Logical Network Design And Implementation For NTN Private Nursing School
Overview of Assessment Task
Network designing is a plan on how a given network will be implemented in an organization. For this case we will discuss the implementation of networks in NTN private Nursing school.
- The Goals of NTN nursing school
The Goals for NTN private nursing school are those statements made by the organization of what needs to be accomplished to implement a strategy. The NTN nursing school has a goal to increase their efficiency provision of the teaching services to the students away from the school. NTN has made agreements with three private hospitals in Sydney, Darwin, and Cairns where their satellite campuses are located respectively to provide the internship and training to the students of the nursing school (Ciccarelli, et al., 2012).
The NTN nursing schools have a plan to form virtual classrooms for the students in the satellite campuses by implementing live-video streaming. A student in the satellite campuses and the instructor who is Sydney will also be able to interact together during the event of live-video. NTN is also wishing to increase the populations of students in the satellite campuses by double the number as expected in some small period of time. As a profit making organization, NTN will increase the profits with an increase in the number of the medical student as seen in the case of Ciccarelli, et al., 2012.
Moreover, NTN private nursing school is planning to provide telemedicine and healthcare service to the community within the school. The satellite campuses will be made up of small mobile groups where each consists of a doctor and some medical students. Both the mobile teams that are, in Darwin and in Cairns will provide medical services and consultations to the needy patients at their homes. In this way, the NTN will be aiming at providing better customer services to their customers and needy patient patience who may not be their patients.
Constraints that will affect NTN’s goals
With the number of the goals aimed by the NTN nursing school, some of the problems will arise at or before the implantations of the goals as described by (Miller, 2015)
Policies and politics
The NTN nursing school management will experience office politics between the administration and the network design developer. Any discussion involving the office politics can be so dangerous to the NTN nursing school. The best thing for the network design management is to just listen to the politics from the students and the management in the satellite campuses. It is a fact that no matter how the project will sound good still they will be people feeling something against it (M & Konstantinos, 2017) .
Sharing the NTN policies with the medical students together with the developer of the network design may be a difficult thing when the technical requirements are not met. As a network designer, a big mistake may happen at this point non-technical issues may be taken lightly or forgotten making it a constraint to the institution’s goals.
Staffing and Budgeting constraints
Ensuring that the budget of designing a network to the NTN nursing institution may be a problem to make it fit. Since the budget includes the buying of the networking equipment, purchasing the home-care vehicle, acquisition of telemedicine and healthcare services. As the project proceeds there will be need of increasing the staff such as the network administrators, instructors and other subordinate staff according to (Budka, et al., 2014).
Goals for NTN Private Nursing School
The development process of the main campus and satellite campuses takes a considerate amount of time to develop and come up with. There a number of tools which exist for coming up with a schedule which includes assignment of resources, milestones, analysis of critical path among others. The NTN nursing school may have to wait a little bit longer for the implementation of the goals.
- Technical Goals
Knowing and analyzing the technical goals of the NTN nursing school students will help the school to suggest the appropriate technologies for the achievements of the goals of the students and probably there patients as said by Ghosh (Ghosh, 2012). These goals includes the affordability of the education, availability of the lectures despite the location of the students, adaptability of the medical students and doctors in provision of the medical services to the needy patients, ability to manage the students irrespective of their location from the campus through the network, performance of the network established to connect satellite campuses, main campus and the home-care vehicles and the security of the network.
There are a number of tradeoffs that are made so that the technical goals will be achieved. Since the tradeoff is a technique that advocated the reduction or the giving up of some of the desired good results of that the project would have enjoyed for the expense of another good result. The NTN has to tradeoff more profits in order to increase more staff to work as instructors to the expected number of students. It has also to tradeoff some staff members such as doctors and drivers to work on the community medical work. This will aim at increasing the total outcomes of the NTN nursing school by (Coleman & Westcott, 2012)
- User Community
The user community is a group of people who may be working or associating with the NTN nursing school where they use a given software. It also includes various departments. In this case, instructors giving out the live-video lecture are among the user community as per the words of (Panos & Konstantinos, 2017). As the school uses the virtual classroom to give lectures to the satellite campuses it becomes very mandate requirement to have a user community through the use of protocol and application instead of using boundaries based on the department.
