9 Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2018).

After pacifying the situation, I will be using the handover communication tool for informing and involving the patient’s family in the care process. As per Shields et al. (2012), it is an effective mean to involve the infuriated patient or the family members in the care intervention and prioritizing their needs and suggestions for the patient condition improvement. Besides this, researcherCoyne (2015) also mentioned that informing the family members about the patient’s condition would create a positive environment within the care facility, which will help the nurses to implement their care related knowledge for the betterment of the patient. After this, the family centered care will be implemented as per which, for treatment, planning delivery and evaluation, suggestions and consent from the family members will be received (Cockcroft, 2012). Therefore, using this strategy, the chosen nursing concept, tool and framework will be implemented in the situation to effectively implement the communication strategy and make the patient’s family aware of the patient condition to pacify the situation.

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In conclusion, it can be said that the ineffective communication situation that arises while caring for Mr. William Taylor, was due to the wrong and inappropriate approach that was chosen by the nursing professionals prior to my shift. This resulted in me facing the agitated patient family members who complaint about the ignoring behavior of the healthcare professionals towards them. This framework was applied so that this focused program includes the family centered care, aggression management framework and handover communication tool within the care process so that together it can help in the upliftment of the quality of care. Hence, to manage the situation I used the aggression management framework, to support the family centered care with handover communication tool so that effective communication can be reinforced in the care facility. As well as, within that I discussed about the communication framework for the enhancement of the effectiveness of communication management tools.


Cockcroft, S. (2012). How can family centred care be improved to meet the needs of parents with a premature baby in neonatal intensive care?. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 18(3), 105-110. DOI:

Coyne, I. (2015). Families and health?care professionals’ perspectives and expectations of family?centred care: hidden expectations and unclear roles. Health expectations, 18(5), 796-808. DOI:

Dougherty, L., & Lister, S. (Eds.). (2015). The Royal Marsden manual of clinical nursing procedures. John Wiley & Sons.

Gitlin, L. N., Kales, H. C., & Lyketsos, C. G. (2012). Managing behavioral symptoms in dementia using nonpharmacologic approaches: An overview. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association, 308(19), 2020.

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2018). Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia – Professional standards. Retrieved from

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2018). Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia – Professional code of conduct. Retrieved from

O’Shea, E. R., Pagano, M., Campbell, S. H., & Caso, G. (2013). A descriptive analysis of nursing student communication behaviors. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 9(1), e5-e12. DOI:

Quill, T. E., & Holloway, R. G. (2012). Evidence, preferences, recommendations—finding the right balance in patient care. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 67(9), 541-543. DOI: 10.1097/01.ogx.0000421447.81866.94

Sears, K., O’Brien-Pallas, L., Stevens, B., & Murphy, G. T. (2013). The relationship between the nursing work environment and the occurrence of reported paediatric medication administration errors: a Pan Canadian study. Journal of pediatric nursing, 28(4), 351-356. DOI:

Shields, L., Zhou, H., Pratt, J., Taylor, M., Hunter, J., & Pascoe, E. (2012). Family?centred care for hospitalised children aged 0?12 years. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (10).

Sprangers, S., Dijkstra, K., & Romijn-Luijten, A. (2015). Communication skills training in a nursing home: effects of a brief intervention on residents and nursing aides. Clinical interventions in aging, 10, 311. DOI:  10.2147/CIA.S73053

Stuart, G. W. (2014). Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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