Sustainable Leadership And Organization

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The organizations need better leadership to ensure they achieve their set objectives in the future. In addition to that, the sustainable leadership is vital as it ensures various changes are made and good management so as to provide quality services to the clients. The leaders should be responsible in all the activities and use their powers to manage the organization as required. The success of the institution highly depends on the leaders who have the mandate to make decisions that will help the organization succeed. The critical decisions they make for the progress of the institution should be respected and adhered to, to ensure the smooth running. Moreover, there should be good flow of communication form the managers to the subordinates. It ensures that the instructions given reach the juniors as intended. The distortion of the information leads to conflicts at the workplace and the employees end up blaming the supervisors for their misconduct. However, the proper communication at the organization ensures that the grievances of the workers are known by the management and taken into consideration. The discussion outlines about the sustainable leadership model that is suitable for healthcare.

Sustainable Leadership Model for Healthcare

The healthcare institution is highly depended on by the public to cater for their health conditions and ensure that there is continuity of life. The physicians and other specialized professional in the healthcare tasks do a great job in ensuring that the sick individuals are attended. The patients have various illnesses and it is the duty of the doctors to ascertain the type and the required medical treatment. The hospital management ensures that there is an available drug to treat the sick and also admission for the critical conditions that needs from time to time checkup. The leadership at the healthcare organizations determines the type of care the people will get. There are various organizations that leaders are not concerned on the progress of the institution and neglect their duties. The subordinates also view them as their role models and how they carry out their responsibilities. It makes the junior staff members also not perform their assigned tasks in the right manner. They neglect their duties and the sick individuals lack the appropriate medical care they require. It often leads to many people’s health deteriorating and hence many losing their lives in the process. The government of the state has ensured that it budgets the medical funds in the annual country budget for various ministries. The ministry of health is often given the priority as the country cares for the citizens. The better healthcare ensures that the economy of the state is stable as many persons will be healthy and able to perform their tasks. The productivity of the citizens highly depends on the health conditions (Carter et al, 2005).

The sustainability of the leadership ensures that there is continuous improvement of the way things are carried out in the healthcare departments. There should be value of the human life and the good conduct of the persons handling the sick. The leaders should handle the duties and responsibilities assigned for the smooth running of the organization. The people are defined by their principles and the commitment they have in carrying out their tasks. A good leader is supposed to be a role model to the subordinates to ensure they also attend their duties as assigned. The behavior of the managers is acquired by the junior staff and at long last the whole institution carries out the tasks in the same way. The good deeds of the management will also reflect to the services being given to the clients. It is highly recommended for the individuals upholding leadership to act responsibly for the smooth running of the organization. It is important to ensure that the corporation does not collapse and it continues to deliver the quality services to the people. The healthcare institution should be handled well by the responsible leaders who are willing to transform it to the next level. There should be improvement of the services being rendered to the public and how they are carried out. The doctors should also be responsible in treating the sick to ensure they do not diagnose the patients wrongly (Ulrich & Smallwood, 2013).


The leaders should bring change in the healthcare organization by implementing various changes. On the other hand, there should be strategies set to help the institution achieve its goals and objectives in the future. The success of the organization highly depends on the leadership that is implemented. First of all, the leader should take responsibility of all the activities taking place in the organization. They should all be monitored from time to time to ensure that all the employees handle their tasks properly. The leader should be answerable to anything that takes place. The conduct of the physicians under the leader is highly determined by the rules and regulations set. The good leadership should not entertain the misconduct of the workers as they will lead to the collapse of the organization or tarnishing its name. It is the duty of the leader to warn the individuals or else fire them if they do not change. On the other hand, lateness at work should not be condoned as it leads to delays in delivering the healthcare services to the people. The doctors should be active and respond immediately to the cases arising regarding the sick persons. It ensures the prevention of death or any adverse condition on the individual. All the persons working in the healthcare corporation should handle the tasks assigned as required to ensure the smooth running of the organization. The laxity in the various departments should not be tolerated as it will delay various processes (Hargreaves & Fink, 2006).