- Data Store
A data store is a region in a network it has the data belonging to the application layer. It also is known as a data sink. In this case, we will have a data store for the instructors, hospital staff, nursing students and mobile teams in the home-care vehicles. Data store is distributed in that the nursing student in the satellite campuses uses the live-video, the staff in the private hospitals receives information through a network send through a a network in the home-care vehicles for the mobile teams, the WI-FI also acts as a data store for all the students.
Table of User Communities and Data Stores
Characterization of the network traffic
Traffic flow
Constraints that will affect NTN’s goals
Traffic flow of a network is categorically characterized by the direction and the symmetry it can take. For the WI-FI which is set at the campuses and the private hospitals their direction travels to both directions, the direction of the traffic also shows the path takes to the destination from the source through the internet abilities. The interaction between the instructor and the nursing student is through a peer-to-peer traffic flow.
Traffic Load
Characterizing traffic load with traffic flow helps in selecting suitable technologies and topologies to meet the needs of the goals of the patients and the students. In order to avoid the bottlenecks in the NTN nursing school network the appropriate measures on the behavior patterns of the idle time existing between the sessions and packets, application usage patterns and sizes of the frame among other behavior patterns. Moreover, bottlenecks can be handled by having big amounts of bandwidth.
Traffic behavior
Most appropriate network solutions for the NTN is through a deeper understanding of the protocol and the behavior of the application. To choose the most suitable topologies for the WI-FI in the campuses and the private hospital’s intensive investigation of the broadcast traffic in the WI-FI
- Characterization by the Quality of Services (QoS)
For the live-video to reach the satellite campuses efficiently a given amount of the bandwidth is required. The video is inflexible and therefore lack of adequate configuration of QoS losses will be experienced.
- Internet Protocols (IP) in the network
The networked computers of the private hospitals, main campus in Sydney and the satellite campuses and the home-care vehicles. These groups of networks use private IP addresses whereby all the communicating devices have been assigned a given space without allowing them to be exposed to the internet. The addresses can start from to for the connected devices as described by Janevski and Toni (Janevski & Toni, 2015).
The WI-FI in the private hospitals and the campuses use the routers which assign them the IP addresses through the DHCP protocol. In this case, the routers will get the public IP addresses and ensure that each of the device connected to the WI-FI gets the IP address. This device can be assigned an address from to
IP addressing
An IP address denotes to an address used exceptionally to identify a computing device on the IP network. You can imagine having computing devices that do not have anything unique to identify them. How will a packet coming outside our network be directed to the right local device? Additionally, how will a packet leaving a network be identified by the receiver of the packet? IP addressing answers these questions.
Subnetting refers to division of larger un-manageable network chunks into smaller manageable portions called subnets. This allows us to create multiple logical networks that may exist in Class A, B or C. in case, subnetting is not done, we are only able to link one network from our Class A, B and C. subnetting has the following advantages
- It will be easier to troubleshoot small network VLANs as the process of sorting and identifying the network problem
- Additionally subnets increase the security of organization. An intruder may find his way in our network. Access of chunk of network may bring the down entirely. However, activities of an intruder may thwarted as s/he may require to break into a number of subnets(Dean & Tamara, 2012).
Despite the fact that we have IP address for every computing device on the network, these devices need to have a name for humans are not good at numbers. In our network proposal, our devices will be named with the below syntax
NameOfLocation_devicename, ie Melborne_router.
Network Topology
Network topology refers to the physical arrangement or layout of network.
In this network design, we will be using hybrid network topology. This kind topology combines two or more network topology bring together the advantage of each of the topologies.
- Integration Of Various Routing Protocols Into The Network Design
The routing protocols such as RIP, OS-PF, EGP, and BGP among others will be integrated to come up with this network design. Most preferably, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) which is suitable for NTN schools including the private hospitals since it provides excellent stability and high speed. It is very efficient that it utilizes the bandwidth of the network (Academy, 2014 ).
The Most Important Assets in Design That Must Be Protected With Security Mechanisms
The virtual networks which facilitate the virtual classes should be highly protected to ensure a steady flow of the lectures from the main campus to the satellite campuses. This will be achieved by ensuring that LANs or the VLAN are utilized in the achievement of this. The establishment of the backup processes and ensure tracking.
- Largest security risks that the network would face
The network will face a number of security challenges but the two main security issues for the network operation, especially for the routing protocols. There are routers in the network which are subverted that take part in the routing protocol and the unauthorized person who may try to interfere with the routing protocols by behaving like routers (Al-Hamami & Hussein, 2014).
As explained from the text, various ways can be employed in the implementation of the network and measures that are very necessary considering the security of the network.
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