Report On Lean Product And Process Development: Case Study Of Jaguar

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In this rapid growing business world, the goal of all businesses is to establish the distinctive capabilities in order to gain competitive advantages in the marketplace by doing the utilization of various core competencies. Jaguar is mainly founded in 1922 with the originality of motorcycle sidecars before launching the passenger cars. However, from December 2012, jaguar gets officially integrated as Jaguar Land Rover Ltd, one of the British multinational car manufacturing companies. Moreover, Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC, the subsidiary of the Tata Motors Company, owns Jaguar cars (Alpert, 2013).

Moreover, lean manufacturing is the process of doing the elimination of the waste in terms of guaranteed the quality and to maximize the efficiency of the productions (Wigley, 2013). Apart from this, the key process of doing the lean production is to do the identification of different processes of Jaguar .moroever it also helps to do the analysis of the impacts of the competitive advantages with the help of the lean production. Now days, various UK service industries transformed their production processes and methods to improve their competitive advantages. Moreover, in this assignment it also discussed about various ingredients that cause impacts to create the total quality management of the organization (Al-Ashaab & Sobek, 2013).

This particular study mainly represents the analytical case study of the further research about the evaluation of the impacts of lean production in the competitive advantages. In this particular assignment, it also did the analysis of different areas that mainly include waste management, culture and teamwork, place of production and demand (Zakaria & Taiwo, 2013). Moreover, in this particular assignment it also detailed about various theories of change and did the evaluation of various strategies that mainly used to address various transitional problems. According to Azevedo & Verdade, (2011), lean manufacturing is the processes of doing the elimination of the waste materials from the production in terms of guarantying the qualities as well as maximizing the impacts of the competitive advantages. Moreover, in this particular assignment it also described about the process of demand as well as production in order to affect the competitive advantages of the Jaguar. Apart from this, in this particular assignment it also discussed about the process that mainly helps to create efficient lean manufacturing platform (Alpert, 2013).

In order to analyze the change process of the teamwork and culture at Jaguar plant, Ford worked with one of the consultant group named as Senn Delaney Leadership (Sharma & Srivastava, 2010.). However, in order to maintain the competitive advantages, it becomes more important to align all the strategies, culture, and the structure of the organization. In order to do the changes of the strategies without doing the changes of the culture, Jaguar will experience the resistance of the change (Zakaria & Taiwo, 2013). Moreover, in order to get the competitive advantages, the successful change management becomes more vital for Jaguar. In the context of the culture of Jaguar, Battini, Boysen & Emde (2012) commented that different strategies of Jaguar include various business directions as well as different plans in order to achieve the competitive advantages. Moreover, in terms of gaining the competitive advantages, Jaguar implements some of the strategies that mainly include different types of business directions as well as the plans in order to achieve all the business directions. In the context of the culture of Jaguar, the strategies of the organization mainly include processes, policies, systems, procedures and the organizational models and designs. According to Azevedo & Verdade, (2011), various change processes of the organization mainly focuses on different structures and strategies and avoid the types of cultural change inside the organization. In order to get the competitive advantages in the business platform, some of the changes of the culture inside the organization become important.

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Teamwork and culture of Jaguar

At the early 1990s in the context of motor industry, some of the employees are not supposed to take the decision on their own; they mainly are expected to do what they are told. Moreover, Jaguar renovates some of their existing approaches in terms of creating the suitable environment that mainly used to encourage all employees of the organization (Yates, 2013). Therefore, this also helped the workers to take their own decision. However, they are also getting involved in order to manage the processes to do the continuous improvement based on the criteria of the lean production. However, the process of lean production also involved some of the standardized work processes that mainly used to do the waste management. According to Battini, Boysen & Emde, (2012), the basic aim of doing the use of lean production at Jaguar is to do the identification of different production processes that are mainly used to increase values of the organization. In order to maintain the teamwork approach, the standard set is one of the best methods that are identified to do the operations based on the particular period. Therefore, it also needed to improve the teamwork approaches of the organization. In order to introduce the process of lean production at Jaguar, it is needed to transform various existing approaches and attitudes of the employees in the organization (Azevedo & Verdade, 2011). However, to improve the competitive advantages of Jaguar, the employees needed to take some of the responsibilities to introduce different working methods. Moreover, the employees of Jaguar also give the opportunities to suggest different process in order to do the improvement. Moreover, in order to achieve the competitive advantage, Jaguar mentioned the strategies of the small teams of employees with a team leader (Al-Ashaab & Sobek, 2013).