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Secondly, they should involve the other staff members and employees in the decision making. It will ensure that the people air what they think about the issue at hand and give varying ways to handle it. The involvement of the other persons makes them feel as part of the organization and not neglected. As a good leader and for good sustainability the administration of the institution should involve the other parties. The many individuals together often come up with a great decision other than an individual making the decisions on his own. It also motivates the subordinates as they feel recognized and appreciated by the management. Through this, important decisions will be made that will ensure the success of the organization. On the other hand, the employees will work diligently to meet their targets and ensure the goals and objectives of the organization are met. The management of a particular corporation is not an easy task as everyone looks up to you for the progress of it. The failure of the institution is always blamed on the managing directors as they govern the corporation. It requires commitment and being able to deal with the arising challenges that crop up from time to time. The healthcare is often faced by various challenges such as lack of drugs and special equipment to diagnose diseases. The management should come up with strategies that will ensure they acquire the drugs and ensure that there is no shortage at all times. It will help treat the sick and also deliver quality services to the public (Hutcheson, 2007).

Thirdly, the programs to help the sick in the society should be implemented so as to treat them as a sign of appreciation for the continued support. It will be a good move to help the community as many people are unable to access to the modern treatment due to the lack of funds. Most of them continue to rely on the traditional methods of curing diseases that are not effective. In addition to that, there are no protective measures undertaken by the persons administering the cure in the traditional way. It often leads to the contracting of the illnesses if it is contagious and that should be prevented. Moreover, while handling the wounds they do not ensure they disinfect it to kill the germs. It leads to the wound to increase adversely and hence causing more pain and damage to the body of the sick individual. To help transform this situation, the programs to help the sick in the society should be implemented. It will be a good sign of the sustainable leadership that will bring a great change to the way of carrying out things. The healthcare will be appreciated by the society as it will heal the sick and ensure the continuity of life. The traditional methods are sometimes risky if not handled well and many persons end up losing their life. The healthcare institution will be of great importance by saving the people’s lives and the community will highly appreciate. It will highly reduce the dependence on the traditional methods of curing the sick and help the people focus on the modern treatment that it is helpful and reliable (Soyka, 2012).


Fourthly, the leader should ensure that the physicians that are employed in the healthcare organization are qualified and meet the required requirements. Moreover, they should prior experience in handling the sick or depending on their specializations. It will ensure that the sick are handled in the right way and the prescriptions administered as per the illness. There are doctors who are not highly qualified and they end up diagnosing the patients wrongly. It leads to various complications in the body of the individual as one takes the drugs that are not intended for the illness that one is suffering from. The cases have been experienced in various organizations and without the immediate attention the persons lose their lives. The institution ends up in danger of facing penalties for the mistake done by the doctor. Moreover, the surgeons should also meet the qualifications to help them perform surgery on the individuals using the correct procedure. It is a risky act and should be performed with various safety measures to help preserve the life of the patient. There have been cases of the surgeons forgetting to pick up their tools on the body of the sick and that poses a great danger to the life of the person. To avoid any complications in the future the management should hire the highly qualified and experienced persons to handle the patients at the healthcare organization. Their work will be appreciated by the sick and also the management at large (Weiss & Legrand, 2011).

The fifth, there should be ways to motivate the physicians and other employees for their good work. It will increase their morale to continue to handle their tasks as required and also create a good picture of the organization. The leaders should introduce the monthly or salary increment to help the workers feel appreciated. Moreover, there should be gifts from time to time as a sign of appreciation for their good work. The measures will increase the productivity at the workplace and the workers will enjoy to work and meet their goals and those of the corporation. It will help transform the way things were being carried out previously. In addition to that, the management should plan the team building occasion to help the people come together and feel as one. It will help in the interaction of the employees and the managers. The workers will also feel recognized and not neglected by the management of the organization. It makes them feel worthy and continue to perform the tasks assigned diligently. The leaders should make the employees feel free to interact with them and it will make them air the challenges they face. The motivation is highly important at the workplace as there will be no laxity and all the processes will run smoothly. It will be a great move to ensure that the employees perform their duties and also attend to the patients accordingly. The people require a favorable working place to undertake their duties as required with minimal interferences (Hargreaves et al, 2014).

In addition to that, the sustainability leader should ensure that they improve the infrastructure at the healthcare organization. It will ensure that the appropriate facilities to cater for various illnesses and also the admission of the critically ill patients. There should be wards and various rooms to help cater for the sick through administering medication and admitting the sick. On the other hand, there should be modern equipment to help in the diagnosing the patients. It will help improve the accuracy of the results and help the physicians administer the right medication for a particular illness. The organization should budget for the funds that will help in the improving the infrastructure and also opening other branches for easy accessibility of the healthcare by the people from various locations. The branches will be of great help to the sick patients who live away from the main hospital. The easy access of the medical care will ensure the improvement of the health of the people that is vital for the day to day basis. The good health ensures good productivity of the citizens and hence the stability in the economy of the state. Moreover, various individuals should be assigned the responsibilities of managing the opened branches to make the administration work easier. It will ensure that they operate smoothly and the management will have an easy way to handle all the operations. The involvement of other individuals in the process of governing the healthcare departments and branches will make things easier (Jones et al, 2015).


Lastly, the sustainable leader should make sure that there is a good flow of communication in the organization. It is highly important to ensure that the information communicated from the management to the subordinates is not distorted. There are many persons who have a tendency of delivering the wrong information to the employees and hence leading to unwanted conflicts. The managers end up being blamed whereas it is not their mistake. To avoid these issues, there should be a forum to communicate the intended information such as the notice board, emails or meetings. The face to face meetings with the workers are the best as they get the first hand information from their leaders. Moreover, it ensures that the employees air their grievances and the management handles them. It makes the situation easy for the workers as they do not have to report to the supervisors who sometimes are reluctant to air their issues. The open meeting with the staff members and the employees ensures that all the persons in the organization are addressed on the progress of the institution. The managers give the directions on what to be done and the areas to be rectified to ensure a smooth running of the organization. The clear communication in a corporation is the best to be able to address all the issues that arise. Through this, the health care will be delivered to the patients appropriately. The employees will also feel comfortable to present their grievances to the management as there will be no dictatorship authority (Ehnert et al, 2014).

The safety measures should also be implemented in the organization to ensure that there is minimum damage in case of fire outbreak or natural calamities. The fire alarms should be installed to help in communicating to the people when there is fire. Moreover, the smoke detectors should also be installed to help release the water to prevent the fire spread to other locations. This move will ensure the lives of the patients and that of the physicians is protected as there will be minimal damage. On the other hand, the buildings and other equipment will not face any fire harm and it will be easy to curb the fire. However, the cameras should be placed on various locations to help monitor the occurrences at the organization. It will help raise alarm in case there is any theft or any other urgent issue arising. They will also aid in gathering any evidence that may be required as all the activities taking place are recorded. The specialists in the technology will help in the installation of the equipment and carry out maintenance from time to time. The corporation should ensure that the working place is favorable and safe to work in so as to yield better outcomes. The leaders should put the safety of the employees and the patients the priority to prevent any fatal accidents (Mobley, 2010).


In conclusion, the sustainability leaders ensure the transformation of various changes and implementing others that will help bring impact to the organization and public. The healthcare institution needs various changes and strategies to help it deliver quality medical care and services to the sick patients. It is the duty of the managers to govern the organization and handle their responsibilities accordingly for the success of the institution.


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Hargreaves, A., & Fink, D. (2006). Sustainable leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Hutcheson, G. (2007). Sustainable leadership at Canadian Business for Social Responsibility. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada = BibliotheÌ€que et Archives Canada.

Soyka, P. A. (2012). Creating a sustainable organization: Approaches for enhancing corporate value through sustainability. Upper Saddle River, N.J: FT Press.

Mobley, W. (2010). Advances in global leadership. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Weiss, D. S., & Legrand, C. P. (2011). Innovative intelligence: The art and practice of leading sustainable innovation in your organization. Mississauga, Ont: John Wiley & Sons Canada.

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