In order to improve the demand and the production, Jaguar implements the process of lean production. Battini, Boysen & Emde, (2012) cited that lean production is one of the assembly line methodologies that is mainly developed for different automobiles manufacturing companies. Moreover, it is also known as just-in-time production system (ÄŒiarnienÄ— & VienažindienÄ—, 2012). Apart from this, the principles of the lean production referred to the lean thinking as well as lean management. Some of the different lean methods include just-in-time inventory process management, scrum, agile software development methodology, etc. moreover. Moreover, Dana Strachotová, (2008) also commented that lean production system also has the potential for the improvement of profitability and increasing the complexity of the organization. Apart from this, in order to discuss about the process of demand and production at Jaguar with the help of lean production it follows different steps (Deflorin & Scherrer-Rathje, 2012):

Competitive advantage: Iserson & Francis, (2015) discussed that lean production techniques help to introduce different systems and the development of the skills in order to support the changes of the organization. Moreover, in terms of improving the advantages of the competition, Jaguar implements some of the strategies that mainly include the quick nature of the production work, short iterations (Deflorin & Scherrer-Rathje, 2012). Apart from this, in order to create the competitive advantages, Jaguar did the implementation of different new strategies that mainly helped to create the basic platform for doing the market analysis.

Pace of demand and production of Jaguar

Just in time: According to Iserson & Francis, (2015), one of the important significant approaches that is mainly used to create the continuous system depending on the production is discussed about the just in time approach. Apart from that, this particular strategy is mainly implemented in the large inventories of the company resources (Dana Strachotová, 2008). Moreover, the perfect scenario of just in time mainly discussed about the purchase of raw materials, delivery of the production items and the finished products. Apart from this, in Jaguar the philosophy of the lean production helps to make various improvements of the bases on the scenario of the production and demand (Rahani & al-Ashraf, 2012).

Categories of waste:  Lean principles mainly aim in order to do the minimization of all wastes of the organization. Moreover, the different sources of the waste that are easily identified and corrected include the production of high volume defects, out adjustments of the machine (Zakaria & Taiwo, 2013). However, it also discussed about the various other forms of waste that mainly include the environmental conditions to improve the efficiency of the workers (Deflorin & Scherrer-Rathje, 2012). The process of doing the creation of the wastes include defects, over-processing from the demand of the customers, extra handling and transport of the goods and the unnecessary handling as well as transport of the goods (Rose, 2013).

In order to analyze the waste management of the organization, Jaguar uses the strategy of solar energy in order to reduce the carbon footprint and to increase the efficiency of the organization. According to Lapersonne, (2013), waste is one of the wide-ranging terms that mainly encompass different unwanted materials. In the context of the waste management, various wastes include different scrap materials, unwanted substances, contaminated and worn-out materials. Moreover, Litvin, (2013) also cited that waste defined some of the objects or substances that mainly distinguished from the chain of the utility and the commercial cycle. Apart from this, in order to improve the waste management strategies, Jaguar improves their environmental responsibilities that mainly include various sustainable products as well as the different sustainable business operations (Iserson & Francis, 2015). Moreover, that also helped to create different benefits criteria from the long-term business as well as an environment. Therefore, the effective strategies of the process of waste management help reduce their impacts on the life cycle (Mazur, 2013).   In order to discuss about the waste management strategies that is mainly implemented by Jaguar are discussed in the waste management hierarchy that is mentioned below (Mitchell, Parker & Giles, 2013):

Fig: Waste Management Hierarchy

 In order to discuss about this hierarchy it mainly described about the reduction of the amount of the waste that are mainly created, re-use criteria of  the wastes, recovering techniques and the disposal of the waste to the landfill (Qureshi, Iftikhar, Bhatti, Shams & Zaman, 2013). Moreover, the successful process to do the waste management is not to produce the waste materials at the first place that is one of the driving forces of the idea of doing the waste minimizations techniques (Yates, 2013). Apart from this, in the context of the waste management, it also includes the elimination of the waste as well as to improve the efficiencies of the resources. moreover, the reduction of the environmental impacts of the waste materials that are mainly generated from the organization (Deflorin & Scherrer-Rathje, 2012). Apart from this, another process of doing the source reduction of the waste is to do the increase of the process of the recycling of the wastes that are generated from the organization. In order to do the disposal of various waste, it includes different process like the landfill, resource recovery, recovery and incineration (Qureshi, Iftikhar, Bhatti, Shams & Zaman, 2013). Moreover, the lean production of the organization include different standardized processes and works in order to avoid the wastes and duplication (Iserson & Francis, 2015).

Competitive advantage

The wide varieties of stakeholders that are mainly engaged with the Jaguar include industry associations, government, non-governmental organization, trade organizations, local communities, employees and customers (Zakaria & Taiwo, 2013). The concept of lean production developed for Toyota Motor Company. The concept of the lean production is the methodology, which is used, in the assembling process in the entire automobile industry. This particular concept is known as the Toyota Production System of just in time production system.  Some of the recommendations of the stakeholder analysis of Jaguar based on the competitive advantages with the help of the lean production are given below (Deflorin & Scherrer-Rathje, 2012):

Recommendation 1:  Proper Assembling procedure to ensure optimum utilization of resources

The concept of the lean production system is a modern method of technology, which is developed by Toyota. It is known as the Toyota production system, which is used for assembling the system. Jaguar is the most prestigious brand across the world (Salleh, Kasolang & Jaffar, 2012). The assembling procedure of Jaguar needs to ensure the optimum utilization of resources.

Recommendation 2: S-type production process Touch Screen

The S type production system was developing by the Jaguar in the Bromwich factor in Birmingham. This technology is based on u shape center console (Yates, 2013). This is one of the most innovative technologies, which this particular company has developed. Due to the rapid increase in the technological development, the Jaguar needs to develop the U-shaped center control with a touch panel (Čiarnienė & Vienažindienė, 2012). The majority of the automobile industry has developed this particular technology based on the touch panel. The concept of touch panel makes the entire S type production more comfortable for the users to use.

Recommendation 3: Consult with Toyota Motor Company

Toyota Motor Company Motor Company is the first automobile company to develop the entire Lean Production system. This particular concept is known as the Toyota Production system. Toyota Motor Company is known for its car reliably across the world. The entire production system was developed by Toyota to increase the efficiency level in the production and assembling procedure (Azevedo & Verdade, 2011). Jaguar is also developing this particular concept to increase the efficiency level and to ensure optimum utilization of resources in the entire manufacturing process. To implement this particular procedure in a better Jaguar can add option towards consulting with Toyota Motor Company.

Recommendation 4: Time management

Jaguar also established the process of time management that becomes one of the aspects of the lean production system. Moreover, it is one of the general processes that mainly recognize all the importance of time and to reduce the unproductive level. Therefore, depending on all aspects of the lean production system, the time management process becomes more vital (Čiarnienė & Vienažindienė, 2012).


This study mainly concludes about the uses of the lean production in order to impacts on the competitive advantages of the Jaguar (Mitchell, Parker & Giles, 2013). Moreover, in this particular assignment it also discussed about the three pillars based on which the competitive impacts of Jaguar are described. All these three pillars mainly discussed about cultural change program that mainly helps to create committed, entrepreneurial and empowered workforces. Apart from this, it also discussed about the emphasis techniques of the quality in order to produce the new cars (Qureshi, Iftikhar, Bhatti, Shams & Zaman, 2013). Moreover, in order to describe about the different perceptions based on the jaguar it discusses about the establishment of the excellent practices that mainly performs as benchmarking for doing the improvement of the performance depending on all similar operations of the organization (Čiarnienė & Vienažindienė, 2012).

Reference List

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